HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/18/1997 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES • Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS December 18, 1997 6:00 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Massey, Commissioners Lightfoot, Silvia, Garner and Parker. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioners Gribou and Rife. STAFF PRESENT: City Planner Kee, Senior Planner McCully, Staff Planner Battle, Assistant City Engineer Morgan, Development Coordinator Volk, Staff Assistant Charanza, Transportation Planner Hard, Assistant Development Coordinator Ruiz, Fire Marshall Mies, Mapping Specialist Manhart, Graduate Engineer Kaspar, Forestry Superintendent Albrecht, Electrical Superintendent Havens, and Assistant City Attorney Reynolds. AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Approval of minutes from the meeting of December 4, 1997. • Commissioner Silvia moved to approve the minutes from the meeting of December 4, 1997 as written. Commissioner Parker seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5-0). AGENDA ITEM N0.2: Public hearing and consideration of a City Initiated Rezoning of all lots within the Fozfire Subdivision from R-1 Single Family Residential to A-OR Rural Residential. (97-114) City Planner Kee presented the staff report and stated that the subdivision was annexed into the City in 1992 and zoned R-1 at that time. In 1995 the Council adopted regulations for rural residential subdivisions. These regulations were designed to allow large lot single family subdivisions to develop with more rural street sections and fewer urban standards, all within the city limits. The A-OR zoning district was adopted as well as amendments to the subdivisions regulations addressing the different standards. Ms. Kee explained that at the time the A-OR standards were developed the Foxfire Homeowners Association became interested in rezoning their subdivision. This rezoning would protect the larger lots by not allowing an resubdivision of less than one acre. It also makes their rural residential street sections conform to the subdivision regulations for this type development. Changing from R-1 to A-OR also exempts these lots from compliance with various ordinance such as weeds and grass, animal permitting and parking in the yard. Ms. Kee stated that the homeowners association circulated a petition that resulted in 125 of the 178 lots in favor of rezoning, five lots in opposition and 48 non-responses. Ms. Kee explained that there are 3 • one acre tracts within the area that are not included in the Foxfire Subdivision. These tracts were annexed and zoned R-1 along with the lots in Foxfire in 1992. Staff did not notify for these tracts to be P&Z Minutes December ]8, 1997 Page 1 oJ9 rezoned to A-OR. Ms. Kee stated that to avoid leaving a spot within the area with a different zoning classification staff recommends initiating rezoning these three tracts as well. • Staff recommended approval of the rezoning and recommends initiating rezoning of the three tracts not included with this case. Commissioner Silvia asked staff how much it would cost the City to install street lights in the area. Electrical Superintendent Havens explained that a preliminary design was done when Foxfire was annexed and the cost was approximately $68,000. Mr. Havens stated that funds are available in the current budget. Chairman Massey opened the public hearing. Ms. Stacy Gunnels, President of the Foxfire Homeowners Association, explained that all homeowners were notified of this rezoning request. Out of state owners were notified by certified, signature requested mail. Several years ago, sixty-four owners expressed opposition to the street lighting, therefore the lighting was not pursued. However, the rezoning and the streeting lighting are not related. Travis Small, Foxfire homeowner, expressed his concern for weed control, parking in the yard and motor homes parked along the streets. He asked if the City would maintain the 25' easements (ditches) or if the homeowners would be required to maintain. Fire Marshall Mies explained that the A-OR zoning district would be exempt from weed control, recreational vehicles parked along the street and parking in the yard. He stated that weed control would be handled on a complaint basis. Mr. Mies stated that the City would not maintain the 25' ditch section unless it caused drainage problems. • Chester Messick, Executive Director of Holy Cross Lutheran Church, stated that this church was not included in the Foxfire Homeowners Association. He stated that he had concern for what impact this rezoning would have on the church facility. Chairman Massey closed the public hearing. Commissioner Garner moved to recommend approval of the rezoning for Foxfire including the recommendation to initiate rezoning of the three excluded tracts. Commissioner Silvia seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Public hearing and consideration of a City initiated rezoning of the South Hampton Subdivision, a 52 acre single family subdivision located at the southwest corner of Nantucket Drive and State Highway 6 from R-1 Single Family Residential to PDD-H Planned Development District -Residential. (97-119) City Planner Kee presented the staff report and stated that the subject property was recently rezoned to R-1 Single Family after a master plan was approved showing 115 single family lots ranging in size from 1/4 to 1/2 acres. The minimum lot size in R-1 is 1/8 acre. If the property remains R-1, the lots could be subdivided in the future into even smaller lots. The PDD is a new district that ties the zoning classification to a particular development plan. This