HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/17/1993 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS June 17, 1993 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Hawthorne and Commissioners Hall, Smith, Gribou and Herring. MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioners Mariott and Lane. STAFF PRESENT: City Planner Kee, Planning Technician Thomas, Assistant to the City Engineer Morgan, Staff Planner Kuenzel, Transportation Planner Hard and Development Coordinator Volk. AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Approval of minutes from the meeting of June 3, 1993. Commissioner Gribou moved to approve the minutes from the meeting of June 3, 1993 as written. Commissioner Herring seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5 - 0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Public hearing to consider a conditional use permit request by the Grace Bible • Church to expand their existing facilities at 701 Anderson to a 4.5 acre tract located dtrectly across Anderson Street. (93-712) Staff Planner Kuenzel presented the staff report. In 1987, the church proposed an educational facility including a gymnasium to be located on the subject site. Concerns expressed by the surrounding property owners include: -- the close proximity of the dumpster to the single family homes to the rear of the site; -- a landscape buffer along the rear property line instead of a privacy wooden fence; -- additional screening between the church facility and the park; and -- ending of Village Drive. The conditional use permit issued in 1987 has since expired. The site plan submitted is similar to the plan submitted in 1987; however, the sole use of the facility is for a sanctuary. The existing dead end of Village Drive is prohibited under the current subdivision regulations. The ending of Village Drive is to be addressed at the time of final plat; however, a plat is not required with this development. Alternatives to extending Village Drive is to construct a cul-de-sac, provide an access way to the church drive or to leave the street as a dead end. The church and surrounding residents are both opposed to extending Village Drive. The church has adequate fire lanes to protect the site and the fire department does not need a cul-de-sac at the end of Village Drive to protect the church or the neighborhood. The Sanitation Department however is having difficultly servicing the lots at the dead end of Village Drive with the new side loading vehicles. The Sanitation Department would prefer another option instead of leaving the street a dead end. The cul-de-sac • option is not desired by the church. The residents have indicated that a eul-de-sac will encourage people to park in the circle for the church and the park. Twenty-two surrounding property owners were notified of the conditional use permit request with three inquiries. Chairperson Hawthorne opened the public hearing. Richard Benning of 1402 Village Drive, informed the Commission that he has lived on Village Drive for 12 years. In 1987 the residents did not want [he educational facility to be located on the subject property. The sanitation trucks have not had any problems that he is aware of since going to the side loading vehicles. Mr. • Benning stated that the residents do not want a thru street or a cul-de-sac because they enjoy the dead end street. Either option will increase traffic in the area and provide additional parking for the church and the park. Mr. Benning stated that the residents would probably be willing to move the trash receptacles to the intersection if Village Drive could be left as a dead end street. Rick Robertson, the design engineer for the Grace Bible Church, approached the Commission and stated that a cul-de-sac would take up approximately a 100' diameter of right-of-way and the southwest quadrant of the property to the middle of the proposed access drive. A cul-de-sac would also intercept the drainage to go along Village Drive and not to Anderson Street as presently designed. Mike Gentry, a member of the; Grace Bible Church informed the Commission that this property was purchased in 1986. At that time, the church applied for a conditional use permit to determine what the surrounding neighborhood wanted and what the city would require. Since 1987, the church has addressed some of the neighborhood concerns and the school has recently broken ground for a new facility at Villa Maria. By next September, the school will be completely relocated to the new facility. With the moving of the school, there will be less daily use of the facility and traffic. The church may not be in a position financially to build a cul-de-sac or extend Village Drive. Lloyd Morris of 1314 Timm suggested that the Commission require a landscape buffer between the church property and the end of Village Drive that is accessible to the fire department to enter through both directions. This alternative would provide protection to the church and the homes at the end of Village