HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/21/1991 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission M I N U T E S Planning and Zoning Commission i• CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 7:00 P.M. March 21, 1991 MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Sawtelle, Members Colson, Michel, and Esmond. Hall, MEMBERS ABSENT: Vice Chairperson Dresser and Member Gentry. STAFF PRESENT: City Planner Callaway, Senior Planner Kee, City Engineer Pullen, Senior Asst. City Attorney Bailey-Graham, Planning Technician Thomas, Development Coordinator Volk, and Assistant to City Engineer Morgan. A~RNnA LTF.M Mn_ t. Approval of Minutes - meeting February 21, 1991. Mr. Colson moved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on February 21, 1991 as presented. Mr. Michel seconded the motion which passed unopposed (4-0, Chairperson Sawtelle abstained). A~FHnA TTRM Nn_ ~~ Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use Permit only for a Library/Museum to be located at Southwest Parkway and Southwood Drive. Applicant is the Masonic Library/Museum Association. (91-701) Senior Planner Kee presented the staff report outlining appropriate conditions and safeguards stated in Section 14 of Ordinance No. 1638 pertaining to Conditional Use Permits. (1) proposed use meets all minimum standards established in the Zoning Ordinance for this type of use; (2) the proposed use is in harmony with the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and the plan for physical development of the district as embodied in the comprehensive plan for development of the City; (3) the proposed use will not be detrimental to the health, welfare, and safety of the surrounding neighborhood or its occupants; nor be substantially or permanently injurious to neighboring property. Ms. Kee added that the request is for the use only. hearing will be held at a later date for approval of the • Traffic congestion will continue even if the lot is residential. Approximately 13 - 15 lots could fit into a de-sac configuration, with approximately ten trips per lot daily. While the difference may not be in numbers, one has the peaks of travel. Twenty-five property owners within A separate site plan. developed small cul- in and out to look at 200' were • notified of the request with over thirty mixed responses in the form of letters, telephone calls, and office visits. Mr. Colson informed the Commission that he felt the library/museum would be an asset to the neighborhood and was pleased with the residential style of the proposed building. Chairperson Sawtelle opened the public hearing limiting speakers to three minutes. Chairperson Sawtelle asked to hear from residents in favor of the proposed use. Steve Hansen of 1807 Rosebud Court, spoke as a representative of W. D. Fitch who donated the land to the Brazos Valley Library/Museum Association. The proposed building is residential in style, will only consume 5~ of the lot and will be well maintained and landscaped. Mr. Hansen felt that the proposed use was in the best interest of the neighborhood and enhance the area. He added that if the use was not granted, Mr. Fitch would sell the property possibly being more detrimental due to the uncertainty of development. Dave Skinner of 1825 Shadowood addressed the Commission stating that he was in favor of the proposed use and pleased that the area was being developed as to enhance the neighborhood. A facility with various uses would be beneficial to the community as well as neighboring residents. • Pete Normand of 2902 Brothers, spoke as the Chairman of the Brazos Valley Library/Museum Association requesting that the use be granted. The Association consists of nine members all of which are Masons. The proposed building is less than 5000 square feet and residential in style. The facility will be used mostly at night by the various meeting groups. The Masons will meet only once a month at the proposed facility. Mr. Normand referenced a letter addressed to the Commission from the Association stating that; "The library/museum facilities will be open and available for public use by any organizations that have purposes compatible with the stated purposes of the Brazos Valley Masonic Library & Museum Association. It is our intention to build a public use library and museum that would meet the same requirements as any other public library as permitted under the City of College Station Zoning Ordinance 8.12 (Conditional Use). As a Texas "non-profit, non-private corporation" granted tax exempt status by both state and federal governments under I.R.S. code 501(c)(3) we are charged by the applicable laws and our own Articles of Incorporation to meet the requirements of a public library & museum facility. A typical list of groups that would be considered compatible with our purposes would include: Adult Literacy Classes Boy Scouts Brazos Valley Arts Council Brazos Valley Museum Classes • Church Groups Daughters of the Am. Rev'1. Dyslexia and Learning Disabi Girl Scouts Order of the Eastern Star School History Classes Sierra Club Sons of the Republic of Texas Sul Ross Masonic Lodge lity Clinic." P&Z Minutes March 21, 1991 Page 2 • Bill Johnston of 704 Summerglen approached the Commission stating that the proposed facility is the ideal way to develop a vacant lot in a residential neighborhood. The traffic impact would be less than if the area was developed residential. Jack Lampkin of 1703 Glade voiced support of the proposed use stating that the library/museum would enhance the neighborhood and add to the property value. He stated that he was against the area being developed into small residential lots and homes that would adversely