HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/03/1998 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINiTTES • Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS December 3, 1998 7:00 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Massey, Commissioners Maloney, Parker, Garner, Mooney, Kaiser, and Rife. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: Director of Development Services Callaway, City Planner Kee, Senior Planner McCully, Assistant City Engineer Morgan, Transportation Planner Hard, Development Coordinator Volk, Transportation Analyst Hester, Graduate Engineer Tondre, Staff Planner Jimmerson, Staff Assistant Charanza, and Assistant City Attorney Robinson. AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Approval of minutes from the Regular Meeting held ou November 19, 1998. • Commissioner Garner moved to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 5, 1998. Commissioner Maloney seconded the motion, which passed unopposed (7-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Public hearing and consideration of a rezoning request for approximately 93.5 acres located on the north side of Barron Road, just west of the Springbrook Subdivision from A-O Agricultural Open to R-1 Single Family (98-118); and consideration of a Master Preliminary Plat of the same property known as the Alexandria Subdivision. (98-331) City Planner Kee presented the staff report. She explained that the plan is for 260 single family lots to be developed over five phases and 16 acres of greenway would be dedicated to the City. Alexandria is proposed to be extended as a residential collector across Barron Road north to a future east/west collector along the western boundary of this subdivision. Cardinal Lane is also proposed to be extended from the Springbrook Subdivision west into this subdivision ending in a cul-de-sac. Staff recommended approval with the following conditions: If the sanitary sewer line is not built before Phase 5 is developed, this developer will have to build it, Modify some street names to be consistent with 911 emergency response requests. Chairman Massey opened the public hearing. • Mike McClure, representing the developer, was present to answer any questions. The following people spoke in opposition to the project: P&ZMinutes Decemher 3, 1998 Page, 1 of S Chris Bergman (Springbrook HOAPyesident-elect), 3940 Blue Jay Court Toby Selcer, 1610 Cardinal Lane • Robert Jefferson, 1728 Purple Martin Cove Tony Provin, 3919 Puffin Way Sherry Nelson, 3946 Robin Trail Jeff Gregory, 3938 Oriole Ct. Noel Bauman, 1734 Purple Martin Cove The above people were concerned with the additional traffic that would be generated if Cardinal Lane was extended. They felt Cardinal Lane would not be able to handle increased traffic. There was concern with possible decreased property values since the developer was proposing smaller lot sizes. They requested that the new subdivision be more compatible with the existing subdivision that surrounds it. They asked for a pedestrian and bicycle access connection through the neighborhoods for the school traffic. There were concerns with additional drainage into Lick Creek Mr. McClure said that the applicant would be willing to eliminate the extension of Cardinal from the plan. He explained that the drainage system proposed would be adequate for the area and would not flood the creek. Transportation Planner Hard said that eliminating the Cardinal extension would not impose a negative impact on other streets in the neighborhoods. He said that there should not be a problem making this street a pedestrian and bicycle access connection instead of at street. He said that in past studies, schools proved to be the leading traffic generator in neighborhoods. • City Planner Kee explained that she checked with the Fire Department and Public Works regarding Cardinal Lane being adead-end or cul-de-sac instead of extending it. Public Works (garbage collection) said they would prefer a connection or turn-around but could live with adead-end in this case. The Fire Department said that they had some concern with turn-around for the fire trucks. She said that a variance to the Subdivision Regulations would need to be granted to end Cardinal Lane. Chairman Massey closed the public hearing. Commissioner Rife moved to recommend approval of the rezoning request. Commissioner Parker seconded the motion, which passed unopposed (7-0). Commissioner Rife moved to recommend approval of the Master Preliminary Plat with staff comments, and changing Cardinal Lane to be a dead-end instead of extending it through the subdivision. Commissioner Maloney seconded the motion, which passed unopposed (7-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Public hearing and consideration of rezoning approximately 2.77 acres at 1900 F.M. 