HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/05/1998 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES • Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS February 5, 1998 6:30 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Massey, Commissioners Gamer, Silvia, Parker, .Rife, and Lighfoot. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioner Gribou. STAFF PRESENT: Director of Development Services Callaway, Assistant City Engineer Morgan, Graduate Engineer Kaspar, Assistant Development Coordinator Ruiz, Staff Assistant Charanza, Staff Planner Battle, Transportation Planner Hard, Assistant City Attorney Robinson. AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Approval of minutes from the meeting of January 15, 1998. Commissioner Silvia moved to approve the minutes from the meeting of January 15, 1998 as written. • Commissioner Garner seconded the motion which passed unopposed (6-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit and associated site plan for the renovations and additions to the existing Willow Branch Elementary School at 105 Holik m Tabled by Planning and Zoning Commission on December 18, 1997. (97-719) Commissioner Rife removed himself from the panel during the discussion and voting due to a conflict of interest. Staff Planner Battle presented the staff report and stated that this development is an expansion to the existing school facilities at Willow Branch and includes a new football field, gymnasium, classrooms and 94 new parking spaces. He explained that this item was tabled by the Commission on December 18, 1997 due to concerns expressed by the residents of Wolf Pen Creek (located across Anderson Street from the school). Most of those concerns centered around potential traffic impacts and some questions about the Anderson Street widening project. He said that since the December meeting, representatives from CSISD and the Wolf Pen Creek HOA have met with staff and addressed the concerns. A resolution to the concerns was agreed on and the following conditions related to this site were concluded: 1. CSISD will provide a written statement allowing residents of Wolf Pen Creek to use the school's parking lot for overflow resident and guest parking. • 2. The existing driveway on Anderson closest to George Bush will prohibit left turns exiting the parking lot. P&Z Minutes February S, 1998 Page 1 of 8 Any future lighting installed for the football field will be placed to minimize impact on Wolf Pen Creek properties. • The Wolf Pen Creek HOA had a separate meeting and voted unanimously in support of this request with the conditions listed. Staff recommended approval of the Conditional Use Permit and associated site plan. Commissioner Silvia moved to approve the Conditional Use Permit and associated site plan with all. tl-e conditions expressed by the homeowners and staff. Commissioner Parker seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5-0). (Commissioner Rife abstained from the item due to a conflict of interest.) AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Consideration of a Master Plan for Willow Run Phase 3, composed of 227.35 acres in the City's ETJ (Extra Territorial Jurisdiction) located off of Capstone Drive just east of Willow Run Phase 2, totaling 58 residential lots. (98-305) Graduate Engineer Kaspar presented the staff report and stated that staff had concerns about the access to various lots within the subdivision due to the severe topography of the drainage channels running along the entire frontage of the property. The applicant has addressed those concerns by proposing to change the geometry of the channels to insure that all lots will have available access to the streets. He explained that fire hydrants are not required by the City in the ETJ. The water supply system shall comply with the requirements of the Texas State Department of Health. Water service from the City is not available to this area at this time, however, Wellborn Water Supply Company would supply the water. The applicant is proposing to construct a 24 foot wide asphalt pavement sections within 70' foot • wide rights-of--way. These proposed streets comply with the City's Zoning Ordinance Section 13, which allows this type of roadway in the ETJ of the City. He explained that the applicant is requesting a variance to the subdivision regulations that state "In the ETJ when the urban rural street cross section is used, the minimum lot width shall be 100 feet." This measurement is taken at a 25 foot setback line. Lots 15 and 20 not meet this requirement, nor do they meet Brazos County's requirement of a 70 foot wide lot measured at the property line. The applicant is requesting this variance because all lots in this subdivision are large acreage lots. Mr. Kaspar said that staff would recommend a variance for the 100 foot lot width requirement but recommends that the minimum lot width required by Brazos County be met with this Master Plan since no further preliminary platting will be required. Staff recommended approval of the master plan with the condition that all staff review comments are addressed and with a variance to the City of College Station subdivision regulations for lot widths as long as the lot widths for Lot 15 and 20 are increased to the County minimum of 70 feet. Commissioner Lightfoot asked for clarification on the fourth item of the Staff Review Report, he could not locate David's Lane cul-de-sac on the plat. Mr. Kaspar explained that that cul-de-sac was renamed due to 911 recommendations. Commissioner Silvia asked for more clarification on the lots with the severe topography of the drainage channels. Mike McClure, applicant and engineer for the project, said that the plan is to pond the water in the existing ravines to create small lakes as an amenity to the lot. There will be excess dirt from the construction of the street which would be incorporated