HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/15/1996 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES Planning & Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS February 15, 1996 7:00 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Hawthorne and Commissioners Gribou, Smith, Hall, Garner, Lane and Lightfoot. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: City Planner Kee, Senior Planner Kuenzel, Graduate Civil Engineer Homeyer, Planning Technician Thomas, Transportation Planner Hard, Development Coordinator Volk, Assistant City Engineer Morgan, Fire Marshal Mies, Assistant Director of Economic & Development Services Callaway, Senior Assistant City Attorney Nemcik and Assistant City Attorney Reynolds. (Councilmen Hickson and Crouch were in the audience.;- CONSENT AGENDA: (1.1) Approval of minutes from the meeting of January 18, 1996. (1.2) Approval of minutes from the meeting of February 1, 1996. (1.3) Consideration of a final plat of Edelweiss Estates Subdivision Phase 4-A. (96-203) Consent agenda items 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 were approved unanimously by consent. AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Public hearing to consider a final plat of a portion of block 23 of the College Park Subdivision which is located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Park Place and Dexter. (96-201) Graduate Civil Engineer Homeyer presented the staff report and stated that the purpose of the final plat is to rectify an illegal subdivision that took place since the adoption of the Subdivision Regulations in 1970. The Subdivision Regulations state that a final plat must be approved and filed for record prior to the City issuing a building, plumbing or electrical permit. As part of this plat, a ten foot wicle sanitary sewer easement is being dedicated across the north corner of the property to facilitate an existing sewer line. Staff recommended approval of the final plat as presented with the comments identified in the Presubmission Conference Report. • Owner of the subject property, Jim Morgan of 700 South Dexter, informed the Commission that he purchased the property in 1982. It was not until recently when he began plans to add on to the house was it discovered that the lot had been previously illegally subdivided. The proposed finaR plat is to correct that illegal subdivision so that a building permit can be issued on the property. Chairman Hawthorne closed the public hearing. • Commissioner Hall moved to recommend approval of the final plat of a portion of block :?3 of the College Park Subdivision located on the southwest corner of the Park Place and Dexter intersection with staff recommendations. Commissioner Gribou seconded the motion which passed unopposed (7 - 0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Remove item from table and consider a rezoning request for approximately 50 acres of land located on the northeast corner of the Schaffer Road and Graham Road intersection from A-O Agricultural Open to R-lA Single Family Residential and R-2 Duplexes. (95-109) Commissioner Gribou moved to remove the rezoning request from the table. Commissioner Lane seconded the motion which passed unopposed (7 - 0). Senior Planner Kuenzel stated that the rezoning request is for 33 acres of R-2 Duplex zoning and 17 acres of R-lA zoning. The property is located just east of the existing Schaffer Road right-of=way and south of Arnold Road -both streets are substandard. Graham Road runs along the southern frontage of the property. It is substandard as well but is scheduled for an upgrade to minor arterial standards in 1999. There is an industrial M-2 site on the corner of Graham and Schaffer with a vacant M-1 piece that belongs to the G.E.R.G. research facility. This is an improved drainage channel that forms a buffer between the single family area in Edelweiss and the more intense zoning to the south. That creek continues in its natural condition through the subject property and will separate the duplexes from the single family. This portion of Arnold Road to the west of the property is the future hike and bike • system that is going in as a part of the Edelweiss Subdivision. When that subdivision was approved in 1992, the subject property was outside of the city limits. The Thoroughfare plan that was rr.~ effect at the time did not go beyond the city limits and did not show Arnold Road as a collector. With the conversion of Arnold Road to the hike and bike trail, any vehicular movement to the east w~~uld have been cut off. It was therefore agreed at that time to continue two local streets to Schaffer r~~ther than cul-de-sac them. Schaffer itself was outside the city limits at the time and its condition was therefore not addressed at the time Edelweiss was approved. The Junior High School that fronts on Rock Prairie Road is located in the area and Southwood Athletic Park also extends from the existing Arnold Road to Rock Prairie Road. There is a park that currently being put in with the Edelweiss Subdivision. The area to the east is currently zoned Agricultural Open with the City's Utility Service Center located further to the east. In order for a rezoning to be considered a sound decision, an applicant rr~ust show that the request meets the City's Comprehensive Plan. That plan consists of three major components, the Land Use Plan, Development Policies and the Thoroughfare Plan. The request is in compliance with the Land Use Plan, which reflects this area as low density residential. The rezoning would make possible approximately 400 units. To give you a point of comparison, abuild-out scenario of this same area under an R-1 zoning would allow up to 300 units. The request also meets many of the City's Development Policies and good design of the subdivision plan would ensure that they are all :met. The land uses are compatible with adjacent land uses. Compliance with the Subdivision Regulations would prevent congestion, provide sidewalks and bike lanes, ensure safety standards, and promote good site design. In other words, there are several ordinance requirements already in place that cover most of the development goals. The more serious concern is that the request does not meet the City's Thoroughfare Plan. The Thoroughfare Plan shows anorth/south collector