PD district ties the developer of South Hampton and any future owner/developer to the plan that was approved. Ms. Kee stated that any further • subdividing or changing of the street layout would require another rezoning process and therefore involve two public hearings. P&Z Minutes December 18, 1997 Page 2 of 9 Ms. Kee explained that the plan presented with this PDD contains the following: • • 109 single family lots, • residential and collector street layout as shown with one access onto Nantucket Drive, • 39 foot wide collector streets (Sand Dollar, Sconset from Wayfarer to SH 6, Cranberry Court, Ebbtide Loop, Bay and Wayfarer), • 27 foot wide streets are the remaining cul-de-sacs, • two buffer areas along SH 6 (75') and Nantucket Drive (40'). These areas will be maintained by the individual property owners. • lost LR 1,2,3 will be given to the Nantucket Homeowners Association for maintenance (for signage and landscaping) • Sidewalks as per the Subdivision Regulations. Ms. Kee stated that staff recommends approval of PDD-H subject to Council approval of the PD district ordinance and subject to staff determination of appropriate right-of--way widths based on design once the drainage report is complete. Chairman Massey opened the public hearing. Seeing no one to speak in favor of or in opposition to the request, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Silvia moved to recommend approval of the rezoning with staff recommendations. Commissioner Garner seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5-0). • AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Public hearing and consideration of a rezoning request for approximately 0.96 acres, part of Lot 14, Block T University Park II, located near the northwest corner of University Drive East and Spring Loop from C-B Business Commercial to A-P Administrative Professional. (97-120) Senior Planner McCully presented the staff report and stated that this portion of Lot 14, as well as the remaining two acres, was rezoned earlier this year from A-P Administrative Professional to C-B Business Commercial. The rezoning was approved even though the Land Use Plan showed that the tract should remain office service -the deviation from the Plan was warranted due to the fact that most of the tracts within the University Drive Overlay District on the north side of the road lead already been rezoned to C-B over the past few years. The earlier policy to reserve some tracts toward the center of the comdor as office service was there fore essentially no longer applicable to this area. The rezoning was conditioned upon a 20' landscape buffer between the commercial lot and the existing residential to the north. A minor replat has been submitted to Staff for approval for the division into two lots. The owner is preparing the lot for development as a hotel on the western two acres and a bank on the subject 0.98 acres. The bank development will fit the A-P zoning that had existed on the property prior to the recent rezoning. The owner is therefore requesting that the subject property revert to the previous A-P zoning with no conditions but will retain the C-B zoning on the remaining two acres within the 20' buffer condition. Staff recommended approval of this rezoning. Chairman Massey opened the public hearing. • Fain McDougal, representative of the owner, stated that this would be an excellent location for a bank. P&Z Minutes December 18, 1997 Page 3 of9 Alan Hansen, Executive Vice President for Hartland Bank, stated that this area is a good market. The subject location has easy access with a traffic light. He said that this location is good because of • centralization between both cities. Chairman Massey closed the public hearing. ', Commissioner Lightfoot moved to recommend approval of the rezoning request. Commissioner Parker seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Consideration of a Preliminary Plat and public hearing of a Conditional Use Permit for the use and associated site plan to allow the construction of a new intermediate school on Graham Road. (97-720 & 97-322) Staff Planner Battle presented the staff report and stated that the proposed development includes the platting of 46 acres that is located in a relatively undeveloped portion of the City that is receiving increasing development interest. The front portion of the larger tract will be used for the intermediate school. CSISD plans to reserve the rear portion for a future elementary school site. Full build-out of the entire site will include dedication of the extension of a major collector through the southern portion of the property and dedication of a portion of the property for a park adjoining the elementary school. The first phase of the development is a new intermediate school that includes 74,185 sq. ft. of classrooms and 134 parking spaces. A 480 foot pick up/drop off loop runs parallel to Graham in front of the main building which faces northwest toward Graham. A 100 space parking lot on the southwest side of the site provides most of the parking. The site design leaves a lot of space for future expansions • of buildings and parking lots. The Land Use Plan shows medium density residential surrounding the school with some industrial use on Graham southwest of the school site. The driveways do not meet the express technical dimensions as provided in the Driveway Access Ordinance. However, the driveways were redesigned early in the submittal process and the Staff granted a variance as provided under the Ordinance. The applicants are requesting a variance to the curbing requirements for the fire lane drive leading to the turn-around area and for the turn-around itself. Staff is recommending approval