HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/21/1992 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission• MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 7:00 P.M. May 21, 1992 MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice Chairperson Colson, Hawthorne, Hall, Smith and Mariott. MEMBERS ABSENT: Chairperson Sawtelle and Commissioner Esmond. STAFF PRESENT: Senior Planner Kee, Building Technician Cole, Staff Planner Kuenzel, Assistant to the City Engineer Morgan, City Engineer Pullen, Transportation Planner Hard, Development Coordinator Volk and Planning Director Callaway. AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Public hearing to consider a conditional use permit request by Ricky Miller to allow the expansion of an existing lease space to provide a banquet room to serve the existing Bullwinkle's Grill and Bar at 1601 Texas Avenue in Gtrlpepper Shopping Center. (92- 707) • Staff Planner Kuenzel presented the staff report requesting a conditional use permit for the existing Bullwinkle's Grill and Bar that would allow the addition of a banquet room, office space and storage area. The project review committee reviewed this request and emphasized that parking should be encouraged in the rear parking area for this addition and that the front door should also be used as an "exit only". Fourteen property owners within 200' of the subject property were notified with no response. Vice Chairperson Colson opened the public hearing. Charles Spear, representative of the owner, Jerry J. Moore, approached the Commission to speak in favor of the request. Mr. Spear stated that there have been no complaints from tenants in the shopping center with regard to the Bullwinkle's operation. Rear parking was never encouraged in this shopping center prior to this project and it will take time for patrons to utilize this parking area. Applicant, Ricky Miller of Bullwinkle's Grill and Bar, approached the Commission to speak in favor of the request. Mr. Miller stated that the current seating capacity is 480 persons and the additional seating capacity requested is 160 persons. He added that employees of the restaurant are parking in the vacant Pepe's parking area across the street to allow more shopping center parking area for customers. Mr. Miller stated that he is working with surrounding tenants to resolve parking issues. When the banquet room is reserved, the customer will receive information about the facilities including the rear parking area. Vice Chairperson Colson closed the public hearing. Commissioner Hall moved to amend the original conditional use permit for Bullwinkle's Grill and Bar located at 1601 Texas Avenue South to allow the expansion of a banquet room, office space and storage area with the condition that parking be encouraged in the rear and that the front door be used as an "exit only". Commissioner Mariott seconded the motion. • Commissioner Hall suggested that the applicant install a door to the rear of the banquet room to allow immediate access to the rear parking area. The motion passed (4 - 1); Commissioner Hawthorne abstained. AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Public hearing to consider aCity-initiated rezoning of the 200 acre College Station Business Park located on the east side of State Highway 6, approximately 2400 feet south of the intersection of Greens Prairie Road and State Highway 6, from A-O Agriculture Open to M-1 Planned Industrial (92-105) Senior Planner Kee presented the staff report and recommended approval of the proposed rezoning. The thoroughfare plan shows Spearman as a minor arterial and another minor arterial is shown generally through the most southern portion of the property. A recent Traffic Impact Analysis of the Pebble Creek Subdivision indicated that a more appropriate location for an east/west minor arterial would be further to the south. Staff agrees that an alignment intersecting with either Nantucket Drive or Snug Drive would be a better spacing. This initiated rezoning will enable businesses interested in locating in the City's Business Park to do so without having to go through a two month rezoning process. The M-1 Planned Industrial district is designed for light manufacturing, non-polluting industries. Plant exteriors and construction materials, site design and layout, facades, lighting and apparent architectural aspects are subject to review by the Project Review Committee. Depending on the character of a specific project this district is designed to be compatible with adjacent land uses. The other available industrial district is designed for activities which generate nuisance characteristics and are not compatible with residential or lower intensity commercial land uses. As properties develop in the business park, it may become necessary to come back and utilize additional zoning districts, but as a general application, M-1 is best suited based on what we know at this time. • Vice Chairperson Colson opened the public hearing. Seeing no one present to speak in favor of or in opposition to the proposed rezoning, he closed the public hearing. Commissioner