in the general location of the ex~stmg Schaffer Road right-of--way. It also shows an east-west collector extending to the east from the point at which Schaffer intersects. The Schaffer/Arnold system will eventually continue to the east to connect with the future extension of the Utility Service Center Drive and funnel back out onto Rock Prairie Road. Due to the fact that the transportation infrastructure is currently not adequate, the (:ity has a • choice at this point: (1) Deny the rezoning based on the fact that it does not further the Comprehensive Plan at this time; or, (2) Approve the rezoning with the condition that the Thoroughfare Plan is met. P & Z Minutes February 1 ~, 1996 Page 2 of 1-1 Senior Planner Kuenzel informed the Commission that at the previous public hearing, there was a considerable amount of opposition due primarily to concerns for increased traffic through the Idelweiss • Subdivision. Since that time, staff has had an opportunity to visit with the Police, Sanitation, and Fire departments about this specific case, to conduct further study on the potential traffic impacts associated with this rezoning, and to review again the Development Policies. The concerns of the residents relating to traffic were discussed on January 15 at a meeting that the applicant had with four representatives of the homeowners. Several members of Staff were in attendance in order tc- listen to the issues and make sure these were taken into consideration. The applicant and homeowners discussed two alternatives to the connection, including turning the Arnold hike and bike system ba~:,k into a collector and making no east-west connection at all. The homeowners made it clear that no connection would be the only alternative they would find acceptable. Staff left that meeting with the intent to take the homeowners concerns into consideration. If traffic volumes were the only issue staff had to consider, we would not require that this connection be made and in fact would not recommend for connections in other cases. The decision to connect the Edelweiss Subdivision to a neighborhood to the east was made about three years ago with the City's approval of the Edelweiss Master Plan, w}ien it was determined that Hasselt and Aster Streets would tie directly into Schaffer Road. Both streets were intentionally connected in order that the combination of the two could share in serving as a future connection. It was recognized at that time that an east-west collector was needed through this area, but the City could not require that Arnold Road serve this function since it was not on the Thoroughfare Plan. However, the Master Plan for Edelweiss did have to show that it met Development Policies and therefore showed the connection to the existing Schaffer Road. The staff had recommended this connection with the Edelweiss Master Plan for the same reasons that it recommends the connection to the subject property. The staff is responsible for reviewing development proposals in relation to the City's adopted Development Policies as adopted by Council. Staff has consistently recommended • connections between subdivisions because they further the following policies: 1. Single family residential areas shoz~ld be located within easy access of shopping, schools, and recreation, b~iit should be protected from airy incompatibility of more intef~se ~~ses. In this case, a connection would provide more convenient access between Southwood Athletic Park and the neighborhood park in Edelweiss. 2. Balance development of all modes of transportation to asstn•e the fast, convenient, efficient, and safe movement of people and goods to, fi°om, and within the comnnirlity. In this case, a connection would provide for more efficient emergency response time according to the Fire Department. Connections also enhance traffic movement to meet this Development Goal. However, unlike in the Edelweiss Master Plan, usually such connections take tree form of a collector street. Senior Planner Kuenzel stated that based on the Development Policies as well as a concern for the increased maintenance cost of discontinuous subdivisions, Staff recommends that a connection be made between the proposed subdivision and the existing Schaffer Road. However, we have looked further into the reasoning behind the recommendation as it relates to this particular case. The difference in the cost of service to these areas would be negligible. • P & Z Mim~tes Febrt~ar.y IS, 1996 Page 3 of 14 Senior Planner Kuenzel stated that the Police and Sanitation Departments have expressed no concern, but expressed that such a decision not to connect should not become common practice. .Although • access to the park would not be as convenient without a connection, it is at least still possible. The one concern of significance is from the Fire Department. The lack of a connection could decrease the response time by up to a minute. The Commission's recommendation and Council's decision will ultimately take not only the City's goals but also the public input into consideration. Staff has therefore concentrated on the potential impact to Hasselt and Aster. Traffic volumes on residential streets can range anywhere from a couple hundred a day to about a thousand. For the sake of comparison, staff is currently conducting traffic counts on Hasselt. These numbers will be presented to the Commission at the meeting. If the 50 acres is rezoned to R-lA and R-2 and a connection between the neighborhood is provided, staff estimates that the amount of traffic on Hasselt and Aster would be between 900 to 1000 vehicles per day. Hasselt would carry the large majority of this traffic because it connects directly to Victoria. While this amount falls within what is considered an acceptable range for traffic on a residential street, it is on the high end of the range and is clearly not acceptable to the residents of Edelweiss. At full build-out of the Land Use and T-fare Plans, staff estimates the traffic volurr~es would be slightly above the range that can be expected on residential streets. It should be noted that the amount of traffic that is considered acceptable on a residential street can vary greatly by community and even neighborhood. It is staffs understanding that even a slight increase on these streets is unacceptable to