HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/05/1992 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS November 5, 1992 7:00 P.M. .7 • MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Hawthorne, Commissioners Smith, Mariott, Lane, Herring and Hall. MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Gribou. STAFF PRESENT: Senior Planner Kee, Planning Technician Thomas, City Engineer Pullen, Development Coordinator Volk and City Planner Callaway. AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Approval of minutes from the meeting of October 15, 1992. Commissioner Lane moved to approve the minutes from the meeting of October 15, 1992 as corrected by Chairperson Hawthorne. Commissioner Mariott seconded the motion which passed unopposed (4 - 0). (Commissioners Herring and Hall were not present for the approval of minutes.) AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Consideration of a parking lot plan to determine the parking requirements for batting cages to be located in the northeast quadrant of Texas Avenue and I{renek Tap Road. (92-d23) Staff Planner Kuenzel presented the Putt-Putt site plan and explained that since commercial amusements are not given a parking requirement in the Zoning Ordinance, the Planning and Zoning Commission must determine that requirement. Staff surveyed several Texas cities but found no parking ratio that could be recommended. Studies such as those found in the ITE handbook were inadequate for the proposed uses. The applicant is proposing 70 spaces. These will serve the two existing 18 hole golf courses, the 8 proposed bumper boats and the proposed 6 station batting range. Due to the lack of adequate studies available, staff cannot be sure that this will accommodate the parking demand for this expansion. Staff has encouraged the applicant to supply numbers to support his proposal. Included in the packets is a letter from David Lloyd of Putt-Putt, Inc. in which he has listed the number of parking spaces provided at similar facilities. Staff Planner Kuenzel stated that the Commission can set a parking requirement for a particular use or set requirements on this specific site. Because of the mixture of uses in this case, it would probably be better to make this parking requirement site specific. Chairperson Hawthorne suggested that motions made on this item be site specific and for commercial amusements in general instead of specific uses such as batting cages or bumper boats. Representative of the applicant Stuart Kling approached the Commission and stated that there are 46 existing parking spaces and the applicant is proposing 24 additional spaces to accommodate the bumper boats and batting cages addition. for consideration. Commissioner Lane seconded the motion which passed unopposed (6 - 0). Commissioner Mariott moved to approve the total number of parking spaces of 70 for this particular site only; however, any additional amusements that are to be added to this site must come back before the Commission AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Consideration of a parking lot plan to determine the parking requirements for batting cages to be located in the northeast quadrant of Texas Avenue and ICrenek Tap Road. (9223) This item was withdrawn from the agenda at the request of the applicant. AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Public hearing to consider a conditional use permit request to allow for the • expansion of the Equinox restaurant and bar located at 329 University Drive in the Northgate zoning district (92-712) Staff Planner Kuenzel presented the staff report requesting a conditional use permit to allow for the expansion of the Equinox night club located at 329 University Drive in the old Farmer's Market building. The applicant proposed to use the second floor of the building. This expansion would double the serving area of the establishment. The original conditional use permit to allow the use of this property as a nightclub was granted on appeal by City Council in January 1991. The use had been denied by the Planning and Zoning Commission because of a concern for the number of similar establishments in the area. City Council overturned the Commission's decision with the stipulation that only beer and wine be served. Twenty-five surrounding property owners were notified with no response. Chairperson Hawthorne opened the public hearing. Applicant Moe Mooti approached the Commission and stated after being in business for 2 years, he would like to expand. He explained that his facility is not a nightclub, but more of a restaurant use. Approximately 60% of his total sales are in food and only 40% in beer and wine sales. The main reason for his proposed expansion is to allow for storage space both upstairs and downstairs. Currently, the restaurant can hold a maximum of approximately 30 to 40 people; the proposed expansion will increase that maximum to 50 to 60 people. Mr. Mooti explained that occasionally there may be live entertainment; but will not be scheduled on a regular basis. Chairperson Hawthorne closed the public hearing. Commissioner Hall moved to approve a conditional use permit to allow for the expansion of the Equinox • night club located at 329 University Drive in the Northgate zoning district. Commissioner Lane seconded the motion which passed unopposed (6 - 0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Consideration of a master preliminary plat of Pebble Creek Phase Three. (92-313) Ciry Engineer Pullen presented the staff report for Pebble Creek Phase Three located in the western portion of