effect neighboring property values. The following residents spoke in opposition to the granting of a Conditional Use Permit: Wesley Duppard 1720 Laura Lane John Lege Route Three Jack DeMuynck 1801 Sabine Court Dwight Edwards 1601 Laura Lane John Mullet 1713 Laura Lane Teofilo Ozuna, Jr. 1803 Southwood Steve Newsom 1715 Laura Lane Judy Hedderman 1819 Shadowood Reasons given: -- The proposed Masonic Library/Museum is an economic • unknown as to how it will affect the value of surrounding property. -- Parking lots tend to attract groups of young people as meeting places for social gatherings often resulting in an increased noise level late into the night. The lighting in the parking lot would shine into residences adjacent to the building. A large parking lot will have an adverse affect on the value of surrounding property. -- The potential problems that the proposed library/museum would cause far exceed any benefit it may offer the neighborhood. Alternative uses for the land, such as residential or park development, would enhance surrounding property values. -- Changing the zoning of the lot would have an adverse effect on surrounding property values. -- The increased traffic flow will simply add to the already congested intersections along Southwest Parkway. Mr. Colson stated that the property would not be rezoned if a Conditional Use Permit was granted. He added that the traffic congestion will remain the same if the lot is developed residential. P&Z Minutes March 21, 1991 Page 3 • Chairperson Sawtelle closed the public hearing and voiced concern of the facility being governed strictly by members of the Masonic, Lodge. If the facility is a community building, it should be governed by impartial community members. The proposed facility should use the same open policies and standards as other community buildings such as the Community Conference or Lincoln Center. She added that the Association should have a written public policy as not to discriminate certain groups. The library/museum will mainly consist of Masonic artifacts and literature thus constituting a lodge facility instead of a community building. If the proposed location was zoned commercial, there wouldn't be a problem, but since it is located in a residential area, the use would be detrimental to the neighborhood. Mr. Normand responded by stating that he sees this as little different from a church which is governed by a specific group but is also a community building in the sense that other groups use it. Mr. Hall moved to grant a Conditional Use Permit to allow a library/museum to be located at Southwood Drive and Southwest Parkway. Mr. Colson seconded the motion which passed 3-2. (Chairperson Sawtelle and Member Michel voting in opposition to the item.) AC;FNnA rTFM N~_ ~~ Public hearing to consider an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, Section 8, Supplementary Regulations specifically to add restrictions regulating recycling drop off facilities. (91-805) • City Planner Callaway presented the staff report explaining that regulation should be handled through the Zoning Ordinance and the Sanitation Code. The Public Services Department has drafted an amendment to the Sanitation Code that will be considered by Council in an overall package which includes the Zoning Ordinance amendment. Large and small collection facilities will be regulated for setbacks, screening, landscaping, parking, noise, and signage. In addition, all such facilities, except single feed reverse vending machines, will receive PRC review. Large collection facilities, when located in a commercial district, must obtain a Conditional Use Permit. The revised Ordinance amendment will come back to the Planning and Zoning Commission prior to Council consideration. Mr. Colson expressed concern of the unsightly recycling facility located directly behind Cafe' Eccel. He questioned the grandfathering of the Ordinance amendment and suggested possible retro-action to enforce restrictions on existing recycling drop off facilities. Chairperson Sawtelle suggested that timely pickups and regularly emptying of collection facilities would deter pilfering in collection areas and be essential to the success of the program. Mr. Hall expressed concern that the strict regulations may discourage smaller community groups and non-profit organizations from establishing drop off facilities. In order for the program to work as • a whole, the facility must be user-friendly and readily available to the public. He added that there is a need for guidelines in regulating recycling facilities, however, the Commission should try to P&Z Minutes March 21, 1991 Page 4 • encourage recycling. Mr. Hall concluded that although a Conditional Use Permit is appropriate for this type of facility, it is not necessarily needed and may further discourage recycling. Mr. Esmond suggested that the paragraph relating to noise levels be reworded to make a more general statement due to lack of background surveys. He also expressed concern of the distinction of an "industrial use" as opposed to industrial zoning referred to on page three under small collection facilities. Mr. Esmond concluded by questioning the enforcement of operating the facilities only during the designated times of 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM. The drop off facilities may not be easily accessible to people who work during these designated operating times. Chairperson Sawtelle opened the public hearing. Because no one was present to speak in favor of or in opposition to the Ordinance amendment, she closed the public hearing. Ac;F.NnA TTFM Nn. d~ preliminary Plat - Brandon Heights Phase II to include the extension of Welsh and