the residents. In this particular case, the Commission and City Council must ~~veigh the benefits of improved accessibility and emergency response against the impacts of increased traffic through the Edelweiss subdivision. Senior Planner Kuenzel stated that staff recommends approval of the rezoning with the following conditions: • 1 The most important condition is the implementation of the Thoroughfare Plan and some () type of guarantee. In order to assure compliance with this component oi' the Comprehensive Plan, staff recommended that the rezoning not become effective until either a development agreement be executed or a preliminary plat showing reasonable phasing is approved. (2) If the southern section of the existing Schaffer Road is abandoned, that there be some type of access to the rear of the G.E.R.G. Research property. Right now there are trucks that use the southern portion of Schaffer Road to access the rear of the M-2 district. That access needs to remain available, especially when the M-1 property develops. (3) Connect the proposed R-lA area to the existing Edelweiss Estates area. Commissioner Gribou questioned staff with respect to the response time of the Fire Departmer-t. Fire Marshal Jon Mies stated that proposed development without a connection to the Edelweiss Subdivision will not have a secondary access. The Fire Department needs two ways in to a subdivision and two ways out. This situation currently existing with the Raintree Subdivision and Emerald Forest, and this is not a situation the Fire Department would like repeated. There is also the issue of the existing creek that runs through the middle of the subject property. If there is flooding in thf; area and emergency vehicles are not able to cross the roadway, residents on the northern side of the creek will • not have access to emergency services. P & Z Minutes Feb~•ua~y 1 S, 1996 Page 4 of 14 Chairman Hawthorne allowed the public to speak on the proposed rezoning request. The following persons spoke in favor of the rezoning request: • Donald Garrett Garrett Engineering, Representative of the Applicant Earl Havel Representative of the Applicant The following comments were made in favor of the rezoning request: (1) The proposed R-lA and R-2 zoning districts are compatible with the surrounding M-1 and R-1 zoning districts. There are many uses allowed in the existing M-1 zoning district that are much more intense than what is being proposed. (2) The existing Schaffer Road could be redesigned into a bike and pedestrian path. that would help buffer the proposed development from the existing Edelweiss Subdivision. (3) The existing drainage area that is located between Edelweiss Phase Three anti the industrial development along Graham Road will be continued through this development for at least 100'. The drainage area will help buffer the R-2 development. (4) The existing homeowners and the developer are in agreement on the access issue to the Edelweiss Subdivision. The developer presented a layout that does not allow access to Schaffer Road or the Edelweiss Subdivision that the surrounding homeowners agreed was acceptable. However, the City is forcing the connection between the two subdivisions. Mr. Garrett stated that the rezoning request should not be held hostage because of the disagreement between staff and the homeowners concerning access to Edelweiss. (5) The key to providing the secondary access to the subdivision is through Arnold Road. • Arnold Road could be connected to Rock Prairie Road that would help alleviate many of the traffic concerns in the area. However, the City would have to be willing to participate in the right-of--way acquisition and construction of the remainder of Arnold Road not associated with the proposed development. The following persons spoke in opposition to the rezoning request. (Many of the residents that spoke were not in opposition to the rezoning request as long as there was no connection between the two subdivisions.): Larry Rillett Gene Zdziarski Andy Bland Patricia Startzman William J. Holland Steven Chambers Ed Back 718 Aster Drive 720 Hasselt 703 Hasselt 2009 Oakwood Trail 717 Hasselt 708 Hasselt 706 Hasselt The following comments were made concerning the rezoning request: (1) The City has a moral obligation to not use Hasselt and Aster as collector streets since there has been no attempt to inform the residents that their street, while built to residential street standards, must function as a collector street. (Based on state and national guidelines, local streets should discourage thru traffic and foster safety. Convenience to vehicles is secondary to residential streets. A detailed traffic impact study should be required so that the residents can adequately argue the points. The • residents need additional information in not only trips per day but vehicles per hour and what times of the day these vehicles are utilizing certain streets. P ~ Z Minutes February 1S, 1996 Page .i of 14 (2) Several representatives of the Edelweiss Subdivision met with the developer and City staff and everyone thought that an agreement had been reached in that the connection between the two subdivisions was not going to be required. However, many o:f the residents and the developer is still confused as to why staff is still requiring, the • connection. The major factor in this rezoning request is the traffic. If Arnold was connected over to Rock Prairie Road as shown on the Thoroughfare Plan, the current traffic concerns, including response times, would not be an issue. Other items agreE~d to at that meeting were: --- The developer will install a screening fence along their side of Schaffer 1Zoad and install landscaping along the Edelweiss side of the fence. The homeowners agreed that the Edelweiss Homeowners Association will maintain the landscaping installed by the developer along Schaffer Road to help screen the proposed development. --- There will be some sort of connection between Hasselt and Aster ~ilong Schaffer Road (such as a private drive or alley) for the use of the residents and emergency vehicles. (3) There are approximately eighty children that live in the existing Edelweiss Subdivision and the majority are under the age of five. The homeowners in this area never expected their narrow, residential streets to be