Drive. The fire department could park in the church parking lot and still protect the last two homes on Village Drive through the access. Chairperson Hawthorne closed the public hearing. Commissioner Gribou stated that an additional landscape buffer should be placed between the church development and the existing park. He also questioned staff as to the possibility of requiring the residents along the rear portion of Village Drive to move their trash receptacles to a more accessible location. Staff Planner Kuenzel stated that the Commission can direct staff to work with the appropriate departments and residents on a solution; however, the relocating of the off-site receptacles cannot be a condition of the conditional use permit. Chairperson Hawthorne questioned the applicant if the church is concerned with the patrons of the park using the church parking lot. Mr. Gentry stated that there is a need for parking in the area. The church would not mind the public utilizing the parking as long as it does not conflict with church activities. The church is not opposed to an additional landscape buffer between their site and the park as long as credit is received for landscape point requirements. Commissioner Hall stated that the Commission has the discretion to require additional buffers especially when developments are located in a residential area. The additional landscape buffers do not preclude landscaping throughout the rest of the site;. The buffer between the church and the park is necessary from a streetscape standpoint. The landscaping would soften the impact of the parking lot and buffer the parked cars from traffic along Holleman Avenue. Commissioner Gribou agreed and stated that a visual break is needed along the property line between the park and the church to improve the overall aesthetics of both properties. Commissioner Gribou moved to grant a conditional use permit to the Grace Bible Church to expand their existing facilities at 701 Anderson to a 4.5 acre tract located directly across Anderson Street with all staff recommendations, Project Review Committee comments and an additional landscape buffer provided between the church and the residents to the rear and between the church and the park. Commissioner Herring seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5 - 0). P ~l Z Minutes June 17, 1993 Page Z Commissioner Gribou recommended that staff work with the property owners along Village Drive to resolve the sanitation issue. • AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Public hearing to consider a rezoning request by Ben and Nancy Crouch to rezone lots 4 - 7, block 1 of the Cooney Addition from R-5 Medium Density Apartments to Gl General Commercial (93-108) Staff Planner Kucnzel presented the staff report and recommended approval of the rezoning with the condition that any of the four lots not sold for inclusion on the adjacent project, be replatted into a single lot. The comprehensive future land use plan reflects the property along both sides of Cooney Street from Texas Avenue to Jane Street as retail commercial. This request is in compliance with that plan. In order to avoid small commercial lots on a street that was not designed to handle heavy commercial traffic, staff recommends that any rezoning to commercial be conditioned upon replatting. This replatting would incorporate one or two of the lots into the adjacent property to the west which is the location of the proposed Super 8 Motel. (The applicant has indicated a desire on the motel's part to acquire additional property for parking.) Any lots not so incorporated should be combined through replatting into a single lot. The commercial development of this property is compatible with surrounding land uses and with the long term plan for the area to redevelop into an office and retail area with multi-family residential development along the north side of Cooner Street east of Jane Street. Staff recommended approval with the condition that any of the four lots not sold for inclusion on the adjacent project, be replatted into a single lot. Twelve surrounding property owners were notified with one inquiry. Chairperson Hawthorne opened the public hearing. Harry Wharton, the owner of 403 Jane Street, approached the Commission and stated that traffic along Jane Street is a major problem. During the lunch hour, it is difficult to maneuver down the street due to parking along both sides. The Blackeyed Pea restaurant does not have half of the parking needed and residents along Jane Street are not able to get in or out of their driveways. Mr. Wharton stated that the traffic problem has become a safety hazard because fire trucks and other emergency vehicles cannot access Jane Street. He • expressed concern of the rezoning creating a similar situation along Cooner Street. Mr. Wharton stated that he is in favor of the rezoning and that property should be developed in this area; however, something must be done with the existing problems in the area. There are no parking signs along