residential development on both sides of Welsh. (91-301) Senior Planner Kee presented the staff report recommending approval with the following conditions: -- sidewalks installed along one side of Westchester and both sides of Welsh to provide access to schools in the neighborhood; -- prohibition of driveway access to Welsh from adjoining lots; -- formation of a homeowners association for the care and ownership of the common areas and the review and approval of the associated documents by the City as a condition of approval for any final plat approval. Ms. Kee added that City Council has directed staff to negotiate with W. D. Fitch for the right-of-way of Welsh Avenue through Southwood Valley Section 24 and to negotiate a development agreement with Myrad Real Estate for the design and construction of the same as a part of this development. Welsh Avenue was identified as an oversize eligible street in a 1990 agreement with the developer. The amount of oversize will be established as a part of a development. agreement with Council before construction begins. Mr. Hall expressed concern of the common area intended to be used as recreational and drainage detention facilities. The fifty foot wide area could develop into a "dirt bike haven" and would place the burden on the homeowners association to file charges. He added that the quality of maintenance may be low due to each individual resident • being responsible for the area directly behind their property instead of required City maintenance. P&Z Minutes March 21, 1991 Page 5 Mr. Esmond agreed that the common area may encourage vagrancy as well as neighborhood children using the facilities for bike trails. He also suggested that the 10.8 acres proposed single family development located south of Welsh be deleted from the final plat. Dan Bensimon of Myrad Real Estate approached the Commission and stated that the common area was designed as not to disturb the existing natural environment. The common area will be a low maintenance area with development agreements and homeowners association policies. Rear access to the common area will be prohibited and deed restrictions will require a six foot privacy fence. The small neighborhood would benefit from the common recreational area. Mr. Colson moved to approve the Preliminary Plat of Brandon Heights Phase Two with staff recommendations as outlined above. Mr. Michel seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5-0). AC,RNnA TTF'M Nn_ ~~ Final Plat - Sam's Subdivision located adjacent and to the north of the existing Furrows development along the east side of SH 6 Bypass. (91-206) City Engineer Pullen presented the staff report recommending approval. There is indication of potential congestion at the intersection of SH 6 and SH 30 until the frontage roads are made one-way. The one-way direction change is expected to occur by late 1992 when the current ramp relocation project and a subsequent project to change signal lights and signage is completed. A detailed drainage analysis will be required for the drainage development permit. The proposed subdivision is in compliance with the City's comprehensive plan. Mr. Colson suggested the use of signs to easily identify the rear access and relieve congestion along the frontage road. Mr. Colson moved to approve the Final Plat of Sam's Subdivision to be located adjacent to the existing Furrow's along SH 6 frontage road. Mr. Michel seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5-0). AC,F.Nng TTRM Nn_,~„: Reconsideration of an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, Section 12, Sign Regulations specifically to define pennants and to permit the use of banners and corporate flags in multi-family zones and developments. (91-800) City Planner Callaway presented the revised Ordinance amendment recommending approval. The revised Ordinance amendment is identical to the one previously considered except that only twelve flags used solely for decoration are allowed in multi-family, commercial and industrial districts. Pennants and banners are no longer addressed in this draft but will be addressed at a later date with Streetscape studies. Mr. Hall moved to approve the Ordinance amendment pertaining to the regulation of corporate flags in multi-family zones and developments. Mr. Colson seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5-0). P&Z Minutes March 21, 1991 Page 6 • A~RNnA TTF.M ~n_ 7= Other business. Chairperson Sawtelle questioned staff as to the status of the Polar- bek apartment project as well as the development of the HEB site. City Planner Callaway informed the Commission that the two developments entered into a land swap agreement that has temporarily delayed the apartment development. HEB is looking into building two smaller stores, instead of the originally planned superstore; one in College Station and one in Bryan. Mr. Callaway is not sure if HEB will develop the originally proposed location or locate another site. g~NnA TTFM Nn_ 8. Adjourn. Mr. Colson moved that the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission adjourn. Mr. Michel seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5-0). APP VED: C airp on, Nancy Sawtelle • TT Planning Technician, Natalie Thomas March 21, 1991 Page 7 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION C7 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. ig. 20. 21. 22. 23. GUEST REGISTER~~/ `I ~ DATE G /,C. ~ Zt~~L-~ '..~ ~ ~ ~ '~`~~ NAME ~--- r, __--- 10 . ~ ~"~ ~: l~~ u ~ ~.:~ r 5. ~ ~~. ADDRESS _l // .~, ~> ~ / ~ L 5 ~' c' TN c ~'c~ t' I~ ~~ , ~` S f U '~' ~ " ! ^- r, 1 ~rj~--1. ~ E~~,~~~ N ~.-,ti, ~ _ ~~_~~ ~_~~t~S~~~~, ! r) Z. ~ L`?`~,C~nj"vl ~4rlt~ ~) ~~ i Ni~.~ ~ ~il 24. • ~5'