HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/07/1995 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES Planning & Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS December 7, 1995 7:00 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Acting Chairman Hall, and Commissioners Lane, Lightfoot, Smith and Garner. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Chairman Hawthorne and Commissioner Gribou. STAFF PRESENT: City Planner Kee, Assistant City Engineer Morgan, Senior Planner Kuenzel, Graduate Civil Engineer Homeyer, Planning Technician Thomas, Transportation Planner Hard, Development Coordinator Volk and Assistant City Engineer McCully. • AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: The Consent Agenda consists of non-controversial or "housekeeping" items required by law. Items may be removed from the Consent Agenda by any citizen, City staff member, or Commissioner by making such a request prior to a motion and vote on the Consent Agenda. (1.1) Approval of minutes from the meeting of November 16, 1995. (1.2) Consideration of a final (replat) plat for the Edelweiss Estates Phase 3 subdivision for the addition of a required easement. (93-240) (1.3) Consideration of a final (replat) plat for the Polar-Bek subdivision for some slight changes in locations of required easements. (95-244) Consent agenda items 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 were approved unanimously by consent. AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Public hearing to consider a rezoning request for approximately 1.69 acres on the southeast corner of the intersection of Welsh and F.M. 2818 from C-3 Planned Commercial to C-1 General Commercial with OV Corridor Overlay District. (95-110) Senior Planner Kuenzel presented the staff report and stated that the applicant is planning to build a service station, which is permitted under the current C-3 zoning. However, on-premise consumption of food and alcohol is not allowed in the C-3 zone. The applicant wishes to be permitted indoor seating for restaurant usage, which is the trend in the development of new convenience stores. The only two • districts that would accommodate all three uses (service station, retail food store and restaurant) would be either C-1 or C-2, C-1 being the less intense of the two. The C-1 zoning request is accompanied by a request for the Overlay district, included on the part of the applicant to help assure that the development will be laid out in an aesthetically pleasing manner. The district has higher building and parking lot setback restrictions, restricts sign and building colors, and requires underground utilities. Senior Planner Kuenzel stated that the Overlay district also has special restrictions for service stations, including restricting all business activity other than fuel pumping to indoors, prohibiting major auto • work and limiting advertising. The rezoning request meets the City's development policies regarding location of commercial distracts at major intersections. The past concerns for traffic safety have been alleviated to some extent by changes made to the roadway and to the intersection as well as agreements relating to access drives. Staff recommended approval of the rezoning request due to the driveway location criteria and the change of conditions in the immediate area. There have been no C-1 rezonings of vacant property approved in the recent past. Most commercial requests have tended to be more limited in scope (C-3, C-B, C-N requests). This year, the Council approved several requests to convert commercial property to residential (mostly multi-family) use. This particular tract has come before the Commission and City Council several times. In 1983, a request for C-1 was opposed by staff due primarily to traffic and safety concerns and to the fact that the Land Use Plan reflected the tract as high density residential. The Commission recommended approval due to the belief that F.M. 2818 would be widened, a turning lane would be added and the intersection was to become signalized. The City Council approved C-N Neighborhood Commercial zoning, agreeing that some commercial use was needed in the area, but not all uses in the C-1 district. Since that time, several changes have taken place. The changes to F.M. 2818 have taken place making the traffic conditions more conducive to commercial uses. Last year, Council approved a rezoning from C-N to C-3, which allows more intense use of the land. The City has also adopted the Driveway Access Ordinance, and a recent resubdivision of the lot in conjunction with adjacent lots was done in accordance with access restrictions. Staff received one call in opposition of the request from the College Station Independent School District (CSISD). The District expressed concern with the fact that the rezoning will allow on-premise consumption of alcohol where the existing zoning does not. Commissioner Hall opened the public hearing. Applicant Jeff Runge of 1207 Munson informed the Commission that the main reason for the rezoning request is to allow on-premise consumption of food. He stated that the owner is willing to place deed • restrictions on the property to prohibit any future on-premise consumption of alcohol in an effort to address