HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/17/1998 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES • Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS December 17, 1998 7:00 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Massey, Commissioners Maloney, Parker, C"aarner, Mooney, Kaiser, and Rife. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None. COIINCIId MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Mcllhaney, Council Members Anderson, Esmond, Mamott, Hazen, Silva, and Hickson. STAFF PRESENT: Director of Development Services Callaway, City Planner Kee, Senior Planner McCully, Assistant City Engineer Morgan, Transportation Planner Hard, Assistant Development Coordinator Ruiz, Graduate Engineer Tondre, Staff Planner Jimmerson, Staff Assistant Charanza, Staff Planner Battle, City Attorney Cargille, City Secretary Hooks, • Assistant City Secretary Casares, Action Center Coordinator Tucker, City Manager Noe, Assistant City Manager Brymer, and Senior Economic Development Analyst McDaniel. AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Approval of minutes from the Regular Meeting held on December 3, 19980 Commissioner Rife moved to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 3, 1998 with adjustments. Commissioner Maloney seconded the motion, which passed unopposed (7-0). Mayor McIlhaney called the Council Meeting to order. AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Rezoning of approximately 28 acres located west of the West Ridge Subdivision, from A-O Agricultural Open to R-1B Single Family (8.43 acres) and R-1 Single Family (19.57 ac*es); Steeplechase Subdivision. (98-120) Senior Planner McCully presented the staff report. She explained that the City Council approved the Master Development Plan in July 1998 with changes requested by the Planning and Zoning Commission. The requested rezoning is in conformance with the Master Development Plan. This rezoning will create 28 acres of single family zoning with eight and a half acres to be larger lots which will be placed immediately adjacent to the existing R-1 development to the south. This subject tract was returned to the Commission for recommendations that would address the concerns of some of the • neighboring single family homeowners to the south. The two primary issues related to the size of the to±s immediately adjacent to the existing R-1 area and the existing stormwater drainage system. Staff recommended approval due to compliance with the approved Master Development Plan. P&Z Minutes December 17, 1998 Page 1 oj8 AGENDA ITEM NO. 2a: Discussion between the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council. • It was explained that this item would be considered by the City Council after the second public hearing some time in January 1999. Council Member Hickson said that he realized that it was difficult for the Commission to figure out what the Council wants on issues like these. Council Member Esmond felt the plan had improved but he had concern with the number of dwelling units per acre. He said that this item was sent back to the Commission with p~°ejudice because R-1 was not wanted. Commissioner Parker felt the R-1 zoning was adequate. He explained that he felt troubled that this item keeps coming back to the Commission even with unanimous recommendations for approval to the Council. He felt compassion for the developer because of the accommodations that were made to satisfy the surrounding neighborhoods. Council Member Esmond had concern with the Commission feeling this way. He said that the reason for lus denial in the past was because the plan did not meet the density requirements as stated in the Comp Plan. Council Member Anderson said that he felt offended when the Commission sent the rezoning request back with R-1B zoning even though the Council did not want this zoning classification. • Council Member Hazen felt that there should be a R-1B buffer zone between the Courts and R-1 zoning. She thought a policy should be written to mandate that R-1B zoning be considered adjacent to other R-1B zonings. Her main issue was neighborhood integrity. Council Member Silvia agreed but also felt there should be a policy created for step-down zoning to alleviate this type of problem in the future. Council Member Marriott agreed that this plan had improved since it was first presented but he still had concern with the 40' drainage easement and the distance between homes. He hoped these issues would be resolved at the Council Meeting in January. Commissioner Rife said that his main issue and concern was not knowing which direction the Council would take on these types of requests. He felt there was a big problem with communication between the Council and the Commission. He asked for more g'~iidance from the Council on future itemse Chairman Massey felt that creating a policy to allow R-1B for infill developments could lead to further growth of the lot size requirements at each