converted into a major thoroughfare. (4) There is an existing drainage problem in front of 720 Hasselt approximately 10' from the drainage ditch along Schaffer Road in which a 23' x 8 1/2' pool of water stands in the street. The City Engineer's office has been contacted; however, residents were told that the street is sub-standard and needs to be resurfaced within the next five years. (5) If the rezoning request is granted, the City should require that the new Schaffer Ro~~d be constructed prior to allowing development in the R-lA section so that traffic is not • temporarily routed through the Edelweiss Subdivision. (6) The existing condition of Schaffer Road should also be addressed with this development. If the north-south connection is relocated, definite plans should be made for the existing Schaffer Road such as a bike path, private drive, etc. (7) Decrease in property values is still a major concern of the surrounding property ov~~ners; however it is a secondary concern to the safety of the neighborhood children. (8) College Station is currently over built with multi-family housing and several new apartment developments are under construction. The City should be careful in considering additional R-2 zoning when the existing multi-family housing available cannot be filled. (9) The traffic counts presented by staff, especially the 290 vehicles shown along Hasselt, may not be totally accurate considering that Nottingham is used as a "cut-thru" for many residents. In addition, the high speeds of the vehicles using Hasselt as a "cut-thru" is also a major concern. The traffic counts only include the existing Edelweiss development and does not take into account that the subdivision is still developing. (10) It is irresponsible to rush multi-family development when the infrastructure to support the development is not in place. (11) The reason cul-de-sacs were not constructed near Schaffer Road for Hasselt and Aster back in 1992 when Edelweiss was developed is because Victoria Avenue was not • constructed. Schaffer was needed for secondary access until Victoria Avenue was constructed to Graham Road. P & Z Min~rtes Feb~~uary ls, 1996 Page 6 of 1 ~ Chairman Hawthorne closed the public hearing. • Commissioner Hall moved to deny the proposed rezoning request. Commissioner Garner seconded the motion. Commissioner Hall stated that he is not opposed to the development concept; however, he is opposed to the fact that the issues presented have not been completely resolved. There are some alternatives for the southern side of the property along Graham Road; however, the northern portion of the property, the only solution is to extend Arnold Road. Commissioner Gribou agreed and stated that if the connection to the north was taken care of, the rezoning issue would be much simpler. Until we know the time frame of that connection, it would probably be better to wait for the development of the subject property. Commissioner Garner stated that she is also concerned with allowing more multi-family development away from the Texas A&M University campus. This is an issue that has been discussed as part of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and is something that should be looked at seriously, especially with respect to traffic concerns. There are still too many questions and issues to be resolved to grant the proposed rezoning request. Chairman Hawthorne stated that he is in favor of the rezoning aspect of the proposal; however, he is not satisfied the safety aspects of the request have been addressed. Even though flooding in the area may be speculative, it is not fair to entice people to build or buy in an area that is not safe from the standpoint of access for emergency vehicles, etc. Chairman Hawthorne stated that he thinks staff has done an excellent job with respect to the overall development of the City and the recommendations in this particular case. The City has a Thoroughfare Plan that it follows and it allows for the connection of various communities within the City. He stated that he does not have a problem with staffs • recommendation and there has to be a connection somewhere to resolve the access issue. However, the proposal does not solve these problems and still poses a safety concern for the citizens. Commissioner Lightfoot stated that everyone seems to be hung up on the relocation of Schaffer Road when it could potentially allow and entrance and exit from the subject property if it was brought up to current standards. He stated that he is not opposed to the rezoning request; however, he is concerned about the traffic issues. Commissioner Lightfoot stated that the City needs to do some more homework and resolve the infrastructure issues before allowing the proposed development. The motion to recommend denial of the rezoning request passed (6 - 1); Commissioner Lanc; voted in opposition to the request. AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Public hearing to consider a rezoning request for approximately 34 acres of land located in the vicinity of Sebesta Road and State Highway 6 from R-1 Single Family Residential and A-O Agricultural Open to M-1 Planned Industrial. (96-100) City Planner Kee presented the following staff report. Historical Overview The City has considered several rezoning requests over the past two years on all or part of this property. A brief summary follows: 7-14-94 Request denied for 15 acres of C-1 along the frontage. • P & Z Mirnrtes February IS, 1996 Page 7 of 14 9-22-94 Requested denied for step down zoning proposal with commercial along the • frontage, low density, multi-family residential, townhouse and office uses to the rear. 4-27-95 Request denied by P&Z for commercial along the frontage, low density single family to the rear and office/professional uses adjacent to Woodcreek. Applicant withdrew request before Council consideration. City Planner Kee stated that staff recommended approval in each case with various conditions such as preparing a master plan for all property under one ownership, providing adequate buffering; and step down zoning classifications, denying access for any commercial zoning from Sebesta Road, and maintaining the creek area as open space. Denials by Council occurred after public hearings in which there was great opposition voiced from surrounding