CSISD's concerns. Mr. Runge stated that he has examined the details of the Overlay District and understands that the City will have control over the aesthetics including signage, building colors, etc. A&M Consolidated High School Principal Chrissy Hester of 4595 Banstable Harbor approached the Commission on behalf of the children who attend the high school. She stated that her major concern is the recent $50 million bond issue that passed in which $25 million will be spent on the high school expansion. Another concern is the large amount of traffic currently at the F.M. 2818 and Welsh intersection that will only increase with a more intense commercial use. Ms. Hester also stated that as the school grows, pedestrian traffic will also increase through this intersection. The current speed limit along F.M. 2818 in this area is the maximum of 55 miles per hour. There are currently 1727 children enrolled in the high school and the expansion will allow for a total of 2500 students. The younger classes are growing which adds to the pedestrian traffic since these students are more inclined to walk to school. She stated that her last concern is providing a place that could possibly encourage students to leave campus. The proposed development would provide ahang-out for students just off campus without adult supervision. CSISD Assistant Superintendent for Instruction John P. Rouse of 3008 Cortez informed the Commission that he was present at the meeting concerning the last rezoning request. He stated that the District is concerned with the children's safety and operation of the school. If the subject property is rezoned, there is definitely a strong need for deed restrictions against the on-premise consumption of alcohol. Mr. Rouse stated that he is also concerned with the pedestrian traffic m the area as the school grows and the commercial property develops. He requested that the City take a look at the 55 miles per hour speed limit currently posted in the area. Mr. Rouse also expressed concern with the appearance of • the development especially with the proposed expansion and renovations of the high school. P & Z Minutes December 7, 199 Page 2 of 7 Transportation Planner Hard stated that the speed limit in that particular area is the state's jurisdiction. However, City staff has forwarded a similar request for the state to examine the speeds at this location to determine if they are still valid. The City can look into some additional enhancements if there is • increased pedestrian traffic in the area. Applicant Ray Hansen of 730 Rosemary approached the Commission and stated that he would be more than willing to deed restrict the property against the on-premise consumption of alcohol. He stated that the proposed station will be aesthetically pleasing. At the Rock Prairie Road location, the minimum landscape requirements were exceeded in order to provide an attractive facility. Mr. Hansen stated that several studies have been conducted concerning service stations and it has been determined that they do not generate traffic but instead intercept the traffic that is already present. A convenience store must be at a major intersection with high traffic volumes in order to be successful. Mr. Hansen concluded that he wants to work with CSISD and be a good member of the community. He stated that he will be willing to work with the school district on the deed restrictions to satisfy their concerns with on-premise consumption of alcohol. Commissioner Hall closed the public hearing. Commissioner Lightfoot moved to recommend approval of the rezoning request for approximately 1.69 acres on the southeast corner of the intersection of Welsh and F.M. 2818 from C-3 Planned Commercial to C-1 General Commercial with OV Corridor Overlay District. Commissioner Lane seconded the motion. Commissioner Lightfoot stated that he understands the school's position and concern for the high school students. However, he stated that he is also impressed with the attitude of the business owners in that they intend to run a clean and tight ship that would not detract from the community, residential area or the school site. Commissioner Lightfoot stated that under the present zoning, there are other uses such as a video game store, service station, etc. that could potentially be more of a problem than what is proposed. He stated that traffic is a concern at many intersections that will have to be addressed at this • location and elsewhere in town. Commissioner Garner stated that the proposed library will also increase the pedestrian traffic in the area with or without the proposed commercial development. She stated that some provisions will have to be made regardless of what is allowed to develop on the subject property. Commissioner Hall suggested that the City look at the possibility of creating additional commercial districts so that the uses allowed in a C-1 district are not as broad as they are now. He also suggested that staff look at restricting the maximum square footage of a restaurant in a service station as part of the zoning district so that C-1 zoning is not required to allow a small restaurant. Commissioner Hall expressed concern that once C-1 zoning is granted, it opens up the door to many uses that may or may not be