HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/17/1996 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commissioni • MINUTES Planning & Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS October 17, 1996 7:00 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Hawthorne and Commissioners Smith, Massey, Gribou, Parker and Lightfoot. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioner Garner. STAFF PRESENT: Acting Director of Development Services Callaway, City Planner Kee, City Engineer Laza, Planning Technician Thomas, Development Coordinator Volk, Graduate Civil Engineer Homeyer, Senior Planner McCully, Staff Planner Dunn, Energy Auditor Roman and Assistant City Attorney Reynolds. • AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Approval of minutes from the meeting of October 3, 1996. Commissioner Massey moved to approve the minutes from the meeting of October 3, 1996 with the following two paragraphs to be inserted before the last paragraph on page three. "Commissioner Massey questioned staff as to the potential problems that could result in allowing the larger driveway proposed by the applicant. City Engineer Laza stated that he knew of no adverse impacts the larger driveway could create; however, the applicant has not proven that the driveway ordinance cannot be met at this location. " Commissioner Smith seconded the motion which passed unopposed (6 - 0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Public hearing to consider a rezoning request for 589 Graham Road, 3.25 acres located on the northwest corner of Victoria Avenue and Graham Road from M-2 Heavy Industrial to C-2 Commercial Industrial. (96-115) Senior Planner McCully presented the staff report and stated that the current Land Use Plan shows the area as industrial. The existing heavy industrial zoning was placed on the property shortly after annexation in 1993. At that time, the area was viewed to be one of the few locations appropriate for existing and future heavy industrial uses; the other industrial areas were too close to residential • subdivisions to be considered appropriate for heavy industry. The Graham Road area was zoned M-2 not only to accommodate existing uses but also to provide areas for future heavy industry should such uses come to College Station. Senior Planner McCully stated that for over a decade the city has had a policy of separating commercial uses from industrial uses. This policy was adopted in an effort to properly plan infrastructure for industry, and to reserve land for future industrial users. To further these goals, the Council removed all • commercial uses from the M-2 district in 1984. A rezoning to C-2 would remove the heavy industrial uses from the list of permitted uses and add general commercial uses such as retail, restaurants, and theaters. As such, the request is not in compliance with the current Land Use Plan or with the policy to reserve this particular area for heavy industrial. With this request the City Council is being requested to change the Land Use Plan for this property. The main arguments for the change include the nature of the existing uses on Graham Road as well as the growth of residential development in the vicinity. The applicant has submitted a list of companies and/or uses that currently exist on Graham Road. Most of them would fit either into a C-2, C-1, or A-P classification. Currently, there are no uses on Graham Road that would be permitted solely in the M-2 district. According to the applicant, it is unlikely that the area will attract heavy industrial users due to existing patterns on Graham, the proximity of a new residential area, and the historical tendency of heavy industry to locate outside of College Station. There is also some indication that the lots within the area are too small to accommodate heavy industries. Despite the fact that the Graham Road area has been in the City for a relatively short period of time, the character of the area has changed in the past three years. The area came into the City as an isolated, rural industrial area. The area to the north, Edelweiss Estates, has grown and continues to grow behind it. That subdivision contains mostly single family lots with high density residential and a neighborhood park lying between the single family and the existing industrial zoning. Staff has reviewed the case in light of a potential change in the Land Use Plan in an effort to aid the Commission and Council in the decision regarding the existing policies. We have found that allowing general commercial uses on the subject site could result in the following: (1) A change in character of the subject site could justify further rezoning of the Graham • Road area. Commercial zoning could be contained around the Victoria/Graham Road intersection by way of the new land use plan or it could be extended along the entire length of the