application. This would become unmanageable and not address the needs for residential housing in the City. AGENDA ITEM NO. 2b: Public hearing. Chairman Massey opened the public hearing. Michael McClure, Project Engineer, approached the Commission and said that the dwelling units shown on the plan were at the maximum as required in the Zoning Ordinance. He said that the developers had P&ZMlr~utes December 17, 1998 Page 2 of8 always had the intention to meet all requirements. The drainage area proposed was in compliance with the drainage requirements related to storm drains and was designed to allow less water to drain south. John Duncuri, Developer, explained that uniformed cedar fencing would be required as the buffers There were no plans for traffic connections between the surrounding subdivision and Steeplechase. PIe has tried to make this development as compatible as possible with the surrounding neighborhoods, The following people spoke in opposition to the request: Karl Vargo, 2902 Cortez Court Tom McDonald, 2903 Cortez Court Ken Welch, 2901 Durango Court Sue McDonald, 2903 Cortez Court Benito Flores Meath, 901 Val Verde Rita McMillan, 2900 Cortez Court June Cooper, -900 Val Verde Antonio Cededa, 2901 Cortez Court The following were issues and concerns mentioned by the above people in opposition to the request. The residents were not informed of the request until after the Master Plan was approved, They did not feel adequate traffic studies were done to assure there would not be a substantial increase to the existing traffic on Welsh. They did not feel the existing streets in the area were capable of handling excessive traffic volumes. There was extreme concern for the impact on the existing drainage. residents • currently experience drainage problems and felt this development would only contribute to the problem. They expressed concern for the quality of life issue and felt the increased density would affect neighborhood integrity. They felt area growth needed to be more balanced. They did not like the idea of increased rental property in the area, and wanted leases or rental property prohibited in the deed restrictions, The residents felt that property values would suffer with this development. The Commission responded to the residents by saying that they appreciated the comments and they would be used in making the final recommendation to Council. The Commissioners felt compassion for the residents and also had similar concerns. They explained that the City could not enforce deed restrictions. The main item of concern stated by the Commission was the impact on drainage. Mr. McClure explained that the proposed drainage plan would not resolve existing problems but would not contribute or increase the existing problems. Assistant City Engineer Morgan explained that the City would not see drainage studies until the platting process. Chairman Massey closed the public hearing. AGENDA ITEM NO. 2c: Additional discussion between the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council. Mayor McIlhaney felt that a workshop session to discuss issues brought up tonight might benefit both the Commission and Council. • Chairman Massey explained that lack of communication was the primary reason for having the joint meeting between the Council and Commission. P&Z Minutes December 17, 1998 Page ~ of8 Commissioner Kaiser agreed but also added that a brainstorming session could resolve most issues brought up tonight. AGENDA ITEM NO. 2d: Consideration and recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Commissioner Parker moved to recommend approval to rezone the subject property to IZml and R-1B as presented. Commissioner Rife seconded the motion. Discussion of the motion included the following points: 1. The rezoning request was in compliance with the approved Comprehensive Plan. 2. The request provided astep-down zoning design that is consistent with the philosophical design practices for similar zoning districts and proposed developments. The inclusion of R-lb zoning between the planned R-1 zoning to the north should provide the needed buffer to lessen any real or perceived impact on the adjacent properties to the south. 3. There was no clear evidence that the planned development would affect the property values of adjacent property owners. This is based in part on the following: a. There exist amulti-family development adjacent to the existing single family homes and no evidence was provided to indicate any historical or current detriment to the value of either property. b. There is a unique access to the proposed development. There will be no apparent identification of the development with the existing homes located generally to the south of the proposed new area. c. The scientific study presented focused on the impact of rental property within a given • subdivision on existing privately owned homes. Steeplechase and the existing development to the south are separate subdivisions. 