Jane Street but the Police Department does not enforce them. Representative of Nations Bank Bob Welch approached the Commission and stated that he is not in favor of the proposed rezoning but he is not opposed to the appropriate uses shown on the land use plan. Mr. Welch expressed concern with a possible traffic problem occurring on Cooney Street like the one that exists on Jane Street. The exit to the existing motor bank is located directly across Cooney Street from the proposed development. If a restaurant is developed on the subject property, there could be traffic congestion problems due to the similar peak hours of the restaurant and the bank. Mr. Welch submitted photographs of the parking situation along Jane Street during peak traffic hours. There may also be a problem in that Jane and Cooner Streets will become. a shortcut from University Drive to Texas Avenue. Mr. Welch expressed concern with the overall impact and the safety issues involved in developing commercial projects on streets built for primarily residential usage. Pat Siegert of 8701 Chippendale approached the Commission and stated that he was involved with the development of the Blackeyed Pea restaurant. He stated that the site complied with all city ordinances including parking requirements. Mr. Siegert stated that he has no financial interest in the property considered for rezoning; however, he does have knowledge of the issue. The developers of the Super 8 Motel are trying to alleviate the problem on Jane Street by providing additional parking within their development. The required parking will fit on the existing C-1 tract; however, the developers would prefer additional area to provide; additional parking. Chairperson Hawthorne closed the public hearing. Commissioner Gribou moved to recommend approval of the rezoning request by Ben and Nancy Crouch to rezone lots 4 - 7, block 1 of the Cooner Addition from R-5 Medium Density Apartments to C-1 General Commercial wish all staff recommendations. Commissioner Herring seconded the motion. P ~ Z Minutes June 17, 1993 Page 3 Commissioner Hall questioned staff as to the possibility of requiring no parking along Cooper Street. Transportation Planner Hard stated that currently staff handles no parking areas on a case by case basis. In • order to determine a no parking area, there has to be a safety problem or a sight distance problem. There are areas on Jane Street where problems exist; however, Cooner Street is a separate issue and staff would have to deal with that issue at a later date. Commissioner Hall stated that he is for development, however, the City must be mindful of the existing businesses in the area. Mr. Welch has presented a valid possible problem for the Nations Bank drive through. There is an existing problem with the Police Department not enforcing the no parking zone along Jane Street. The developers of the commercial tract should be notified that they are going to have to address the safety issues associated with the traffic congestion. Transportation Planner Hard stated that the Fire and Police Departments are attempting to address the same safety issues. The section of Cooper Street where the motel will develop is a 27' paved section which would allow parking on one side of the street and two driving lanes. Staff may able to look at assigning no parking along Cooner Street; however, that cannot be a condition of the rezoning. Commissioner Gribou stated that the traffic issue is a reasonable concern; however, the applicant is being required to consolidate the land. The existing situation in the area with small individual office and apartment lots is much worse than what is being proposed. The City should look at the items that are substandard in this neighborhood in order to address the existing problems. Some of these issues may be resolved during the platting process. Commissioner Hawthorne stated that the traffic issues should be addressed; but, at this time, the rezoning of the property will not make a difference. The majority of the property is C-1 now and they can develop the corner piece as a restaurant without coming before the Commission or City Council. The original motion to recommend approval of the rezoning with all staff recommendations passed • unanimously (5 - 0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Reconsideration of a final plat for the Oakgrove section of the Springbrook Subdivision to relocate a public utility easement along Barron Road. (92-212) Assistant to the City Engineer Morgan presented a revision to the Springbrook Oakbrook final plat. The original final plat was approved by the City Council on September 24, 1992. Originally, this plat had dedicated a 10' public utility casement adjacent to Barron Road for the placement of electrical, cable and telephone utilities. During construction, it became apparent that several trees would have to be removed if these utilities were to stay within this 10 feet. Rather than remove the trees, the developer opted to meander the utilities