into the overall drainage plan. He said that • construction documents would be submitted to the City, although not required, to satisfy staff s concerns on the Staff Review Report. P&Z Minutes February S, 1998 Page 2 of 8 Mr. McClure also explained that because David's Lane is already in use, it was renamed to Apricot Glen. • Commissioner Lightfoot moved to recommend approval of the master plan with all staff comments. Commissioner Rife seconded the motion which passed unopposed (6-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Consideration of a Preliminary Plat of Whispering Ridge, approximately 23 acres in the City's ETJ (Extra Territorial Jurisdiction) located off of River Road, totaling 11 residential lots. (98-304) Graduate Engineer Kaspar presented the staff report and stated that the applicant is requesting a variance to the subdivision regulations that state "In the ETJ when the urban rural street cross section is used, the minimum lot width shall be 100 feet". This measurement is taken at a 25 foot setback line. Lot 6 does not meet this requirement but does meet the minimum lot width by the Brazos County standards. The applicant is requesting this variance because all lots in this subdivision are large acreage lots. Staff supports the variance request. He explained that fire hydrants are not required in the ETJ. The water supply system shall comply with the requirements of the Texas State Department of Health. Water from the City of College Station is not available to the area at this time, therefore water service is proposed to come from Brush Creek Water Supply Corporation. The latest Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Maps show that a portion of this property is located within the 100 year floodplain. The floodplain shown on the plat is similar to the floodplain shown on the latest FEMA maps. Staff recommended approval of the preliminary plat with the condition that all staff review comments are addressed and that a variance to the subdivision regulations • be granted to Lot 6 for lot width. Commissioner Silvia asked if staff had problems with Lot 10 being m the floodplain. Mr. Kaspar explained that this property has enough developable land. Commissioner Garner moved to recommend approval of the preliminary plat with staff comments and recommendations. Commissioner Parker seconded the motion which passed unopposed (6-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Consideration of a Preliminary Plat of Dartmouth Addition, approximately 11.95 acres located on the south side of Southwest Parkway and west of the planned Dartmouth extension. Property is currently zoned R-5 Apartment/Medium Density. (98-303) Assistant City Engineer Morgan presented the staff report and that this tract of land was included in the master development plan for the Dartmouth Crossing Subdivision which showed this tract as a large single lot. With the presented preliminary plat, this lot is being subdivided into three smaller lots. Lot 1 is 2.04 acres along Southwest Parkway which is currently zoned R-5 (applicant is also requesting rezoning this Lot in a separate agenda item). Lot 2 is approximately 8 acres and Lot 3 is approximately 2 acres, both of these lots are currently zoned R-5. Lots 2 and 3 are planned for multi-family development. The presented preliminary plat is also dedicating shared access points between these lots and adjacent C-N zoned property. The shared access points will help consolidate access on Southwest P&Z Minutes February S, 1998 Page 3 oj8 Parkway and the future Dartmouth extension. She explained that while working with the Ashford property owners and their engineers, drainage design has become a difficult issue. Property owners downstream have experienced localized flooding and drainage problems from this creek. Drainage • Policy and Design Standards require developments to mitigate adverse impacts on downstream properties. In light of this and a recent drainage analysis being performed by the Ashford Square replat, it is apparent that there will be significant drainage considerations that must be addressed when developing the property. Staff would recommend that this property owner, along with the Ashford Square property owner jointly look at regional detention or channel improvements that may be necessary. The City would offer facilitating such discussions and will review possible participation in long term maintenance of the facility. Staff recommend approval of the preliminary plat with the condition that all staff review comments are addressed. Greg Swoboda, representative of the owner of Oak Forest Mobile Home Park, expressed concern with drainage downstream because of past flooding problems in the area. Mr. Swoboda said that with all the new development in the area the drainage problems will increase. Commissioner Rife moved to approve the preliminary plat with staff notes. Commissioner Lightfoot seconded the motion which passed unopposed (6-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Public hearing and consideration of a rezoning request for approximately 2.04 acres located on the south side of Southwest Parkway, approximately 200' west of the proposed Dartmouth extension, Lot 1, Block 1 of the proposed Dartmouth Addition, • from R 5 Apartment/Medium Density to A-P Administrative Professional. (98-105) Assistant City Engineer Morgan presented the staff report and stated that the subject property is located adjacent to a vacant A-P lot to the west and a vacant C-N lot to the east along Southwest Parkway. The abutting tract to the south is zoned R-5 and is proposed for apartment development. The request is technically not in compliance with the Land Use Plan, which shows the tract as attached residential along the Southwest Parkway frontage. However, multi-family and office districts can be exchanged for one another in many cases. The requested rezoning would