4. Drainage concerns were addressed by the City and the developer. It was indicated that the current drainage problem will not be increased and the design of the drainage plan for Steeplechase will comply with all city requirements. 5. Traffic issues were addressed by City Staff. There will be a need to provide access to the subdivision from both Welsh and Wellborn Road. The opportunity of cross-through traffac vas indicated to be minimal. 6, Ask the Developer to include, in the Deed Restrictions, the requirement of a privacy fence between this development and the "Courts", with the attractive side of the fence facing the "Courts". Chairman Massey called for the vote, which passed unopposed (6-0); Commissioner Gamer abstained from the discussion and vote. Council convened with their agenda, please refer to the Council Office for complete minutes, AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Public hearing and consideration of a Conditional Use Permit for the use only of the property for a parking lot on two lots zoned R-6 and R-1, to serve Rother's Bookstore. The site is located to the south of the bookstore along Montclair. (98-717) Staff Planner Battle presented the staff report. He explained that the request is for the applicant to pursue the development of a parking lot on the subject property. The existing bookstos~e was built. several years ago at which time the parking was adequate. The following is a history of the property for other requested conditional use permits: P&Z tl~firautes December 17, 1998 Page 4 0, f 8 1988 A Conditional Use Permit was granted for the R-6 zoned lot to be developed as a parking lot. The parking lot was never developed and the permit expired. 1989 Sigma Alpha Mu requested a use permit for a fraternity house. This request was denied due to the considerable amount of opposition from residents and property owners. 1990 A Conditional Use Permit was granted for the rear portion of the R-6 zoned lot far the construction of a 17-space parking lot for the Loupot's bookstore. This request was approved with conditions; concrete rather than wooden curbing; concrete curbing rather than pipe fencing; and two low-profile lights in the lot not to exceed the height of the screenng fence. (This parking lot was built later in the same year.) 1991 The owner of the R-1 lot requested rezoning to R-6 due to a desire to redevelop the existing single family home to a four-plex. This request was withdrawn due to neighborhood opposition expressed at the public hean-ing. When the Commission denied the fraternity request in 1989, they requested Staff to return with aCity- initiated rezoning of the R-6 zoned lot to a less intense zoning district. At that time, Staff prepared a report and recommended rezoning to R-lA, but the Commission was reluctant to proceed with the rezoning at that time. The property therefore remains R-6. Staffrecommended approval of the Conditional Use Permit with screening and buffering as conditions. Chairman Massey opened the public hearing. Mr. Robert Payne, Architect, approached the Conunission and explained that the requested parking lot would be utilized by all businesses in the strip and would provide approximately 90 additional spaces. It was being requested to alleviate existing parking problems, He felt a well lit parking lot would enhance • the neighborhood. This parking lot would also clean up the back of these businesses. Mr. Dennis Rother, Applicant, said that this would eliminate parking on the neighborhood streets which would also enhance the neighborhood. Ms. Sue-Anne Pledger, Loupot's Representative, said that currently there are 19 spaces for employees and customers and this development would help all business in the strip. Mr. Edsel Jones, area property owner, also explained that the parking for this shopping center is inadequate and this request would provide the necessary parking for employees and customers. The following people spoke in opposition to the request: Doc Burke, 502 W. Dexter Benito Flores-Meath, 901 Val Verde Billie Trail, property owner in the area Bill Bingham, 404 Fairview Norma Miller, 504 Guernsey Mike Luther, Historic Committee Rep. Bridgette & John Tack, 401 Montclair John Royal, 606 Old Jersey Maurene Hall, 207 Fidelity Peter McIntyre, 611 Montclair Dereck Morris, 501 Kerry Street Scott Samuelson, 201 Highland Road The following were issues and concerns mentioned by the above people in opposition to the request. • They all agreed that the subject area is the oldest area in the City, and they wanted the neighborhood to maintain it's historic status. The property is included in the Southside Historic area and needs to be restored, There were drainage and traffic concerns mentioned. They felt that with the existing liquor P&Z<Lfinutes December 17, 1998 Page S of 8 store in the shopping center, the ne~.v parking lot would serve as a "gathering place" for students and others to have a place to socialize. • Chairman Massey