HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/06/1991 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission• M I N U T E S Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 7:00 P.M. June 6, 1991 MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Sawtelle, Vice Chairperson Dresser, Members Michel, Colson and Hall. MEMBERS ABSENT: Members Gentry and Esmond. STAFF PRESENT: Senior Planner Kee, Planning Technician Thomas, Development Review Coordinator Volk, Staff Planner Kuenzel, City Planner Callaway, Assistant City Attorney Coates, and Assistant to the City Engineer Morgan. (Council Liaison Birdwell was in the audience.) A~FNnA TTFM Nn_ ~~ Approval of Minutes - meeting May 2. 1991. Mr. Dresser moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of May 2, 1991 as presented. Mr. Colson seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5-0). A~FNnA TTRM Nn. ~~ Public hearing to consider the rezoning of part of Lot iR and Lot 2R Block 1 of Regency Square from C-3 Planned Commercial to C-2 Commercial Industrial. (91-100) Senior Planner Kee presented the history of the rezoning request stating that in 1988 the property was rezoned from R-2 duplexes to C-3 Planned Commercial and C-2 Commercial Industrial in conflict with a Land Use Plan that reflected low and medium density residential uses. This rezoning allowed for the establishment of the C. C. Creations operation which exists today. According to the applicant the requested rezoning is necessary to expand the existing facility. Staff recommends approval of rezoning the portion of Lot 1R to C-2 and maintaining the C-3 on Lot. 2R to buffer the C-1 from the existing R-2 development. This is not the most ideal buffer arrangement but it has existed since 1988 and C-3 is a less intensive district than C-2. Eighteen property owners within 200' were notified of the request with three inquiries. Chairperson Sawtelle opened the public hearing. Ford Taylor, President and Commission and presented a • the community and enhance phase expansion that would 75,000 square feet and 100 Creations are mostly lower area. owner of C. C. Creations approached the five year plan that would bring business to the area. The applicant proposed a four add two buildings totalling approximately new jobs. Employees at the existing C. C. to middle income and live in the immediate • Chairperson Sawtelle asked if the ditch were relocated, would the applicant offer a vegetative buffer. The applicant should supply some type of visual screen between the residential and commercial developments. Mr. Dresser stated that C. C. Creations should have never been allowed in this predominantly residential area; however, the business is existing and should be able to expand. The expansion will benefit the community by creating a substantial number of jobs. He agreed that the screening policy should be consistent and the tree line in Lot 2R should be used as a buffer. Mr. Dresser also noted that if the business was relocated or decided not to expand, the City would be stuck with the Commercial Industrial rezonings and possible inappropriate uses. Mr. Taylor informed the Commission that he would provide a buffer between the expansion and the existing duplex development to the east and does not intend to clear the entire lot; however if the zoning line was placed along the drainage creek, there could be further complications in the future during site plan review and negotiations with the company's headquarters in relocating their facilities. Chairperson Sawtelle closed the public hearing. Mr. Michel moved to approve the rezoning of part of Lot 1R and Lot 2R Block 1 of Regency Square from C-3 Planned Commercial to C-2 • Commercial Industrial with the condition that an appropriate buffer exists between the proposed development of Lot 2R and the existing duplex development to be approved at site plan review. Mr. Colson seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5-0). g~FNDA ZTF.M Nn ~~ Public hearing to consider the rezoning of part of Lot 38R Block 14 of Southwood Valley Section 25 from R-5 Apartment Medium Density to C-1 General Commercial. (91-101} Senior Planner Kee presented the staff report and informed the Commission that this rezoning is being requested in order to align the zoning boundary with the recently replatted lot line between lots 38R and 39FR. The replat was approved contingent upon this rezoning request; and without this rezoning there will be residential zoning on a lot that is developed commercially. Fourteen property owners were notified with two responses. Chairperson Sawtelle opened the public hearing. W. D. Fitch, applicant and owner of the two lots in question, informed the Commission that he is requesting this rezoning in order to realign the zoning boundary with the property line and to allow extra storage space far the future buyer of the office building. If the rezoning is granted, the existing brick fence will mark the property line as well as the zoning boundary. • Chairperson Sawtelle closed the public hearing. P & Z Minutes Paqe 2 June 6, 1991 . Mr. Dresser moved to approve the rezoning of part of Lot 38R Block 14 of Southwood Valley Section 25 from R-5 Apartment Medium Density to C- 1 General Commercial. Mr. Colson seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5-0). • A~FNnA TTF.M Nn_ a~ Public hearing to consider a conditional use permit for a private school to be located in a shopping center at 1500 Holleman. (91-702) Staff Planner Kuenzel presented the staff report recommending approval with PRC conditions. The Zoning Board of Adjustment granted a special exception to allow for the conversion of six parking spaces into an outside play area with the condition that the applicant reinstates the parking spaces to their original condition when the applicant vacates the lease space. Thirteen property owners within 200' feet were notified with no response. Chairperson Sawtelle opened the public hearing. Jim Jeter, President of the Brazos Christian Schools School Board, approached the Commission