HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/19/1998 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES • Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS November 19, 1998 7:00 P.M. U COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Massey, Commissioners Maloney, Parker, Garner, Mooney, and Rife. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioners Kaiser. STAFF PRESENT: Director of Development Services Callaway, City Planner Kee, Senior Planner McCully, Assistant City Engineer Morgan, Transportation Planner Hard, Assistant Development Coordinator Ruiz, Staff Planner Jimmerson, Staff Assistant Charanza, and Assistant City Attorney Robinson. COUNCIL LIAISON: Councilmember Hazen. AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Approval of minutes from the Regular Meeting held on November 5, 1998. Commissioner Garner moved to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 5, 1998. Commissioner Parker seconded the motion which passed unopposed (6-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Consideration of a Final Plat in the ETJ (Extra Territorial Jurisdiction) of approximately 9.606 acres consisting of one lot generally located along the east side of State Highway 6 in front of the Tegas World Speedway. (98-241) City Planner Kee presented the Staff report. She explained that the applicant did not wish to comply with the Thoroughfare Plan at this time and had asked for a variance to the preliminary platting requirements for this nine acre tract. She said that staff had no great concern at this time since the action does not forgo eventual compliance with the thoroughfare plan or other comprehensive plan elements. Staff recommended that any future final plats be preceded by a preliminary plat showing compliance with the Comprehensive Plan or seek variances to those elements being contested. Staff recommended approval with the condition that any further platting activity on the parent tract be proceeded by appropriate preliminary platting. Mr. Fain McDougal, 4150 Shadowbrook, represented the owner. He explained that as a real estate • broker, it would be his responsibility to inform prospective buyers of future planning in the area to be in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and it's elements. The owners did not have a problem with Staff's recommendations. P&Z Minutes November 19, 1998 Page 1 of 4 i• Commissioner Rife moved to approve the Final Plat with the requested variance and with the condition that any further platting activity on the parent tract be proceeded by appropriate preliminary platting. Commissioner Garner seconded the motion which passed unopposed (6-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Consideration of a request for the use of gasoline pumps on a lot in a C-N Neighborhood Commercial zoning district, located on the southwest corner of Southwest Parkway and Dartmouth. (98-821) Senior Planner McCully presented the staff report. She explained that the convenience store would be permitted in this zoning district, but the Commission would need to decide if the gas pumps could be authorized under the provision that states "other uses to be determined by the Commission". The total building would be divided into lease spaces that would meet the square foot maximum of each individual use. Commissioner Maloney asked if the hours of operation could be limited. Ms. McCully said that any potential negative impacts would need to be mitigated (i.e. lighting parking, etc.), but she did not feel the hours of operation would be included, she said that she would check with the legal department. The Commissioners expressed their desire to have adequate buffering between the development and the R-5 zoning. Mr. Parviz Vessali, representing the owner, said that this development would be similar in size to the existing convenience store at Holleman and Welsh. He explained that the current drainage problems • would have to be resolved prior to designing the buffers. Commissioner Maloney moved to approve the request. Commissioner Rife seconded the motion which passed unopposed (6-0). Commissioner Maloney expressed his desire to have the buffering presented at the time of site plan. The Commissioners agreed that this development was a neighborhood type development that should be approved. Commissioner Parker moved to amend the original motion to consider the buffering at the time of site plan consideration. Commissioner Rife seconded the motion which passed unopposed (6-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Reconsideration of a Preliminary Plat of The Gateway, approximately 75 acres, divided into 6 C-B and R-5 zoned lots located on the northwest corner of the University Drive and Highway 6 including the Glenhaven extension (tabled by the Commission on November 5, 1998.) (98-327) Commissioner Garner made the motion to remove the item from the table for reconsideration. Commissioner Parker seconded the motion which passed unopposed (6-0). • City Planner Kee presented the staff report. She reminded the Commissioners that this item was tabled due to extensive concern from the residents in the Glenhaven Subdivision. The residents who spoke at the last meeting were all concerned with increased traffic and the quality of life issues in their P&Z Minutes November 19, 1998 Page 2 of 4 neighborhood. Ms. Kee explained that the Subdivision Regulations require compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and that it is Stars responsibility to assure that all elements of the Comprehensive • Plan are addressed. She said that the Glenhaven extension was added to the Thoroughfare Plan to provide additional north-south movement and to provide an alternate flow of traffic to the frontage road. She said that the developer included the extension of Glenhaven in this Preliminary Plat to show compliance with the Thoroughfare Plan; but the extension is not needed in the development. Transportation Planner Hard discussed different scenarios for this area showing estimated traffic volumes. He explained that the recommendations made by Staff at the last meeting were still valid (listed below): • The 1.15 acre tract at the corner of University Drive and State Highway 6 should be included with this Preliminary Plat because it was subdivided out since the adoption of the City's Subdivision Regulations. • The plat needs to reflect shared or cross access with the adjacent properties. • A water line will need to be extended across Lot 1 to serve the corner piece. Staff would support a variance to require the development on the corner piece to construct this water line rather than the developer of Lot 1 (the easement is provided). • An easement will be needed to extend the proposed Glenhaven Drive across Phase III to the Lamar Property. • There is an existing sewer line that has no recorded easement. This should be shown as a 20' public utility easement on the plat. • The plat should show the location of the off-ramp where traffic exits the bypass to access University Drive. • • Designate the access easement shown on Reserve Tract B as "proposed". • There should be a note on the plat stating that drainage easements will be located at the time of site design for the off-site drainage coming from Scott and White and that running through the reserve tract west of Lot 1, Block 1. • Designate the floodplain line on the plat. Mr. Hard stated the following additional recommendations: • Allow commercial driveway in lieu of the extension of Glenhaven. • The Final Plat for Phase 1 should include: - Two driveways on University Drive at the median openings. - Provide access to frontage road. • Internal circulation should be addressed at time of site plan submittal. Staff recommended approval of the Preliminary Plat with all conditions expressed above. The Commissioners were concerned that the traffic generated from the development would use the signal and would enter into the residential neighborhoods. Greg Taggart, Municipal Development Group, said that he and the developer were present to answer questions. • The Commissioners asked if the Developer knew of what type of business would be built in the commercial areas. P&ZMinutes November 19, 1998 Page 3 of4 Mr. Frank Dehapoulas, Developer said that the commercial area was intended for a commercial shopping center, which could include home improvements, specialty retail, restaurants, and banks. The • intention is to provide a "gateway" to the Bryan/College Station area. He said that the Glenhaven extension was shown on the plat because it was required by the Thoroughfare Plan, but in actuality the extension would not be needed for this development. They were content with the commercial driveway instead of the extension. The following people approached the Commission to express their concerns with this plat: Lee Daniels, 1001 Oakhaven J.O. Alexander, 1506 Lynx Cove Jim Smith, 1703 Serval Lane Ralph Hall, 1801 Springhaven Andrew Chen, 1101 Merry Oaks Katherine LaCour, 608 Summerglen Mark Shavers, 1114 Neal Pickett Sharon Colson, 1116 Neal Pickett The above residents were in opposition to any increased traffic in their neighborhood and the quality of life issue. They were afraid that their property values would decrease. Safety issues due to the increased traffic were discussed. They felt the area was vulnerable because of the lack of emergency protection since the fire station had been moved. They all agreed that they did not want Glenhaven extended and wanted it removed from the Thoroughfare Plan. Commissioner Mooney moved to approved the Preliminary Plat with all staff recommendations and comments and to eliminate the extension of Glenhaven. Commissioner Maloney seconded the motion which passed unopposed (6-0). • The Commissioners commended the citizens for being present to express their concerns. They all agreed that they did not want another street with problems with excessive traffic, although there is a real need for anorth-south corridor. AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Other Business. There was no other business. AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Adjourn. Commissioner Parker moved to adjourn the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Commissioner Maloney seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5-0) ATTEST: t ~,~.~~~.~,. ~ ~ ,,~ ,.., .~ ,ate, • Staff Assistant, Debra Char nza P&Z Minutes November 19, 1998 Page 4 of 4 ~Cannin~ ~' ZoninB Commission Guest ~eBister • ~ ~ L' ~ ~~ate t,~~i ) ~i ;dcfcfress 3. 5. • ~ i f" .~. k:/ ~-4J-~i '~^S Lys"' 6. s a~rrz ~. ~ ~. ~~ ~G ~~ ~~s~ 12. S 13. 14. 15. 16, 22. 23. • 24. 2S. 1 ~. , 18. ~L~ _ _ ~ 1~ lam' ~ ~ ~; l~'f ~ ~', ' ~ ~ • ~~~ 1- / ~ / / ~ 2 J e ,.C ~ / ! ^., //l ~f ~i~ L /~c~ cam:.-7-~/~,e ~- S ~/~ 9 ~ ti~ C< S , ~ ~~