HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/02/1998 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission (2)MINUTES • COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Massey, Commissioners Garner, Maloney, Parker, Rife, Kaiser and Mooney. July 2, 1998 4:00 P.M. • • COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: City Planner Kee, Director of Parks & Recreation Beachy, Staff Assistant Charanza, Assistant City Engineer Morgan, Assistant Director of Parks ~ Recreation Ploeger, Parks Planner Vanecek, Graduate Engineer Kaspar, Transportation Planner Hard, Senior Planner McCully, Director of Development Services Callaway, Planning Intern Mixon, Assistant City Attorney Robinson, and StaffPlanner Battle. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Councilmember Hazen. AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Introduction and swearing in of new Commissioners. Chairman Massey introduced new Commissioner Kaiser and reappointed Commissioner Parker. Staff Assistant Charanza swore both Commissioners in. AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Presentation and discussion of the Wotf Pen Creek Master Plan. Director of Parks and Recreation Beachy introduced members of staff who have been involved with this project. These staff members include City Planner Kee, Assistant City Engineer Morgan, Mapping Specialist Manhart, Public Works Director Smith, Assistant Director of Parks & Recreation Ploeger, Parks Planner Vanecek, and Parks Draftsman Wood. WORKSHOP Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Mr. Beachy explained that the Master Plan revision was initiated as part of the action plan for 1997 City Council strategic issue number 8: Wolf Pen Creek Drainage. This issue is ranked as the number 1 priority for the FY 1998/99 fiscal year. The project is being completed as a cooperative effort of the Development Services Department, Public Works Department and the Parks & Recreation Department, He explained that the objectives for the process were to maintain the vision of the original plan, correct P&Z Workshop Minutes July 2, 1998 Page 1 oj7 for the existing conditions, and public participation. Public workshops were held and the outcome was to implement the original vision of the plan. In February 1998, the City Council recommended deletion • of the lakes because of the results of the silt study. The Parks Board recommended a festival site and bicycle path under Texas Avenue. In April 1998 the TIF Board met and decided that future lakes at Holleman and Dartmouth should be included. The Commission previously tabled the item in May 1998. Mr. Beachy stated that he wanted recommendations from the Commission to be included in the presentation to Council. A drainage study completed by City Staff resulted in developing water features with the ability to maintain with conventional equipment. Assistant City Engineer Morgan explained that there were options to reduce flooding in the plan. There was discussion as to the discretion of what types of buildings could be built in the area (i.e. colors size, etc). City Planner Kee explained that the Zoning Ordinance and the Wolf Pen Creek Design Review Board has the discretion to control the aesthetics of buildings in the area. Commissioner Kaiser said that he had concern for the elimination of water features as directed by Council. He would like the area to recognize the scenic beauty of College Station on drainage ways. He asked if there was a way to increase soiUerosion control. Ms. Morgan felt confident that the increase in control would not fix all the silt problems. The Commissioners all agreed that some type of water features should be included in the plan. They suggested developing the plan with the ability to add future water features but not specifying which types. • There was discussion that the natural beauty of the corridor should be protected, Staff was directed to look into additional erosion control measures. Commissioner Mooney suggested that the goal should be expanded to include commercialization and multi-family development as it pertains to the area. The Commission talked about implementing control of the zoning. They felt that the zoning in the area should be re-examined to discourage incompatible development. They wanted the C-1 tract rezoned back to WPC zoning. They discussed developing an implementation team. It was suggested amending the ordinance to expand the responsibilities of the Design Review Board to include the implementation process, This would require additional members including representatives from Texas A&M. The following were recommendations decided for the presentation to Council. 1. The goal statement should be expanded to include the interrelationship of commercial and existing housing in the corridor and should be stated as: "Develop a comprehensive plan to recognize the interrelationships of drainage, erosion, recreation, commercial development and residential as they apply to the Wolf Pen Creek Corridor • from Texas Avenue to the East Bypass, as well as to create a community attraction for College Station residents and out-of-town guests. " P&Z Workshop Minutes July 2, 1998 Page 2 of 7 2. The following should be added to the stated objectives: • "Utilize soil stabilization and other methods to deter erosion of creek banks with minimal hard structural channelization and stricter enforcement of the existing erosion control provisions in the city's drainage ordinance." "Recognize the Wolf Pen Creek development as an open space park connector, as well as part of the city-wide park system of bicycles and pedestrian trails including linkages east of SH 6 East By-Pass and west of Texas Avenue." "Preserve as much of the natural beauty of the creek's plants and wildlife as possible including natural water features that resemble lakes." 3. Prepare amendments to the WPC zoning district (Section 7.21) that eliminate uses that do not complement the vision of the overall plan or the natural setting within the corridor. Mort: specifically eliminate apartments as a permitted use; refine the definition of retail sales to exclude "big box retail" such as Office Max; exclude other retail sales or services that would not be likely to orient toward the creek and pedestrian walkways such as auto service facilities; and encourage small retail shops such as are currently listed in the permitted uses section. 4. Exarrune the legal aspects of apply stricter controls to the existing C-1 General Commercial tract that is within the corridor boundaries (the Dale property). In no case should any further easing of zoning regulations be accepted within the remainder of the comdor. • 5. Any future design relative to the water features should take into consideration the entire drainage basin and the linkage of this comdor to the overall Wolf Pen Creek drainage system. 6. Designate a group as having primary responsibility for oversight of the implementation of the master plan. This would include being an advocate for the plan, coordinating between other council appointed committees that have interest in the corridor and ensuring compliance with the plan. This group should include representation from TAMU. Commissioner Parker moved to table the approval of the recommendations until the end of the Regular Meeting. Commissioner Garner seconded the motion which passed unopposed (7-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Other Business. Assistant City Attorney Rc:~inson explained the discretion the Commission has when dealing with Fi~~~l Plats. She said that the Commission is authorized to deny approval of a plat when the proposed plat fails to meet requirements under state law and local ordinances. However, a denial based on other reasons may expose the City to a claim that the decision was arbitrary and capricious. Commissioners should be counseled to articulate viable reasons for rejection based on the evidence presented. • P&Z Workshop Minutes July 2, 1998 Page 3 oj~ AGENDA ITEM NO. 4. Adjourn. Commissioner Garner moved to adjourn the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commissiono !. Commissioner Parker seconded the motion which passed unopposed (7-0). ATTEST: r o ~. , ! r _ Staff Assistant, Debra aranza L P~ Workrhop Minutes July 2, 1998 Page 4 oj7