neighborhoods. Concerns revolved around certain uses allowed in the requested zones that were deemed unacceptable to residents, the cut-throixgh traffic situation in Emerald Forest, and the desire to wait for the City's new Comprehensive Plan. Current Proposal The current proposal involves only 34 of the original 69 acres. The applicant desires to develop and plat individual lots for various technology businesses, including his own, Texas Digital Systems (TDS). TDS is currently housed in 3 different locations and the desire is to consolidate design, assembly and testing facilities rnto one location, consisting of 3 separate buildings. The remaining property will be divided for sale to other similar businesses. The applicant met with representatives of surrounding neighborhoods on 2 different occasions to discuss concerns and desires of both parties. The applicant is proposing to plat this acreage accessing only the Frontage Road and leaving the creek area as an unbuildable natural reserve. The wi~~th of this • unbuildable area varies, but averages approximately 200 feet. It buffers Woodcreek from this development. The applicant is also voluntarily submitting deed restrictions that will limit. the uses permitted, limit the height of structures to 2 stories, require 90% of the exterior to be brick, masonry, stone, precast concrete or stucco, prohibit outside storage, require lighting to be directed into the property and prohibit emission of odors or noise which would constitute a nuisance. Neighborhood Concerns The representatives of the surrounding neighborhoods generally feel that this proposal is a stood one; better than they have seen to date. Areas of concern are: -- Assurance of enforceable deed restriction. Assurance that traffic concerns will be addressed Assurance that the owner does not oppose a future City initiated rezoning back to the existing zoning classification if this proposal does not come to fruition within a specified time. -- Assurance that the owner will not oppose a future rezoning to a new district that would incorporate those acceptable uses and the deed restricted elements into one zoning district. -- Assurance that the "no-build" area will be maintained by future owners of the lots within the technology park. • The applicant has addressed these concerns in the following manner: P & Z Minutes February Is, 1996 Page 8 of 14 Assz~rance of enforceable deed restriction. • The applicant has written the deed restrictions such that the City is given enforcement authority. The City's legal staff is working with the applicant's legal counsel to determine whether, absent a property interest, the City has authority to enforce deed restrictions, even when granted that authority by the restrictions. Asszrrance that traffic concerns will be addressed. To address traffic concerns the applicant has limited access to the Frontage Road for this M-1 development. When the property along the frontage does develop, access should be limited to the Frontage Road as well. The real impact will be when the Ledbetter tract to the east develops. The Land Use Plan presently shows low density residential uses as one moves east away from the Frontage Road. The HOK plan will most likely show mixed use and low density residential. The Ledbetter tract will need access to Sebesta. Cut through traffic may increase, particularly if the tract. develops residentially. Staff will be investigating ways to lessen this impact through either alternate access ways from Emerald Parkway to Sebesta, or various traffic calming techniques. Futzrre ReaoninQS. The applicant has also indicated a willingness to rezone his property to what will be a "new" zoning classification developed over the next several months by the City staff. This new district will not be any more restrictive than the combined requirements of the M-1 zone and the proposed deed restrictions, but will give assurances to surrounding property owners that the additional limitations imposed by the deed restrictions will be incorporated into a zoning district. Conversely, if this proposal does not come to fruition, the applicant agrees not to oppose a rezoning back to the A-O/R-1 classifications currently on the property. Asszrrance that the "rro-bzrild"area will be maintained. This is included in the deed restrictions. City Planner Kee recommended approval of the rezoning request to M-1 Planned Industrial as presented. Chairman Hawthorne expressed concern with the City enforcing private deed restrictions and the precedence this could set for future and existing developments throughout the City. He also questioned the ability of the City to force the landowner to rezone the property to the proposed "R&D" zone in the future. Senior Assistant City Attorney Roxanne Nemcik informed the Commission that it is primarily a policy decision on the part of the Commission and City Council as to whether the City should enforce private deed restrictions. The Local Government Code does authorize municipalities over 1.5 million to enforce private deed restrictions even though the City is not named specifically in the deed restrictions to be the enforcing body. It is not the normal rule that if you don't have a property interest, to enforce those restrictions. From the legal research done so far, the City can enforce private deed restrictions if they own a piece of the property. Chairman Hawthorne questioned the type of vehicle the City is going to use to enforce the agreements that are being made with respect to applying the new "R&D" zoning district in the future. What if there • is a different owner in the future when the new zoning district is applied? P & Z Mizzz~tes Febz•uazy 1 S, 1996 Page 9 of 1-l Senior Assistant City Attorney Nemcik stated that if something is constructed on the property before the "R&D" zone is applied, the property owner has some vested rights in the property. Simply rezoning the property does not give the landowner these vested rights. There is also no guarantee that the • landowner will not oppose the rezoning request. Chairman Hawthorne began the public hearing. Representative of the applicant Bill Dahlstrom informed the Commission that several meetings have been held with the surrounding property owners and the proposed request with the voluntary deed restrictions is the