of this variance due to the fact that that entire area will be gated offto public access and will be used by the Fire Department in times of emergency only. Similar variances have been granted by the Commission in the past. The request is in compliance with the Land Use Plan and with other elements of the Comprehensive Plan. The applicants have worked with Staff to lay out a site that seeks to minimize peak hour impacts to the surrounding area. Mr. Battle explained that Section 14 of the Zoning Ordinance authorizes the existence of conditional uses. The Commission may permit a conditional use subject to appropriate conditions and safeguards, when after public notice and hearing the Commission finds that: (Staff comments are in italics) 1. "The proposed use meets all the minimum standards established in the ordinance for the type of use proposed." Staff reviewed the site plan and found compliance with most of the required • development standards. A couple of minor revisions were required and have been submitted. The Zoning Ordinance does not establish parking requirements for public schools. There have been some concerns expressed due to the parking situations at existing schools P&Z Minutes December 18, 1997 Page 4 of 9 2. "That the proposed use meets the purpose and intent of the ordinance and is in harmony with the development policies and goals and objectives as embodied in the Comprehensive Plan for • Development of the City." The use is compatible with the land use plan and surrounding land uses. 3. "That the proposed use will not be detrimental to the health, welfare, and safety of the surrounding neighborhood or its occupants, nor be substantially or permanently injurious to neighboring property." The public hearing is an opportunity for the Commission to measure the potential impact on surrounding land uses. "The Commission may impose additional reasonable restrictions or conditions to carry out the spirit and intent of the ordinance and to mitigate adverse effects of the proposed use. These requirements may include, but are not limited to, increased open space, loading and parking requirements, additional landscaping, and additional improvements such as curbing, sidewalks and screening." Unless the public hearing brings to light any new information indicating potential negative impacts, Staff recommends approval of the Preliminary Plat and Conditional Use Permit. Staff also recommends approval of the curbing variance. Assistant City Engineer Morgan explained that Graham Road from Wellborn to the Bypass will be upgraded. Chairman Massey expressed his concern with Schaffer Road not being upgraded. Ms. Morgan explained that Schaffer would probably be upgraded when that area is built out. Ms. Morgan also explained that there is a possibility that Schaffer Road would be moved. • Chairman Massey opened the public hearing. Seeing no one to speak in favor of or in opposition to the request, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Garner moved to approve the site plan, conditional use permit and preliminary plat with the curb variance. Commissioner Silvia seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Consideration of a Preliminary Plat for expansion of Oakwood and Willow Branch schools, and public hearing and consideration of a Conditional Use Permit for the use and associated site plan to allow the expansion of Willow Branch Intermediate School at 105 Holik (97-719 & 97-321) StaffPlanner Battle presented the staff report and stated that the proposed development is an expansion to the existing school facilities. The additions will include a new football field, track and stadium, 14,514 sq. ft. gymnasium, 12,246 sq. ft. of classrooms, and 94 new parking spaces. The Planning and Zoning Commission has recently approved associated changes proposed to the Oakwood side. These properties were never platted and this plat will clarify property lines, create two lots, and dedicate additional right-of--way to Anderson, Holik and Timber Streets. Along portions of Holik, where the applicant is realigning the right-of--way to center over Holik Street, there will be portions of right-of- way which will be vacated. CSISD will be requesting the Council vacate small portions of this right-of- way to "clean up" the alignment of Holik and it's right-of--way. The 0.3 acre Danen lot at the southwest corner of the replat (where Timber curves) will remain unbuildable and therefore will require a variance • to the Subdivision Regulations. P&Z Minutes December 18, 1997 Page S of 9 I~ C Mr. Battle explained that Section 14 of the Zoning Ordinance authorizes the existence of conditional uses. The Commission may permit a conditional use subject to appropriate conditions and safeguards, when after public notice and hearing the Commission finds that: (Staff comments are in italics) 1. "The proposed use meets all the minimum standards established in the ordinance for the type of use proposed." Staff reviewed the site plan and found compliance with most of the required development standards. A couple of minor revisions were required and have been submitted.. 