HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/01/1993 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission• MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS April 1, 1993 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Hawthorne and Commissioners Gribou, Lane, Mariott, Hall and Herring. MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Smith. STAFF PRESENT: Senior Planner Kee, Staff Planner Kuenzel, Planning Technician Thomas, City Planner Callaway and -X45;}staff-~~ City Engineer ~4~ga~- (Councilman McIlhaney was in the audience.) ,_(~, AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Approval of the minutes from the meeting of March 18, 1993. • Commissioner Hall moved to approve the minutes from the meeting of March 18, 1993 as written. Commissioner Herring seconded the motion which passed unopposed (4 - 0). (Commissioners Lane and Gribou were not present during the approval of minutes.) AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Public hearing to consider an amendment to a conditional use permit anted to the Christ Holy Missionary Baptist Church for their present location at 1119 Arizona. ~93-709) Staff Planner Kuenzel informed the Commission that on July 19, 1990, a conditional use permit was granted to allow construction of the church and associated parking lot. Approximately two months ago, construction was completed. Upon inspection of the site, staff noticed that the screening fence that was shown on the site plan had not been installed. Although the site plan was included in the construction documents that should have been on the construction site, the contractor worked off a plan that did not show a fence. The applicant has submitted a petition in support of the request to eliminate the screening fence. The signators include the residents of the two lots that abut the subject property on either side along Phoenix Street. The Commission has the discretion to require screening fences where appropriate. In the past, the Commission has made such a fence a condition of a use permit where a church and residential area share common boundary lines. r 1 U Chairperson Hawthorne opened the public hearing. Pastor Bennett Blake of the Christ Holy Missionary Baptist Church approached the Commission and presented a petition against the proposed wooden fence. Pastor Blake stated that if the fence is installed, it will attract vandalism and crime to the site. Children of the neighborhood ride their bikes and play on the newly paved parking lot instead of the street. If the fence was installed, the residents would not be able to watch their children or keep an eye on the church. Pastor Blake concluded that by installing a fence around the church, the city is separating the church from its community. Billy Lyons approached the Commission and explained that he is the contractor who built the • church. He stated that two site plans were drawn up through the process; one with a wooden fence and one without. The site plan approved in 1990 included the fence; however, he and the church thought that the site plan without the fence was approved. It was not until final inspection that he was made aware of the fence requirement. A wooden fence was never included in the church budget. Barbara Davis of 1203 Detroit Street informed the Commission that she talked with the neighbors on either side of the church and they agreed that a fence should not be installed. A fence surrounding the church would encourage vandalism and crime. Norris Fosisilier of 1122 Phoenix Street approached the Commission and stated that he would prefer not to have the fence installed. Commissioner Hall questioned Pastor Blake if he would be amenable to installing shrubs along either side of the church driveway that opens onto Phoenix Street. The additional landscaping would enhance the property and help the adjacent single family homes maintain their privacy without the use of a fence. Pastor Blake stated that the proposed shrubbery would be acceptable. Chairperson Hawthorne closed the public hearing. Commissioner Hall moved to allow the church to work with staff on the installation of a landscape buffer along the church driveway between 1122 and 1118 Phoenix Street in place of the wooden fence requirement around the perimeter of the church. Commissioner Gribou seconded the motion which passed unopposed (6 - 0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Public hearing to consider the site plan for a conditional use permit request for a veterinarian clinic to be located at 123 Millers Lane. (93-710) Staff Planner Kuenzel presented the staff report and stated that this area has been the subject of recent study with the F. M. 2818 Extension Report. City Council has approved office-commercial for this area. Currently, a few single family homes still exist including two homes to the east of the subject site and several to the west. On January 21, 1993, the Commission granted the use of this property as a veterinary clinic. All site plans for use permits must also come before the Commission. The Commission has the discretion in these cases to require screening of this site from adjacent residential property. The applicant believes that the neighbor to the east will not wish to have a fence installed, whereas the neighbor to the west will want to see one installed. The proposed sign is 38 square feet; in a C-1 General Commercial district, a sign of 100 square feet would be allowed. The proposed sign will be moved out of the state right-of-way. Staff recommended that the sign stay within the requirements of a commercial district. Chairperson Hawthorne opened the public hearing. John Jordan of 117 Millers Lane approached the Commission and requested that a landscaped buffer be installed along the west property line of the proposed clinic to buffer the site from his home. Mr. Jordan stated that he does not feel a fence is necessary and that he would be willing to work with the applicant on installing taller shrubs as a buffer. Chairperson Hawthorne closed the public hearing. • Commissioner Gribou moved to approve the site plan for a conditional use permit granted for a veterinary clinic located at 123 Millers Lane with all staff and Project Review Committee recommendations in addition to the vegetation buffer along the west side of the property per Mr. Jordan's request. Commissioner Herring seconded the motion which passed unopposed (6 - 0). P & Z Minutes April 1, 1993 Page 2 AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Public hearing to consider a rezoning request of approximately 85.25 acres in the Pebble Creek Subdivision from A-O Agricultural Open ad R-3 Townhomes to R-1 • and R-lA Single Family Residential. (93-101) Senior Planner Kee presented the staff report and recommended approval of the proposed rezoning. All three subject tracts have preliminary plats approved for single family development and this rezoning is necessary to facilitate continued development. The Commission will see similar requests m this subdivision as it continues to develop. Four surrounding property owners were notified of the rezoning request with no response. Chairperson Hawthorne opened the public hearing. Seeing no one present to speak in favor of or in opposition to the proposed rezoning, he closed the public hearing. Commissioner Mariott moved to recommend approval of the rezoning request of approximately 85.25 acres in the Pebble Creek Subdivision from A-O Agricultural Open and R-3 Townhomes to R-1 and R-lA Single Family Residential. Commissioner Lane seconded the motion which passed unopposed (6 - 0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Discussion of allowing some accessory indoor seating for a proposed retail business in the Post Oak Village Shopping Center. This item was removed from the agenda prior to the meeting. AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Other business. Senior Planner Kee informed the Commission that the Wal-Mart corporation withdrew their rezoning and platting requests for the property located at the southwest corner of F. M. 2818 and the East By Pass. Councilman Mcllhaney invited the Commission to the Region 10 Texas Municipal League meeting to discuss strategic planning on April 15, 1993. AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Adjourn. Commissioner Mariott moved to adjourn the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Commissioner Herring seconded the motion which passed unopposed (6 - 0). TTEST• ~ ~~ Pla ni g Technician, Natalie Thomas P & Z Minutes APP -~-- h ~r erson, Kyle Hawthorne April 1, 1993 Page 3 ~CanninB ~' Zoning Commission Guest ~,e~ister Date ~/ame ~icfcfress 1. 11/~ r."rl(~~3~~ 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. f1~ 7 2. ~, - ~~l i i _- ~_ 'I ~ ~~ l ~ ~~~ j F , 3. •~ i rt~i t ~ l 11_i..~~-fin -rr 14. 1S. 16. 17. 1 B. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. • 24. 2S. a ? ~ r ..__ l ~~) '~ ~1 J r ~ l.~ ' ra ;~ i 4 ITI ~ ~ ~ '.,, t . ~ ~, ,1..~.-~ ~-~. ~'~ ~~ . `~ .~~ .-,- { ~ . 1 ~•' _, • --~ ~} '} r _--- / ,•-~ ~ [ / ~ 'kf-fir,: ' A'L-l.~ _ ~_-., ~ , ~~ ~~_~.~° ~ a ~~ -1~. ~ `~ i '