outcome. He stated that the potential owner of the property, Bob Bowers of Texas Digital Systems, has experienced tremendous growth over the last few years. The plan is to consolidate the three existing facilities into the proposed Technology Park. Currently, Texas Digital employs 35 to 40 employees and by the end of the year hopes to employ a total of 60 to 80 employees. Mr. Dahlstrom stated that Mr. Bowers needs to move quickly in order to begin construction this summer. Mr. Dahlstrom concluded the presentation by stating that the necessary property interests will be granted to the City and the property owner is willing to remove the deed restrictions once the new "R&D" zoning is in place. Architectural representative of the applicant Bill Scarmardo presented the Commission a c;onceptual plan for the facility utilizing the existing creek as a natural amenity for the development and a buffer for the adjacent Woodcreek subdivision. Ray Martyn of 7803 Appomattox in the Raintree Subdivision informed the Commission that he is a member of the Raintree Homeowner's Association and the spokesman for the East Bypass Homeowner's Coalition. It is the consensus of the Coalition members that met with Mr. Bowf~rs and his • group that the proposal is the best compromise between the existing homeowners and the developer. This case is one of only a few instances where the homeowners, City staff and the developer have been proactive in their development efforts. The Coalition is in support of the temporary rezoning request and the proposed conditions including the deed restrictions. The Coalition is also in strong ;support of the City staffs efforts in creating the "R&D" zoning district. The existing M-1 district is too broad in its scope and the new "R&D" district will help remedy this situation. The proposed Texas Digital Systems facility is compatible with the adjacent residential neighborhoods and will meet the new zoning district regulations. The City's temporary enforcement of the deed restrictions also provides a level of comfort by the Coalition until the new zoning district is in place. The following is a list of concerns or reservations on the part of the Coalition: (1) The proposed "R&D" zoning district has yet to be defined and there may be some "arm wrestling" still to come in developing an agreeable ordinance. The Coalition recommends that several of the surrounding residents or members of the Coaliti~~n be involved in the creation of this zoning district. (2) Timing of the request. Because of everyone's efforts in this case and the length oi' time involved since the original rezoning request was made, it makes sense to go ahead and consider the proposed request. However, future requests along the East Bypass should not be considered until the Comprehensive Land Use Plan is adopted. • (3) The proposed "R&D" zone should not be used as a step down zone to allow for more intense zoning districts along the East Bypass. P & Z Minutes Feb~•uary 1 S, 1996 Page 10 of 1-l • Mr. Martyn concluded that the Coalition is in support of the rezoning request with the conditions presented and in the long run, the development will result in a better environment for all rf~sidents of College Station. Colonel Wilson of 9245 Brookwater Circle informed the Commission that he is speaking on behalf of many people along Brookwater Circle and the President of the Homeowner's Association wh.o was not able to make tonight's meeting. He stated that everyone seems to be in favor of the rezoni~ig request with the conditions listed by stall' Dick Startzman of 2009 Oakwood Trail in the Sandstone Subdivision expressed concern with. the City's position and willingness to enforce private deed restrictions. The residents of the Sandstone Subdivision looked to the City several months ago in the enforcement of their private deed rf~strictions. A Councilmen was in violation of the deed restrictions in subdividing his property in the Sandstone Subdivision and the City approved the final plat and informed the residents that the City cannot enforce deed restrictions. Now with this development, the City has completely changed its position and is willing to enforce private deed restrictions. Patricia Startzman of 2009 Oakwood Trail expressed concern of the City's willingness to enforce private deed restrictions. While the City may have the right to enforce certain private restrictions, they are not obligated to enforce these restrictions or they may just decide not to enforce the restrictions. Donald Deere of 1500 Frost Drive in the Foxfire Subdivision stated that he is not completely in support • of the rezoning request. The property has been vacant for some time and there is no particular need to hurry the development of the property. The new "R&D" zoning district will be in place soon as well as the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. It would also be beneficial to see the master plan of the: entire 69 acres and not just the 34 acres proposed tonight. He also expressed concern of the City's willingness to enforce private deed restrictions and the precedence it will set for enforcing restrictions throughout the City. Chairman Hawthorne closed the public hearing. Commissioner Garner moved to recommend approval of the rezoning request with the staff recommendations including the following: (1) The applicant grant the City the acceptable property interests. (2) The deed restrictions are filed for record prior to the zoning becoming effective. (3) Access to the property will be limited to the Frontage Road. (4) The City shall initiate rezoning of the subject property to the new "R&D" zoning district. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. • P & Z Minutes Febrz~ary IS, 1996 Page 11 of 14 Commissioner Hall expressed concern of the need for a more comprehensive plan for the traffic flow in this area. Since traffic is being limited to the Frontage Road, he is comfortable with this specific request; however, the traffic issues still need to be addressed. He stated that he is in favor of the proposed rezoning request and everyone involved in the meetings to come up with this compromise should be commended. Commissioner Gribou expressed concern with the legal precedence the City will be establishing with this case. He stated that he would like to see the "R&D" zoning issue resolved sooner so that we do not have to deal with amulti-step and sloppy process to accomplish the same goals. He stated that his vote against the rezoning request does not reflect the use of the property but more of the legal questions and concerns of the deed restrictions. The motion to recommend approval of the proposed rezoning request passed (6 - 1); Commissioner Gribou voted in opposition to the motion. AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Consideration of a final plat and driveway variance request for the Jordan Subdivision totaling 5.84 acres divided into three C-3 Planned Commercial lots located along the south side of State Highway 30 between Linda and Pamela Lanes. (96-204) Graduate Civil Engineer Homeyer informed the Commission that the subject property is located adjacent to and on the west side of the LaSelva Nursery approximately 1.5 miles east of the intersection • of State Highways 6 and 30. The purpose of this final plat is to subdivide 5.84 acres into three lots zoned C-3, Planned Commercial. The average lot size for the three subdivided lots is 1.95 acres. The applicant is requesting a variance to the driveway ordinance requirement of having a minimum spacing of 275' between driveways. The applicant is desiring an individual access drive for each lot. As the letter from the applicant states, the proposed distance between each drive would be approximately 190'. Staff recommended approval of the final plat as submitted and denial of the driveway variance request. Transportation Planner Hard approached the Commission to provide additional information concerning the driveway variance request. Staff originally worked with the applicant and initially agreed that lots 2 and 3 would share a driveway and lot 1 would have its own driveway. Staff considers this position a compromise, since even with the shared driveway, the 275' spacing requirement can not be met. Staff agreed to this arrangement since it consolidated the number of driveways from three to two. Representative of the applicant Don Garrett of Garrett Engineering approached the Commission and offered to answer any questions pertaining to the proposed final plat and driveway variance. Commissioner Gribou moved to recommend approval of the final plat with the Presubmission Conference comments and denial of the driveway variance request. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion which passed unopposed (7 - 0). • P & Z Mimrtes February 1~, 1996 Page 1? of 14 AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Consideration of a final plat of the Brandywine Subdivision totaling 10.53 acres divided into four C-1 General Commercial lots located on the northwest • corner of the Texas Avenue South and F.M. 2818 intersection. (95-219) Assistant City Engineer Morgan presented the staff report and recommended approval of the final plat with the condition that lots 1-4, block 1 of the Brandywine Subdivision and lot 2, block 13 of Southwood Section 26 be considered as a single building plot for signage. The original plat was subdivided for the K-Mart site with a single out parcel for a retail user. The out parcel changed use several years ago and became a more intense use (restaurant), which was granted a parking variance by the Zoning Board of Adjustment. At that time, there had been a verbal agreement that the smaller user could access the parking on the K-Mart site, as well as utilize that access for solid waste pick-up and deliveries. Ferreri's dumpster and delivery door is on the most southerly corner of the building, and access to these can only be gained by using the K-Mart parking lot. The applicant has been working with Mr. Ferreri since May of last year trying to work out an amenable solution to Mr. Ferreri's parking and access problems and to date have been unsuccessful in their negotiations. The outside boundaries of this plat are not changing and the subdivision that is occurring is in compliance with the City's Subdivision Regulations. These access problems to the existing out parcel are important issues, but are unrelated to the platting of the Brandywine property and its compliance with the Subdivision Regulations. Staff is continuing to look into the access problems as a separate issue. When the original plat was filed, the one large lot and the Ferreri's out parcel was viewed as a single building plot for signage. In light of the decisions made on the adjacent Albertson's/Wal-Mart center, the Commission and Council may desire to place restrictions on this plat to consider the entire property and the out parcel as a single building plot for signage. • Representative of the applicant Christian Galindo informed the Commission that no additional curb cuts are requested, the existing driveways will be utilized for access. He stated that a representative of the owner is in the audience to address any additional concerns of the Commission. Owner of the adjacent Ferreri's Italian Restaurant, Joe Ferreri, informed the Commission that when he originally purchased the restaurant the rear loading and garbage pick-up was done with the consent of K-Mart. He stated that he assumed that Brandywine would continue that original agreement. Now that Brandywine is redeveloping the property, the original agreement no longer exists. Mr. Ferrc;ri stated that he can no longer receive deliveries or have the garbage picked up without access through the Brandywine property. He stated that he attempted to purchase the additional land required to provide the access; however, he was not able to afford the price of the property. Mr. Ferreri stated that he can no longer operate his business without access for deliveries and garbage pick up. Assistant City Engineer Morgan informed the Commission that there are alternatives to Mr. Ferreri such as relocating the existing dumpster at his expense so that it can be accessed by the Sanitation Department. However, this is a separate issue from the final plat and the plat submitted meets t:he City's Subdivision Regulations. Commissioner Lightfoot moved to recommend approval of the final plat for the Brandywine Subdivision with staff recommendations. Commissioner Garner seconded the motion which passed (6 - 1); Commissioner Smith voted in opposition to the motion. CJ P & Z Minutes February IS, 1996 Page 13 of I;l AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Other business. • There was no other business. AGENDA ITEM NO. 8: Adjourn. Commissioner Gribou moved to adjourn the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Commissioner Lightfoot seconded the motion which passed unopposed (7 - 0). APPR ~.. Ch irman, Kyle~orne -~ I' ATT P an ing Te ician, Natalie Thomas • • P & Z Minutes Febrz~~ary 1 S, 1996 Page 14 of 1=~ • Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting ~-~ '~ `- ~ - ~~e"' Agenda Item No. ~. Name ~' ~'~ r ~~~~\ ~~~~ `t~,,} Address <~ ~ ~ ` % ~~ r.