closed the public hearing. Commissioner Maloney moved to deny the Conditional Use Permit request, Comnussion Mooney seconded the motion. Commissioner Maloney explained that he had difficulty approving this request on the grounds that it is going against strong issues in the Comp Plan (i.e. maintaining neighborhood integrity). Comrrussioner Mooney agreed and added that he was aware of the parking problem in the area and sympathetic to the business owners, but he was also sympathetic to the residents and wanted to maintain the historic status of the neighborhood. He urged the residents, business owners and the historic Preservation Committee to work to together to find alternatives to this problem. Chairman Massey called for the vote, which passed unopposed (6-0); Commissioner Rife abstained from this item. AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Public hearing and consideration of a Conditional Use Permit for the use only to permit a convenience store and service station in a C-B zoned district. The site is located on the northwest corner of University Drive and Highway 6 Bypasso (98-709) Senior Planner McCully presented the staff report. She explained that the request is for the applicant to pursue the development of a retail center in the University Drive entrance Corridor. This development • would include a bank drive-thru, a fast food restaurant with adrive-thru, and a convenience store/service station. The proposed building and site layout are to resemble a similar site owned by the same applicant at the corner of Welsh and 2818, which was built under the ®verlay district requirements. Staff recommended approval with the condition that the site is built sirrular to the style of the Exxon Station at Welsh and 2818. The Commissioners expressed their concern with increased traffic and congestion to the area. Transportation Planner Hard explained that this development should not add to the congestion,. Chairman Massey opened the public hearing. Mr. Ray Hansen, Applicant, reiterated that this development would be very sirrular to the Exxon station at Welsh and 2818. Their intention is to exceed the landscaping requirements. He felt that this type of development would not increase traffic, but would intercept the traffic (from studies done by Exxon Corporation in the past). He would also like to have shared access with the Gateway development. Chuck Ellison, Attorney representing the owners of Gateway, explained that his client had concern with shared access, intense use on small acreage, and traffic impacts. He explained that the Gateway developers were concerned, not opposed to the request. Mr, Hansen explained that he would be willing to work with the Gateway in any way possible to reach • an agreement to satisfy both parties. Chairman Massey closed the Public Hearing. P&Z Minutes December 17, 1998 Page d of 8 Comrrussioner Parker moved to approve the request with Staff's recommendation that the site is built similar to the style of the Exxon Station at Welsh and FM 2818. Commissioner Garner seconded the • motion which passed unopposed (7-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Consideration of a Site Plan for the College Station Hotel/Coference Center, to be located in the Wolf Pen Creek District. (98-437) City Planner Kee introduced Mr. Rick Ferrari, architect for the project. He presented the site plan and explained some of the changes made to the plan. The modifications presented were items reviewed by the Wolf Pen Creek Design Review Board in November and December 1998. The Wolf Pen Creek Design Review Board recommended approval of the site plan with their recommendations as stated in the Wolf Pen Creek Design Review Board Reports dated November 4, 1998 and December 2, 1998, This item would have final approval from the Commission but would be presented to the City Council as a courtesy. Commissioner Rife moved to approve the site plan as presented with all recommendations as stated in the WPC Design Review Board Reports dated November 4 and December 2, 1998. Comrrussioner Kaiser seconded the motion, which passed unopposed (7-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Consideration of an amendment to the Master Development Plan of the Pebble Hills Subdivision, 173.18 acres, located on the north side of Green's Prairie Road • approximately 1500' from the Highway 6 intersection; and consideration of a Preliminary Plat of approximately 25.57 acres located in the northwest corner of the proposed subdivision. (98-314 & 98-315) Transportation Planner Hard presented the staff report. He highlighted that the revised Master Plan included the following changes to the original plan: 1. An additional 8 acres of commercial zoning to the existing 17 acres. 2. A landscape buffer easement on the future C-1 acreage. 3. A reduction of existing buffer zone of R-5 between the commercial tract and the future Lakeway extension. 