HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/01/1998 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES • Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS October 1, 1998 7:00 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Massey, Commissioners Garner, Maloney, Parker, Mooney, Rife, and Kaiser. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: City Planner Kee, Senior Planner McCully, Development Coordinator Volk, Assistant Development Coordinator Ruiz, Staff Assistant Charanza, and Assistant City Attorney Robinson, AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Approval of minutes from the Regular Meeting held on September 17, 1998. Commissioner Garner moved to approve the minutes of the minutes from the Regular Meeting of • September 17, 1998. Commissioner Mooney seconded the motion which passed unopposed (7-0). AGENDA TI`EM NO. 2: Public hearing and consideration of a Conditional Use .Permit to permit a sorority house to be located on the southwest corner of Rhett Butler and University Oakse (98- 706) Senior Planner McCully presented the staff report and explained that sorority and fraternity houses are conditional uses in the R-6, which is the current zoning of the property. The site backs up to the Circuit City site. The property to the west, which is zoned R-6, was recently developed as a sorority house also. Most of the area to the west along University Oaks is developed as sorority and fraternity houses. There are duplexes located to the north across University Oaks and apartments to the east across Rhett Butler. She explained that the site plan is included with this request for consideration. Staff reviewed the site plan and has determined that it meets all the City's development requirements. She said that the civil engineering documents relating to drainage have not been submitted to staff, because the applicant was awaiting the Commission's approval before submitting these documents. Staff recommended approval with the condition that any significant changes to the site plan caused by the engineering requirements must be reconsidered by the Commission. Chairman Massey opened the public hearing. Kent Laza, McClure Engineering, project engineer for the project, said that he was present to answer any questions the Commission had regarding the proposal. Sorority representatives showed the • Commission pictures of the proposed house. P&Z Minutes October 1, 1998 Page 1 oj9 Commissioner Garner asked how many people the house would house. A sorority representative said that it would house 50 people. • Commissioner Mooney wanted to know how many active members this sorority has. A representative said that there are approximately 203 members. Commissioner Mooney was concerned with the proposed parking layout, because the applicant was proposing 77 spaces with over 200 members and there would be sorority activities at this site which could impose a pazking problem at such activities. Maxfield McKenzie, Texas Maxcon, Inc., working with the sorority to build this sorority house explained that active membership is approximately 176 with the rollover of seniors and the freshmen. He said that there would not be 203 people at the house at one time for meetings. The Greek Council limits the size of sororities. The maximum attendance to meetings, if everyone attends would be 176 people. The applicant has an agreement with the A&M Foundation Building to use parking there if the needs arises, which would provide approximately 50 additional spaces. The Commissioners asked staff how this site compared with the other sororities in terms of parking. Senior Planner McCully said that she could not answer that question accurately without looking at other sorority house site plans, but she felt that many of the other sites were built under a less stringent parking requirement. Commissioner Maloney asked staff if this request met all requirements established by the City. Senior Planner McCully said that the proposal meets all requirements and exceeds the parking required by ordinance. • Ms. Joanne Davis explained that sorority meetings were held once a week and these would probably be the only times that the all members would attend. Chairman Massey closed the public hearing. Commissioner Maloney moved to approve the Conditional Use Permit and associated site plan with staff comments. Commissioner Garner seconded the motion which passed unopposed (7-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Public hearing and consideration of a proposed Amendment to Ordinance No. 1638, the College Station Zoning Ordinance creating an R-1B zoning district, clarifying veterinary clinic provisions, adding temporary batch plant provisions and defining the Project Review Committee. (98-814) Senior Planner McCully presented the amendment and stated that it was drafted to cover several items that were in need of changes or additions. She explained that the definition of the Project Review Committee was never changed in