~~,~ ~'~, ~ ' `-~~ If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: Subject on which person wishes to speak: • Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. • Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting /~ Fe.~o ~4 Agenda Item No. Name Col.• R.~- l.J~~so~n Address ~I Z `~ ~ ~w ol~w ~..r U~w~l,... , If speaking for an organization, Name of or anization: N~~1 Speaker's official capacity: L'~dw..cc~.au~r Sub'ect on which person wishes to speak: ez.oh.Zk~ ~ Sebe.e~. ~~ ~- ~~..s • Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. • Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting ,1 / % " ~^ Agenda Item No. _.i r // !~ ~ Name , ' ~' ~° %! Address ~ ~% -` ,~~ ~!~/'~ ~ ~ ; ; .z-;:w If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: Subject on which person wishes to speak: Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. • Re istration Form g (For persons who wish to address the Commission) -1 ~~ ~ ~: Date of Meeting ~. ~ ~ Agenda Item No. Name ~ ~~ ~_~ ;~~. ~ r1 ~,~c_~~ „~, .~ Address ~ ~ ~ r-1 ~~ `~`,_s` If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: Subject on which~erson wishes to speak: -, r i Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. • Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting Agenda Item No. Name Address ---~=f=_, ~ _;. ~.~',~:.7 ~ ~v~ ~ 1TZ' ~~;c ~~F~ ri{/y.1'~ 7 Tai ~` ~> If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: Subject on which person wishes to speak: • Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting 2 ! ~ - `~ ~ Agenda Item No. Name ~~~~ ~ W.9 iT E ~ ~~ Address 6~~ ~~ N A ~~ E~-T If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: Subject on which person wishes to speak: .Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. • • REGISTRATION FORM • • (FOR PERSONS WHO WISH TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL) r; ~ _ ~f Date of Meeting ~- ` ~ - /~ -~ City Council Agenda Item No, i Name f~'~y' ~~~L, i ~, ,, , Address ~~ ~ ' ~~ ~ ,,,;; ,' ,~:-'" ~ ~, ;~ ~~ r° `, ,~ -~ ,,~ ~~ House No. Street City IF SPEAKING FOR AN ORGANIZATION, Name of Organization: And, Speaker's Official Capacity: • Subject on which Person Wishes to Speak: ,.~ ,^. ~ ~~ ~ , . ~ ~ <r ~ r: 7(Gi'Gs vL /f_ r"L;37//Lc-' !i• ? L~ GZi_~ 1`"j ;. /. ~ ~,,~~,~/r Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding of ficerand state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. The Council will appreciate each speaker limiting an address on any one item to three minutes. Thank you for your cooperation. Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting L - I ~ - ~~~ Agenda Item No. ~_ _~ Name ~~. ~~; ~~ ~. ~ rr, ~ r7 Address z o c_~~n,-~~`n c _ S . If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: Subject on which person wishes to speak: .Please remember to ste to the odium as soon as you are P P recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. • • REGISTRATION FORM • • (FOR PERSONS WHO WISH TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL) Date of Meeting ~~ l ~ / `}~ L City Council Agenda Item No. ~` ^-~ ") Name ~ t, C, ~~~ ! ~ 1 C Address ? (:t; 'iL L Ct.~;~` ~ ,t ~ i ~~\ ~~ ~ i ~ C . > ' House No. Street City IF SPEAKING FOR AN ORGANIZATION, Name of Organization: And, Speaker's Official Capacity: • on which Person Wishes to Speak: Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding of ficeranri state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. The Council will appreciate each speaker limiting an address on any one item to three minutes. Thank you for your cooperation. Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting mil//S/9.~ Agenda Item No. ~_ Name n r Address If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: /C/So~Q~ rn~/ Subject on which person wishes to speak: .Please remember to ste to the odium as soon as ou are P P Y recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. • Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting ~-~S - ~~ Agenda Item No. ~ Name ~ oyl2~ ~uY Address ~ ~ iL ~ ~~ ~t If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: Subject on which person wishes to speak: • Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) '~ Date of Meeting "~' / `~` ~~ ~ Agenda Item No. ~_ Name ~~- ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~<~'~ Address / S`w J"`/'~, 5 '" c " ~ If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: Sul2ject. on which person wishes to speak: tirrl~ii.°'SF1r ~ ~ i Y G1~ ~/`'` 15 j: /-C:~C ~ ~ T` • Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting ~ Agenda Item No. Name ,~~~}.~,gTp~~ Address L~~~~.] '~,AC~ ~4~q~S~'Ros~ Avg If speakin o n ofg~aniza~ior~, ~' Name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: ~ Subject on which person wishes to speak: 5 VPPo~2Z' "~~E Sut~.16Ct ~Et3yES"(' • Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. • Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting ~ - : µ ~ Agenda Item No. .:.. ~-- Name ~ ,~.. ~,.,~ J 4' ,,. ~1~ ~ ^ ~ a Address +".' • ~ ~ ~ .~ ~~~~-, ~.~ i ~ r ` ,~..,. If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: ,, ~; ~ ~~ ~ /mss ~~ ~, ..~' Speaker's official capacity: w~ ~ tG•-fib-~` ~- r T on which person wishes to speak: ,~ ~ ~ ,, w ~., ~ ?~- ~ r ~ Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. Panning ~' Zoning Commission ,Guest ~e~ister Date `7 ~k'.~Z,t.; ~~ ~~` ~ume ~1 cfrfress 1. ~.~.~ ~ 4 i. ~t~.J1-~' -- { 1 ~ ~ 1i yam. c.~4.J ~ Cfr..ts~. C ` 1. 2. l~ 1~4 tif" t `4C . C _ ~.aJ t ~..-~. -~ ~ ~Ll --~~--==--~~/ 3~ ~lw.~Aal~o~ 4.~0/~''u ~ lii ~J2il~YP~~ s. _~._ ~- /~ -- 10. • 11. CJ 13. ~~ a ~~~-- ~ r~ ,~ ~ ~~~' IS. t ~ ; ' 16. ~-~ , NZj~,~~~ T ~ . 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