Graham Road corridor between Victoria and Wellborn Road. (2) The existing uses on Graham Road include a mix of office, warehouse, and light industrial uses. A change to a retail classification along the entire corridor would render the light industrial uses (laboratories and other research activities) nonconforming with the plan.. (3) The existing site is located within the Sanitary Sewer Service Area 92-01. The land use assumptions for that study area will change and thus the study will need to be changed with the next scheduled update of the report. However, due to the fact that the assumptions in the calculations relating to utility usage are fairly broad, commercial and industrial uses are aggregated within the same category for purposes of cost recovery. (4) The impact to the area road systems will also remain the same whether the area remains industrial or changes to allow commercial uses. While industrial traffic tends to be less, the traffic has a higher impact on the roadways on a per vehicle basis. (5) Aland use plan change would essentially mean that the City will have no land set aside exclusively for heavy industrial users. The draft land use plan that is currently under consideration by the City Council includes an industriaUR&D category, and does not • accommodate heavy industry. The consultants recommend that no heavy industrial areas be specifically set aside, and that any future heavy industrial user be accommodated on a case-by-case basis. P & Z Minutes October 17, 1996 Page 2 of 8 Senior Planner McCully stated that the request does not meet the existing Land Use Plan nor does it • meet the policy of separating commercial and industrial uses. However, there has been some indication that the plan and policy may change in relation to the Graham Road area. As with any other zoning request, Staffs recommendation is based on the past policies that have been adopted by the City. In this particular case, the past policies that have been applied to the Graham Road area may change in the near future. The decision regarding the Land Use Plan must be made before the appropriate zoning can be established. From a planning and zoning standpoint, both the past policy to reserve the Graham Road area exclusively for industrial uses and the submitted request to allow commercial uses within the area have merit. Staff could only recommend approval of the request if the past policy to retain Graham Road as an area devoted exclusively to industrial uses is changed. Chairman Hawthorne opened the public hearing. Co-owner of the subject property, David White, approached the Commission and stated that the proposed rezoning will allow uses that are much more neighborhood friendly. He requested that the Commission consider the rezoning of the subject property with the possibility of looking at the broad picture in the future. The proposed zoning is more appropriate for the Graham Road area due to the adjacent neighborhood, the size of the industrial lots and the need for more commercial uses in the area. David Schink, the new director of the Texas A&M Geochemical Environmental Research Group stated that he has no objection to the proposed rezoning as long as it will not effect the remaining industrial zoning along Graham Road. The research group is a fairly clean operation with some welding and machinery that requires the M-2 industrial zoning. • Mary Lind Bryan of 1813 Shadowood informed the Commission that the surrounding residents support the rezoning request and many signed letters and petitions were presented in support of the change. If the City's number one priority is to protect residential neighborhoods, then the rezoning request should be granted. Heavy industrial uses are unlikely in this area given the size of the property and the adjacent retirement homes and residential neighborhood. Applicant Lynn White of 5605 Polo Road stated that they have been approached by several potential tenants all wanting commercial uses allowed in a C-2 zone or less. She requested that the Commission help them draw a close to the entire process by allowing someone to move into the vacant building. The M-2 zoning has not drawn heavy industrial type uses into the area like the City originally thought. Heavy industry will not take on the liability of the adjacent park, retirement homes and residential neighborhood. Ms. White stated that she met with many of the adjacent residents who signed petitions requesting to not have the heavy industrial zoning but allow more commercial type uses. Judy Cook of 3105 Nottingham stated that the Commission should look at the entire area and make it friendly to the neighborhoods which are currently pushing up against Graham Road. There may be the need for a combined classification that is more residential friendly. With the changes along Graham Road, the C-2 zoning classification will lend