HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/04/1996 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES Planning & Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS January 4, 1996 7:00 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Hawthorne and Commissioners Lightfoot, Gribou, Smith, Hall, Garner and Lane. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: Assistant City Engineer Morgan, Senior Planner Kuenzel, Graduate Civil Engineer Homeyer, Planning Technician Thomas, Transportation Planner Hard and Development Coordinator Volk. (Council Liaison Bill Fox was in the audience.) AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Approval of minutes from the meeting of December 7, 1995. Commissioner Gribou moved to approve the minutes from the meeting of December 7, 1995 as written. Commissioner Lightfoot seconded the motion which passed unopposed (7 - 0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Public hearing to consider a rezoning request for approximately 50 acres located on the northeast corner of the Schaffer and Graham Road intersection from A-O Agricultural Open to R-lA Single Family Residential and R-2 Duplexes. (95-109) Senior Planner Kuenzel presented the staff report and stated that the applicant wishes to prepare the property for a duplex development on the thirty-three acres south of a creek that bisects the property and single family development on the seventeen acres north of the creek. The current zoning would allow up to ten dwelling units on five acre slots. The requested zoning would increase the number of allowable units to 296 duplex units and 127 single family units (the creek will decrease the units somewhat depending on the layout of the subdivision). The requested development will impact surrounding street systems and effect maintenance costs to the City. The rezoning should therefore be conditioned on mitigation of any negative impacts and on compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan. The subject property is located just to the east of the Edelweiss Estates Subdivision and :sot:th and west of large agricultural tracts. The duplex portion of the request is located to the east of an industrial site and the single family portion is to the east of Edelweiss Phases 1, 2 and 3. The subject property is bounded on the south by Graham Road, on the west by Schaffer Road, and on the north by Arnold Road. All three roadways are in a substandard state because they were constructed long ago and maintained by the County until the area was annexed in 1993. The Thoroughfare Plan reflects three needed arterials through the area in the general locations of the existing rights-of--way. Schaffer Road runs along the western edge of the property. It is gravel and separates the proposed development from the Edelweiss Estates Subdivision that is under development to the west. This road would leave been addressed at the time Edelweiss Estates was approved if it had been located in the city limits. ]However, Schaffer was annexed one year after the approval of Edelweiss Estates. Senior Planner Kuenzel stated that Schaffer currently dead ends at a right angle into Arnold Road, which is also gravel and connects to the future bikeway/pedestrian trail to the west in Edelweiss. Arnold continues as a gravel drive to the east of the subject property and serves as the sole access road • for several rural homes that have also been annexed into the City recently. Graham Road is paved but inadequate in width and is in a deteriorating state. It has been seal-coated recently and is scheduled for a major upgrade as a Capital Improvement Project (CIP) in 1999. There is a T-intersection where Aster meets Schaffer. At the time the master plan was approved for Edelweiss, staff recommended ghat there be at least one east-west connection which would not necessarily encourage cut-through traffic, but would, at least, provide for some movement. For this reason, Aster was continued through to Schaffer rather than ending in a cul-de-sac. In order for a rezoning to be approved, an applicant must show compliance with the City's ordinances but also with the Comprehensive Plan. That Plan consists of the Land Use Plan, the Thoroughfare Plan, and Development Policies. The request complies with the Land Use Plan, which shows low density residential for the subject tract with low density residential in the Edelweiss Estates area and industrial to the west on the southwest corner of Schaffer and Graham. The request does not yet meet the Thoroughfare Plan because of the condition of Graham Road, Schaffer, and Arnold. Staff has no concern for Graham Road because the future improvements will upgrade the road to adequate levels of service. However, the Thoroughfare Plan shows anorth-south collector and a connecting east-west collector that needs to be a part of the development plan in one of two ~~vays: (1) Upgrade of the existing rights-of--way to collector standards. This option may inc;lude additional right-of--way dedication and will include provision of permanent paving with all associated