HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/16/1997 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionI MINUTES • Planning & Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS January 16, 1997 7:00 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Hawthorne and Commissioners Massey, Garner, Parker, Gribou and Lightfoot. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioner Smith. STAFF PRESENT: City Planner Kee, City Engineer Laza, Planning Technician Ruiz, Development Coordinator Volk, Senior Planner McCully, Energy Auditor Battle and Assistant City Attorney Reynolds. AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Approval of minutes from the meeting of December 19, 1996. • Commissioner Gribou moved to approve the minutes from the meeting of December 19, 1996 as written. Commissioner Lightfoot seconded the motion which passed unopposed (6 - 0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Approval of minutes from the joint meeting of the City Council and Commission on October 7, 1996. Commissioner Parker moved to approve the minutes from the joint meeting of the City Council and Commission on October 7, 1996 as written. Commissioner Lightfoot seconded the motion which passed unopposed (6 - 0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Consideration of a final plat of the Pershing Park Subdivision totaling 6.25 acres divided into 16 single family lots located along the east side of Thomas Street just east of the Hawthorn Street intersection. This final plat includes the dedication of Hawthorn as a public street. (97-202) City Engineer Laza presented the staff report and stated that this plat was approved with Hawthorne Street as a private street. The developer originally wanted to have a gated entrance that would have precluded the general public from entering. It was platted as a private street but was built to public street standards as our ordinances require. The developer now does not wish to gate the entrance and would like to dedicate the street to the City. This plat changes the dedicatory language for the street to a public right-of--way. The median within the street and the detention pond will continue to be maintained by the Homeowner's Association. Improvements that will have to be made or guaranteed with this plat are the bollards along the detention facility, Street lighting in accordance with our subdivision regulations and the remainder of a drive located within the Hawthorne Street right-of--way to provide public access to the landlocked lot at the rear of Lot 9. City Engineer Laza stated that this landlocked lot was created by this plat when it was originally approved, and as a condition of that approval the developer was required to construct or guarantee this improvement. The applicant has posted a guarantee for this construction but has not completed the construction to date. The developer has expressed concerns to the staff about the safety issues related to this improvement. They are concerned with loud parties that residences fronting on Holleman (behind this subdivision) are having and the possible problems that this improvement will become a "parking lot" for their guests and that it is not needed by the owner at this time. Staff has checked with the Police Department and they have record of only 3 party disturbances at 2 different residences in the last 3 years. They do not consider this frequency a problem. Staff recommended approval of the final plat with the condition that all stated improvements be guaranteed or constructed, prior to filing. Staff will work with this applicant to resolve the access problem to Lot 9 of Woodson Village 5th Installment independently of this plat. Staff recommended approval of the final plat with the presubmission conference comments including the guarantee for the two required street lights. Commissioner Parker moved to approve the final plat of the Pershing Park Subdivision with staff recommendations. Commissioner Gribou seconded the motion which passed unopposed (6 - 0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Consideration of a final plat of the Brittain Court Addition, a resubdivision of block 2 of Regency South totaling 2.82 acres divided into 10 duplex lots located along Brothers Boulevard approximately one block southwest of Texas Avenue. (97-203) City Engineer Laza presented the staff report and stated that this is a replat of Block 2, Regency South and is being renamed to the Brittain Court Addition. The purpose of the plat is to subdivide 2.82 acres into ten duplex lots. This plat is located on Brothers Boulevard approximately one block southwest of • Texas Avenue South. A Presubmission Conference was held on December 30,1996 and several minor comments were addressed at that meeting. The applicant has addressed the Council signature block comment, the floodplain comment, and the owner is scheduled to sign the plat prior to the Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. Lots 4-7 do not meet the minimum 70' lot width at the front building line for duplex development. A variance to this requirement was granted by the Zoning Board of Adjustment on Tuesday, January 14, 1997. Staff recommended approval of the final plat with the condition that the remaining Presubmission Conference comments be resolved. Representative of