HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/05/1997 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission• MINUTES Planning & Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS June 5, 1997 7:00 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Hawthorne, Commissioners Massey, Garner, Lightfoot, Gribou, Parker COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioner Smith STAFF PRESENT: Senior Planner McCully, Senior Secretary Charanza, Development Coordinator Volk, City Engineer Laza, Assistant to the City Engineer Homeyer, Assistant City Attorney Reynolds • AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Approval of minutes from the meeting of May 1, 1997 Commissioner Gribou moved to approve the minutes from the meeting of May 1, 1997 as written. Commissioner Parker seconded the motion which passed unanimously. (6 - 0) AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Public hearing to consider a rezoning request for approximately five acres located on the southwest corner of Wellborn Road and Holleman Drive west of the existing railroad tracks from M-1 Planned Industrial, C-1 General Commercial and R-5 Apartments/Medium Density to C-1 General Commercial and R-5 Apartments/Medium Density. (97-105) Senior Planner McCully presented the staff report and stated that the applicant is preparing the 21 acre tract for development of an apartment complex. Requested rezoning would result in the removal of the M-1 zoning across the Wellborn Road frontage of a larger, mostly R-5 zoned tract, and replace the M-1 with 3 acres of C-1 zoning in the northeast corner of the tract. The applicant intends to develop the resulting 17.9 acres of R-5 as an apartment complex. The remaining 3 acre C-1 tract has no immediate user at this time. The Zoning Ordinance will require that the developer provide a 6' screening fence between the commercial development and the abutting apartment property. The subject tract has been zoned R-5 with a strip of M-1 since late 1982 and has remained vacant since that time. The entire area • west of Wellborn Road has seen slow development, perhaps due in part to the Railroad adjacency and low sewer capacity. The City has been working to determine what system upgrades are necessary in P & Z Minutes June S, 1997 Page 1 of S order to provide additional sewer capacity due to increased interest in developing this area (i.e., McDonald's, Melrose Apartments, and increased inquiries directed towards Staff). Staff recommended approval with the condition that there be a landscape buffer as provided in the R&D zoning district • between the proposed C-1 tract and the abutting R-5 zoned property. Staff notified 13 surrounding property owners and received one call in opposition from the owner of the C-1 tract on the northeast corner of Holleman and Wellborn. Chairman Hawthorne opened the public hearing. Developer Paul Clarke approached the Commission and spoke of former and current landuse plan. Mr. Clarke stated that the Holleman and Wellborn location was not a good place for residential development. He stated that they are looking at a much broader master plan than just this 21 acres. Mr. Clarke explained that landscaped buffers will be installed. He also stated that the owner will dedicate land toward an approximate 10 acre City Park to be built in this area. Ron Saikowski (Sitech Engineering Corporation) approached the Commission and explained that buffer zones are proposed in the initial development. They are proposing a density of 12 to 13 units per acre. The railroad and noise has been considered and they will propose buffer zones approximately 100 ft wide between the railroad tracks and the initial development. The initial development will include a 63 to 65 foot wide pavement section with parking on both sides. There will be a distance of approximately 165 feet from the nearest building to the railroad right-of--way plus approximately 50 feet from the right- of-way to the railroad track center line. Edsel Jones, 3008 Durango spoke in favor of this rezoning request with the condition of leaving enough buffer zone or right-of--way to be able to be dedicated to southbound traffic along the railroad. He brought a drawing from the Highway Department showing what this would look like. He approached the Commissioner's desk with this drawing. He believes the "Lo Track Plan" was a good plan with poor timing. Commissioner Massey stated his concerns with the proximity to the railroad. Chairman Hawthorne closed the public hearing. Commissioner Gribou moved to recommend approval with conditions made by Staff. Commissioner Lightfoot seconded the motion. Commissioner Gribou stated the request makes sense in comparison to the Comprehensive Plan. He said Mr. Jones' concern with the right-of--way for the future is a good concern, but the Planning & Zoning Commission can not obligate the owners to something of that nature. This would take away from the owner's property. Commissioner Gribou thought this request should be looked into. Chairman