158, located on the west side of F.M. 158 between ITniversity Drive and Harvey Road from F-1 Single Family Residential to C-2 Commercial Industrial. (98-119) Senior Planner McCully presented the staff report. She explained that the property was annexed into the City 18 years ago, and was rezoned to R-1 a few months later to accommodate the addition of a • garage to the home, and rezoned the adjacent tract to the north, some years later, to C-2. The C-2 zoning was approved to accommodate an addition to the welding shop that had been annexed into the city limits. The welding shop is still in existence to date. Staff recommended denial of the request due to non-compliance with the City's Land use Plan, which shows rural residential. The request is also in P&Z Minutes December 3, 1998 Page 2 of S conflict with the City's adopted Development Policies, which call for commercial uses to be located at or near intersections of two major roadways. • Chairman Massey opened the public hearing. Ms. Joyce Bell, owner of the property, explained that she was interested in selling property and has a potential buyer. She felt the high traffic volumes on FM 158 make it unsafe for residential. She anticipated future commercial development on the surrounding vacant tracts. Mr. Richard Creed, potential buyer of the property, said that the company he works for (S-con Services) had been leasing the shop from Ms. Bell for years. They have a strong desire to stay in the Bryan/College Station area and would like to purchase this property and add on to the shop. He said that he would be willing to buffer the parking even though this tract is grandfathered. There was extensive discussion regarding the water and sewer services to this property. Staff explained that the waterline would have to be extended to and through the subject property and to and through the C-2 tract if ownership lines change and the property is thus subject to platting requirements. The waterline will need to be extended in order to provide adequate fire protection for any new structures on the site in the future regardless of whether or not the property is subject to platting. Staff said that the tract is currently serviced by a septic system. Any new additions would have to be contingent upon a reevaluation of whether the septic can continue or whether a sewer extension would be required. A six-inch sewerline is existing along Highway 30 and terminates just west of the Highway 30 and 158 intersection. A trunkline to service the area, bound by Hwy 30, 158, and 60 would have to be extended to serve this property if the County Health Department determines that the future improvements will not • be supported by a septic system. The Commissioners were concerned with adequate water and sewer services. Commissioner Maloney moved to table the request until the options are determined as to what the buyer can do with the septic/sewer service to handle future problems. Commissioner Rife seconded the motion, which passed unopposed. AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Discussion of the elements of the overall Master Plan for the Crowley Suhdivision including alternate standards for construction. (98-329( Development Services Director Callaway introduced the item and turned the floor over to Mr. Tim Crowley, owner of the property. Mr. Crowley explained that he was giving an overview of the project because the item would be considered in January with PDD Planned Development District zoning. Mr. Jim Wendt, Project Planner, presented the modifications being considered by the Developer. He showed the lot layout of the development and the proposed street system. They were proposing trail systems instead of sidewalks. The plan is the same system as used in The Woodlands. The trails would provide a linkage to trails and the park. Streets will be narrowed and end with cul-de-sacs. They will preserve as much vegetation as possible. The following are the modifications presented by Mr. Wendt: • • Install trail systems instead of neighborhood sidewalks. • Streets will be narrower than standards, but are proposed to reduce speeds. • Lay-down curbing to better address parking of the narrowed streets. P&ZMinutes December 3, 1998 Page 3 oJ5 • The signs may vary from regulations. The Commissioners were satisfied with the overall plan and were in favor of the trail systems • throughout the neighborhood. AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Consideration of a Master Preliminary Plat of 47 acres in the Steeplechase Subdivision, Phases 1, 2, & 3, located along the east side of Wellborn Road and including the extension of Navarro and West Ridge ;and consideration of a Final Plat of Phase 1. (98-332 & 98-243) Senior Planner McCully presented the staff report. She explained that the preliminary plat shows the