the "Definitions" section which was an oversight when the role of the Project Review Committee was amended last year. She explained that veterinary hospitals were not defined in the Zoning Ordinance and this amendment would add the necessary definitions. This amendment would also allow veterinary hospitals as conditional uses in the A-P Administrative Professional zoning district, and would allow them as permitted uses in the C-1 General Commercial and C-B Business Commercial districts. A definition for • animal care facilities would also be added and they would be listed as conditional uses in C-1 and permitted uses in C-2. P&Z Minutes October 1, 1998 Page 2 oj9 She explained that this amendment would also create a new single family zoning district, R-1B, which would allow single family lots that are larger than those permitted in R-l, but smaller than the rural residential district lots. This clasification was being established because most lots recently reviewed by • the Commission have been larger than the required size in R-1 but smaller that the rural requirements and because staff felt there should be a zoning classification that would meet the specific land use classification of medium density single family, which is included in the Comprehensive Plan. The last change this amendment included was to add provisions to allow for retail sales of concrete products associated with temporary construction facilities as conditional uses in any zoning district. This was a Council direction influenced by the batching plant in Pebble Creek. Chairman Massey opened the public hearing. Seeing no one present to speak in favor of or in opposition to this amendment, the public hearing was closed. The Commissioners wanted to see a footnote added in Table A to clarify that both minimum lot sizes and densities need to be met. The Commissioners were concerned with the allowance of the concrete sales witlin neighborhoods. Ms. McCully reminded the Commission that since these would be conditional uses, the Commission would have final approval of the retail sales portion of the business. She said that this would give the City better protection because as it is stated currently in the Zoning Ordinance, concrete plants are permitted uses in any zoning district when associated with temporary construction facilities, and time constraints or other conditions set forth for the retail sales may influence the timing and location of the pnmary use. • Commissioner Kaiser said he still disagreed because by definition, sale of concrete is a wholesale business and large trucks going through neighborhoods are not allowed as a "matter of right". Commissioner Maloney agreed, adding he does not think this is a wise change to the ordinance. Commissioner Kaiser moved to recommend approval of the amendment with the exception that the section allowing retail sales of concrete products is pulled from the amendment until further research is done; and with the addition of a footnote clarifying minimum lot size and depth to Table A referring to the R-1B zoning district. Commissioner Maloney seconded the motion which passed unopposed (7-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Consideration of a Master Plan and Preliminary Plat of approximately 7.6 acres divided into 6 commercial lots located at the northeast corner of Woodcreek Drive and the SH 6 East By-Pass, Cornerstone Commercial Phase II Subdivision. (98-323) City Planner Kee presented the staff report and stated that this item would be a public hearing. She explained that this commercially zoned tract was being divided into six lots for the development of an assisted living care facility to be phased over four of the lots in the subdivision. The two remaining lots with State Highway 6 frontage will be reserved for future commercial development. Water and sewer service would be extended into the site from existing lines in Woodcreek but easements must be provided to cover the extensions. Staff recommended approval of the Master Plan and Preliminary Plat contingent upon determination of appropriate easement locations and how drainage would leave the site. • Commissioners asked if staff was aware of what would be built on the remaining two lots. City Planner Kee said that she had not been informed. P&Z Minutes October 1, 1998 Page 3 oj9 Chairman Massey opened the public hearing. • Daniel Heischman, Project Manager, said that the applicant was not sure what would be developed on the two remaining lots. The assisted living facility will specialize in Alzheimer patients. The developers for the assisted living facility are very experienced with the development of these types of facilities and they will ensure safety of the residents. Commissioner Rife asked staffwhat type of buffering was proposed. Ms. Kee said that a six foot wood fence would be required at the time of site plan approval. Commissioner Garner asked if the detention area was safe for the patients. Mr. Heischman said they are proposing an