the Pebble Creek Subdivision just west of Inverness Drive. Phase Three contains approximately 40.74 acres with 102 single family lots. All impact studies for this plat were submitted with the Master Development Plan dated April 1992. This layout does not change the utility layout, drainage plan or thoroughfare plan proposed and analyzed in that original submittal. Spearman Drive bounds this plat along its southern border. It has not been included in this plat in order to facilitate coordination with the College Station Business Park to the south. It will be shown on subsequent plats in this area as the Business Park finalizes their layout. Staff recommends approval of the master preliminary plat. Commissioner Hall stated that he appreciated the note pertaining to the newly adopted sidewalk ordinance. Commissioner Hall moved to recommend approval of the master preliminary plat of Pebble Creek Phase Three. Commissioner Mariott seconded the motion which passed unopposed (6 - 0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Consideration of a parking lot plan for Wolfe Nursery to be located on the southwest corner of Holleman Drive and State Highway 6 in the Wolf Pen Creek Zoning District (92-420) Senior Planner Kee presented the site plan and stated that this is the second project to come before the Commission since the adoption of the Wolf Pen Creek Zoning District. The first was a very small project that was never built. This is the first large scale project and it will be located at the corner of Holleman and the East Bypass. It will consist of an enclosed building, several greenhouses and an outdoor shade structure. By • ordinance, the Commission acts as the approving body for projects within the Wolf Pen Creek Corridor with recommendations from the Design Review Board. The Board held three meetings with architects representing Wolfe Nursery. The Board recommends approval of the site and landscape plan as most recently presented to them. P & Z Minutes November S, 1992 Page 2 Representatives of the applicant, Charles Smith and Pat Siegert approached the Commission and presented • colored renderings of the site and building material samples. They reviewed the overall site plan including the proposed dyed concrete, landscaping elements, building facades and sign details. Mr. Smith statedthat in order to address the Design Review Board's concern pertaining to the view of the site from Holleman, they have proposed to use the same green medal siding along the Holleman side of the building that is being used in the front. He concluded that they are currently working with the City on drainage requirements. Chairman of the Design Review Board David Brochu approached the Commission and stated that the site plan presented has met the requirements of the ordinance. The landscape plan submitted is successful in drawing in key elements of the park such as the retaining walls proposed along Holleman Drive that are the same as those currently being used to line the creek. The same keystone blocks are being used to enhance the proposed low profile sign at the corner of Holleman and the East Bypass. The applicant has done a good job in screening the areas that should be screened and drawing in the desired park elements into the private development. The existing post oaks that are to be removed will be a loss to the site; however, they are so sensitive to construction that they would probably die within a few years after construction if they were to be saved. The peaked roofs on the green houses is also a unique feature that enhances the site. Mr. Brochu stated that there were compromises made on the proposed brick pavers. The Board originally requested the use of pavers as a means of tying in the park elements to this site; however, the park is no longer using pavers. Because of the great expense of pavers, the applicant has chosen to use colored concrete to help break up the large expanse of grey concrete. The proposed parking lot lighting will match those fixtures being used in the park. Commissioner Mariott moved to approve the site plan for Wolfe Nursery to be located on the southwest corner of Holleman Drive and State Highway 6 in the Wolf Pen Creek Zoning District. Commissioner Herring seconded the motion which passed unopposed (6 - 0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Other business. • Commissioner Hall thanked Wolfe Nursery, staff and the Design Review Board for their work on this project in the Wolf Pen Creek Corridor. This is an important development in this area and the Design Review Board has provided the leadership that the Commission needs to make the necessary decisions in this Corridor. City Engineer Pullen distributed copies of the revised Stormwater Management Ordinance that will be discussed at the next Commission meeting on Thursday, November 19, 1992. The revised ordinance will go to the City Council as a discussion item on December 9, 1992. Before the City Council can approved the revisions, the ordinance must go to FEMA for review and approval. AGENDA ITEM NO. 8: Adjourn. Commissioner Hall moved to adjourn the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Commissioner Mariott seconded the motion which passed unopposed (6 - 0). APPR Chairperson, Kyle Hawthorne ,ATI'EST*~ ~~ Planni g Technician, Natalie Thomas P ~l Z Minutes November S, 1992 Page 3 • i• a~iu -, ,, ;ti 1. tir / /~ ~/ r. 4. S. 6~ 7. a 9. ~ F 1 , , ~ ,, 12. t ~ ~i `~` ~~` 14. 15. 1 6. l i. 1 <S. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. I • 24. 25. ~Cannin~ ~' Zoning Commission cue~st register Dote , ,-