HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/03/1995 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commissioni• MINUTES Planning & Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS August 3, 1995 7:00 P.M. • COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Hawthorne and Commissioners Garner, Gribou and Smith. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioners Lane, Hall and Lightfoot. STAFF PRESENT: City Planner Kee, Assistant City Engineer Morgan, Graduate Civil Engineer Homeyer, Planning Technician Thomas, Senior Planner Kuenzel and Transportation Planner Hard. AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: The Consent Agenda consists of non-controversial or "housekeeping" items required by law. Items may be removed from the Consent Agenda by any citizen, City staff member, or Commissioner by making such a request prior to a motion and vote on the Consent Agenda. (1.1) Approval of minutes from the meeting of July 20, 1995. (1.2) Consideration of a final plat of the Nantucket Phase Five Subdivision. (95-225) Consent agenda items 1.1 and 1.2 were approved unanimously by consent. AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Public hearing to consider a final E.T.J. replat of lots 17-1, 17-2, 17-3 & 17-4, block 7 of the Rainbow Acres Second Installment Subdivision. (95-224) Assistant City Engineer Morgan presented the staff report and recommended approval of the final replat with the condition of a general note which states that lots 17-2R, 17-3R, 17-4R and 17-6R will be required to have an elevation certificate from the Brazos County Engineer's Office. Chairman Hawthorne opened the public hearing. Seeing no one present to speak in favor of or in opposition to the proposed replat, he closed the public hearing. Commissioner Gribou moved to recommend approval of the final E.T.J. replat of the Rainbow • Acres Second Installment Subdivision with staff recommendations. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion which passed unopposed (4 - 0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Public hearing to consider a final replat of lot 4H, block 15 of • the Southwood Plaza Phase II Subdivision. (95-226) Assistant City Engineer Morgan presented the staff report and recommended approval of the final replat with the addition of a general note pertaining to parking and signage as outlined in the Presubmission Conference Report. Chairman Hawthorne opened the public hearing. Seeing no one present to speak in favor of or in opposition to the proposed replat, he closed the public hearing. Commissioner Gribou moved to recommend approval of the final replat of the Southwood Plaza Phase II Subdivision with staff recommendations. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion which passed unopposed (4 - 0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Consideration to waive the 180 day waiting period to reconsider the rezoning request for the Post Oak Village Shopping Center located at 900 Harvey Road East. Senior Planner Kuenzel informed the Commission that the subject property has a conditional zoning of C-1 General Commercial with cross access to the adjacent Post Oak Village shopping center. The owner has requested that the cross access condition of the zoning be removed from the C-1 zoning. The owner has also provided a traffic study of the Harvey Road area and has several recommendations to correct the existing traffic problems. Commissioner Garner moved to waive the 180 day waiting period to reconsider the rezoning • request for the Post Oak Village Shopping Center located at 900 Harvey Road East. Commissioner Gribou seconded the motion which passed unopposed (4 - 0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Public hearing to reconsider the cross access condition placed on the C-1 zoning of the Post Oak Village Shopping Center located at 900 Harvey Road East. (95-103) Transportation Planner Hard informed the Commission that they approved the rezoning of the Post Oak Village center from C-3 to C-1 in February of 1995. Staff recommended denial of the rezoning due to concerns of traffic problems along State Highway 30 that could result from higher traffic generating C-1 uses. Staff conducted traffic counts at numerous local restaurants and found that the amount of traffic to Post Oak Village could double if restaurants (the highest traffic generating C-1 use) were allowed in the center. The City Council approved the rezoning in March of 1995 with the condition that a cross access driveway be provided between Post Oak Village and Post Oak Square. Staff provided a detailed presentation to Council on the increased traffic to the center and the resulting operational concerns on Highway 30 if the rezoning was granted. The owner Mr. Bernstein is aware of the traffic difficulties on Highway 30 in front of both centers and is not opposed to making improvements for traffic safety. However, in light of the considerable expense of constructing the cross access, he hired a local traffic engineering consultant to take a more comprehensive look at the traffic problems associated with Post Oak Village and Post Oak Square. P & Z Miflutes August 3, 1995 Page 2 of 6 Transportation Planner Hard stated that the study points out that traffic accidents area "relatively frequent occurrence" on Highway 30 in front of the three shopping centers (including Post Oak • Mall) and indicates that the majority of these accidents involve motorists attempting to make left turns on to and off of Highway 30. It discusses a number of improvement options and concludes that there is no "one best" solution to remedy the accident problem. The study recommends installing raised medians in Highway 30 to restrict and control left turn movements, installing a