the applicant Earl Havel of Garrett Engineering approached the Commission and offered to answer any questions pertaining to the final plat. Commissioner Lightfoot moved to approve the final plat of the Brittain Court Addition with staff recommendations. Commissioner Gribou seconded the motion which passed unopposed (6 - 0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Establish parking requirements for a proposed "pet resort" to be located on the northeast corner of Mortier Drive and Wellborn Road. (97-800) Senior Planner McCully presented the staff report and stated that the City Council recently approved the rezoning of a 3.5 acre tract at the northeast corner of Wellborn Road and Mortier from C-3 Planned Commercial to C-2 Commercial Industrial. The property was rezoned in order to prepare the property for use as what is classified in the Zoning Ordinance as a "boarding kennel". As stated in the rezoning • presentation, the use is being referred to as a pet resort featuring boarding as well as pet grooming, retail sales, and a small apartment area for night supervision. P & Z Minutes January 16, 1997 Page 2 of 4 Senior Planner McCully stated that as is the case for some other specific land uses, the Zoning Ordinance does not specify off-street parking requirements for boarding kennels. Veterinary clinics are • listed; however the proposed use does not include treatment of animals. Therefore, the applicant has gathered some parking information from other similar establishments in Texas and is requesting a determination from the Commission that the parking is adequate for this use. The preliminary site plan reflects 25 off-street parking spaces for the site. According to the applicant, both of the comparable businesses have facilities that are over twice as large as what is proposed. The applicant feels that the 20 to 25 space parking lots for these businesses appear to be more than adequate. After review of the separate uses within the proposed structure as well as the parking information from the other business, staff concurs that the 25 spaces are adequate for the proposed use. Applicant Donna Winslow approached the Commission and stated that there will be a small amount of retail space in the proposed building. She stated that more parking is being installed initially to allow for future growth. Eventually, there could be a small veterinarian clinic in a separate building near Wellborn Road. In the beginning, there will be three to four staff members with a future apartment for a night manager. Ms. Winslow stated that the business could grow to a maximum of six to seven full time employees. Chairman Hawthorne stated that he is concerned with setting a precedent of such a high parking number for the square footage proposed. Commissioner Lightfoot expressed concern that the future plans are not known at this time and the applicant is requesting a parking requirement for that future growth. There could be a demand for more parking in the future and the Commission would not have the ability to review the parking requirement • at that time. Commissioner Massey moved to set the parking requirement twenty-five spaces as presented by staff for the short term growth of the pet resort facility to include one additional wing than what is proposed. Commissioner Gribou seconded the motion. Commissioner Lightfoot stated that the parking requirement for future expansion is too open and there needs to be better control. Once the parking requirement is established, there is no limit to the size or type of future expansions. Chairman Hawthorne stated that he would not anticipate additional parking being required for future expansions; however, he would like the opportunity to at least review future proposals. Commissioner Massey stated that the applicant must grow considerably to even compare to the examples of the two similar pet resorts. The motion failed (2 - 4); Commissioners Garner and Massey voted in favor of the motion. Commissioner Lightfoot moved to approve the proposed twenty-five parking spaces for the square footage presented with the understanding that the Commission will review future growth (building expansion plans) and take into consideration the existing parking at that time. Commissioner Parker • seconded the motion which passed unopposed (6 - 0). P & Z Minutes January 16, 1997 Page 3 oj4 AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Other business. • City Planner Kee stated that the staff report form has changed in order to duplicate the City Council cover sheet. If you need additional information that is not on the staff report, please let a staff member know as soon as possible. The City Council will hold a public workshop on Tuesday, January 21, 1997. Staffwill inform the Commission of any future meetings. AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Adjourn. Commissioner Gribou moved to adjourn the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Commissioner Lightfoot seconded the motion which passed unopposed (6 - 0). APPROVED: ~~,-„~c~ C~,~~ ~u~rus ~~~ a~~~ 7 AT~s,T;~ _ ~.---, • • Technician, P & Z Minutes January 16, 1997 Page 4 oj4 ~~anninB ~' ZoninB Commission Guest ~,e~ister • mate dame ;~(cfrfress ~~ .. ,. ~ _.~.. i. `~ 4. 5. 6. T. 8. 9. 10. • I1. 12. 13. 14. 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