HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/20/1998 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES • Planning and Zoning Commission I CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS August 20, 1998 7:00 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Massey, Commissioners Garner, Maloney, Parker, Rife, and Mooney. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioners and Kaiser. STAFF PRESENT: City Planner Kee, Senior Planner McCully, Assistant Development Coordinator Ruiz, Transportation Planner Hard, Staff Planner Battle, Assistant City Engineer Morgan, Staff Assistant Charanza, Assistant City Attorney Robinson, and Parks & Recreation Director Beachy. AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Approval of minutes from the Regular Meeting held on August 6, 1998. • Commissioner Garner moved to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held on August 6, 1998. Commissioner Mooney seconded the motion which passed unopposed (6-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Public hearing and consideration of a rezoning of approximately 63.698 acres located west of the West Ridge Subdivision, from A-O Agricultural Open to R-1 Single Family, R-2 Duplex, C-N Neighborhood Commercial, and C-1 General Commercial (98-113) Senior Planner McCully presented the staff report and stated that the requested rezoning is in conformance with the recently approved Master Development Plan. The rezoning will create 28 acres ofR-1 zoning adjacent to the existing R-1 development to the south and existing R-2 zoning to the east. The requested 32 acres ofR-2 zoning will be located to the west of existing R-5 zoning and to the south of future high density single family uses. The 1.2 acre of C-1 and the 2.5 acre of C-N is to be located at the future intersection of Navarro and Wellborn Road, with the neighborhood commercial tract to act as a buffer zone between the corner and the duplexes. The less intense district was also chosen in an effort to address the concern that non-residential cut-through traffic will occur on Navarro. Each use in the C-N tract will need to come before the Commission for approval. There are approximately 13.1 acres of public right-of--way proposed with this subdivision. West Ridge Drive and Navarro Drive are currently scheduled to be extended as 38 foot wide streets within 60 feet of right-of--way. The remaining residential streets will be the standard 27 foot wide street section in 50 feet ofright-of--way. The northeastern portion of the West Ridge Drive collector will provide access to • the 9 acre park along the full length of that park. The developer has expressed intentions of requesting oversize participation for a portion of the street cost. The City generally does not participate in the cost of collector streets; but, in this case, oversize participation may be justified due to the relatively large P&Z Minutes August 20, 1998 Page 1 of 6 i• U amount of park frontage that will be of public benefit. The alignment for Navarro Drive as it approaches Wellborn is shown on the approved Master Development Plan to be outside of the boundary of this subdivision. With the final platting of Phase 3 (which includes this portion of Navarro) the developer will have to include that portion of Navarro in the plat boundary in order to avoid the platting of "half streets". The alignment is currently shown this way on the Master Plan because it is the best alignment for an intersection with Wellborn Road and the existing railroad crossing. Notices for this request were sent to seventy-eight property owners within 200 feet of the subject property. No response was received prior to the meeting. Staff recommended approval of the rezoning request due to compliance with the approved Master Development Plan. Commissioner Rife asked when the extension of Navarro would be expected. City Planner Kee replied that the Navarro extension would be included during Phase Two. Chairman Massey opened the public hearing. Suzanne McDonald, Cortez Court, had questions concerning the development. She wanted to know the specific time frame for the Navarro extension, the size of lots proposed in the R-1 area, and what would happen to the existing cul-de-sacs along Deacon. Karl Vargo, 2902 Cortez Court, had the same concerns and questions as Ms. McDonald; but, also wanted to know the name of the developer. Bill Williams, 2301 San Pedro, explained that his lot borders West Ridge which is a quiet neighborhood. He always knew that the street would be extended with progress. He also expressed concern with the quality and integrity of the neighborhood when the development is completed. He also wanted to know the timeline of the street extensions and the park development. John Duncum, Developer of the property explained that he, Larry Bossier and Mr. Huff. are partners in the development. He said that they anticipate the Navarro extension to take place within six months or as soon as possible. The existing cul-de-sacs on Deacon will not be extended into the proposed development. He explained that he did not know the actual sizes of the proposed single family homes or the costs. The density of this development is below that allowed by the City. He explained that the park area would have a detention pond. The drainage designs would have to be approved by the City. Mr. Duncum explained that the park land would be donated at the beginning of development and the City would then take over the actual development. Julia Swanson, San Saba Court, wanted to know where the park would be located, the size, and the type of park. The Commissioners explained that approximately 9 acres will be dedicated along the north side of the extension of West Ridge. The potential of the park is approximately two acres for park use, and approximately 7 acres for detention/open space. The Parks Department will have the final input for the actual development of the park. Chairman Massey explained to the concerned residents