approximately one foot berm around the detention and the water would not be very deep. Chairman Massey closed the public hearing. Commissioner Rife felt buffering may be an issue for the surrounding property owners and wished the City could require more for the development. Ms. Kee explained that buffering is usually handled at zoning or site plan and since the zoning is already established on this property, it will be handled with site plan review. Commissioner Maloney expressed his concerns for the safety of the patients and did not feel a fence alone would keep them from wandering from the facility. Commissioner Parker moved to recommend approval of the Master Plan and Preliminary Plat • contingent upon determination of appropriate easement locations and drainage. Commissioner Garner seconded the motion which passed unopposed (7-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Consideration of a Final Plat of Robin Hudson Subdivision, approximately 7.23 acres in the City's ETJ (Extra Territorial Jurisdiction) located off of I & G.N. Road, totaling 2 lots. (98-236) Senior Planner McCully presented the staff report and stated that this final plat will split an existing 7,23 acre tract into a 3.2 and a 3.6 acre tract with half acre right-of--way dedication for the extension of Clayton Lane, to provide the two tracts with access through to I. & G.N. Road. Staff reviewed the final plat and found general compliance with the Subdivision Regulations with some minor comments. The plat presented to the Commission shows that the applicant addressed all comments with the exception that the plat boundary is not clear as to whether or not Clayton Lane is a part of this plat. Staff recommended approval of the final plat with the condition that the plat boundary is clarified. ComnLSSioner Mooney moved to approve the final plat with the condition that the plat boundary is clarified. Commissioner Rife seconded the motion which passed unopposed (7-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Consideration of an amendment to the Master Development Plan of the Pebble Hills Subdivision, 173.18 acres located on the north side of Green's Prairie Road approximately 1500' from the Highway 6 intersection; and consideration of a Preliminary Plat of approximately 25.57 acres located in the northwest corner of the proposed subdivision. (98-314 • & 98-315) This item was withdrawn by the applicant prior to the meeting. P&Z Minutes October 1, 1998 Page 4 of 9 AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Consideration of three restaurant developments proposed for the Wolf Pen Creek Corridor, Lots 2, 3, and 4 of the West Wolf Pen Creek Subdivision, along the sough • side of Harvey Road. (98-430, 98-438, & 98-439) City Planner Kee presented these items and informed the Comrrussion that the Design Review Board had been working with three separate restaurant developments that would be adjacent to each other in the Wolf Pen Creek Comdor. They would be located along Harvey Road just east of and adjacent to the former Sneakers/the Christmas Store location. Two of the three restaurants, Kona's Steakhouse and Johnny Carino's Italian Restaurant, are owned by the same company,. The third restaurant is a Sonic. The three restaurants were presented together because of their relationship to each other. Color and material samples, photographs and similar design information were on display at this meeting. Ms. Kee explained that the Commission must determine whether these uses meet the intent of the WPC Master Plan as designed. Restaurants are permitted uses in the district but their design and orientation are at the Design Review Board and Commission's discretion. The presented site plans were revised per the Design Review Board's comments and direction. There were some additional revisions that either were not reviewed or were not approved by the DRB. Mr. Paul Clarke, Clarke and Wyndham, explained that there will be a fourth restaurant to be reviewed at a later date. The Commission reviewed each restaurant plan separately. SOlyIC Mr. Bill Koehler, Municipal Development Group, explained that he is the project manager for the Sonic • Restaurant. MDG is coordinating the site design and engineering on these tracts. Mr. Greg Taggart, also with MDG, is the project manager for the Johnny Carino's Italian Restaurant and Kona's Steakhouse. Mr. Koehler explained that they have taken the necessary steps to deal with the discretionary items the Design Review Board recommended. Commissioner Rife asked if the design of Sonic would be the same as all other Sonics. Mr. Koehler said that the color scheme has been modified, the structure is slightly different, more attention has been given to the landscaping, and it is proposed to have dining areas in the back of the site. These items are different from the typical Sonic sites. Mr. Ray Corkran, owner of Sonic Drive-ins, approached the Commission and explained that the dining area would have seating for approximately 