traffic signal at the main entrance to Post Oak Square, installing a cross access between Post Oak Mall and Post Oak Square and installing a pedestrian bridge over the drainage way between Post Oak Square and Post Oak Village. Staff agrees with the recommendations to install medians in Highway 30 and to provide cross access between Post Oak Mall and Post Oak Square. Staff is also in agreement that a traffic signal is needed; but not necessarily at the main entrance to Post Oak Square. It may be that the west Post Oak Mall entry/exit location would be a more suitable location. This determination will require further study by staff A study of the traffic accidents on Highway 30 between Dartmouth and the East Bypass conducted by staff indicates that there is an accident problem in front of the Post Oak Mall's west driveway and to a lesser extent a problem in front of Post Oak Square's main driveway. This finding supports the need for cross access between Post Oak Mall and Post Oak Square for an additional traffic signal on Highway 30 that could be utilized by patrons of either shopping center via the cross access. Mr. Bernstein's study offers two preferred alternatives for providing vehicular cross access between Post Oak Village and Post Oak Square but questions their cost effectiveness. It says that cross access should be "strongly considered" but points out that the centers were not designed initially for this connection. His study essentially concludes that the small amount of improvement in traffic safety and convenience gained by vehicular cross access would not be worth its high cost. This may be the reason the study arrived at the recommendation for a pedestrian bridge across the drainage • way that could ultimately allow the two centers to share parking. Staff is of the impression that Mr. Bernstein is interested in making improvements to improve traffic safety, but feels that money would be better spent somewhere other than the vehicular cross access between Post Oak Square and Post Oak Village. Staffs accident study is somewhat consistent with Mr. Bernstein's findings. It shows that there is not an accident problem on Highway 30 at the most easterly driveway to Post Oak Village and therefore no serious need for cross access between Post Oak Village and Post Oak Square at this time. However, the rezoning to C-1 could result in higher traffic volumes to the site and create an accident problem at some point in the future. In order to mitigate current and potential future traffic problems, staff recommended that the City enter into a development agreement with Mr. Bernstein for the following: (1) The City condemn and construct a cross access driveway between Post Oak Mall and Post Oak Square. (2) If it is determined that a traffic signal should be located on Highway 30 at the main entrance to Post Oak Square, Mr. Bernstein shall participate in the cost of this signal in an amount equal to the cost of the design and construction of a vehicular cross access driveway between Post Oak Square and Post Oak Village. (3) If it is determined that a traffic signal should be located on Highway 30 at the west entry/exit to Post Oak Mall, then the City will install the signal and pursue financial • participation from Post Oak Mall on its construction. P & Z Minutes August 3, 1995 Page 3 of 6 (4) Mr. Bernstein forgo the construction of a cross access between Post Oak Village • and Post Oak Square at this time and construct it at a point in the future when the accident frequency is one or more every two months for three consecutive two month periods or at a frequency of six or more per year. If accident conditions are met and Mr. Bernstein is required to construct the cross access, then the City will reimburse Mr. Bernstein for the amount of money he may have previously contributed toward the installation of a traffic signal at the main entrance to Post Oak Square. The accident frequency calculation will include all accidents on Highway 30 involving vehicles attempting to enter or exit the most easterly driveway of Post Oak Village on Highway 30. The accident frequency determination will be based on the records and accounts of the College Station Police Department. If conditions are met for the installation of the cross access, the City and Mr. Bernstein will work together to determine a mutually agreeable location, design and cost of the access drive. Such location and design may also include closing the most westerly driveway in the Post Oak Square center and improvements needed for circulation in the parking areas of both the Post Oak Square and Post Oak Village to make the cross access work. The access will meet all applicable City of College Station standards and specifications for construction. (5) The City will work with the Texas Department of Transportation and pursue the installation of raised traffic medians in Highway 30 from Munson Drive to the East Bypass. • Commission Gribou questioned staff as to what exactly the Commission is considering. City Planner Kee stated that the Commission should make a recommendation on the applicant's request for C-1 zoning without the cross access condition. Chairman Hawthorne opened the public hearing. Andrew Bernstein, applicant and owner of Post Oak Village and Post Oak Square shopping centers, requested that the Commission make the same recommendation as they did previously on the rezoning request. He stated that the conditional zoning will cloud the title to the subject property and the cross access will not solve the traffic problems of Highway 30. Amore comprehensive approach must be taken to establish some long term solutions. Mr. Bernstein stated that he is willing to enter into a development agreement based on the staff recommendations with the