that the Commission had the opportunity to see the plan two times and had similar concerns as the residents. The main concern from the Commission (in the past) was to assure adequate park land was dedicated. The quality of life issues, density, and P&Z Minutes August 20, 1998 Page 2 of 6 drainage were also concerns expressed by the Commission at the time of the Master Plan consideration. The Commissioners also explained to the concerned residents that the proposed plan was in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. Chairman Massey closed the public hearing. Commissioner Maloney moved to recommend approval of the rezoning request as submitted. Commissioner Rife seconded the motion which passed unopposed (6-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Public hearing and consideration of a proposed Amendment to Ordinance No. 1638, the College Station Zoning Ordinance Section 7.21 Wolf Pen Creek Development Corridor and Section 17.6 Effect of Protest of Proposed Amendment. (98-812) Due to an error in notification, this item was removed from the agenda. AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Public hearing and consideration of a Master Preliminary Plat of the F.N. Smith 16.2 acre Tract located approximately 1000 feet from the intersection of FM 2818 and State Highway 6 Frontage Road. (98-321) Staff Planner Battle presented the staff report and stated that the preliminary plat is composed of two reserve tracts and one two lot subdivision. The proposed Dartmouth alignment is shown as it passes through the 6.98 acre reserve tract. This master plan would proceed the final platting of the Southpark Subdivision as reflected on this plan. The subdivision is planned as two lots containing office buildings. Staff recommended approval of the request. Chairman Massey opened the public hearing. Seeing no one to speak in favor of or opposition to the request, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Rife moved to recommend approval of the Master Preliminary Plat as submitted. Commissioner Parker seconded the motion which passed unopposed (6-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Consideration of a Final Plat of Woodcreek Section 10-A being approximately 12.624 acres located at the east end of Woodcreek Drive. (98-229) Graduate Engineer Kaspar presented the staff report and stated that the plat is one of two final plats that would extend Woodcreek Drive in two phases to connect with Faulkner Drive in the Foxfire subdivision. This connection is shown on the City's Thoroughfare Plan. No access points from lots will be permitted on to Woodcreek Drive. One of the conditions of approval of the Preliminary Plat was that public drainage easements be dedicated to encompass the 100 year water surface elevation of the existing creek. This requirements has been met with this final plat. Mr. Kaspar explained that this is one of the last remaining undeveloped sections in the Woodcreek Subdivision. The development is in accordance with the Master Development Plan for the Woodcreek Subdivision and the Preliminary Plat for Sections l0A and l OB recently reviewed by the Commission on August 6, 1998. P&Z Minutes August 20, 1998 Page 3 of 6 Runoff from the subdivision will be handled in several small stormwater detention areas. These will be contained within common areas maintained by the Homeowner's Association. The applicant has • submitted a drainage report which is currently under review by staff. Staff recommend approval of the final plat. Commissioner Parker moved to approve the final plat as submitted. Commissioner Garner seconded the motion which passed unopposed (6-0). r1 U AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Consideration of an amendment to the Master Development Plan of the Pebble Hills Subdivision, 173.18 acres located on the north side of Green's Prairie Road approximately 1500' from the Highway 6 intersection; and consideration of a Preliminary Plat of approximately 25.57 acres located in the northwest corner of the proposed subdivision. (98-314 & 98-315) This item was withdrawn by the applicant prior to the meeting. AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Establishment of parking requirements for a golf driving range located adjacent to Aldersgate Church south of Switch Station Road. (98-407) Senior Planner McCully presented the item and stated that the proposed development is to be located on the existing golf driving range adjacent to Aldersgate Church. The applicant intends to redevelop the driving range to reorient the use and to add the associated parking. The applicant is requesting that the requirement for the driving range be set at one space per tee station, which is in line with the guidelines set by that industry. There will be a total of 65 tee stations, and the applicant intends to build 65 spaces plus three handicap spaces. The other uses on site, a putting green, chipping area, and 2500 square foot pro shop would be considered accessory uses under the applicants scenario. Staff recommend approval of the request of 1 space per tee station. The Commissioners were concerned with the number of employees and felt that the request should include additional spaces for employees. They also expressed concern for what would be included within the pro-shop (restaurant or retail only). Staff explained that the development of the pro shop would require a plan and if a sit-down type of restaurant is included, there would need to be additional parking. Commissioner Rife moved to table the item until the applicant can furnish additional information pertaining to the number of employees and pro shop information. Commissioner Parker seconded the motion which passed unopposed (6-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 8: Presentation of Parks Board Goals and Projects relative to the Comprehensive Plan including current and future Parks CIP Projects. Director of Parks and Recreation Beachy presented the Parks & Recreation Department