30 patrons with two ordering stations. The dining area is very similar to the existing Sonic on South Texas Avenue in College Station, with the exception that there are two dining areas on this proposed restaurant. Commissioner Maloney asked where the customers could park to access the dining area. Mr. Corkran explained that there would not be additional parking for the dine-in area, they would have to park in the stalls. The rear dining area was designed primarily to satisfy the suggestion of the DRB to address the rear traffic area along the creek. Commissioner Rife was curious if the changes in the color schemes were done to be more consistent with the Wolf Pen Creek Master Plan. Mr, Corkran said that the DRB requested that the colors be changed to blend better with the area. • Commissioner Rife asked if the cone shaped lighting elements were going to be used; they were brought up as a concern by the DRB. Mr. Corkran said that the cones were included on the plan because he was not aware of the DRB concerns prior to submittal of the revisions. He said that these cones could be eliminated easily if the Commission and DRB agree not to allow them. P&ZMrnutes October I, 1998 Page S of 9 Design Review Board Chairman Henryson explained that the DRB requested reducing the red and yellow in the color schemes. She said the DRB would probably agree with her to recommend removing • the red cones. Mr. Corkran said the cones were mainly aesthetics and could be eliminated without a problem. Commissioner Rife asked Ms. Henryson if the DRB was satisfied with all the changes Sonic has made to their plan and asked if the DRB felt this type of development would fit into the Wolf Pen Creek Master Plan vision. Ms. Henryson said that most of the DRB thought this development would be consistent with the Master Plan, but others preferred a more non-vehicle, pedestrian oriented plan, but overall they seemed satisfied with the proposal. Commissioner Maloney expressed his concern about the distance between the dumpster storage and the rear dining area, and he asked what would be done to eliminate the odor from the dumpster° Mr. Koehler said the distance would be approximately thirty feet. Mr. Corkran said that he has never had an odor problem at any of the other Sonic locations. He said that because there is no other Sonic with rear dining, he could not make a comparison of odor being a problem with the dining area, He explained that Sonic takes precautions by bagging up food before throwing it in the dumpster. The dumpster is emptied approximately five times per week and the dumpster area (along with the entire facility) is steam cleaned regularly. Mr. Koehler said that the dumpster storage building would be built with the same design and materials as the main building. Commissioner Maloney was concerned that possible odor would prevent people from using the rear dining area and asked if there would be any place to move the dumpster if a problem developed. Mr. Corkran said that this development (with the rear dining) was an exception to the original layout of Sonic Restaurants and did not think there would be another location for the dumpster. The dumpster was previously located closer to the back parking and • the DRB requested it be moved to the present location because of their concern of odor. Chairman Massey asked if the restrooms would be easily accessed. Mr. Corkran explained that there would be a designated walkway for the bathroom, but that pedestrians from the rear dining area would have to cross two flows of traffic. The Commissioners asked if there had been any consideration of designating parking in the back for rear dine-in customers. Ms. Henryson said that during review of the first plan, the DRB recommended removing the rear parking area. Commissioner Mooney was concerned with the safety of children when parking in the stalls having to cross traffic flows to utilize the dining area. Chairman Massey expressed his concern also for pedestrian safety and asked for clarification of the distance between the sidewalk and the drive-thru. Mr. Koehler said that there was approximately 5 feet. Commissioner Rife asked Ms. Henryson what the DRB's preference was for the proposed 6' high cedar fence versus the vegetated 6' buffer (for the transition between Sonic and Sneakers). Ms. Henryson said that the buffer change was noted on a set of plans after DRB review. The DRB decided against cedar fencing. Ms. Henryson explained that the DRB had only reviewed the location of the dumpster, but the elevations were not reviewed. She said a couple of things being presented tonight were different than when the DRB reviewed the plans. The iron fencing and decking was different. She said the original plan showed wood decking and fencing and she was pleased that this was changed to the concrete decking because of their concern for food and trash falling between the wood. • Commissioner Maloney asked if speed bumps had been considered to slow the traffic for