Hawthorne stated that this is not a zoning issue. Commissioner Lightfoot agreed, but thinks these concerns need to be addressed at the time they are brought back to the Commission. The motion to recommend approval of the rezoning passed unanimously. (6 - 0) P & Z Minutes June S, 1997 Page 2 of 5 AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Public hearing to consider a conditional use permit request to allow a licensed group day care facility in an ezisting single family home located at 4106 Tiffany Trail, lot 4, block 6 of Shenandoah Phase One Subdivision. (97-705) • Senior Planner McCully presented the staff report and explained that the applicant was requesting to change her in home registered day care to an in home licensed day care. Under the Zoning Ordinance, the business is not required a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) until the number of children that will be cared for within the home exceeds seven children per day. In this case, the applicant wishes to care for up to five additional children (for a total of 12), and a CUP is therefore required. Staff notified 25 property owners within 200 feet and has received three inquiries but no opposition to date. Staff recommends approval with the following conditions: 1. The proposed use meets all the minimum standards established in the ordinance for the type of use proposed; 2. That the proposed use meets the purpose and intent of the ordinance and is in harmony with the development policies and goals and objectives as embodied in the Comprehensive Plan for Development of the City; and 3. That the proposed rise will not be detrimental to the health, welfare, and safety of the surrounding neighborhood or its occupants, nor be substantially or permanently injurious to neighboring property. The Commission may impose additional reasonable restrictions or conditions to carry out the spirit and intent of the ordinance and to mitigate adverse effects of the proposed use. These requirements may include, but are not .limited to, increased open space, loading and parking requirements, additional landscaping, and additional improvements such as curbing, sidewalks and screening. • Chairman Hawthorne opened the public hearing. Mary McDonald (4106 Tiffany Trail), the owner, approached the Commission. She stated that she has had a registered day care in her home for almost six years. Her application is only to accommodate two more children (eight total) because of the square footage of her home. Ms. McDonald's client, Councilman Kennady, has requested placement of both of his children of which she has taken care of for two years. He encouraged her to get a license to accommodate his children. Chairman Hawthorne asked if she had other employees. She stated that she had two other employees. Chairman Hawthorne asked about the hours of operation, she responded that her hours were from 7:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Commissioner Garner asked if there were any parking problems or traffic congestion. Ms. McDonald has talked to her neighbors and they have not had any problems in the past. Mr. Dennis Etheridge (4106 Windfree), spoke in opposition to this CUP request. He lives one street west of the applicant. He stated that article 7A, paragraph A of the deed restrictions states "A lot shall be used for residential purposes only". He feels that this is a business use and not residential and if the City of College Station approves this permit, they will be going against their policy of preserving the neighborhoods. In his opinion this could ruin the quality of the subdivision. Mr. Etheridge stated that with the law allowing up to twelve children, the applicant may eventually take on more than her requested eight which inay lead to additions to the house. Mr. Etheridge mentioned that Tiffany Trail is a short, narrow street with no cul-de-sac, which means traffic will have to use other • P & Z Minutes June S, 1997 Page 3 of 5 residents' driveways and traffic may increase and have to use Southern Plantation Drive which is one of the two main entrances. This increase in traffic is a danger to the other children who play in the area. There is also excessive noise. He doesn't think that the main parking area is efficient for a day care • center. Mr. Etheridge asked the Commission to recognize the potential dangers and negative aspects and deny the request. Chairman Hawthorne closed the public hearing. Commissioner Lightfoot moved to deny the conditional use permit for the licensed day care. Commissioner Parker seconded the motion. Commissioner Lightfoot stated that he relates to the comments from Mr. Etheridge although his proximity is away from the actual site. He feels this request would not be to the advantage of this neighborhood. Commission Parker stated that his primary concerns are the traffic and the lack of turn around ability on this street. The potential of increased pedestrian traffic could put someone at risk. The motion to deny the conditional use permit passed unanimously. (6 - 0) AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Consideration of a preliminary plat for the A&M Apartments at College Station Subdivision generally located northwest and southwest corners of Wellborn Road and Holleman Drive. (97-308) Senior Planner McCully presented the staff report and stated that the master preliminary plat includes an R-5 zoned tract on the north side of Holleman with an M-1 strip across the Wellborn Road frontage. This tract is to remain undeveloped for the time being. The tract R-5 on the south side is under consideration for a zone change to remove the M-l strip and replace it with a C-1 corner, for a total of two lots on the southern half of the subject tract. The applicant intends to develop the resulting 17.9 acres of R-5 as an apartment complex. The remaining 3 acre C-1 has no immediate user at this time. The subject tract has been zoned R-5 with a strip of M-1 since late 1982 and has remained vacant since that time. The entire area west of Wellborn Road has been slow to develope, perhaps due in part to the Railroad adjacency and low sewer capacity. The City has been working to upgrade the sewer capacity in the recent past, since interest in developing this area has increased (McDonald's, Melrose Apartments, and other inquiries directed to Staff. Staff recommends approval with the Presubmission Conference conditions. Chairman Hawthorne opened the public hearing. Ron Saikowski (Sitech Engineering) spoke in favor of this request. He represents the developer and will be putting in the multi-family development. The name will be changed to Holleman Arms Apartments. He asked the Commission to approve the plat with that name change and the variance to the street extension. Dennis Maloney (803 Welsh) asked if Marion Pugh Drive would be cut off Assistant to the City Engineer Homeyer referred to the Comprehensive Plan and informed Mr. Maloney it would be through • to Holleman. Plans are to extend Jones-Butler to George Bush Drive and southward to Southwest Parkway to carry north and south bound traffic. P & Z Minutes June S, 1997 Page 4 of S Commissioner Gribou moved to recommend approval of this preliminary plat with the Presubmission Conference conditions and the variance to the street extension. Commissioner Parker seconded this motion. This motion passed unanimously. (6 - 0) • AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Discussion concerning communication issues between the Commission and City Council Commissioner Gribou mentioned that at the last meeting this was discussed with City Manager Noe regarding communication between the Commission and Council. He said that since there were only four members present at the last meeting it was decided to wait and discuss it at a later time. Commissioner Massey explained that the discussion had taken place to have a P&Z Liaison attend the Council Meetings. Commissioner Gribou said that he thought this could wait until the new Commissioners were appointed. Commissioner Garner agreed that it could wait. Chairman Hawthorne stated that the FYI flyers provided by staff could help with the communication issue. Commissioner Gribou said that having a Liaison would be a benefit for discussions of cases. It would clarify any questions regarding reasons behind Council decisions. Commissioner Massey thought it would be a good idea to have a rotating liaison like P.R.C. Commissioner Gribou suggested to have a liaison only when there are P&Z related items. Commissioner Gribou moved to ask Council to consider using the Commissioners as Liaisons. Commissioner Massey seconded. This motion passed unanimously. (6 - 0) AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Other Business • Commissioner Garner mentioned the Wellborn Corridor is a top item. She said she would like to see a time frame created to review this study. She suggested adding this to a future agenda. Commissioner Garner also requested a copy of the mid-80's study. Mr. Massey requested a copy also. Commissioner Parker said he really liked the FYI Flyer. He wanted to thank the staff for doing this. He said it was much more informative than in the past. AGENDA ITEM NO 7: ADJOURN Commissioner Lightfoot moved to adjourn the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Commissioner Massey seconded the motion which passed unopposed. (6 - 0) APP / ~, Chairman, Kyle Hawthorne A' Technician, Natalie • P & Z Minutes June S, 1997 Page S of S Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting C- s- 5 ~ Agenda Item No. 3 Name ~ ~ ~~ ;Lis L--" i i~,~ ~i> L ~-~.- Address y/ e ~~ ~%. i ~vi~~ ~~--,= C s ~ 7 ~ ~~7, If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: Subject on which person wishes to speak: Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. ~~ 1. z. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. 10. ~lanninB ~' Zoning Commission Guest ~,egister Date ~(/l.-~.~ Acfcfress /. ~( ~~~~~ ~~~~~~U ~-~U ~~(~~1 ~~9 ~i'~' ~~,r ,..~ -. ~~ ~ J ~. ~,, " 11. 12. 13. 14. IS. 16. 17. 18e 19. 20a 21e 22, 23a 24. 25.