itself well to the area. Chairman Hawthorne closed the public hearing. P & Z Minutes October 17, 1996 Page 3 of 8 Commissioner Gribou moved to recommend approval of the rezoning request with the caveat that the Council only approve the rezoning if the policy for the entire area is changed where more rezonings • could be considered than just the subject property to comply with the proposed land use plan. If the policy is not changed, the rezoning will be an example of spot zoning. Commissioner Parker seconded the motion. Commissioner Massey explained that he was not necessarily opposed to the gymnastics facility that came before the Commission previously. However, the mechanics of the request was difficult in that the applicant was proposing a neighborhood friendly use in a zoning category that would still allow hazardous things right next door. He informed the applicant that he saw the petition that was circulated and that it was a little harsh. This is the first opportunity the Commission has had the opportunity to examine the policy issues involved and address the problem in a planned and coordinated way. Commissioner Gribou stated that looking at the way the area has developed, the current industrial zoning appears to be an intrusion on the neighborhood. He suggested that perhaps the existing uses could be grandfathered or the uses could be addressed in the various zoning classifications that are being reviewed as part of the comprehensive plan. Commissioner Lightfoot expressed concern that the Commission has only heard from this one property owner along Graham Road that is in favor of the rezoning and policy change. There are several businesses in the area that would probably want to provide input before a policy change is made that may or may not affect their property. There are other factors and other people to be considered that have not had the opportunity to participate. Commissioner Lightfoot stated that he does not feel comfortable recommending approval of a rezoning when there are so many other factors that must be • considered. Chairman Hawthorne stated that he agrees that the area is probably more conducive to commercial uses; however, he agrees with Commissioner Lightfoot that there is a bigger policy issue involved. He also expressed concern with the way the motion was made. It does not give the Council any discretion on the policy decision concerning the proposed comprehensive plan and the input from the adjacent property owners. The Council should have the discretion to involve the surrounding business owners and get H.O.K.'s recommendation for the land use plan in this area before making a policy decision. Commissioner Parker stated that he is operating under the assumption that there will be extensive changes to the current zoning classifications. The Mixed Use zoning with a Research and Development designation maybe appropriate for the Graham Road area. He stated that he does not want to send the signal to Council that we should go out and make a policy decision without further input. Commissioner Parker moved to amend the motion to recommend approval of the rezoning request without any further recommendations. The amendment failed due to lack of a second. The motion to recommend approval failed (2 - 4); Commissioners Gribou and Smith voted in favor of the motion. • Commissioner Parker moved to recommend approval of the C-2 zoning as presented. The motion failed due to lack of a second. P & Z Minutes October 17, 1996 Page 4 of 8 AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Public hearing to consider a rezoning request for 3.5 acres in the • Edelweiss Subdivision located on the northeast corner of the Wellborn Road and Mortier Drive intersection from C-3 Planned Commercial to C-2 Commercial Industrial. (96-117) Senior Planner McCully presented the staff report and stated that the applicant is requesting the rezoning in order to prepare the property for development as an animal boarding facility with associated uses such as animal grooming and perhaps future veterinarian offices. The C-2 district is considered a more intense zoning district because in addition to the uses allowed under the present C-3 zoning, the C-2 also permits uses such as theaters, restaurants, and retail as well as more industrial commercial type uses like warehouses and welding shops. Even though the applicant would be willing to submit to certain use restrictions, placing such restrictions on the property would be tantamount to "contract zoning". Therefore the City must consider all of the uses listed in that district rather than this specific use. From a planning and zoning viewpoint, the zoning is in compliance with the City's Land Use Plan for the area. Staff recommended approval with the condition that the buffer area be developed as is laid out in the R&D district and in keeping with the condition