HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/04/1997 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES • Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS December 4, 1997 7:00 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Massey, Commissioners Lightfoot, Silvia, Parker and Rife. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioners Gribou and Garner. STAFF PRESENT: City Planner Kee, Senior Planner McCully, Staff Planner Battle, Assistant City Engineer Morgan, Development Coordinator Volk, Staff Assistant Charanza, Transportation Planner Hard, Director of Economic & Development Services Callaway, Assistant City Manager Brymer, Senior Economic Analyst McDaniel and Assistant City Attorney Reynolds. AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Approval of minutes from the meeting of November 20, 1997. • Commissioner Lightfoot moved to approve the minutes from the meeting of November 20, 1997 as written. Commissioner Parker seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Public hearing to consider a request to rezone Lot 2 Holleman Place Subdivision (approximately 6.2 acres zoned R-5 Apartment/Medium Density) and approximately 2.4 acres on the west side of Dartmouth, 400' south of Holleman Drive (zoned R-1 Single Family Residential) to WPC Wolf Pen Creek Development Corridor. (97-118) Staff Planner McCully presented the staff report and stated that the two tracts under consideration will constitute about half of the approximate 13 acre tract to be the future site of the City of College Station HoteUConference Center Site. The R-5 tract (Apartment Medium Density) is approximately 6 acres. Ms. McCully explained that the new College Station Fire Department building is located on the western portion of Lot 2 of Holleman Place. Ms. McCully informed the Commission that the surrounding uses include a vacant C-1 General Commercial lot on the west side of the tract, a vacant WPC zoning across Holleman, the Wolf Pen Creek Park across Dartmouth, and Jefferson Ridge Apartments to the south of the 2.4 acre tract. The Conference Center site is L-shaped and will be adjacent to developed single family, duplex, and fourplex development to the west and to the south. Lot 2 was platted with a 15' visual screening easement to help buffer the present R-5 zoning from existing R-1 uses across Richards. The WPC designation includes site plan review by the Design • Review Board and the Planning and Zoning Commission to ensure compatibility with surrounding uses and with the Park. P&Z Minutes December 4, 1997 Page 1 oJ4 There has been some discussion of the site layout. Ms. McCully explained that Manuel Drive currently dead-ends into the R-1 zoned portion of the subject property. The Thoroughfare Plan does show an extension of Manuel Drive through the R-1 tract to intersect with Dartmouth. Staff has questioned the • need to extend the street considering the rezoning would increase in intensity slightly when considering the R-1 site but it is questionable as to whether there would be any impact on the R-5 tract. She explained that the question of extending Manuel Drive may be answered on the site layout. Staff does not recommend extending Manuel Drive through to Dartmouth but Staff does recommend a pedestrian and bikeway where the extension of Manuel Drive would have been, to provide access to the Park and to the bus service that runs along Dartmouth. Staff notified approximately 26 property owners in the 200' notification area, one response was received in inquiry but no responses in opposition. Staff recommended approval of the entire rezoning request. Commissioner Rife asked about the drainage impact. Assistant City Engineer Morgan explained that there is drainage that comes off Richards Street into a small Swale that runs into the culvert under Holleman. The preliminary proposal would be to have a culvert system constructed under the parking lot that would accommodate the run-off drainage as it leaves the site. The culvert could then tie into the culvert under Holleman. The design of the site would have to accommodate existing and potential run-off. Staff does not think this development would increase the drainage enough to have to alter the pattern. Chairman Massey opened the public hearing. Seeing no one to speak in favor of or in opposition to the request, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Silvia moved to recommend approval of the rezoning request. Commissioner Parker • seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5-0) AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Public hearing to consider a final (replat) plat of Lot 6 D.A. Smith Subdivision, approximately 0.3 acres, on the northwest corner of Lincoln and Avenue A, creating three new single family lots. (97-248) Senior Planner McCully presented the staff report and stated that the subject tract is located on the northeast corner of Lincoln and Avenue A. The replat will ultimately result in the construction of three new homes on three separately platted lots. Each lot is 33 feet shorter than required in the R-1 District and is somewhat smaller than the 5000 square foot minimum lot size. The applicant has received variances for the minimum depth and lot size from the Zoning Board of Adjustments on November 18, 1997. Ms. McCully explained that the infrastructure is substandard within the area and Staff has had concerns regarding additional loading on the water lines, sewer lines and on the street. The City currently has a Capital Improvement Project underway to upgrade the water and sewer lines in the area. Staff recommended that any replats include a 7' right-of--way dedication to accommodate the potential upgrade to Avenue A in the future. In an effort to alleviate the potential negative impacts to the infrastructure, the applicant replatted the property to include the 7' right-of--way dedication and the applicant added