Hawthorne expressed concern of Spearman Drive being the major ingress and egress to Pebble Creek and possible truck traffic from the Business Park. Assistant to the City Engineer Morgan stated that she does not think that the increased traffic has been addressed; however, the developers of Pebble Creek are very aware of the proposed industrial zoning. Commissioner Hawthorne moved to recommend approval of the proposed rezoning request of the 200 acre College Station Business Park from A-O Agriculture Open to M-1 Planned Industrial. Commissioner Mariott seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5 - 0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Master Development Plan of Edelweiss Estates and Rock Prairie Estates. (92-305) Senior Planner Kee presented the staff report and recommended approval of the overall general plan concept. Development policies relating to land use relationships suggest avoiding placing general commercial and industrial land uses adjacent to low density residential land uses. This plan places commercial uses adjacent to single family residential uses but is proposing landscape easements as a way to help buffer any negative impacts. The plan also is proposing to place district boundaries along back of lot lines so that residential and commercial activities face away from each other as is encouraged by our development policies. The proposed depths for the commercial districts along Wellborn and along the south side of Rock Prairie are generally maintained at 400 feet. The depths of the proposed commercial districts along the north side of Rock Prairie are less than policies state (are generally 300 feet). P&Z Minutes May 21, 1992 Page 2 • Senior Planner Kee added that this may not provide for adequate on-site circulation which is particularly important considering the City Access Management Police (soon to be ordinance) which will limit the number of access points to Rock Prairie Road. The M-1 district may be compatible with all adjacent land uses depending on the particular project and its design. Development in M-1 requires additional review of architecture and other aesthetics that are not required in other zoning district. The developer is proposing a park location in the southern portion of the subdivision. The park site is located so as to buffer the residential areas from the industrial uses along Graham Road as are the locations chosen for the multi-family land uses. The Parks Board has approved this dedication. The proposed abandonment of Arnold Road is a good location for green space combined with pedestrian and bicycle ways and the staff is working with the developer on the particulars. The developer is encouraged to provide movement for bicycles along Victoria for access to the elementary school. Discussion concerning the abandonment of Arnold Road as a right-of-way for cars led to the idea of also using this area for pedestrian and bicycle traffic to gain access to the Junior High School and as away to link the proposed park with the two schools and Westchester Park. The traffic impact studies show that a substantial amount of traffic will be generated by these two developments. However, the planned internal street systems for the developments will provide internal circulation and accessibility to surrounding thoroughfares. The study suggests the abandonment of a section of North Graham Road to prohibit the movement of nonresidential traffic through the neighborhood. Staff agrees that this through movement should not necessarily be encouraged but there should be provisions for it to occur. This provision is made with the street system as it is designed and presented at this time. Through movements are possible to both Wellborn and Rock Prairie although not direct routes. Similarly, the study also suggests the abandonment of a section of Arnold Road for the same reasons. With this abandonment staff recommends a connection between Schaffer and Victoria in Phase A-1 to provide for east- west movement. Generally the plan complies with the City's Thoroughfare Plan. The plan is • generally compatible with surrounding land uses and zoning districts. The following are concerns on the part of staff relative to the City's Development Policies: (1) less than minimum depth of 400 feet for the proposed commercial districts located along the north side of Rock Prairie; and, (2) adjacency of commercial and single family land uses and buffering provisions. Staff recommends approval of the overall general plan concept. As the plan progresses to the master preliminary plat stage and zoning stage, all presubmission comments should be addressed as well as the depth of the commercial districts and the buffering concept. Commissioner Hall expressed concern of the proposed zoning of the plan and will vote against the plan. He questioned why C-B zoning was shown in areas that should be single family residential. He stated that he is opposed to placing commercial development along a street leading to two schools and a hospital. He added that no one would want to build next to the proposed oil well site. Sidewalks are needed in this area