safety of pedestrians. Mr. Corkran said that speed bumps were installed at the south College Station location and could be added to the plan. P&Z Minutes October 1, 1998 Page 6 of 9 Paul Clarke said that drive-thrus are allowed in the Wolf Pen Creek District. He said that if there was • concern with this Sonic would be willing to remove it. Commissioner Mooney felt that the Wolf Pen Creek comdor was designed to be available to everyone. He thought it was a good idea to have a variety of eating establishments in the area to accomrnodate all of its visitors. KONA' S & JOHNNY- CARING' S Mr. Charles Mercer, Representative for Kona's Steakhouse and Johnny Carino's Restaurant, explained that these two restaurants are designed for casual family dining with a medium price range. The buildings are proposed to be positioned to best suit the greenbelt area between the two restaurants. He explained that Kona's is a ranch-style building with earth tones; Carino's is a country~Italian style building also with earth tone scheme. Their desire is to preserve as many existing trees as possible but still meet the parking requirements. Mr. Greg Taggart, Municipal Development Group, explained that he is the project manager for these two restaurants. He felt that these developments would be the beginning of future developments in the Corridor. Chairman Massey said that he remembered from the DRB review that the sidewalks along Highway 30 would be placed away from the highway and somehow connect across the tributary. Mr. Taggart explained that the plans include the ordinance required sidewalks because the developers are scheduled to meet with staffto discuss development of the greenbelt on Lot 4 and the internal sidewalk. The sidewalks on the existing plan maybe changed after the meeting. Commissioner Maloney asked for buffer details between Kona's and Sonic. Mr. Taggart said that the • buffer issue has been discussed extensively with DRB and staff, and has proposed tiered parking (represented as compact car spaces), and a large traffic island, which provides an additional physical buffer. Since the plan has compact car spaces, it has allowed the developers to recover an additional 6 to 8 feet of grass area. The larger parking spaces are closer to Harvey Road. Mr. Taggart said that the intent is to have a smooth grade transition between Sonic and Kona's. Mr. Mercer said that the buffers being used were not trying to separate Kona's from Sonic but to break up the solid concrete areas. Ms. Henryson said that the DRB was concerned with keeping park-like, natural image rather than having the landscaping so straight and uniform. Commissioner Mooney asked what they were proposing for pedestrian access. Mr. Taggart said that there is a 6' shaded walkway in front of Kona's. The plans for pedestrian access to the park will be to tie in the Kona's sidewalk to the walkway within the park. Mr. Mercer showed a sample of the roof. Ms. Henryson said that the DRB expressed concern with color. Mr. Mercer said that the roof was selected because it goes with architectural scheme and it would not rust or become discolored. Mr. Taggart said that the sidewalk for Carino's would be the same as Kona's, but this will be • determined at the meeting with staff. Mr. Taggart pointed out that a tree protection plan will be provided with the Building Permit plans, P&Z Minutes October 1, 1998 Page 7 oJ9 Mr. Ray Corkran from Sonic approached the Commission to explain that they have made every effort to be in compliance with the City and that they are willing to accommodate any concerns for a safe, clean, • pleasant and odor free development. The Commissioners came to a consensus to consider each restaurant with separate motions and to have the DRB review the items still not addressed. The DRB was directed to make the necessary decisions and only have the Commission review the decision if there is controversary with certain items. Commissioner Maloney felt that as long as the DRB is satisfied with the site plan for Johnny Carino's and there is agreement among the DRB, the applicant, and staff, he felt the plan should be accepted, MOTIONS Commissioner Rife moved to approve the site plan for Johnny Carino's Restaurant with all Staff and DRB comments and recommendations including allowing the DRB to make the final decision on the sign package. Commissioner Maloney seconded the motion which passed unopposed (7-0). Commissioner Garner moved to approve the site plan for Kona's Steakhouse with Staff and DRB comments and recommendations including the following: • Signage - to be reviewed later by DRB and not go back to Planning and Zoning Commission • Metal Roof -acceptable • Sidewalk -Work with staff in designing tributary area to include moving the sidewalk from SH 30 further west into property. • Landscape Screening -Area behind dumpster and transformer should be a continuous screen. • The transition between Kona's and Sonic at the rear should be dealt with by breaking the line of site