a note to the plat that building permits for the two interior lots would not be issued until water and sewer lines have been upgraded as recommended by staff. • The Land Use Plan shows the area as "redevelopment", which is defined as areas that are currently developed but are projected to redevelop as land values increase. Redevelopment is to occur under "mixed use" provisions. Staff recommended approval of the revised plat as submitted. P&ZMinutes December 4, 1997 Page 2 of 4 • • Chairman Massey opened the public hearing. Seeing no one to speak in favor of or in opposition to the request, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Parker moved to approve the revised plat as submitted. Commissioner Silvia seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Public hearing and consideration of a Zoning Ordinance Amendment to amend Section 7 to establish a Planned Development District. (97-813) City Planner Kee presented the ordinance amendment and stated that the amendment is proposed for areas on the land use plan shown for mixed use development as well as areas where the land use plan shows uses that are proposed in a given PDD Planned Development District. This zoning district is more flexible and should allow design that cannot be achieved through a standard zoning district. This amendment is another step in the implementation of the newly adopted Comprehensive Plan. Ms. Kee explained that the purpose of the PDD district is to accommodate proposals for the same or similar uses to be developed as integrated units such as offices, commercial or service centers, shopping centers, industrial uses, residential developments or proposals where any appropriate combination of uses which may be planned, developed or operated as integral land use units either by a single owner or a combination of owners. The PDDs are appropriate in areas where the land use plan reflects either the specific uses proposed in the PDD or where the land use plan reflects mixed use as a land use category. Ms. Kee stated that any use or combination of uses authorized by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council is permitted in this district if the use if consistent with the following categories: Planned Development District -Housing (PDD-H) -Any use permitted in the residential zoning districts is permitted. 2. Planned Development District -Business (PDD-B) -Any use permitted in the office and commercial zoning districts is permitted. 3. Planned Development District -Industrial (PDD-I) -Any use permitted in the R&D (Research and Development) or industrial zoning district is permitted. 4. Planned Development District -Mixed Use (PDD-M) -Any combination of uses permitted in the residential, office, commercial or industrial zoning districts are permitted. Ms. Kee explained that Sexually Oriented Enterprises and Mobile or Manufactured Housing uses are not allowed in any PD District. Requests for a PDD designation shall be processed as a rezoning request. An initial development plan for the proposed PDD shall be required that shows the location of the planned development and the relationship of the various land uses included in the development. Ms. Kee stated that development requirements for each separate PD District shall be included as a part of the development plan for each PDD District and shall include, but may not be limited to uses, density, lot area, lot widths and depths, yard widths and depths, building heights and elevations and other requirements as the City Council and Planning and Zoning Commission may deem appropriate. This ordinance amendment will go to City Council on January 8, 1998. P&Z Minutes December 4, 1997 Page 3 of 4 • • Commissioner Silvia moved to recommend approval of this ordinance amendment. Commissioner Rife seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. S: Discussion of overlays along major corridors and entrances into College Station as directed by Council, and creation of a Task Force containing Planning and Zoning Commissioners, Community Appearance Committee Members, and members of City Council. City Planner Kee explained to the Commissioners that this was an opportunity for members to discuss overlays and consider serving on the Task Force to discuss potential overlay districts. Chairman Massey explained that during the joint discussion held between the City Council and Planning and Zoning Commission it was decided to create a task force of members from various Committees. The discussion included creating a task force to discuss the possible overlays and entrances into the City. Chairman Massey asked that if any one would like to serve on the task force to let him or City Planner Kee know and they would inform the City Council. Ms. Kee explained that this would be a long range project that would require multiple meetings and discussions. AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Other Business. Chairman Massey explained that there are many sub-committees that require Commissioner participation (Telecommunications Towers Task Force, Parkland Dedication Ordinance Subcommittee, etc). City Planner Kee explained that there is another subcommittee in the process of forming to discuss the Wolf Pen Creek zoning district changes. This committee would be responsible to update the zoning districts in the Wolf Pen Creek district. This is anticipated to be a one-time meeting consisting of Parks & Recreation Staff, Planning Staff, Planning and Zoning Commissioners, and the WPC Design Review Board. Any Commissioners interested in serving on any task force or subcommittee can contact Chairman Massey or Staff. AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Adjourn. Commissioner Parker moved to adjourn the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Commissioner Silvia seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5-0). 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