HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/18/1991 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission• M I N U T E S Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 7:00 P.M. July 18, 1991 • • MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Sawtelle, Members Michel, Hawthorne, Esmond, Smith, and Hall. MEMBERS ABSENT: Member Colson. STAFF PRESENT: City Planner Callaway, Senior Planner Kee, Planning Technician Thomas, Staff Planner Kuenzel, and Assistant to the City Engineer Morgan. (Mayor Larry Ringer was in the audience.) Mayor Larry Ringer swore in new Commissioners Hawthorne and Smith. He presented plaques in recognition of Vice Chairperson Dresser and Commissioner Gentry and thanked them for their participation on the Planning and Zoning Commission. Chairperson Sawtelle presented memos in recognition of Commissioners Esmond, Dresser, and Michel from Development Services Director Ash thanking them for their participation in the University Drive Study. A~ENIlA......I~T.E~I....rIL2_._e..1:.. Approval of Minutes - Meeting of June 20 , 1991 . Planning Technician Thomas informed the Commission of a request by staff to correct the staff recommendations on the Pebr~le Creek Section 1D Final Plat. Mr. Esmond moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Mr. Hall seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5 - 0). (Mr. Michel was not present during the approval of the mi!?~ateS . ) A~E~II?A ITEM Nn_ __2.:_ Public hearing to consider a final replat of Tract A Ponderosa Place Section Two located along Longmire Drive just north of the Longmire and Rock Prairie Road intersection. Applicant is W. D. Fitch. (91-214? Assistant. to the City Engineer Morgan presented the staff report recommending approval of the plat as presented. At the PRC meeting, the only staff comment dealt with the possibility of shared access between the twc~ lets. After further discussion with Transportation Planner Hard, it was decided that shared access was not. necessarv. Chairperson Sawtelle opel?ed the public hearing. Steve Hansen, representative of the owner W. D. Fitch, of 180? R~:~sebud Court approached tr.e Commission and offered to answer any q~_zest.ions regarding the final plat . Chai:~t~erson Sawtelle closed the public hearing. Mr. Esmond moved to approve the final plat of Ponderosa Place Section TWO as presented. Mr. Hall seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5 - 0).(Mr. Michel was not present during the approval of the final plat.) Mayor Larry Ringer swore in returning Commissioner Michel. P~-NnA .I.T.ENl._.~tII..v....3:_ Public hearing to consider a conditional use permit request to allow a library/museum to be located on Lot A-2 of Ponderosa Place Section II. Applicant is W. D. Fitch. (91-706) Staff Planner Kuenzel presented the staff report. recommending approval with the PRC recommendations. The Planning and Zoning Commission granted a conditional use permit On March 21, 1991 for a library and museum to be located on the Northwest corner of Glade and Southwest Parkway. The tract was zoned R-1 and was surrounded by an R-1 district. There was a considerable amount of opposition expressed during the public hearing. Discussion centered on the parking- lot and its impact on the residential area as far as lighting and neighborhood security. Approval of the conditional use permit resulted in submittal of a petition to Council in opposition. The application for the permit was withdrawn prior tc Council consideration. Eight property owners within 200' of the subject property were notified with t.wo inquiries and one in favor of the prc>posed use. Chairperson Sawtelle Opened the public hearing. Steve Hansen, representative of the owner W. D. Fitch, of 1807 Rosebud Court approached the Commission and offered to answer any questions regarding the application or intended use of the building. Chairperson Sawtelle closed the public hearing. Mr. Esmond moved to grant a conditional use permit to allow a library and museum on Lot A-2 of Ponderosa Place Section II. Mr. Hall seconded the motion which passed unopposed (6 - 0). AGE.DIDA_._ITFM l~ILl. d: Public hearing to consider a conditional use permit request to allow a parking lot at Victory Temple Christ Holy Sanctified Church located at 1115 Detroit Street. (91-707) Staff Planner Kuenzel presented the staff report recommending approval with the PRC recommendations. If a conditional use permit was granted, it would include the existing church and the proposed parking lot. The church was built prior to conditional use permit requirements. The Commission has the discretion to require a screening fence. Staff has researched other churches that abut residential development. Grace Bible and Peace Lutheran added fences to their plans prior to site plan approval in response to P & Z Minutes July 18, 1991 Page 2 • neighborhood opposition. CI-~rist Holy Missionary Baptist, which is located in this same neighborhood, included a screening fence an the site plan. Twenty-six property owners within 200' of the subiect property were notified with no response. Chairperson Sawtelle opened the public hearing. Reverend Winston Wells of 2812 El Rancho in Fort. Worth approached the Commission and explained the church's safety needs of a parking lot. in order to get parked cars off the street. The church has been in existence for 37 years and has approximately 28 members with a iY~aximum of 8 to 10 cars per