slightly and rededicate an easement to cover the lines. This plat removes the old 10' public utility easement and replaces it with a variable width easement along Barron Road. Staff held a Project Review Committee meeting on this plat, at which time only one comment was made regarding adding additional easement just around the utility pole locations for access. The applicant has complied with this request. Staff recommended approval of the final plat as revised. Commissioner Gribou moved to recommend approval of the revision to the final plat of the Oakgrove section of the Springbrook Subdivision. Commissioner Hall seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5 - 0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Consideration of a final plat for the Oakbrook Valley Subdivision. (93-214) Assistant to the City Engineer Morgan presented the staff report and recommended approval of the final plat as presented. The final plat conforms to the approved preliminary plat. The area is reflected as medium density residential on the land use plan, with no collectors or arterials through the property as shown on the Thoroughfare Plan. Due to the size of this development, the applicant will be required to pay fees in lieu of • parkland dedication. These fees have not yet been paid. Sidewalks will be required along both Heathcrwood Lane and Deacon Drive. Staff has issued an administrative decision regarding the size of the drainage easement necessary for the detention pond at the rear of lots 10, 23 and 24. In that decision, the proposed 60' width is sufficient. P ~l Z Minutes June 17, 1993 Page 4 Commissioner Hall moved to recommend approval of the final plat of the Oakbrook Valley Subdivision with staff recommendations. Commissioner Herring seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5 - 0). • AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Consideration of a final plat for the Pebble Creek Phase 2A Subdivision. (93- 215) Assistant to the City Engineer Morgan presented the staff report and recommended approval of the final plat with the Project Review Committee recommendations. The area is reflected as low density residential on the land use plan with no collectors or arterials through the property as shown on the thoroughfare plan. Sidewalks are being provided along Stonebriar Circle. Commissioner Gribou moved to recommend approval of the final plat of the Pebble Creek Phase 2A Subdivision with staff recommendations. Commissioner Herring seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5 - 0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Consideration of a final plat for the Shenandoah Phase I Subdivision, Block A (93-215) Assistant to the City Engineer Morgan presented the staff report and recommended approval. Staff reviewed this plat at a Presubmission Conference on June 9, 1993. Shared access will be researched and discussed at the time of site plan review. The site plan must come before the Planning and Zoning Commission for final approval. Commissioner Herring moved to recommend approval of the final plat for the Shenandoah Phase I Subdivision, Block A with staff recommendations. Commissioner Gribou seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5 - 0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 8: Other business. • Commissioner Hall questioned staff as to parking problems at freestanding restaurants. The Blackeyed Pea restaurant met all city requirements and there is still a traffic problem. There is a similar situation at the Chili's restaurant on Texas Avenue. Senior Planner Kee stated that staff is currently working on ordinance amendments to address the concerns previously mentioned. Staff is also responding to a cast law decision pertaining to distinguishing businesses on the basis of alcohol. Commissioner Hall stated that there is a definite difference between restaurants that are primarily sit down establishments as opposed to drive through restaurants. A restaurant with a drive through will do 60 to 70% of their business in the drive through. If a restaurant does not provide a drive through, there will be significantly more traffic. Residents near these businesses should not be subject to calling the police in order to get in or out of their driveway. The City should take a more pro-active approach to the problem and look at the situation as a whole. AGENDA ITEM NO. 9: Adjourn. Commissioner Herring moved to adjourn the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Commissioner Hall seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5 - 0). r i' /r APPROVED~l~j ----- ' ',/~~ ~9 Chairperson, Kyle Hawthorne ~l 1 / / > i_ `7~ ~ ~ , Planntn~ Technician, a a ic~homas P d'- Z Minutes June I7, 1993 Page S C7 ~Cannin~ ~ Zoning Commission Guest T~,eBister Date ~'~ ~ /'~ ~~~ ~> -~ ,'. ; 6. 8. ~ tip L~~ r~ 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 1 S. 16. 17. 1 s. 19. zo. 21. 22. 23. 24. ~ ~~~R~ ~1 cfrfress l/ ' ~ i 1 I~ ~Ul~i-~, ~ ~e. C.S `t7g~ /` ~~~~ C~~ r ~ ~'~ ~' .S , 25.