Parks Board Goals and Projects. The Commissioners received the Parks Report dated August 20, 1998. He explained that the mission of the Parks Department is "To provide the citizens of College Station with high-quality park facilities and recreational activities that are geographically and demographically accessible and serve a diversity of interests." The Parks Department supports several citizen boards in addition to the Parks Board such as the Historic Preservation Committee, Cemetery Committee, Teen Advisory Board, and Tourism Project Implementation Team. P&Z Minutes August 20, 1998 Page 4 of 6 He presented the Parks Board Goals for 1998 and discussed the current services provided by the College Station Parks Department. • Mr. Beachy discussed the current Capital Improvement Projects. He explained that the proposed Capital Improvement Bond projects total $4,586,000. Some of these proposed projects include additional neighborhood parks, improvements to existing parks, pools, and athletic fields, parkland acquisition and the new athletic park. Chairman Massey asked if the proposed total cost for the new athletic park has been figured. Mr. Beachy explained that a master plan has not been developed and the cost will be determined once the plan is completed. Commissioner Mooney asked how the drought effected the Parks Department and if there would be additional irrigation for the future. Mr. Beachy explained that the athletic fields and city buildings/facilities have imgation systems in place currently; but, neighborhood parks do not. It would not be beneficial to the City to install additional irrigation because the City is usually the first to cut back on water usage in times of drought. Irrigation systems also require increased maintenance. There was discussion regarding the athletic park site and possible joint efforts between the Cities of Bryan, College Station, and Brazos County. Chairman Massey felt that the parks facilities have a large economic impact on the City. AGENDA ITEM NO. 9: Presentation of the Drainage Master Plan, Capital Improvement • Drainage Projects, Utility Master Plan Issues and other related engineering issues. Assistant City Engineer Morgan gave the overview of the Drainage Master Plan which began in June 1996. She explained that the goals of this plan were: To correct major and minor structural and non-structural damage due to flooding. To prevent future damage due to flooding. Public education. To enhance the community's safety, environment, and quality of life. She said that since the project began in 1996, all data collection has been accumulated and mapped. The current model has been reviewed and community surveys have been completed. The community surveys included the Graham Study, Eisenhower Drainage Report, and complaint records. Ms. Morgan referred to the Damage Maps to show major and minor structural damage, non-structural damage and nuisance problems. She discussed some conceptual ideas for the primary system. Analysis results were discussed for Wolfpen Creek and Bee Creek Mains. She explained that the remaining tasks include: • Continue database/mapping work Analyze the concepts • Coordination with Greenway Plan Recommendations . Model the remainder of the basins Implementation P&Z Minutes August 20, 1998 Page S of 6 AGENDA ITEM NO. 10: Presentation of future growth scenarios for College Station including Thoroughfare planning in the Graham Road area. • • • City Planner Kee explained that as part of preparing for the Capital Improvement Program, the Development Service Department has been looking at past trends and making projections to see where the City will most likely be in the year 2005. Staff originally developed two different growth scenarios, a 2% population growth and a higher 3% growth rate. The scenarios were reviewed with a local population analyst who works with CSISD in projecting population. This analyst anticipated closer to a 3% growth rate due to the projected low interest rates over the next two to three years. Ms. Kee said that development activity has been very high over the past 5 years. Ms. Kee explained some of the trends since 1990 in conjunction with annexation, land use and population. Ms. Kee discussed future growth areas and aspects of development interest and commercial growth. She explained that the Council recently approved two areas for impact fee sewer lines. The City has been working with Texas A&M University on an agreement to utilize A&M's sewer and water facilities for west side development. If A&M is not in agreement with this, the City would have to build a treatment plant of pump facilities for sewer and spend several millions of dollars to get water to the west side of town. Transportation Planner Hard explained that there could be amendments to the Thoroughfare Plan for the Graham Road area relating to the alignment and extension of Victoria. He presented several options to the Commission and stated that CSISD is still looking for a new high school site in this area. AGENDA ITEM NO. 11: Other Business. There was no other business. AGENDA ITEM NO. 12. Adjourn. Commissioner Garner moved to adjourn the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Commissioner Maloney seconded the motion which passed unopposed (6-0). ATTEST: Staff Assistant, Debra Charanza P&Z Minutes August 20, 1998 APPROVED: nn~~'r7.1/c Chairman, 3~:e.~e3r C~,i~-v,v~e= ~'~~.~~;c._ !z= Page 6 of 6 Registration Form • (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting ~' ~~ °/9~ Agenda Item No. Name ~,42L V/},Q ~ o Address ~ ~ z ~ CodT~= Z Cr- If speaking for an organization, ~- 4 ~, - ~ za d Name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: Subject on which person wishes to speak: Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. r • • • J1 ame ~l rlrfress -- 3 r ~lannin~ ~' ZoninB Commission Guest ~eBister Date ~: ~.-' ~, ~, 5. 6. 7. 8. 9a 10. 11. 1.2. 13. 14e 1.~ 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 2S. x - .r - 1 .~ ~ V-