placed on the Master Plan and original zonings for this Edelweiss Subdivision. One call was received from the owner of the Villas of Rock Prairie concerned with the larger variety of uses allowed in the C-2 zoning district. Chairman Hawthorne opened the public hearing. Patricia K. Rogers of 1615 Emerald Lake Court in Houston approached the Commission and state that she is the Chief Executive Officer for B3 Properties. She read letters presented to the Commission in • favor of the rezoning from Nancy Sawtelle and Dr. Michael Herron. Ms. Rogers thoroughly explained the proposed state of the art facility for the pet resort. She stated that they will make every effort to be good neighbors and agree with staff on the proposed buffer to help with noise abatement. There will be a 25' buffer between the resort and the adjacent residential area with berms and trees to help buffer the noise. Steve Arden, representative of the seller Begonia Corporation, stated that the concept being considered is so much more than a kennel which is allowed in the C-2 district. There are several uses allowed in C- 3that are not as compatible with the neighborhood as the proposed pet resort. Mr. Arden stated that buffering requirements will be imposed by the seller as well as heavy architectural controls to ensure that noise abatement will be in place. Donna Winslow, the Chief Operations Officer for B3 Properties informed the Commission that extensive research was done on the noise abatement issue. The dogs will go inside at 9:00 p.m. at the latest and come out after 7:00 a.m. James Rogers informed the Commission that he spoke with several students at Texas A&M University and found that there is an interest for this type of facility in College Station especially on weekends and holidays. Mark Eslick of 2433 Colgate stated that he is an Animal Science major at Texas A&M. He stated that the proposed facility will offer students an opportunity to get the hands on experience needed to get into • veterinary school. P & Z Minutes October 17, 1996 Page 5 of 8 i• Barbara Grayhouse informed the Commission that she has known Donna Winslow for eighteen years and she has a top notch facility in her home. Ms. Winslow will do everything necessary to make this a top notch facility that fits in with the community. Chairman Hawthorne closed the public hearing. Commissioner Smith moved to recommend approval of the rezoning request for 3.5 acres in the Edelweiss Subdivision located on the northeast corner of the Wellborn Road and Monier Drive intersection from C-3 Planned Commercial to C-2 Commercial Industrial with the staff recommendations concerning buffering. Commissioner Massey seconded the motion which passed unopposed (6 - 0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Public hearing to consider a rezoning request for approximately 16 acres located in the southeast quadrant of the Texas Avenue and Holleman Drive intersection containing portions of the Pooh's Park Subdivision, from WPC Wolf Pen Creek Corridor to C-1 General Commercial. (96-116) City Planner Kee presented the staff report and stated that the particular property under consideration for rezoning is a tract with Texas Avenue frontage and frontage on the future Kyle extension. It has a large amount of creek frontage and is on the periphery of the WPC district at the upper end of the creek near the Texas Avenue / SH 30 intersection. Property owners have expressed concern over their ability to market the property and develop it for retail use under the WPC regulations. It is a large tract of land that is attractive to the big box retailer or shopping center. These business orient to major arterials and draw vehicular traffic to their sites from these adjacent roadways. It is not likely that this particular piece of property will be divided up into the kind of small commercial establishments envisioned to develop along the creek corridor. Allowing this property to develop oriented to Texas Avenue and without the architectural review of the WPC district will not harm the future implementation of the Wolf Pen Creek Master Plan as long as certain conditions are placed on this rezoning. Conditions should include those that would not preclude improvements to the creek and the minimum reservation area that are necessary to implement the plan. The best mechanism is a development agreement whereby the City has some assurance that this can occur, similar to the agreement executed for the Wolf Nursery project. A development agreement could also address other items such as the extension of Kyle through this property. Only half of the right-of--way will be coming from this tract and the City will be constructing the street at some future date. An agreement would tie down responsibilities in this matter. Staff recommended approval of the rezoning request with the condition that a development