road improvements. Due to the fact that the portion of Schaffer adjoining Edelweiss was not upgraded as part of that development, staff recommended that the City participate in the cost of the upgrade of that portion of Schaffer. (2) Relocation of the two collectors to the interior of the proposed development. This option may prove more beneficial to the applicant because both sides of the streets could be used for access to lots in the development. The existing roadways should be either abandoned or changed to avoid additional road maintenance costs to the City (the City will take over maintenance of the two new collectors in exchange for maintenance of the gravel roads). Similar to the Edelweiss agreement, the developer needs to account for the treatment of the two roads if the rights-of--way are to be relocated. Senior Planner Kuenzel stated that the Thoroughfare Plan also shows a local street connection. between Edelweiss Estates and the area to the east in accordance with the approved master plan for that subdivision. With the conversion of Arnold Road into abicycle/pedestrian route, it was established, at the time Edelweiss was approved, that some form of east-west movement would be needed. Aster was chosen as that connection. The fact that Aster is a cul-de-sac at the west end coupled with its smaller size will help to satisfy this need without encouraging outside traffic. The road could also be off set to further discourage cut through traffic. Such a connection also provides for a secondary access point into the proposed subdivision, as required by the City's Subdivision Regulations. Staff recommended approval of the rezoning request with the following conditions: (1) There be a north-south collector provided. (2) There be an east-west collector provided. (3) These two collectors be connected. (4) The applicant enter into a development agreement to ensure that the collectors are built within a reasonable time and to delineate treatment of the two existing rights-of=way (Arnold and Schaffer) should these two collectors be relocated. The rezoning should not take effect until this development agreement is executed. • (5) There be a connection to Schaffer from the proposed subdivision. (6) The rear portion of the industrial site owned by Texas A&M, retain access to Schaffer. P & Z Minutes January 4, 1996 Page 2 of 6 c: Senior Planner Kuenzel stated that approximately twenty-three surrounding property owners were notified of the public hearing with several inquiries. There was a lot of concern expressed for the increased traffic generated by the proposed development and the possible thru traffic betwee~i the two subdivisions. Chairman Hawthorne opened the public hearing. The following persons spoke in favor of the rezoning request: Earl Havel Garrett Engineering, Representative of the Applicant Joe Courtney Applicant & Potential Developer of the Property The following comments were made in favor of the rezoning request: (1) The proposed R-lA and R-2 zonings will function as a buffer between the existing Edelweiss Subdivision and future development along Graham Road. There will be a step down approach from the existing R-1 Edelweiss Subdivision, to R-lA and to R-2 zoning to help blend in with the existing industrial zoning and development. (2) The R-lA lots will be approximately 50' x 100' lots and the R-2 lots will be approximately 65' x 120'. This will allow for more affordable housing in the area, not low income housing. • (3) There are several alternatives in dealing with Schaffer Road. In the conceptual plan submitted to the Commission, Schaffer Road has been relocated to be incorporated with the proposed development. The existing Schaffer Road right-of--way could eithf;r be dedicated back to the property owners or the City could construct apedestrian/bike path to connect with the existing pathway in the Arnold right-of--way to eventually tie into the school and park. (4) The developer prefers not to see the connection of streets between the two subdivisions; however, it is premature to make this decision at the rezoning level. The Cit}~ has requested that there be at least one connection between the two subdivisions through Schaffer Road. (5) The proposed patio homes will be a minimum of 1300 heated square feet which. will allow a nice two bedroom, two bath home. The sales prices will begin at $90,000. • The following persons spoke in opposition to the rezoning request: Shay Scruggs Dr. Larry Rilett Andy Bland Scott Atkinson Robert Lawson Stephen Chambers Mike Noack Steve Arden Hongjie Xiong George Gray Nancy Lawson Beverly Rilett Monica Ward Bill MacColl Robert Lemon Liu Mingsheng P & Z Minrctes 602 Aster Drive 718 Aster Drive 703 Hasselt 701 Aster 702 Hasselt 708 Hasselt 715 Hasselt 2601 Rustling Oaks in Bryan 610 Hasselt 721 Hasselt 702 Hasselt 718 Aster 718 Hasselt 719 Hasselt 721 Aster 719 Aster January 4, 1996 Page 3 of G Approximately twenty-seven letters in opposition to the request were presented to the Commission The following comments were made in opposition to the rezoning request: • (1) The proposed development will cause a decrease in property values for the entire area including the existing Edelweiss Subdivision. The surrounding residents would not :have built and purchased homes in this area if they knew that duplex and smaller homes would be built in such close proximity. (The average lot size of Edelweiss Subdivision is '75' x 130' with an average market value of $120,000 - $130,000.) (2) The subject property should be zoned R-1 and the same type of development as Edelweiss should be built on the subject property. (3) The proposed traffic patterns will create problems for the existing residents. It doe:> not make sense for a narrow residential roadway to access a new subdivision of 250 households. (There is an existing problem of people speeding along Hasselt and Schaffer Road now that will only increase if the traffic concerns are not addressed.) (4) There is an existing traffic congestion problem through the school zones along Rock Prairie Road. If there is a connection between Edelweiss and the proposed subdivision, this congestion will only increase due to the cut-through traffic that will use Victoria. and Rock Prairie Roads. (5) The City needs anorth-south collector between Victoria Avenue and State Highway 6 to help with the traffic flow in this general area. It was suggested that Rio Grande be extended through the existing park to connect to Graham Road to provide this north- south movement. (6) The public hearing notice is dated December 21, 1995 during a time when a large • number of residents are out of town for the holidays. Approximately 25% of the people in the neighborhood do not know what is being proposed. (7) The developer of the Edelweiss Subdivision, Steve Arden, offered to help in any wa.y he can to develop a way to place a cul-de-sac at the end of Aster and Hasselt at Schaffer Road to help buffer the Edelweiss Subdivision from the proposed development. (8) The neighborhood should have more time to work with the developer and examinf; the traffic issues to see if some agreement can be reached concerning both zoning and traffic. Chairman Hawthorne closed the public hearing. Commissioner Gribou moved to table the rezoning request. Commissioner Lane seconded the motion which passed (6 - 0 - 1); Chairman Hawthorne abstained from voting. AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Public hearing to consider a Zoning Ordinance amendment adding subsections 7.1A and 7.1B and revising Table A in Section 7 to include A-OR Rural Residential and A-OX Existing Rural Residential zoning districts. (96-800) Senior Planner Kuenzel explained that during the annexation process in 1995, the City Council. directed staff to work with the newly annexed residents to see if there were ways the City coulci modify ordinances to better accommodate their needs. Council has already considered changes to the firearms ordinance to clarify what residents on large acreage tracts may and may not do. Council will consider, in January, changes to other sections of the City Code that will exempt agricultural areas from licensing requirements for livestock and from enforcement of the weed ordinance and the "parking in t:he yard" • ordinance P & Z Minutes ,Iaraua~y ~l, 1996 Page 4 of 6 Senior Planner Kuenzel stated that the proposed zoning ordinance amendment creates two new zoning • districts. One is designated A-OR that will accommodate zoning requests by someone wishing to develop a new rural subdivision with the associated rural standards for streets and other infrastructure. Implementing this district will entail amendments to the subdivision regulations as well. Subdivision amendments will be considered by Council in January or February of 1996. The second district is designated A-OX and is designed to accommodate newly annexed areas that have scattered residences on properties that do not meet many of the City's codes and ordinances. It is an alternative to the A-O Agricultural Open designation, which is placed on property upon annexation and has a minimum five acre lot requirement, and the R-1 Single Family designation which has much smaller minimum lot size requirements. A-OX has a minimum two acre lot size. This will not make all lots conforrning upon annexation, but will greatly increase the number of those that will conform in lot size. Setbacks for this new A-OX district are similar to those in A-O as are the permitted uses. Commissioners Hall and Gribou expressed concern with listing a use as specific as a "catfish farm" in the permitted use section. They suggested that the use be broadened and not just limited to "catfish" farming. Chairman Hawthorne expressed concern that just about any use would be compatible with the broad purpose statement of the two zoning districts. The statements are general and there are r~o specific standards established. Commissioner Smith stated that the Comprehensive Plan consultants should have the opportunity to look at the proposed zoning districts to determine if they fit in with their ultimate plan. He stated that it is difficult to expand the A-O