suitable for a particular location. The motion to recommend approval of the proposed rezoning request passed unopposed (5 - 0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Public hearing to consider a request for a conditional use permit to allow the use of an existing duplex at 1601 Southwest Parkway for a Sunday school classroom for the Parkway Baptist Church. This request is for "use only"; site plan is not being considered at this time. (95-714) Senior Planner Kuenzel presented the staff report and stated that the request is for the use only and therefore no Project Review Committee review was conducted. Church parking is based on the seating capacity of the sanctuary, no additional parking is required for related uses. There is an access easement that extends from Anderson across the rear of lots 21-23 and across the rear of the subject property. One of the property owners in the vicinity has expressed concern for a future drive • connection between this property and the church and would like assurances that the church traffic will not be able to access the private road. P & Z Minutes December 7, 1995 Page 3 of 7 Commissioner Hall opened the public hearing. • Applicant Bardin H. Nelson approached the Commission and stated that the church does not want the existing drive behind the duplexes to open into the church property due to the potential hazards. He stated that the church will probably work directly with the City to close off the existing drive at the subject duplex building. Mr. Nelson stated that the front entrance of the duplex will never be used and the students will park in the church lot and walk to the rear of the duplex. The church will install a brick walkway from the parking lot to the duplex. He stated that landscaping will be installed and the property will be improved. Mr. Nelson informed the Commission that approximately twelve to fifteen people will be in the Sunday school class at one time and occasionally, the class may have a luncheon after services. However, the larger activities and gatherings will be held in the church. Commissioner Hall closed the public hearing. Commissioner Garner moved to grant a conditional use permit to allow the use of an existing duplex at 1601 Southwest Parkway for a Sunday school classroom for the Parkway Baptist Church with the condition that the existing roadway behind the duplexes be protected from traffic from the Parkway Baptist Church. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. Commissioner Hall questioned staff as to how the traffic will be restricted. Senior Planner Kuenzel stated that a connection between the parking area and the existing drive could be prohibited. However, the staff recommendation was to prohibit vehicular access between the two areas. Pedestrian access should still be allowed between the parking area and the adjacent duplex. Mr. Nelson stated that the church could install a permanent fence across that area that would enhance the safety in that general area. • Commissioner Lightfoot stated that he understands the church's need for additional space; however, he is not sure that the best alternative for the community is to allow commercial development in a residential area. He expressed concern with the use of the facility in a residential area and that the proposed fence will not totally protect the neighborhood. Mr. Nelson informed the Commission that the church owns a total of five acres and the long term plans are to build a larger sanctuary. At that point, the existing building will be converted into the Sunday School classrooms and the duplex could be returned to a residential use. The use of the duplex is to merely help the church get past this point until they are ready to construct the new sanctuary. Commissioner Hall informed the applicant that he should explore what will be required from a building standpoint to convert the existing building into a classroom. There maybe safety considerations such as fire walls, ADA requirements, etc. The Commission granted the request (3-1-1); Commissioner Lightfoot voted in opposition to the motion and Commissioner Hall abstained from voting. AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Public hearing to consider a request for a conditional use permit for site plan approval for Fire Station #1 to be located on lot 2 of the Holleman Place Subdivision. (95-709) • Senior Planner Kuenzel presented the staff report and informed the Commission that the property was recently rezoned from C-1 General Commercial to the existing R-5 Medium Density Apartment zoning. The request for R-5 was approved due to the fact that R-5 is considered more compatible with the R-1 to the south than the C-1 zoning would have been. P & Z Minutes December 7, 1995 Page 4 of 7 Senior Planner Kuenzel stated that in September of this year, the Commission approved a conditional use permit for the use of this property as a fire station and approved a conceptual plan showing a • building located around the center of the property with emergency vehicles entering and exiting using two access drives off of Holleman. The plan showed a third access point onto Richards Street for secondary employee access -this drive was approved; however, the applicant no longer wishes to access