and explained that the proposed location would be a temporary preschool facility with approximately 50 students and will be vacated in approximately two years once a new facility is built. There will be four staff members and one administrator at the facility who will meet students at their cars to ensure that no students will be allowed to roam the parking lot. The proposed play area will consist of railroad ties stacked two high and filled with top soil and gravel, enclosed by a chain link fence. The construction of the play area will in no way damage the parking lot or the rear fence and once the school is relocated, the parking spaces will be returned to their original location and condition. Chairperson Sawtelle closed the public hearing. Mr. Hall moved to approve a conditional use permit to allow a private school to be located at 1500 Holleman at Anderson Ridge Shopping Center. Mr. Michel seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5-0). g~FNnA TTF.M Nn. ~~ Public hearing to consider a conditional use permit for an addition to the Brazos Valley Geriatric Center located at 1115 Anderson. (91-703) Staff Planner Kuenzel presented the staff report stating that the building was built prior to the requirement of a conditional use permit. If a conditional use permit is granted it would be for the entire building including the addition of a laundry room. Mr. Michel questioned staff as to the required paving of the 20' service drive. The PRC report stated that Planning and Zoning Commission has the authority to approve the use contingent upon theservice drive coming into compliance with current standards. He understood that staff was merely informing the applicant that the service drive must remain 20' wide for adequate emergency vehicle access. P & Z Minutes Page 3 June 6, 1991 • Chairperson Sawtelle opened the public hearing. Bruce Jackson, Architect for ARA Living Centers, informed the Commission that the applicant has proposed to relocate the interior laundry facility and create an office area where the laundry once existed. If the service drive were required to be paved prior to approval, the applicant may discard the project entirely due to the increased cost. Mr. Jackson stated that the service drive should have been addressed during the annual licensing of the center instead of during a small remodeling project. Chairperson Sawtelle agreed that the service drive should have been addressed prior to application of a conditional use permit. Mr. Colson stated that the applicant should not have to do such extensive work, such as paving a service drive, in order to complete a small addition. Chairperson Sawtelle closed the public hearing. Assistant to the City Engineer Morgan informed the Commission that the Fire Marshal would prefer that the service drive be paved but did not require it because the applicant is improving the safety of the existing structure by relocating the interior laundry facility. Mr. Dresser moved to approve a conditional use permit to allow an • addition to the Brazos Valley Geriatric Center located at 1115 Anderson. Mr. Colson seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5- 0). ArF.NDA TTRM Nn_ ~~ Public hearing to consider a conditional use permit for classroom tutoring services at 315 Patricia in the Northgate zoning district. (91-704) Staff Planner Kuenzel presented the staff report requesting a conditional use permit to allow a tutorial service for approximately 150 - 250 University students with a maximum of six employees. The targeted clientele will be Texas A & M University students living on campus or in close proximity or who utilize University bus systems for transportation to campus. For those students who will not be able to walk tc the site, an agreement with the owners of the Mud Lot is currently being negotiated. Twenty-eight property owners within 200' were notified with two letters in opposition received. Chairperson Sawtelle opened the public hearing. Applicant Bill Varvell approached the Commission and advised the members to review the two letters of opposition and consider staff concerns as to parking. Chairperson Sawtelle closed the public hearing. • P & Z Minutes Page 4 June 6, 1991 Mr. Colson stated that the use permit should be granted because northgate has no parking requirements. The majority of students using this facility live on campus within walking distance or have access to some other type of University transportation. The Commission will have the same parking concerns wherever the applicant relocates. A location close to campus will cause the same type traffic congestion as in the Northgate zoning district. Mr. Hall stated that the tutoring center will create additional traffic congestion and deficient parking, only adding to an existing traffic hazard. There is not adequate parking available in the northgate area now; much less with 250 students remaining in the area for two hours at a time. Chairperson Sawtelle stated that the increased need for parking will negatively effect surrounding businesses and harm existing merchants in the Northgate area. Mr. Hall moved to deny the request for a conditional use permit to allow a classroom tutoring center to be located at 315 Patricia in the Northgate zoning district. Mr. Dresser seconded the motion which passed 4 - 1 (Mr. Colson voting in opposition of the motion). A[;FN1~A TTF.M N(1. 7: Other bUS1neSS. Planning Technician Thomas informed the Commission that the meeting scheduled for Thursday, July 4, 1991 was cancelled due to the Independence Day holiday. g~FN~ TTAM N(')_ R~ Adjourn. Mr. Colson moved to adjourn the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr. Dresser seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5-0). APPROVED: -, - ~-. Chai pers Nancy Sawtelle ATTEST: ~ ~ /~/ y; Planning Technician, Natalie Thomas P & Z Minutes Page 5 ~ June 6, 1991 j ~ `-~~y PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION C NAME 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. ~5~ GUEST REGISTER DATE ~i ~ (~~ / ADDRESS J