agreement be prepared and approved addressing drainage, erosion control and other master plan elements related to the creek and minimum reservation area. Commissioner Gribou questioned staff pertaining to examples of when the Design Review Board has prevented development within the area as opposed to enhancing the quality of the area. City Planner Kee stated that she knew of no development. The first project, Wolfe Nursery, property developed in accordance with the Plan. examples where the Board discouraged or prevented was a learning experience for everyone; however, the • Chairman Hawthorne opened the public hearing. P & Z Minutes October 17, 1996 Page 6 of 8 Representative of the applicant, Art Anderson an attorney who practices zoning and land use law, approached the Commission and stated that several persons have approached the owner wanting to • purchase the property for retail development. Each time that has happened, they have decided that the restrictions, either by ordinance or process, will prevent them from developing the property. From a land use standpoint, it is appropriate for a shopping center or big box users because of the size of the property and its location on Texas Avenue. The property is on the periphery of the district and a majority of uses within this quadrant are C-1 uses. Mr. Anderson stated that no one will be adversely impacted if the rezoning is granted and virtually all of the landowners within this section of the comdor are in support of the request. A logical terminus point for the district is at the Kyle Avenue extension. He stated that they are opposed to the development agreement recommended by staff. The C-1 district and its provisions do not reference a development agreement or drainage requirement. If the property is rezoned to C-1, then the C-1 standards should apply. Otherwise, the development agreement condition may create contract zoning in this situation. The C-1 zoning classification is appropriate on its own merits without requiring certain land dedication and public improvements. The drainage issues on this property should be addressed at the time of platting and not at the time of zoning. Paul Clarke of Clarke & Wyndham stated that he is not specifically against the rezoning request; however, he is against any property along the Wolf Pen Creek frontage trying to pull out of the master plan. He stated that he represents 70 - 80% of the property owners along the creek and none are in favor of allowing someone to pull out of the master plan. This issue is a planning issue and not a zoning issue since the master plan was adopted and implemented by the City Council several years ago. The Tax Increment Finance district is finally accumulating some money that will help pay for public improvements within the creek to implement the master plan further. There is no land use that can go on the subject property that is not allowed within the Wolf Pen Creek zoning district. The subject • property has a substantial amount of frontage along the creek and is a critical parcel. Mr. Clarke stated that he will not oppose the rezoning if the staff recommendations are met so that the plan is still valid. Applicant Dixie Dale informed the Commission that there is retail development all around the subject property. Once Kyle Avenue is extended, it will provide a well defined buffer between the Wolf Pen Creek area and the retail development along Texas Avenue. Many property owners in this quadrant opposed the original vision presented by the Council in the 1980's of a San Antonio Riverwalk. After ten years in the district, the owners would like to sell the property for a much needed big box user or a power center. The vision can begin at Kyle Avenue and continue back to the Bypass. Reverend Floyd J. Polk, Sr. of First Methodist Church stated that he is in favor of the rezoning request. The dream of Wolf Pen Creek as a riverwalk is almost impossible. If the subject property was developed commercially, it would add to the tax base. Pastor Garvin of the Washington Baptist Church informed the Commission that he is in favor of the rezoning request. Henry Hilton, the owner of the Certified Copy building stated that he is in favor of the rezoning request. He stated that the property owners want to get their money out of the property. Lori Williams, owner of Lube King on Holleman, approached the Commission and stated that the • property was C-1 before the Wolf Pen Creek plan was implemented and they would like for the C-1 zoning back in order to have a higher market value. Potential buyers of the property have pulled out because of the zoning restrictions. P & Z Minutes October 17, 1996 Page 7 of 8 Chairman Hawthorne closed the public hearing. Commissioner Smith moved to deny the rezoning request for approximately 16 acres located in the • southeast quadrant of the Texas Avenue and Holleman