HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/19/1991 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission• M I N U T E S 7.00 P.M. September 19, 1991 MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT Planni n~~r and ~~~nincr Comr??issi~_>n CITY nF Cr ~a.LEGE STATIOI~T , TEXAS Chairperson Sawtelle, Members Esmond, M.icriel, Colson and Sr7lit.h. Members Hawthc:~rne and Hall. STAFF PRESENT: City Planner Callaway, Senior Planner Kee, Plannin~~ Technician Thomas, Assistant tc~ th~~ City Engineer Morgan, ~;nd Assistan'~ ~'i}y Att.orr.ey Nemcik. AGEND.A....1.TEM_..I?iQs._.1_ Approval of Minutes - Meeting September 5, 1991. N!a:. Ci~lson n?owed to approve the minutes of the mee~:ing of ~e.pt~mber 5, 1991 as corrected prior to the meeting b' Mr. Hall. Mr. Smit~~r • seconded t'rre motion which passed unopposed (4 - O1. (Mr. Miciei ar~~ived after the approval cf the minutes.) A~EI~DA.....LTEM......I~TQ...~...2.:. Preliminary Plat - Woodcreek Section 6 located on the north and south sides of Woodcreek Drive, between Woodcreek Sections 1 and 4. (91-302) Senior Planner Kee presented the staff report recommending approval of the prelin?inary plat and revised master plan with Pres~abn?issioi: ~oi~farence Report. con?ments and with the t~onditit~n that sidewalks b~~ instal lad .gin one side of aac:~ street . A portion of the Master P.an i r,r.l ~iiiing t.}-,a part. ~:~f Sect: io n Six on the soot}-~ side of Wood.,:reek ':=x,i•~-~_ has been revised from the pre`Yio~is Master Plan subs;?fitted. Tl~r is revis.it~?? rec~iur,as the lot total from 36 to 28 and eliminates a pra~~ric~u: ::concern regardin~ street configuration. The prnT.JOSed p~ el=i.n~ir?ary plat complies uiit}-r the Comprehensive Flan and :_~av.=:lo1~r:~e~rt P~:?ii.cies and wit}z the standards in the Zor.i.ng O~~dinan~.~e. T};ire i a need fog- a variar~t,a of t}-~e ma:>imum 600' i-~ul-de-:~~,- i.enatt; f~_~r i~hat. poi"ti;~n of Lake Fori~;;t C~,urt on the north side t~_~f Wt~~odc~reek D'~'i~~e. Tht~~ nra~n?her t-,f lots, is lass than that allowed on a 600' ~-ui.- :3e-ca w_t}; mini)??um SO' wide lets. Staff sees nc~ pro~~lam with `he ~! ~~ I ~ -.3 r'! !' ! ~ . T~i'' c'r~~i'~"?n statec'i that. the Sllbdi`:rislon reg'ulati(:!ns Sh~~~uc' c,~:~.~re.=.= t}la It'.ii??;~P~ Of IOtS CGIta~ned lrl <: ~SLll-de-SaC instead Of tr1~ lr~.tlg"th. Anythir.q ghat. exceed: tha c~rdi.nance should nit be ~~onsid•:~rad. `=,.~ i rr :'l.annar' ~'ee inf!~`''r??ad t}fie COITin11 Ss lnn that }~`ta SixbQl`:~ ~:~i_O'1 • -- ~.'r?i~~i..:lc:t1~'~nS WF=.`rf? lr! t}"re pr~J<'P.`,~S Cif baln~_~ r~'~~'l:~P~. • Mr . ~ ~i"rl~~!nC~ _rGi :. ~ ~.inet"': .~taf i a~ C t:~e plat"~ ~ n~~ ~~ f t}?r? 1 a'~'t'S . If t}?H area ~ s n_ t ? nr lulled ~.n ~_his ~~lat , hC?W can the CitY~ place a note or? t}te _~iat re~.~~al.ring tr?e -.'1~~;n1~~JWT?~~i ' .~ aSSOCiatl!~2Z t0 1?1a111ta1n t}?F?ITt:' P.ss,-st~,r:t t~, the City F. ;,gi!?eer Morcian stated that the hcme~>wner' ~~~C+~'iatl~r?. iS 1Tla~T?ta~n,.nc~ the la.~e:~ T?OW a??d thi~ note _.. the plat 1S ~~.-t for _'lar:!_f1C`dt.lurl. l Mr- C~~l~c:>n moved. t~_~ ar~pr~_~~~~e the Preliminary P:at ~~f W~_~od~~~eek Se~tiC~n 6 witt-2 ;-taff rec~=%111I11~~dationS Cf reCjLtl"rlnc~ that S1dF'lnlalk5 be installed on o:^a 5i.d;~ "f each street. Mr. Michel se~~ond~.ca t},a motion which passed unopposed (5 - 0). AGENDA. _ IT.EM_...ND __3.,_ Other business . rlr- F:SmC'nd lnfnrlt?ed t}?~' ~~~~il':m1SS10!1 that a llleeting k1a~ }?eld in t}1e City Mar•ager' s office pr.-~ ~~r tv~ the P & Z meeting to dis~~uss the _-a~.~i.sFd drainage polic•~~. He requested that the inf~~~rmatior, presented at that meeting be included it? the next available packets for the benefit cf the other Commissioner's. I~}r . Michel expressed con~.ern f•^r the need of dedicate~~i bike paths air-~ng the Welsh extension leading to the elementary and iunit.r high tiC}7 C'+=~}s. Sidewalks are provided along one side of Rock Prairie R-~~a~l; howaver, there is heavy bike traffic leading to t}"I~~ tw~_~ Schools. iS Lt t00 late t0 ~'il:.lld these rlke paths along Weitiit? i C.ity Planner Gallaway stated that it was too late for tl-;e developer tCi build t}?e pat;}?:~; hOWeVer, Staff CuLlld e<~:~alore areas ULlt:;lde '~~f t}le develc>per' _:Lltlr,nk. Mr. Coi:ai=~n an~a Ms. Sawtelle agreed with the recolr~mendatio;! a?id requested tha!- staff explore the possibilities of instaili~?g bike I~~aths in the Rock Prairie and Welsh Avenue areas. Ns. Sawtelle: Sil:~i~e'~¢~~:~. that. t;"ie C.ity Vary t}?t? street level Wit.}"1 t'.rle bike large a!?d ~::`~_I?st_r~.act st-~me start of }~~arrier between t}?e c}?i.ldren and t?e street ti:~aff_c. A~ENDA_: L.TEM.~ NQ.._...4s.. Adjourn . Mr.. Colon rn~wed to adjourn the meeting of -~}?e Planning and Zoning a~anut~issic~n- M,-. Smith seconded the rnotior. which passed ~.xnopposed ( 5 - 0). APPROVE ~ ~ ~-- , _~llK-- - - - __ -- -- Ch i -person, ?Janc-~~ Sawtelle ATT ~ __ __ _ _ 1~ _ _ _ _ . • Planning Technician, Natalie Thomas P Z Minutes September 19, 1991 Page PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION GUEST REGISTER ~~ ~-~ , DATE ~'~_~ .. , ~'~ t- ~:,~ / _. c~ ~~~ ~~~~1 NAME ADDRESS 1. 2. 11. 12. 13. 14. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23• 24. ~5' 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 15. 16. 17. 18.