allow the development that is desired by the applicant while still furthering the step-down land use pattern that has become evident along Southwest Parkway. Ms. Morgan explained that the requested rezoning is compatible with present and planned uses in the area and maintains astep-down zoning pattern, therefore staff recommended approval. Chairman Massey opened the public hearing. Seeing no one to speak in favor of or in opposition to this request, the public hearing was closed. Comrrussioner Parker moved to recommend approval of the rezoning request. Commissioner Silvia seconded the motion which passed unopposed (6-0). • P&Z Minutes February S, 1998 Page 4 oj8 AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Public hearing and consideration of City initiated rezoning for 3 unplatted tracts in the Foxfire area from R-1 Single Family Residential to A-OR Rural • Residential Subdivision, approximately 3 acres. (98-102) Assistant Development Coordinator Ruiz presented the staff report and stated that these three lots were not included in the previous Foxfire rezoning that was approved in January of this year. They were not a part of the original Foxfire Subdivision. The Commission recommended to Council and Council directed staff to initiate rezoning of these three lots. Two of the lots have houses on them and the third is vacant. Staff recommended approval of the rezoning request. Chairman Massey opened the public hearing. Seeing no one to speak in favor of or in opposition to this request, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Lightfoot moved to recommend approval of the rezoning request. Commissioner Silvia seconded the motion which passed unopposed (6-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 8: Public hearing and consideration of rezoning for Barker's Heating & Cooling of approximately 2.5 acres on the northeast side of State Highway 6 between Rock Prairie Road and Greens Prairie Road from A-O Agricultural Open to C-3 Planned Commercial. (98-103) Assistant City Engineer Morgan presented the staff report and stated that the subject property has remained undeveloped due largely to the lack of utility infrastructure at this location; however at this • time, the City's concerns are for utility availability to this particular tract. Due to the fact that the property does not have to be platted for use, the applicant is not required to extend utilities to the subject tract. The applicant will bring the water supply system rather than applying for a variance to the to fire protection for his use. The applicant can apply for septic system usage rather that extending the sanitary sewer to the property. The C-3 zoning district includes a relatively small range of uses most of which are considered to have low impact on utility infrastructure. Until adequate sewer can be extended to the property, C-3 is the most intense district that Staff can support. Staff recommend approval of the rezoning request as submitted. Chairman Massey opened the public hearing. Seeing no one to speak in favor of or in opposition to this request, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Parker moved to recommend approval of the rezoning request. Commissioner Garner seconded the motion which passed unopposed (6-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 9: Public hearing and consideration for rezoning a 14.787 acre portion of Westfield Addition that includes the Victoria Avenue extension from A-O Agricultural Open to 13.5 acres of R-1 Single Family Residential and 1.3 acres of C-3 Planned Commercial. (98-104) Director of Development Services Callaway presented the staff report and stated that the property is located along the southside of Graham Road at the intersection of Graham and Victoria. This request • includes property that will be part of phases 3 and 4 as shown on the Westfield Subdivision master plan P&Z Minutes February S, 1998 Page S of 8 previously approved by the Commission. The plan is pending approval before City Council in February. The request includes 1.3 acres of C-3 Planned Commercial which is primarily a light retail commercial zone. The 13.5 acres is R-1 Single Family. The request is compatible with the existing and planned • uses in the area. Staff recommended approval of the request with the condition of additional buffering along the common property line with the single family lots. CJ ~• Chairman Massey asked if staff was concerned with the proximity of single family zoning and industrial zoning in a combined area with the potential of a school being built also. He asked if the Commission should be thinking of the future on these types of mixed uses in one area. Mr. Callaway explained that the issue was brought up when Edelweiss was being built in the area. He explained that part of the solution was "step-down" zoning, although in some step-down zonings you put more people in closer proximity to each other or a higher density and put them adjacent to the industrial zoning. However, staff has found that multi-family property can tolerate some of the adverse impacts of non-residential properties, rather than single family. In Edelweiss there is some A-O Agricultural Open (park area and drainage detention areas). Staff is concerned, but there is not any direct abutting property. The C-3 zoning will help break some of the intense zoning up. There could be some potential problems across the street but he felt that it would be unfair to look into rezoning the M-2 areas. Commissioner Rife also expressed concern about the M-2 zoning. He felt that the M-2 zoning is the most intense zoning the City will allow. Mr. Callaway agreed with Mr. Rife. Mr. Rife said that this would be the area for locating any intense businesses because this is one of the few areas allowed. Mr. Rife asked if the City should be looking long-term to allow areas for M-2 zoning. Mr. Rife expressed that mixing