exception of a future vehicular access between Post Oak Square and Post Oak Village shopping centers. Chairman Hawthorne closed the public hearing. The Commission reached a consensus to vote on the rezoning request itself and then comment on the proposed development agreement. • P & Z Minutes August 3, 1995 Page 4 of 6 Commissioner Gribou moved to recommend approval of the rezoning request from C-3 Planned Commercial to C-1 General Commercial without the condition of cross access between Post Oak Square and Post Oak Village shopping centers. Commissioner Garner seconded the motion. • The Commission requested that the following discussion be forwarded to the City Council for their consideration as part of the proposed development agreement. Chairman Hawthorne stated that he agrees with all of the recommendations for the proposed development agreement with the exception of #4 pertaining to the possible future construction of the cross access between Post Oak Square and Post Oak Village. This condition would tie the solution of a traffic problem to Mr. Bernstein's business when it may not be the cause of the traffic problem. Chairman Hawthorne stated that if medians are installed along Highway 30, there should not be a problem with traffic turning left on Highway 30 from Post Oak Square to Post Oak Village unless they are driving against the flow of traffic. He stated that there is obviously a left turning problem along Highway 30 and the cross access will not adequately address this problem. Commissioner Gribou agreed and stated that if a median is installed that prohibits left turns into the most easterly drive entrance to Post Oak Village, the tenants and the owner may decide at that time to install the cross access. The need for the cross access may be more of an advantage in the future with the median placement. Commissioner Gribou stated that the cross access should be left up to the owners and the tenants of the two shopping centers to determine if it will help encourage patrons traveling west on Highway 30. The remaining recommendations outlined by staff will address the safety issues involved. • Chairman Hawthorne stated that he is more inclined to leave the issue of cross access up to the property owner. The most important traffic solution is the installation of raised medians along Highway 30 that will also help control access. The cross access is something that can be gauged in the future by the property owner to determine if it will be beneficial from a business standpoint. The motion to recommend approval of the rezoning request without the condition of cross access between Post Oak Village and Post Oak Square passed unopposed (4 - 0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Consideration of a commercial amusement business to be located in the Village Shopping Center at 700 University Drive East in the C-B Business Commercial zoning district. (95-806) • Staff Planner Dunn informed the Commission that the proposed Q-Zar of Bryan/College Station is essentially a large scale arcade with designated areas for interactive games as well as a small area for serving food. Staff classified this business as a commercial amusement, which is defined in the Zoning Ordinance as a business which "provides the general public with an amusing/entertaining activity where tickets are sold or fees are collected at the gate". Arcades are included in this definition. Q-Zar proposes to locate within the Village Shopping Center, which is zoned C-B Business Commercial. A commercial amusement is not listed as a permitted use nor as a conditional use in this district. It is listed as a permitted use only in C-1 General Commercial districts and C-2 Commercial Industrial districts. Therefore, the applicant requests consideration from the Commission as a permitted use in the C-B district. P & Z Minutes Augx~st 3, 1995 Page S of 6 Staff Planner Dunn stated that the request is not in conflict with the C-B district purpose statement in that the business will be conducted wholly within an enclosed building, and will not • be visible from the street. The use is also compatible with other currently permitted uses within the district, such as theaters, dance schools and dormitories. The hours of operation are similar to that of a restaurant or theater from noon to midnight on weekdays and noon to 2:00 a.m. on weekends. Applicant John Clark of Remax Bryan/College Station presented a brochure with photographs and a brief explanation of the proposed facility. He stated that the proposed use is compatible with other uses allowed in the C-B district including theaters and restaurants. Mr. Clark stated that no alcohol will be served and some concessions will be available. There will be approximately five full time employees and many part time employees. Commissioner Gribou moved to approve the proposed commercial amusement use to be located in the Village Shopping Center at 700 University Drive East in the C-B Business Commercial zoning district. Commissioner Garner seconded the motion which passed unopposed (4 - 0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Other business. n U There was no other business. AGENDA ITEM NO. 8: Adjourn. Commissioner Gribou moved to adjourn the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Commissioner Garner seconded the motion which passed unopposed (4 - 0). APPRO airman, Kyle Ha o e A Technician. Natalie Thomas • P & Z Minutes August 3, 1995 Page 6 of 6 i• i• Canning ~' Zoning Commission Guest ~,egister ~' ,, Date~~L~, /~y~ ~ ~~" j~ V ~~¢ ;~ cfrfress 1. "•i,,`l.`;7"~ ~'~r` W`>T'<< ~" ~ ~ ~C ~jl~ .iV'1 G~~C'S ~ ~ L'G"~ y~~~, _~ ~ "7 7 ~`.i 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. l 1. 12. 13. 14. 1S. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24, 25.