HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/15/1999 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS April 15, 1999 5:00 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Massey, Commissioners Maloney, Parker, Garner, and Ad Hoc Member Thomas. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioners Rife, Kaiser, and Mooney. STAFF PRESENT: Director of Development Services Callaway, Staff Assistant Charanza, and Assistant City Attorney Nemcik. COUNCIL LIAISON: Council Member Silvia. AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Consideration of land use assumptions, capital improvements plan and impact fee for water services in Service Area 99-01. Director of Development Services Callaway presented the item and explained to the Commission that • they serve as an advisory committee to the City Council with respect to impact fees. The proposed land use assumptions and capital improvements are presented to the Commission for review comment and/or advise the Council. The impact fee service area presented would be to recover costs associated with water service necessary due growth in the area. 'the service area is approximately 1~7e62 acres and located alongside the east side of State Highway 6, extending from just south of Rock Prairie Road to and including the closed City of College Station landfill site. The proposed project would include extending an 18" waterline along the frontage of the area. This line will "fill in the gap" between two existing 18" waterlines that terminate on each end of the service area. Impact fees will be used to recover a portion of the cost of the line. The only costs that can be recovered by statute are the portion that can be attributed to new growth in the service area. He explained that land use assumptions and development demands are projected for aten-year recovery period, Development demands are projected to be the equivalent of 300 residential units over the period. This development is projected to include both commercial and residential land uses. Analysis of the area indicates that an 8" waterline would be necessary for the demand generated by new development. Cost recovery is limited to the cost associated with that amount of capacity. The maximum fee that can be set by Council is $550,00 per living unit equivalent. Staff will report to the Commission every three years to determine if adjustments are needed for this service area. Commissioner Maloney asked that if more commercial development dominated the area over residential, would the City be able to recover the same amount of funds? Mr. Callaway responded by explaining that the City could not cover more than what is eligible, but the full amount could be recovered. The water demands for the commercial development would determine the amount that can. be recovered. P&ZMinutes Apri115, 1999 Page 1 oj2 Commissioner Garner asked if the associated costs would delay or impact other CIP projects, Mr. Callaway explained that the funds would come from some of the CIP water projects budget and would not impact the budgeting for other capital project. If could, however, impact the timings of other • capital projects. But any impacts would only be short-term impacts. Bids for construction for this service area are tentatively scheduled to go out in June, Commissioner Garner suggested to Council that this is monitored closely to assure that other capital projects are not delayed Chairman Massey asked for an update on the Rock Prairie Road alignment. Mr. Callaway explained that the first year capital budget includes funds for design and right-of--way acquisition, and the balance of the project would be funded in FY 2000. Unless Council changes the funding schedule, the project should be completed by 2001/2002. Ad Hoc Member Thomas asked if the former Landfill site would be developable. Mr. Callaway explained that this area would probably be open space or park area because development would be minimal. The overall issues and suggestions discussed by the Commission were: s `The fee did not recover the full cost of the line. The statute limits recovery to the portion of the capacity attributed to new growth. ~ The Commission was concerned that this project could impact other projects that were previously scheduled. The impact on other project funding or staff resources should be monitored. • ~ The maximum fee would have a cost impact on new development. • The source of funding was questioned. There were no objections to the source, water system capital funds. • Development potential for the closed landfill was questioned. The landfill has very little, if any, potential for development and would likely remain floodplain and open space. • Fees collected should go back into the water system. ~ The land use assumptions will need review and possible amendment in the firtureo AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Adjourn. Commissioner Garner moved to adjourn the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Commissioner Parker seconded the motion, which passed unopposed (7-0) ATTESTe i, ~~ k')1'~ ^ L ~' ~(J~ Z~~LI ~ ~C~ • Staff sistant, Debra Charanza P&ZMin~rtes April IS, 1999 Page 2 of°2 ~lannin~ ~' Zoning Commission Guest ~e~ister (, ~ /.-^- Date ~~ K-- ~ ~ ~" l I ~~~ ~sme %/~ Acfcfress 1. ~, "r-'':r,'2~v~~~.{' ,~~`~.~ rJ'~P s~ lt:~. ;,~;~~~,{^~; ~ 11-! s . -~r ; ~~ f ~ 7 ,. ;~u 7 ~~~ T 3. ~ C-o~'uZ.a ~l~ ~ f1 Y ~~ ~t~~V ~1 S . ~-S,T~' '? `7 ~ ~~~ 4. 5. 6. ~. 8. 9. 10. • 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. • 24. 2S.