Richards. Approval of the conceptual plan was conditioned on all setbacks as required in the Zoning Ordinance. The site plan as submitted is a refinement of the conceptual plan (minus the one drive onto Richards Street). The plan maintains the 15' buffer area that was discussed during the rezoning to R-5; it also shows a 60' area with no structures to help maintain a buffer area between the fire station and the single family development to the south. The Project Review Committee met on November 29, 1995 to review the technical aspects of the site plan. There were some minor adjustments required. At this time, the calculations for the detention pond are not complete. It is possible that the detention pond could be located anywhere on site, but the applicant has chosen not to put detention along the front of the site. The Project Review Committee and Planning and Zoning Commission have the discretion at the time of site plan approval to require screening of "offensive" areas and the Committee has exercised this discretion on other sites where detention ponds are located on the front of sites. Staff recommended approval of the proposed site plan with the condition that the detention not be located in the front. Commissioner Hall opened the public hearing. Assistant City Engineer Brett McCully approached the Commission and offered to answer any questions pertaining to the proposed site plan. He stated that eleven employees will be at the station and those • eleven parking spaces are in the rear of the site. At shift changes, employees will park in the wide driving aisle until the shift change is over. Then, the employees will move the vehicles to the parking spaces. The parking located in the front of the site is visitor parking only. Commissioner Hall closed the public hearing. • Commissioner Lightfoot moved to grant a conditional use permit for the site plan of Fire Station #1 to be located on lot 2 of the Holleman Place Subdivision. (The use of the site was previously approved by the Commission.) Commissioner Smith seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5 - 0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Consideration of a final plat for the Edelweiss Estates Phase 10-A subdivision of 16 single family lots and the extension of Mint Avenue; also includes a revised Master Plan for the entire subdivision. (95-213) Graduate Civil Engineer Homeyer presented the staff report and stated that the revised Master Plan incorporates the Rock Prairie Estates into Edelweiss Estates so they function as one name, Edelweiss Estates. The applicant has had numerous discussions with the staff regarding the extension of Rock Prairie Road. It is their desire to build Rock Prairie through to Wellborn this next year but does not wish to "tie" this plat to the construction of that road. The development agreement executed on January 18, 1993 between the City of College Station and Begonia Corporation states "Begonia agrees and understands that City will not approve a final plat for any phase of Rock Prairie Estates until Begonia completes the extension of Rock Prairie Road from the eastern boundary of the Begonia property to Wellborn Road". P & Z Minutes December 7, 1995 Page S of 7 Graduate Civil Engineer Homeyer stated that although the applicant is requesting approval of a final plat of a phase of Rock Prairie Estates, staff believes that these sixteen lots, which will take access from Mint Avenue, should not mandate the extension of Rock Prairie Road. Instead, staff recommended that this requirement be waived for Phase 10-A and be imposed on any future phase north of Rock Prairie Road. Staff is encouraging the Rock Prairie extension and has been working with the developer toward a mutually agreeable monetary participation agreement. Staff recommended approval of the final plat and master development plan with the conditions identified by the Presubmission Conference and the removal of the requirement for Phase 10-A to extend Rock Prairie Road to Wellborn Road. Staff further recommended that the City enter into a development agreement at this time with the applicant establishing participation levels and construction timing of the Rock Prairie extension. Applicant Steve Arden approached the Commission and offered to answer any questions pertaining to the development. He stated that this plat is the first step in accelerating the construction of Rock Prairie Road. Mr. Arden stated that he anticipates Rock Prairie will be constructed very soon with or without the proposed 10-A development. Commissioner Smith moved to recommend approval of the final plat of Edelweiss Estates Phase 10-A subdivision with staff recommendations. Commissioner Lightfoot seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5 - 0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Consideration of a request for a variance to the requirement of a sidewalk along Dexter and Medina Streets in the West Knoll II Subdivision. (95-213) This item was withdrawn from the agenda at the request of applicant. AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Additional discussion of an ordinance amendment addressing redevelopment of established sites including a "tree ordinance". (95-510) Senior Planner Kuenzel stated that earlier