portions of the Master Plan that have already been approved for rezoning to R-2 Duplex, C-1 General Commercial, and C-N Neighborhood Commercial. The plat shows the development to occur in three phases. The Final Plat of Phase 1 includes the eastern third of the duplexes, the park, and extensions of Navarro and West Ridge at each end of the duplex blocks. Staff recommended approval of bo*.h the Preliminary Plat and Final Plat as submitted. Mr. Karl Vargo, 2902 Cortez Court, asked if the owner had already sold the land to the developers and if an environmental report had been done. Mr. Mike McClure, Project Engineer, said that the report had been completed. Staff did not address Mr. Vargo's concerns due to the fact that they were not city requirements. Commissioner Rife moved to approve both the Preliminary Plat and Final Plat as submit+ed. • Commissioner Parker seconded the motion, which passed (6-0). Commissioner Garner abstained f om this item. AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Consideration of a Preliminary Plat of Pebble Creek Phase 7 containing 174 acres and 305 single family lots, south of the existing subdivision and including the extension of Pebble Creek Parkway. (98-333) Assistant City Engineer Morgan presented the staff report. She explained that the Land Use Plan shows the area as medium density single family with a density range of 3 to 6 dwelling units per acre. The plan is for 305 single family lots to be developed over 3 phases. The extension of Pebble Creek Parkway as a major residential collector to the south is consistent with the Thoroughfare Plan. This extension will provide another point of access to the existing Lick Creek Park. The Parks and Recreation department is proposing to extend the bike trail in Pebble Creek Parkway through the Lick Creek Park between this development and the creek south of this dcs~elopment. Staff recommended approval with the following conditions: • Rezone the property to an appropriate residential classification. • Clarify the phase line between Phases 7A and 7B and between 7B and 7C. • Include Pebble Creek Parkway and associated hike and bike trail in Phase 7C. • Name streets. • • Investigate realignment of the intersection of Royal Adelade and a cross street with the Final Plat for Phase 7B. • Drainage systems should be consolidated and piped to the center line of the creeks, P&ZMinute~ December 3, 1998 Page 4 of5 The Channel should be enclosed to minimize maintenance. • • • • Provide access to Lick Creek Park through Subdivision. (Discretionary) Mr. Jed Walker, Project Engineer, explained that he did not want the plat to be held up contingent upon providing access to Lick Creek Park, although he would be willing to discuss this at a time closer to the platting process. They have concern with how to develop this access and would like this discussed further prior to commitment, Commissioner Kaiser expressed his concern for the lots along the floodplain. Development is not allowed within the floodplain, he felt that property owners would build fences along the property lines which would be a violation, Ms. Morgan explained that the property owners would be able to build fences along the floodplain line but not the property line. Mr. Walker said that they could add a restriction in the deed restrictions to address fences in the floodplain. Commissioner Kaiser moved to table this request until applicant can work with staff to resolve some of the issues and conditions expressed by staff. This item could not be tabled. Commissioner Rife moved to approve the Preliminary Plat with all staff comments and the condition to work with staff to resolve problems with providing access to Lick Creek Park. Commissioner Mooney seconded the motion which passed unopposed (7-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Other Business. There was no other business. AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Adjourn. Commissioner Parker moved to adjourn the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Commissioner Maloney seconded the motion which passed unopposed (7-0) ,ATTEST: , ~. Staff Assistant, Debra Charanza P&Z t1~fJnutes December 3, 1998 APPROVED: C es ey Page S of S • Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting Agenda Item No. ~~-~ ~~. Name C /;~,~'r S ~~f",~` ,,,,,~z ~; Address ~ ~ ~;~ !>c ct c ~rJa- Y lr . ~' ~~ > ~ ~~ ~f ;`~ If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: ~~ ~ -7 ~' Y y j ~r 5~~`~" j~ ~~~ i Subject on which person wishes to speak: .~. f-) ?l )q C F/ cy'~. Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. Canning ~' Zoning Commission Guest register Date ~ ~~ .~~ ~ ~' 91/nmv :~lflftCSS 3. C'r~r IS ~ ~ /-kv 4. s 6. ~. 8. 9. 10. 0~ Y~ C` g . ..~ cti ~ti _-- - 12. 14. 1S. 16. 1 ~. 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