Drive intersection containing portions of the Pooh's Park Subdivision from WPC Wolf Pen Creek Corridor to C-1 General Commercial. Commissioner Gribou seconded the motion. Commissioner Smith stated that he has a problem with removing any property from the District without an in depth study being conducted since so much time and effort has been spent on implementing the plan. He stated that he does not feel comfortable in wiping out a lot of the hard work and community involvement without further consideration. Commissioner Smith suggested that the Commission receive more direction from the H.O.K. consultants and the City Council before voting against the master plan. n U Commissioner Lightfoot agreed and stated that the master plan was a community decision made years ago and such a decision to ignore the plan should not be decided in just a moment. There are definitely drainage problems that must be addressed that involve other property owners that are not present tonight. Commissioner Lightfoot stated that he thinks the city will be doing the community a disservice by granting the rezoning request and doing away with the plan. There is nothing that stops commercial development now in the Wolf Pen Creek area. Chairman Hawthorne stated that the issue is more of a planning issue that the city has committed to through the adoption and implementation of the master plan. This issue is much bigger than the rezoning request. If the Council decides to back off the plan, then there needs to be a policy decision made concerning the entire area and not just the subject property. Chairman Hawthorne stated that he thinks the C-1 zoning is appropriate for the area; however, the entire area should be examined instead of just looking at the subject property. The motion to deny the rezoning request passed (5 ~- 1); Cc:nmissioner Parker voted in opposition to the motion. ~~'~' ~ ~ ,;',_ ,,, ,. ,~ . > , AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Other business. There was no other business. AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Adjourn. Commissioner Lightfoot moved to adjourn the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Commissioner Parker seconded the motion which passed unopposed (6 - 0). \ ~ ~.. G ~. ATTE : --~ / /~ -. '; ,~_ . ' /~ ~ ~:~ a~'i ~~~` Planning Technician, Natalie Thomas -" At'PROVED: ~i Chairman, Kyle Hawthorne P & Z Minutes October 17, 1996 Page 8 of 8 Registration Form • (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting Agenda Item No. Name Address If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: Subject on which person wishes to speak: ase remember to step to the podium as soon as you are gnized by the chair, hand your completed registration rm to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. Registration Form • (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting ',0 i~ ~ 1_.~ Agenda Item No. ~_- ~ Name ~~~~,~y~ , ~~ ~\~. ~ •, <.~, ,~ Address i l: ' ;~~ ~~ ~~ _ . ~,~~ °r' ~ ~ x If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: t ~,, i- 1~ . ~! ~, . ~ .. Subject on which person wishes to speak: ~~..'1 r, , ease remember to step to the podium as soon as you are gnized by the chair, hand your completed registration m to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. Registration Form • (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting ~ ~ "~ '~ Agenda Item No. ~' ~ '~ `'-' .~ ~; .~ Name ~-; ~ ., , ,, : ~ . Address ~, ~ ;,~ ..~ _. , ,~~ ~ ,~ ~ . ~ , ~ 1,~ i If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: Subject on which person wishes to speak: ease remember to step to the podium as soon as you are gnized by the chair, hand your completed registration m to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. Registration Form • (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting ~tti. "~ ~ ' ' ,~. Agenda Item No. - ~. _~ j~ Name f~~ ' r ~ ~~ t. ~~ _~ ~ r ,. Address ~ ~,,, ~~ + t. If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: Subject on which person wishes to speak: ~i c ~ (;~ ~, rs_, ~ ~ ~? ase remember to step to the podium as soon as you are gnized by the chair, hand your completed registration m to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. Registration Form • (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Name _ Address Date of Meeting ~~~~ Agenda Item No. ,,~ c ..ti If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: ~ ~,!., . Speaker's official capacity: Subject on which person wishes to speak: ase remember to step to the podium as soon as you are gnized by the chair, hand your completed registration m to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. Registration Form • (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting ~0~ iI ~~w Agenda Item No. Name _ Ie~ y, F~vYD J . Ga[.