this year, the Commission discussed a possible change to the City's Zoning Ordinance pertaining to existing landscaping on commercial sites. The Commission had determined that certain reasonable requirements should be added to prevent site owners from completely changing landscaping repeatedly, thus not giving trees a chance to grow and become well- established. The City staff has had further discussions and plans to talk to representatives from the community. Staff will recommend that if new landscaping is being proposed that will constitute the removal of 25% of the original landscaping that was installed, that the new plan be submitted for Planning and Zoning Commission review. In this fashion, the public will receive notice, and the Commission will have the authority to require maintenance of specific trees and in some instances to require site upgrades including additional points. Commissioner Hall expressed concern that the applicant/property owner should maintain the landscaping that was approved with the site plan at all times. The site maintenance should be an ongoing basis where given a reasonable amount of time (perhaps one month) to comply with the approved plan if changes are made or existing landscaping is replaced. The value of the landscaping should remain on a constant basis and someone should not be allowed to come in and change the value. Commissioner Hall also expressed concern with someone being allowed to revert back to the requirements that were in place when the site was developed. P & Z Minutes December 7, 1995 Page 6 of 7 Commissioner Lightfoot expressed concern that someone can revert back to the requirements that were in place when the site was developed. It seems that once changes are made to the site, the landscaping should meet current requirements. Senior Planner Kuenzel stated that staff is exploring that requirement with the Legal Department. She stated that currently, it appears that certain site aspects may be protected if those specific aspects are not changed. Since the landscaping is not a health or safety issue, staff is still unsure if the City can require the owner to bring the site into compliance with current codes and ordinances. AGENDA ITEM NO. 8: Other business. Commissioner Garner stated that she felt more encouraged with the respect to the Comprehensive Plan after last night's meeting with the consultants. There is still a lot of work to do including the changes to current codes and ordinances to implement the plan once it is adopted. City Planner Kee informed the Commission that in late January, a special Planning and Zoning Commission meeting will be scheduled to hold a public hearing to discuss the Plan. Based on the status of the Parks and Open Space Plan, there may be a joint Commission and Parks Board meeting. Commissioner Hall expressed concern with the proposed commercial land uses at the intersection of F.M. 2818 and Wellborn Road with the location of the existing railroad tracks. He also expressed concern with the enforcement of existing codes and ordinances. Currently, there is one person within the City that is responsible for inspecting grease traps. If the City can have one inspector to enforce such a specialized problem, it appears that more manpower should be allotted to enforce the remaining codes within the City. AGENDA ITEM NO. 9: Adjourn. Commissioner Lightfoot moved to adjourn the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Commissioner Lane seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5 - 0). APP O ~~,! C airman, Kyle a me TTEST: ,~ Planm Techm ian, Natalie Thomas P & Z Minutes December 7, 1995 Page 7 of 7 • Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting ~ '~ Agenda Item No, ~ _-, Name ~ ; `~'._., ~-~ ~--,~ ' l t- ~`' Address 1 ~- ~ If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: ~'s official capacity: ,,; ~~.. Subject on which person wishes to sp~k~ ~ 1 ~~ ~~ i ~ - ; ~ f-~ ~ E~ _~ ,r ~ .~-- , e ~- ~ . r Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair, cer and statemourtname and rion form to the presiding offi Y residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish E pXTItA COPY FOR PL1ANNING PLEASE FURNISH AN FILES. Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting /?~~~~5~ Agenda Item No. _~ Name ~al~~ ~ l~4 ~ S ~ Address 3 0 0 ~' C~.-~~ a- If speaking for an organization, Name of organizatio . Speaker's official capacity: Subject on which person wishes to speak: .Please remember to ste to the odium as soon as ou are P P Y recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. • Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting Z -~ ~ ~' Agenda Item No. Name ~ /~ /./ ~ ~ /~/ ~ ~. ~ a W Address .5 ~ ~}'" c,-~ ~ ~ ~~ / /~~ ~ $ ~~, ~ ~- l~ z If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: _ _ 's official capacity: ,~~~~. Subject on which person wishes to s eak: c-v~ ~~ 7 ~~~.~ ~_ ~~~ 1~~ rCr~~~~ lease remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. r ~ LJ • 1. z. ~Cannin~ ~' ZoninB Commission Guest ~,egister Date ;d ~Irfress i ~-~` ~ ~~~~~5 ~-~~ Svc: r~ 4 L.i ~i_~-Q-~"t `l-~/ ~--~4_ ,~4.;_. `! ~ ~/ ~ Cr_.,_-r.-c_<1 ~~''L{_~ f~'~~~ ~t 6. 7~. 8. 9. 10. 11. 1z, 13. 14. IS. 16. 1 7. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 2S.