the residential with the heavy trucks in one area could cause potential safety hazards. Mr. Callaway explained that the Master Plan, Preliminary Plat and zoning will be on the February 12, 1998 Council Meeting agenda. Chairman Massey opened the public hearing. John Szabuniewicz, Developer, explained that with the new Highway 40 being constructed, there will be a central residential area. He stated that some of the buildings in the area are actually office uses. Lawrence Link, owner of corner property, explained that he has met with City staff but nothing has been resolved. He said that his property that is going to be taken away for the extension of Victoria is actually zoned M-2 (industrial). He explained that he has to purchase land from an adjacent tract and he will have to have it rezoned industrial also to fit his business. Chairman Massey closed the public hearing. Commissioner Rife moved to recommend denial of the rezoning request citing safety and neighborhood integrity concerns over the proximity of the M-1 and M-2 zoning districts to the proposed R-1 single family district. Commissioner Lightfoot seconded the motion. While discussing the motion, Commissioner Parker expressed his concern that when the previous rezoning requests were approved by the Commission, there was no question of adjacent zoning. Mr. Callaway explained that if this item was denied, the Council would take into consideration the P&Z Minutes February ~, 1998 Page 6 of 8 r • • Commission's comments. Mr. Parker agreed with Mr. Rife that there will be no assurance that "bigger" business moving in the area with the vacancies. However, he felt that denying this request would be like holding the property owner "hostage" to another direction opposite of what was approved for the other phases. Commissioner Silvia agreed with Commissioner Parker. He also said that the Commission should consider the location of the property to the proposed school. He felt that there would be not better zoning to abut the school other than residential. Mr. Silvia stated that he felt the concept is good but there are still some problems that need to be worked out with the owner of the corner lot (Mr. Link). Overall, he believes this concept would work. Commissioner Rife agreed with Silvia and stated that his biggest concern would be the M-2 zoning. Safety would be the biggest consideration with the proposed school in the area. Mr. Rife also expressed a concern as to where the M-2 zoning should be located. He felt that this is especially important considering that the City is building out in this direction. Commissioner Parker said that he felt the long range plan is focus of most of the Commission's concerns. Maybe the City needs to initiate some upgraded zoning in the areas to deal with the proximity of the heavy industry and residential zoning areas. With this, the Commission could control some of the direction of the zoning areas. Mr. Rife agreed that there is a long term problem to decide where to place the M-2 businesses that needs to be addressed. Commissioner Garner stated that the matter at hand is to decide whether or not to approve the rezoning request. She felt reluctant to deny the request because approval of the concept has already begun, She and other Commissioners felt that the land use plan needs to be addressed for the long term. Chairman Massey stated that the M-2 zoning is something the Commission needs to address in the future by discussing short-term options and long term solutions. He felt that residential zoning would probably be the predominant land use in the area. He indicated that the Commission and staff should continue to work together to understand the dynamics of and options for this area. The motion to deny the rezoning request failed (2-4), Commissioners Rife and Lightfoot voted in favor of the denial. Commissioner Parker moved to recommend approval of the rezoning request. Commissioner Silvia seconded the request which passed (4-2) Commissioners Lightfoot and Rife voted in opposition to the request. AGENDA ITEM NO. 10: Public hearing and consideration of a Conditional Use Permit for a proposed Restaurant/Sports Bark to be located at 301 College Main in the Northgate Zoning District. Previously Twin City Mission Resale Shop. (98-700) This item was removed from the agenda at the request of the applicant. P&Z Minutes February S, 1998 Page 7 oj8 AGENDA ITEM NO. 11: Other business • To amplify the discussions from item number 9, the Commissioners agreed that they address with staff, the issue of long term land use in the Graham Road area. There are concerns that the current growth and development plans for this area are not compatible with the existing zoning (M-1 and M-2) of adjacent areas. The Commissioners felt that potential safety and neighborhood integrity problems were the focus of this need. They indicated an interest in addressing this situation by working with staff and the Council to consider possible solutions. Chairman Massey asked that the minutes from this meeting ' highlight the Commission's concerns on this matter and be used to communicate this need to the Council. Commissioner Silvia stated that the Council was very concerned when the issue came up regarding the school in the Graham Road area. Their concerns stemmed around safety and the design of the streets. • • AGENDA ITEM NO. 12: Adjourn. Commissioner Garner moved to adjourn the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Comrrussion. Commissioner Silvia seconded the motion which passed unopposed (6-0). ATTEST: ,. Staff Assistant, Debra Charanza P&Z Minutes February S, 1998 Page 8 of 8 i~ r~ ~J • ~~ ~~ ~ ~~' 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. IS. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20, 21. 22. 23. 24. 2S. Canning ~' ZoninB Commission Guest ~e~ister t. -- ~. ~. Date ~ ~-~~~ ~. ~,~. C- ~ t.) ~ ~~~~~ /.~ 'l'~.Z - ~:~ 4~c ~GL