especially along streets with 60' of right of way. Vice Chairperson Colson explained that typically with a drilling operation in a residential area, there is some kind of screening provided. He questioned staff with regard to the detention areas. Assistant to the City Engineer Morgan stated that the site drains into approximately three different tributaries; thus multiple detention areas are required. • Applicant Steve Arden approached the Commission and explained that there will be no access from Welsh primarily because they do not own the land. Maintenance of the drainage detention areas will be the responsibility of the homeowner's association. P&Z Minutes May 21, 1992 Page 3 • Mr. Arden stated that Parks Director Beachy has anticipated concerns by homeowners with regard to sidewalks and bikeways to access the two schools. The developers agree with staff that sidewalks should be provided to gain access co the schools; however, the point of disagreement is the proposed residential adjacent to commercial development. Intense commercial uses are not desired in this area; however, commercial developments such as the ones near Chimney Hill are desired. Mr. Arden stated that he preferred a 15' buffer area for parking and a h3' access way and privacy fence separating the commercial and residential areas. The developers are planning deed restrictions and separate ownership for maintaining the proposed landscaping. These deed restrictions will address uses, types of buildings, signage, etc. If an oil well is drilled, it will probably be located on the west side of Rock Prairie Road; more information will be available in four months. Commissioner Hawthorne stated that his only concern is the M-1 zoning located near R-1 single family zoning. He moved to recommend approval. of the master development plan with the condition that City Council take into consideration the proposed M-1 zoning and its proximity to residential zoning. Perhaps conditions could be attached to the M-1 zoning so that it could be utilized by the University. Commissioner Mariott seconded the motion. Commissioner Hall stated that the proposed commercial zoning should be limited to the area along Wellborn Road. He suggested that the applicant review the plan and take into consideration the Commission's concerns and resubmit the plan. Vice Chairperson Colson stated that he is concerned with the lack of adequate width of Rock Prairie Road. The original motion to recommend approval with the condition that City Council consider the outlined zoning conflicts passed (4 - 1); Commissioner Hall voting in opposition to the motion. • AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Reconsideration of an amendment to ordinance number 608 of the College Station Code of Ordinances pertaining to driveway access location and design. (92-816) Transportation Planner Hard presented the ordinance amendment pertaining to driveway access location and design. The proposed ordinance amendment will set driveway location and design guidelines in order to allow for improved traffic safety and efficiency on city thoroughfares. It is geared primarily for commercial driveways but does address residential drives to a lesser extent. Importantly, the ordinance includes provisions that could require major developments to pay for all or part of traffic signals and/or right turn lanes associated with their sites. The driveway access ordinance was presented to the Commission last November for review and commend only. Last month, it was presented to the Focus Group on development ordinances on two occasions and was discussed and evaluated at length. The Focus Group found no major objections to the content of the proposed ordinance amendment. Staff is now seeking a formal recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission. Vice Chairperson Colson suggested that page seven be clarified to include definitions prior to City Council consideration. Commissioner Mariott questioned staff as to the flexibility of shared access agreements. City Engineer Pullen slated that shared access agreements are usually considered at the tim platting so they can legally be addressed at that time. Commissioner Hall moved to recommend approval of • pertaining to driveway access location and design with the Colson. Commissioner Mariott seconded the motion whit P&Z Minutes May 21, 1992 the proposed ordinance amen changes outlined by Vice Chan h passed unopposed (5 - U). Page 4 • AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Other business. There was no other business. AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Adjourn. Commissioner Mariott moved to adjourn the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Commissioner Hawthorne seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5 - 0). APPRO hairperson, ATTEST: Planning Technician, Natalie Thomas • P&Z Minutes May 21, 1992 Page S PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION GUEST REGISTER ' DATE NAME ADDRESS °~- ~ .. 1. ~ ~~~ .~ ~~ ,~~ r 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. • 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. • 25