2. "That the proposed use meets the purpose and intent of the ordinance and is in harmony with the development policies and goals and objectives as embodied in the Comprehensive Plan for Development of the City." The use is compatible with the existing school uses on the site and surrounding residential uses. 3. "That the proposed use will not be detrimental to the health, welfare, and safety of the surrounding neighborhood or its occupants, nor be substantially or permanently injurious to neighboring property." The public hearing is an opportunity for the Commission to measure the potential impact on surrounding land uses. "The Commission may impose additional reasonable restrictions or conditions to carry out the spirit and intent of the ordinance and to mitigate adverse effects of the proposed use. These requirements may include, but are not limited to, increased open space, loading and parking requirements, additional landscaping, and additional improvements such as curbing, sidewalks and screening." Unless the public hearing brings to light any new information indicating potential negative impacts, Staff recommends approval. Staff also recommended approval of the Preliminary Plat with approval of the variance with the condition that the Final Plat includes a note that the lot is unbuildable. Chairman Massey opened the public hearing. Mr. Tom Parker, 1530 Wolf Run and representative of the Homeowners Association, expressed his concerns and the concerns of the Homeowners Association. He stated that there would be a dramatic increase in traffic. He explained that this subdivision is and older neighborhood and the street widths cannot accommodate on-street parking which is what happens when parents are picking their children up from the school. The parents drive through the neighborhood and park on their street to wait for the children. Mr. Parker said that generally traffic is backed up to the church on Anderson Street. There is a problem for residents turning onto Anderson because of the traffic backup during the peak times (before and after school). Mr. Bill Savage, CSISD representative, explained that the additional parking spaces are being added due to curriculum, there will not be an increase of students. He explained that there would not be exterior lighting around the football field. Mr. Savage said that the 94 additional spaces are more than needed for school operations, and are adequate for sporting events to eliminate on-street parking. Mr. Bryan Tucker, Cheatham & Associates, explained that the project is designed according to City • standards. He explained that this is the only reasonable curb cut along Anderson allowed by the driveway ordinance. P&Z Minutes December 18, 1997 Page 6 of 9 Mr. David Woodcock, President of Wolf Pen Village Homeowners Association, reiterated the concerns Mr. Parker stated. • Commissioner Lightfoot asked Mr. Savage where the school buses load and unload and where they enter the schools. Mr. Savage explained that no buses travel on Anderson. The bus entrances to the schools are on Holik. Mr. Raymond Neeley, 1601 Wolf Run, explained that Wolf Run is being used as a place for parents to pick up the kids. The parents make the loop to wait on the kids to cross over Anderson which is very dangerous. Mr. Hard explained that this area is not a desirable location to be signalized because of the close proximity to the George Bush intersection. The Anderson Street widening project may help alleviate some of the traffic congestion. Commissioner Lightfoot moved to table the conditional use permit request and the associated site plan until a resolution is resolved. Commissioner Silvia seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5-0). Commissioner Garner moved to recommend approval the preliminary plat with the variance request. Commissioner Lightfoot seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Consideration of a final plat for Edelweiss Estates Phase Thirteen, a 6.125 acre tract located at the northwest quadrant of the Rock Prairie Road and Edelweiss intersection. (97-250) • Graduate Engineer Kaspar presented the staff report and stated that the proposed development is Phase 13 of the master planned subdivision know as Edelweiss Estates. The applicant is requesting this variance in order to allow off-street parking to occur outside of public right-of-way. The City of College Station subdivision ordinance precludes private facilities, including parking areas, from being constructed within public rights-of--way. For this reason the applicant is proposing to construct the street back of curb against the inside right-of--way line shown on the plat, leaving 11 feet ofright-of--way on the outside edge. A 15 foot public utility easement is proposed around the common area adjacent to Cecilia Loop which would provide access for maintenance of the street and utilities. Off street parking is proposed within this public utility easement and common area and will be privately maintained and located outside of the public right-of--way. Staff recommended approval of the final plat with a variance to the right-of--way width to allow a 39 foot right-of--way with an adjacent 15 foot public utility easement. Commissioner Silvia moved to approve the plat as submitted with approval of the variance. Commissioner Garner seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 8: Public hearing and consideration of an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance revising the landscaping and streetscaping requirements. (97-822) Senior Planner McCully presented the ordinance changes and stated that this is the result of meeting the City Council's #1 Strategic Issue of Streamlining the Development Review Process. Staff put together a review team of staff members that included staff members directly involved in the landscaping . requirements. This team drafted changes to make the requirements more concise and easier to understand and enforce. Ms. McCully stated that some of the changes are substantive especially to the P&Z Minutes December 18, 1997 Page 7 of 9 streetscaping requirements. These were drafted to address some of the concerns and problems that have been expressed to staff from the development community. • McCully explained that there have been