HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/11/1996 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES • Planning & Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS September 11, 1996 7:00 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Hawthorne and Commissioners Smith, Massey, Garner, Gribou and Parker. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioner Lightfoot. STAFF PRESENT: Acting Director of Economic and Development Services Callaway, City Planner Kee, Planning Technician Thomas, Assistant City Engineer Morgan, Senior Planner McCully, Staff Planner Dunn, Transportation Planner Hard, Transportation Technician Hester, Energy Auditor Battle, Parks and Recreation Director Beachy, Assistant Parks and Recreation Director Ploeger and Water/Waste Water Superintendent Bill Riley. (Councilman Brad Martin was in the audience.) • AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Public hearing to discuss and consider the College Station Comprehensive Master Plan. Chairman Hawthorne informed the audience that the purpose of this public hearing is to obtain input from the public regarding the proposed Comprehensive Plan. City Planner Kee informed the Commission that tonight's public hearing is the first hearing in the adoption phase of the overall process. The Commission has several options tonight including making a recommendation to City Council, taking additional time and requesting more information and/or hold another public hearing before the City Council considers the Plan. Regardless of the Commission's decision, there will still be at least one more public hearing before the City Council before the Plan is formally adopted. Donal Simpson of Helmuth, Obata and Kassabaum, Inc. (HOK) presented the Comprehensive Master Plan to the Planning and Zoning Commission. He stated that the current population is 58,000 and is expected to grow anywhere from 86,000 to 127,000 by the year 2015 depending mainly on A&M enrollment. The goal of the Plan is to allow the City to accommodate that growth in an efficient way that maintains quality of life and serves growth in the best possible way. A key idea in the Plan was to allow the City to accommodate that growth within the capabilities of the existing infrastructure and • accommodate that growth as much as possible within environmental suitability guidelines. The Land Use Plan provides for the projected population growth over the next twenty years without an additional sanitary sewer treatment plant. Mr. Simpson concluded by discussing elements of the Parks and Open Space Plan, Thoroughfare Plan and Utility Plan and how they are all focused around the Land Ilse Plan. Mike McKay with Camp, Dresser and McKee (CDM) presented the Utility Plan including the Water Distribution Plan and possible future capital improvement projects. • Chairman Hawthorne opened the public hearing and explained that Rod Kelly, the Transportation consultant with Barton-Aschman, will arrive shortly. At that time, the public hearing will stop temporarily to allow Mr. Kelly to present the Thoroughfare Plan. He requested that the public hold their questions pertaining to the Thoroughfare Plan until Mr. Kelly amves. Dennis Maloney of 803 Welsh is concerned with maintaining the integrity of the South side neighborhood. He does not believe that this area is appropriate for redevelopment because of the number of historic structures in the area. Reinvestment should be encouraged in this neighborhood and supported by the Commission and City Council. Bill Stewart of 708 Hereford reiterated that it is important to preserve the historic neighborhoods in College Station, particularly the South side neighborhood. He suggested that if traffic problems are driving the need for neighborhood redevelopment, alternative transportation methods should be considered to decrease traffic problems. Randy Merrill of 900 Hereford stated that he would like to see the preservation of historic neighborhoods in College Station similar to what is being done in Bryan. Robert Baldwin, a planning consultant in Dallas, Texas, stated that within the mixed use area at Sebesta Road and the State Highway 6 Bypass, figure #34, erroneously indicates a buffer between the industrial land use and the proposed office land use. However, no buffer is indicated between the industrial land • use and the proposed medium density residential land use. Ms. Trail of 209 Montclair stated that apartments should not be allowed in the South side historical neighborhood. Rod Kelly with Barton and Aschman provided a brief overview of the Thoroughfare Plan element of the Comprehensive Plan. Mary Ann Oprisko stated that she is concerned with a new loop that is being shown on the Thoroughfare Plan utilizing Barron Road and Dowling Road. She would prefer for Barron and Dowling Roads to be offset. Thomas Madison informed the Commission that he owns the property on the northwest <;orner of Krenek Tap and the State Highway 6 Bypass. He would like to have a regional retail or a mixed use land use on his property from the Bypass to the extension of Central Park Lane. Wendy Wolfe of 2924 Camille stated that she is concerned with the proposal by the Texas Department of Transportation to provide bicycle lanes on Texas Avenue primarily for safety reasons. Sherri Ellison of 2705 Brookway expressed concern with the designation of some tracts along the Highway 6 Bypass as mixed use and with traffic on Appomattox. There has been little discussion of • what is allowed within the mixed use land uses. She also stated that the draft report did not include what is being proposed as urban design capital improvement projects. P & Z Minutes September 11, 1996 Page 2 of 3 Norma Miller of 504 Guernsey questioned who will pay for the improvements necessary to accommodate future growth and asked if the rumor that Texas A&M wants to expand into the South side neighborhood is true. • Bert Herman, who owns the property along the Highway 6 Bypass adjacent to the VVindwood neighborhood, stated that he does not want Appomattox Road to extend to the Highway 6 Frontage Road as is proposed on the Thoroughfare Plan. Jerry Cooper of 602 Bell Street suggested changing the term of "high density residential" to possibly a "family residential" so that there is no confusion that multi-family is not allowed in the South side neighborhood. Jesus Hinojosa of 2704 Sandy Circle requested that Mr. Simpson present the "big picture" ideas behind the Comprehensive Plan. Robert Wier of 5650 Raymond Stotzer Parkway asked if it is economically feasible to provide bicycle lanes based upon the number of users they accommodate. Chairman Hawthorne closed the public hearing. He questioned staff concerning the possibly of holding a joint public hearing with the City Council. City Planner Kee stated that she would have to check into the possibility of a joint meeting. Chairman Hawthorne stated that if the meetings between the Commission and City Council could be • combined, the Commission will have the benefit of an additional public hearing as well as additional information before making a recommendation to the City Council. Commissioner Gribou suggested that the comments from tonight's public hearing be incorporated in the draft Plan before the Commission makes a recommendation. He stated that he would prefer to make a recommendation on the final document rather than a draft. AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Other business. There was no other business. AGENDA ITEM N0.3: Adjourn. Commissioner Gribou moved to adjourn the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Commissioner Massey seconded the motion which passed unopposed (6 - 0). ATT ~'. ~~ • an '~echmc~ap, Natalie Thomas` Chairman, Kyle Hawthorne P & Z Minutes September 11, 1996 Page 3 oj3 • 5 ~ E ~ GAL,,; ~,A / ~ ~:~ .~ ~ 1 ~ ~._ r'J. ~3~~ ~So3~j ~. _ 8. ~ ~~ ~.~~1 ~~ ~ ~ ~_, ~~~~~ ~-I~u~~ ~ C `~ "~ ~ "l try (~ 11. ~Cl'~ aN~L ~.~~ _ ~~~~C~ :. (/ Y,~_ 1~ P.' ~ S r ~ SC • A ~ +/ l~ 18. ~ j ~ --~~1,, , ~ Gam-( ~_ Z0. `'eft :_,Ci y~ (_, I E. ~k-.o ~ Oo ~ ~Y del! ~~ _ ~ F~ ZS C.S . 1~ ~T S~~O ~ (~ ~~ r. ., w ~ ; ~, ~ /~, -- a;r ~;- i '_ ~' ;, ~{ 21. _~~~.~ ~' i,'1 ~ ! ~r U,~ y~~ 1 . ~~,~~~. 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