~ S,~„ /~le~ M~z~` Address If speaking for an organization, official catiacity: ase remember to step to the podium as soon as you are gnized by the chair, hand your completed registration rm to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. Name of organization: Subject on which person wishes to speak: Registration Form • (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting ~.~ i_' -"T 1 j / ~~y'~,~: Agenda Item No. ~_ Name ~v ~~~-' ~V' / ~7 r r'_ 1` ~ ~ Address ~.~- ~ 'i ,~~~ ~~- ~= T , rt..' ,r ; ~=~ ~~=, i~ ~' If speaking for an organization, ~' ? ~` r~--~~ Name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: ,~-~ Subject on which persons wishes to speak: i ~-~ r-`',~ C~ fir, ! ~-Lw /C . ~`:.) 1;_~ yJ,/ '~~lF l~1\~ t,..y i~ ~ ~ .ase remember to step to the podium as soon as you are gnized by the chair, hand your completed registration to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting ~~- 6'1 " g~a Agenda Item No. Name ~o~~ Gc~i~c /A-ncs Address 5'o z 6 «-~~isT , ~u~4~ ST~tT'i®~,/ If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: /GG/I4rrts L-GlF,~ ~j/~c./~i -Y~R~~ /~J/~(E /Jt1'L~ Speaker's official capacity: o~~rEO ~P~-{~~- ~ne. lc~~~~/~rx5~t~" Ki~u~ Subject on whichn/"~person wishes to /s~peak/:f ~ ^ '~O [~ -~ _ . ~ i. ~ L ~/1LG~f- n ~ //~ 1 r . G ~F] I I " ~ EE{L 1.~61/C. /~- ~ ase remember to step to the podium as soon as you are gnized by the chair, hand your completed registration m to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. Registration Form . (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting ~ ~ - I'7~ ~~ Agenda Item No. z-- Name ~"~ ~.v- L~ Address C . S If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: Subject on which person wishes to CZ,Y~c ~r --.c 1\ ~ ~ ase remember to step to the podium as soon as you are gnized by the chair, hand your completed registration m to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. Registration Form . (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting ~~ ©G~ `~ (o Agenda Item No. Z Name ~ ~~ t ;~ ~c H ~ N ~- Address l 002, ~~a 1,r' c If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: j eY A5 R ~ N1 ~~r.~/C M r~/~L ,t- n1 ti / ~ 0 til /~'~ P ~l1 ~ /I L., I~~SC'~2cN ~P-ov~ Speaker's official capacity: ~D ~ ~ec,7o~ Subject on which person wishes to speak: ase remember to step to the podium as soon as you are gnized by the chair, hand your completed registration m to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. Registration Form . (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting Agenda Item No. /~ /i 1 Name ~~ '~~~ ~~ti Address `~ _~ ~.~~, r- If speaking for an organization, Name pf organization}: , . ~. Speaker's official capacity: ,, -, -Y; Subject on which person wishes to speak: ~i ase remember to step to the podium as soon as you are gnized by the chair, hand your completed registration to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. Registration Form • (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting ~~ - i~ ~[ '% Agenda Item No. ~~ _, ~, ; Name ~/%~~.~, ~~ i~;'~Cr`. Address ~_~%' ~ ~ '~ ~~~ If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: !J Speaker's official capacity: ~, . ~ ~ ..~ :,i +')~J/lk-V `~~r (.(J(cht ((.C`l tiLi [.~ ~.~J~~ ~:~r~~T t. ~'~~ t on which person wishes to speak: r i // /; ~ ./~ . ~ ~ ~~« ~ir c CU Jf '~~' L.: 't i,L.[K.. -! //_`ltv I _.1 Yc~. l „G /'* h-C. ease remember to step to the podium as soon as you are gnized by the chair, hand your completed registration to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. Registration Form • (For persons who wish to address the Commission) (. Date of Meeting f~'~i '. ~ ` ,.~- Agenda Item No. ~rG `i. I -°-, -- Name ~`~r~ : ,.~ r~ r . Address ~= ; ~ ~ ~;~~ ~-- jar, ~ l ~: t, If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: __; , - ; . Speakers officll~ial capacity: Subject on which person wishes to speak: s a ase remember to step to the podium as soon as you are gnized by the chair, hand your completed registration m to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. C7 • • ~~annin~ ~' Zoning Commission Guest ~eBister Date ~ame 9lrfcfress 1. f '~ _ ~. ~~,' '~ _~ ~% .tom r ~ ~. J~ / ~ ~ i~-~~~ --7 ,~ ~- , ~ -, 4. i• , ~ ~~~~~< `~ 5. ~'~ ~ j~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ / ~ L.' ) 8. ~ ~j~ ,, 10. ~, - - ~G~-~~~ ,.~ . x,~~ z ~~~., ~i <~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~. - ~ C ~ ~~~~~ l 11~.'~ ~'f ~~ (.~,%~'~~~- ~ 1N, l1 tt ' %~ J '~~~r/~~;-~r ~ ~ > , _ , c~ -- nt' 14 ., _ .: : : ~ ' ~ ~ - . ~, v - ~' f ;( GJ ,~ ~ is ,_ ,:~ ,~ ~ - r ~~ ~ ~ ,r -` ~ 1~ _~ . 1 ~. ~ C M rr~ r .ir; ~ .rte. a,% 18. 19. ~ 21. ~1 ,~. -.4..:, / f~~ . f 1 ~ , ~ , .4 ~ , ~ ' U-~ Ls:e ,~ ~• , ,- 24.,~~ ~R ~ ~~i ~, ,~ ,' ~ E ~, ~ ~ ;~ ~ , ~ i~~ ' . L -. ~~~ ~ j ~. ~.. .t-, ~~ c~ .1_ c:: c. '~_ t.. _. _ _ t I _ ~ ` ~ Ll' ; _-G' i tY ~ ~ f . ~~ 1 ~ -~ ~ Li ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ / J ~~