landscaping requirements since early 1970's. Staff refined the requirements in 1983 and developed the current requirements. Landscaping needs to be met during the site plan review. The current system requires landscape points that are based on the site size. It requires landscaped islands and parking lot setback requirements. Currently the developer must list the species that are going to be used and points are accrued through native canopy trees, non-canopy trees and shrubs. The recommended minor changes include moving definitions, removing some requirements not needed, and removing redundant language. Some of the other changes would make the requirements less subjective to let staff be more flexible. Developers are no longer required to identify the species which means that any species will receive points. The native plant list would be more of a guide than a requirement. Ms. McCully explained that Streetscape became a major Council Strategic Issue in the early 1990's. The City hired consultants that studied the plan and made recommendations. The Streetscape Plan was adopted by Council in early 1993. Some of the changes staff is recommending include theme plants, preservation, exemption of subdivision plats. Staff is recommending against theme plants due to lack of diversification. According to Parks Department experts, single tree lined streets can lead to tree disease. Staff is also recommending to remove the requirement that trees within the first 24' of the property be preserved. This change is due to no firm commitment to tree preservation. This requirement currently does not apply until someone submits a site plan which does not prevent anyone • from removing the trees before development. Staff is wanting to exempt subdivisions from the requirement because most subdivisions do not have room for the street tree plantings unless they provide a landscape easement or plant within the right-of--way. Chairman Massey opened the public hearing. Steve Arden, Developer for Edelweiss, explained that Edelweiss would continue to develop the way they are currently developing, but these changes would be beneficial. Chairman Massey closed the public hearing. Commissioner Lightfoot expressed his concerns for going against the consultants. Commissioner Garner moved to recommend approval of this ordinance amendment. Commissioner Silvia seconded the motion which passed (4-1) (Commissioner Lightfoot voted in opposition). AGENDA ITEM NO. 9: Other Business. Senior Planner wanted to recognize Mapping Specialist Manhart for her work on the ordinance changes. Chairman Massey also thanked Ms. Manhart for all her work on the graphics at all meetings. • Chairman Massey explained that a Council Member has not been appointed to the Overlay Task Force. City Planner Kee will check into this and get with the Commissioners. P&ZMinutes December 18, 1997 Page 8 of 9 Commissioner Parker attended the Wolf Pen Creek Ordinance review meeting. Ms. Kee stated that the intent for Wolf Pen Creek was to have more restaurants and shops in the area. She felt that after the HoteUConference Center was built there would be more. Ms. Kee stated that Parks and Recreation Director Beachy will present the ordinance changes to the Commission and Council in February or March 1998. Chairman Massey and Commissioner Garner reported on the Parkland Dedication Subcommittee. They stated that this subcommittee was finished and the changes/suggestions will be presented to the Commissioner at a later date. AGENDA ITEM NO. 10: Adjourn. Commissioner Silvia moved to adjourn the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Commissioner Garner seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5-0). A,TTE,ST: ~~ Staff Assistant, Debra Charanza • c: P&Z Minutes December 18, 1997 Page 9 oj9 Registration Form • (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting \~~~.~+~ Agenda Item No. Name ~c,e~~~ (-~ ~ F•`~~c~~~ r ~ _'. Address ~ ~' If speaking for an organization, Name of or Speaker's official capacity: . Subject on which person wishes to speak: lease remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. • Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting l Agenda Item No. Name - iii/ ~ o~G~c~ Address y/Sy ~ frD~ /~inwr~_ If speaking for an organization, Name organization: Speaker'~fficial capacity: Subject on which person wishes to speak: lease remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. • Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting ~~ /g y'iZ A enda Item No. Name Address 0 ~ If speaking for an organization, Name of or~f~fiizatip~: Speaker's offic~l capacity: ~~ Subject o~vhich person wishes to speak: lease remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. ci b ~° ~° ~I ;I A'. • Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting .. Agenda Item No. Name Address ~M If speaking for an organization, Name of 's official capacity: Subject on which Berson wishes to ease remember to step to the podium as soon as you are ecognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. •s, '1 a .~ b w ~° ~~ A • Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting ~~~1~17 Agenda Item No. ~_ Name Address 1c-ks If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: t~ ~~ 1~ Speakers official Subject on which person wishes to speak: ease remember to step to the podium as soon as you are ~fecognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. n 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. zo. zl. zzo 23. • 24, _ 25, Canning ~' Zoning Commission Guest ~,egister _~ \\11 ~~ Date ~-__J-~~_~ ~{,~~~~-~_ 1~'v~ ~ i_? J"f ~~ .---~ 1. 2. 3. ~~ ~. G~ J{ ~frfress -> ~ ~,~ ~ l~ •C, ~.,~m ~ ~~ 11. - ~ ~'~, 12. -: _ yc~ Ce ~l . K.s