4. An alley that extends across the rear of the future R-5 tracts to assure that all access from the Rs 5 development will be taken from the alley rather than Lakeway. 5. The relocation of the future Lakeway extension to the east. 6. An additional commercial street hat will extend from Lakeway to the highway 6 frontage road across the south side of the future C-1 and R-5 tracts. 7. The relocation of a residential collector street to the south. Mr. Hard explained that the preliminary plat is for the future TxDot property, and will include the majority of the commercial street along the south side. The land uses on that site would include offrces, warehousing, vehicle maintenance, and a sign shop. • Staff recommended approval of both the Master Development Plan and the Preliminary Plat as presented. I'&Z Minutes December 17, 1998 lryage ~ of 8 Commissioner Kaiser moved to recommend approval of the Master Development Plan and moved to approve the Preliminary Plat. Commissioner Garner seconded both motions, which passed unopposed (i-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Reconsideration of rezoning 2.77 acres at 1900 F.M. t58 located on the west side of F.M. 158 between University Drive and Harvey Road from R~1 Single Family to (:-2 Commercial Industrial. (This item was tabled by the Commission following the public hearing at the December 3, 1998 meeting.) (98-119) Tlus item was not removed from the table. AGENDA ITEM NO. 8: Consideration of an ordinance amending Chapter 9, Subdivisions, of the Code of Ordinances, relating to Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) regulations, cul-de-sac regulations, consideration of master development plans and preliminary plats, and deleting references to Presubmission Conferences. Commissioner Mooney moved to table this item. Commissioner Rife seconded the motion, which passed unopposed (7-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 9: Other Business. There was no other business. • AGENDA ITEM NO. 10: Adjourn. Commissioner Parker moved to adjourn the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Commissioner Maloney seconded the motion, which passed unopposed (7-0) A ST: ~~ l ,~~', ~~ ~ G- e ~ ~lc'~ ~~,~,'r ~~~ ~V Staff Assistant, Debra Charanza • ~&Z ~lltnutes December 17, 19913 Pale 13 ®J'8 • Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) /, Date of Meeting L- ~/ Agenda Item No. ~ Name '~C,~~~ ~~ ~~~ F~ ~~. Address ~~ ~ -~ ~L~~ ~ ~~ If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: on which person wishes to speak: . ~ , 1 ~~ Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. • Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting Agenda Item No. Name l Address l ~' If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: on which person wishes to s .Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. • Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting ~ o~. l (~ ~ °I Agenda Item No..~_ Name ~ D ~ Y1'~ ~ L • ~. ~ l e J2 Address - ,_ ~ L~ Cfl , a` P~ f If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: Subject gxlwhich Berson wislye~ to speak: .~ ., _ _ - Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. • Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting l ~ ~ ~ Agenda Item No. Name ~ (1 IA,G<< L l ~ i 5 vYt Address ~ 9 o a cu,~,-- ; / (~ /~-r- G S . ? ~ S~o4~S If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: Subject on which person wishes to speak: ;ttilZt. Gtis- ton ~r,,~ %,-,.~, sfv-~e. y ~D~- ~Gre.P~ S~YQ. .Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. • Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting } .Z ~ ~ ? l9~ Agenda Item No. `~ ~' - 1 2 Name ly' Y "~~ Address If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: on which person wishes to speak: • C O ro .~ U O .,~ z m 0 U N C ~ ro ~ b~0 ~ C ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U ~ C ro 8 ~ 3 ro o o ~+ U E H C x ..i c~' +-~ ~ 01 ~ O a-1 ro +~ v W • Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting ~ Z f / ~" / 9 ~ Agenda Item No. ~ Z Name ~c- ~/ ~ ~ ~~ ,Z, ~ -~ ~ ~ rJ'( Address ~ 9'~ I U~'~-- Ucs`'~ ~ If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: b'ect on which person wi hes to sp ak: .Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. ~'Cannin~ ~ ,~onin~ Commission Guest ~,egister • . ~~ ~~ T ~~ C 'l ._r~ /L- ~ / j~ 1. ~ ~ ,,~,~. ~~' %~~.<~ ~~. ^ ~ _, 4. ~~ .P .. ~ , ; L ;' ,t~ ~~ ~~~` 6. ~ ! - E- 7. ~. /~C, 9. _ <; r. lo. _.~- ~,, , I_.-~,~z , _,-U(~-~r~( • .1 11. ~ 12. ~ i L 1. r /~ ~-! v : , ,V ~ z'L„ ~j2 ~ ry ~l 4 14. 1 C~~~ _~ 1 ~. %. 18. "~,. 21. ~ ~ i~~L~/ ~_- 23. (C `~~ `~`~~LlL1 o i%l`'6~ • 24. . si cfifress ~- ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~- ~ ~ ~ ./ ,~ ~-, ~'~- ( L ~ ~t%'/G~ c'L' ~'Cannin~ ~ Zoning Commission Guest ~,egister ~1 wne ~l cfefress i ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ /: 4. S. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. I1. -- 12. 13. 14. IS. 1 G. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. • 24. _ _ 2S.