with a planting buffer of shrubs and trees as is proposed between the parking area of the two sites. Commissioner Parker seconded the motion which passed unopposed (7-0). Commissioner Rife made a motion to approve the Sonic site plan with staff and DRB conditions, comments and recommendations, with the condition that the DRB approve or make determinations on all items not yet reviewed and including the following: • The outside rear patio will be a slab rather than a deck, the furniture matching the green color of the building and the wrought iron fence; • Speed bumps will be added to the circulation aisle to slow traffic moving by the outside rear seating area; • The transition between Kona's and Sonic should be dealt with by breaking the line of site with a planting buffer of shrubs and trees as is proposed between the parking area of the two sites; • Signage, the storage building and the front brick wall shall be reviewed later by DRB without going back to the Planning and Zoning Commission; • Sonic shall not use the cone elements. Commissioner Mooney seconded the motion. Commissioner Kaiser said he would be voting against this motion for several reasons, the first being that he does not think the safety issues have been adequately addressed; and the second being that he does • not think adrive-in restaurant is an appropriate use in this special zoning district because it does not fit in with the vision of the district. P&Z Minutes October 1, 1998 Page 8 oj9 • • Commissioner Rife said that he had originally felt that way also, but had changed his mind at this meeting and thinks now that the City must address all possible users of this park. Commissioner Kaiser said he still disagrees, but would like to commend the Sonic people for the efforts they have made in trying to address all the concerns and recommendations made by the reviewing bodies. He added that he understood there is no way to please everyone and he simply cannot support this development. Commissioner Mooney stated that he thinks developing the Sonic restaurant at this location actually embraces the stepdown zoning recommended in the Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner Maloney said he agreed. Commissioner Parker said he applauds the Sonic people and MDG for the efforts made to address all concerns. Commissioner Garner said this type of diversity would be good in the area and thinks the Commission should allow these three developments to begin after the DRB has made the final decisions. Chairman Massey said that while there is an apparent interest in having such a restaurant in the Wolf Pen Creek district, he appreciates the efforts made to address all recommendations, but he disagrees that the changes and work done have addressed all problems. He went on to say that he thinks a "Sonic is a Sonic" and this project has only created an additional outdoor seating area, and still has not addressed the safety questions. Chairman Massey felt there has been very little creative thinking done to develop this site as part of WPC. He thought the design does little more than drop a typical Sonic restaurant into this prime WPC location. The restaurant is oriented only to the Harvey access point, with the WPC access being secondary and referred to as the "back side" of the site. He told the other Commissioners that throughout the DRB review process, Sonic's design team was asked to separate the drive-in traffic from the pedestrian traffic, but they never provided a design to address this safety problem. He also has concerns regarding the closeness of the dumpster to the outdoor eating area. He is unsure as to whether the distance was sufficient to separate the odors of the dumpster from the exterior seating. he stated that, in his opinion that the integrity of the Wolf Pen Creek district has not been adequately addressed and he would be unable to support this project. There was no more discussion so votes were cast on the motion to approve. The motion carved by a vote of 5-2 with Chairman Massey and Commissioner Kaiser voting against. AGENDA ITEM NO. 8: Other Business. There was no other business. AGENDA ITEM NO. 9: Adjourn. Commissioner Parker moved to adjourn the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Commissioner Maloney seconded the motion which passed unopposed (7-0) ATTEST: ~~ Staff Assistant, Debra Charanza P&Z Minutes October 1, 1998 Page 9 oj9 ~~tte Canning ~' Zoning Commission west _7~eBister Date ~ Y ~~ (~~C~ L~ -, d ,t i 8. ~__ ~" _ .: i ~-> 10. ~:~, t=~~ yJ ,~,_, 13. 5:~1 ~;.~,;~ ,~r.t~;,.~ 14, ~;', ;~ ~~ - ; ~ ~r~,'~ 16. ~''~~'i ~ ~.~,~, ti~ ---~~ ~ _. 19. ~ ~/ ~ ^~ ~, ~"' ,~ .„ 20. ° L ~ ~'~ ~. ~r 23, L~~~~~ ~n,~~~:~w 24. ~,~-2 Y1 I(L ~~~ ~~ ~ ~2Z5c, ~c~, -, - ~> ~~ ~ ~yc~ ~ u '7 /~~s ~.,, . ~ _ ~ ` -_ ~ i /~ ,I n ~ i-. `-i• ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 . -, ~' ,~ - ~ .t . _ ~ ~f~~. 1~~: ~~ ~. 7 ~ ~~ jf. a, f ~~ ' ~ i ~~ ; ~, i ~ .~ ~ . ~ , i ~ ~ -+ r ' ,,~ f----- ; ~S3SpIa'r~s~~ ~~~ ~iru~-H T -r~~4~ _.