category when there is so much A-O zoned property in the community now; especially since the purpose statement allows such a wide range of activities. Chairman Hawthorne opened the public hearing. • Stacy Gunnels of 1007 Howe and President of the Foxfire Homeowner's Association informed the Commission that the entire subdivision plans to petition for the A-OR zoning once it is adopted to help them maintain the existing rural characteristics of the subdivision. Chairman Hawthorne closed the public hearing. Commissioner Gribou moved to recommend approval of the Zoning Ordinance amendment adding subsections 7.1A and 7.1B and revising Table A in Section 7 to include A-OR Rural Residential and A- OX Existing Rural Residential zoning districts. Commissioner Hall seconded the motion which passed (5-1-1); Commissioner Smith voted in opposition to the motion and Commissioner Lane abstained from voting. AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Consideration of a sidewalk variance request along Dexter and Medina Streets for the Wet Knoll Phase II final plat. (95-213) This item was withdrawn from the agenda at the request of the applicant prior to the meeting. AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Other business. Commissioner Hall requested that an item be placed on a future agenda to discuss duplexes. He stated that the Eastmark duplexes are a good example that more attention should be paid to parking lot screening. He stated that he felt that the Commission has not totally addressed the future acid current concerns of duplex development. • P & Z Minutes January 4, 1996 Page S of G Senior Planner Kuenzel informed the Commission that the Eastmark duplexes did not go under the new standards recently passed by the Commission and City Council. The City has consultants looking as • property value issues and community appearance issues that may help with this problem. Senior Planner Kuenzel also distributed a revised conditional use permit application to address issues that keep coming up with use permit requests. She asked that the Commission review the application and give staff any feedback. AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Adjourn. Commissioner Hall moved to adjourn the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Commissioner Lightfoot seconded the motion which passed unopposed (7 - 0). APP y~ , Chairman, Kyle Hawthorne ;, ATTEST: ,.' ! ,~'. - x. ,~_- ~ ~ in--tt~{ o`<~~~~~,, ~;.~--~_~._. • Planning Technician, Natalie Thomas • P & Z Minutes January 4, 1996 Page 6 of 6 Registration Form • (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting J ~-, ~-/ ~ ~ (P Agenda Item No. ~_ Name ~ ~ ~ ~~~ Address ~-I ~ /~ s ~~ - ~ ~ .,~ If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: Subject on which person wishes to speak: Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are .•ecogruzed by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. Registration Form • (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting /- ~-5~ Agenda Item No. Z Name ~~~ ~, ~- ~ S 1 nJ Address ~> ~ /-~ ~~2 If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: Subje)ct on which person wishes to speak: Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are •~ecognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. Registration Form • (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting ! ~ << /4'C Agenda Item No. ~t~=, -<<~'t Name C~:r=E~~ti~ ~~~~rkM~~r~2`"~ Address rT~ ~:~ ~-~,~,• ~f~ z If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: Subject on which person wishes to speak: Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are •-ecognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. Registration Form • (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting !' ~'~ '' Agenda Item No, .L--- Name ~ ' r ! ~ l Address : ~- . . ~;;. If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: Subject on which person wishes to speak: Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are ,recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. Registration Form . (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting ~ - ~ - Z `~ Agenda Item No. Name ~~v Bla ~c.~~/ Address '~0,3 k~,r_ /~C°~r~~,5~.L`~~n If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: Subject on which person wishes to speak: 0 Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. planning ~' ZoninB Commission Guest ~,egi~ster ~~ 1. , ~, ,s '~~ Date ~- A cfrfress ~_ , -i~ 4,. i ,. , j tr ( / ~ ~ ~ .-, , 4. ~f~ri"'l~ 'r i f~~ '~ s ~- 6. _ _.~ -- ~ ~ - . ''~ ~.~~~.__::. i ~' ~.~ 8. lI ) / 1 L, ~ ~ ~ ~ Y 1 _ ) ~ _ ' L. /- 9. ~ c r~. ~ ~_ ~: ~'~ . y ~a <_a 10. I~~~ ~ ..:~_s ; 1~ ;~ ; ~, ~ ~ ^ 12. t ~., ~ ".~ ~.~ ~ ~ ~-; ~ ., ~' ... ~ ,~ i ~ ; ,~ ,~ ,. ~ 19. ,_ f.,_, L - _ ~. ~ L. J .. ~ z. ~... I. 21. _ ~i ~ .~.~'~~~ ~ `Y' % ~ ~~ ' ~ ~ 22. ~,~ ~ ~: ~'' I ~ ' i, ri ;~~~ _ i 23. • 24. _:_ r ~- -ir . - ~~~ ~ r-i, _ _. r C, ,~T a ~ / / / ~-~ ~ ~.C --~. -~ ~ l . ~~__ ~~ ~ ,~ . y ,. r is ~ N t' ~ -- ~~ ~~ _ "~ ' /i ~,~` C~ `, , - ~ ~D~ ~~sr C s, i~-~~s ~; ~-%' /.. \ - /} ~ ~_~ -r / , v.; 25.