service. The proposed parking lot will enhance the neighborhood and provide better access to the church. Because of limited funds, the church requests a two year time period in which to complete the entire parking lot to City standards. The hard surface will be installed initially and landscaping, handicapped parking, etc. will be phased in within a two year period. Church Secretary Glendia Allen of 4022 K.enwood in Bryan explained to the Commission that the cars parked along the street create a hazard for the children in the neighborhood. A parking lot would correct this hazard and encourage new members to the church. Chairperson Sawtelle closed the public hearing. She informed the Commission that the applicant has requested that the item be tabled • until a final site plan complete with the PRC recommendations can be submitted. Chairperson Sawtelle stated that the proposed phasing of the parking lot is reasonable and will enhance the neighborhood. Mr. Michel. agreed and. stated that two years was adequate time to install the complete parking lot. Mr. Esmond sugc7ested that tree applicant look into using a 4" slab .instead of the proposed 5" slab and reducing the overall width of the parking lot by 1" in order to cut costs. He agreed that the parking lot will be an improvement to the area and moved to table the request until a final site plan was complete. Mr. Michel seconded the motion which passed unopposed (6 - 0). ASFU_n_A ._.I,T_EM...N.Q...._.5_:_ Public hearing to consider a conditional use permit request to allow a tutoring center to be located at 725-B University Drive in the University Plaza II Shopping Center. Applicant is A&M Tutoring Services. (91-708) Staff Planner Kuenzel presented the staff report recommending approval with PRC recommendations. This busine ss has been operating on the A&M campus for a number of years. The owners now desire to il:ov~= to an off-campus location. On June 6, 1991, the Commission ~len.ied the tutoring service a conditional use permit fog- th6 location in the Northgate coning d istrict. The concern at that time • was for the amount. of traffic this service would have brought to an P ~ Z Minutes July 18, 1991 Page 3 • already congested area. The tutoring service would have served up to 250 students during the evening hours. Thirty-two property owners within 200' of the subject property were notified with one inquiry. Chairperson Sawtelle opened the public hearing. Representative Oscar Parulian of 2606 Pernales approached the Commission and explained that the new location would solve the parking concerns expressed in the previous meeting. Several adjacent property owners have given their authorization to allow parking on their lots after business hours. Applicant Bill Varvel of 1600 Southwest Parkway informed the Commission that of the 130 available spaces in the University Plaza II Shopping Center, 114 spa~~es would be available after 5:00 pm. The Southwest Savings lot will provide 20 additional spaces, Fir_,st American Bank 45 spaces, and the Mudlot 300 spaces. The facility will have more than adequate parking and should be granted a ~-ond_itic:~nal use permit to allow a tutc.~rir.g service. Chairperson Sawtelle clased the public hearing. Mr. Esmor:d stated that the use will be an asset to the area and uti.l.ize an existing vacant lease space. He moved to grant a conditional use permit to allow a tutoring service to be located at • 725-B Jniversity Drive in the University P laza II Shopping Center. Mr. Michel seconded the motion which passed unopposed t6 - O). A(;FND~. TTF.M_I1~n_ 6~_ Public hearing to consider an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to require a setback of 40' where Commercial Industrial development abuts residential development. (91-809) Staff Planner Kuenzel presented ordinance amendment which was drafted in response to Council's concern regarding areas in the City where C-2 uses, such as C. C. Creations, abut residential. developments. In June of this year, Council approved a rezoning req~.!est that will allow for the expansion of C. C. Creations. One of the lots that was rezoned to C-2 is adjacent tc Duplex development and abuts Single Family in the rear: The City's Comprehensive Plan states that Comercial-Industrial development should not be located on land that adjoins residential development. In cases where such a situation is impassible to avoid, the policy shoulc'~ be to require that the uses face away from each other. Council would like to take this policy a step further and require that C-? uses maintain a 40' setback when they are either adjacent to or behind Single Family or Duplex zoning or development. The proposed 40' setback would provide a softening of the impact of the building and allows a visual and audible buffer. r ~ L~ Mr. Hall explained that a height. requirement should be considered in order to adequately buffer the impact of a commercial industrial usF:. The ~~eparation would not help buffer taller buildings. He P & Z Minutes July 18, 1991 Page 4 moved to recommend approval of the :~rdinance amendment. with a recommendation that height limitations be considered by staff priar to Council consideratian. Mr. Hawthorne seconded the motion which passed unopposed (6 -- 0?. A~FItInA TTF.M N('~._~;_ Other business. Mr. Esmond expressed concern of incomplete plats and site plans coming before the Commission far consideratian. Documents approved and recommended far approval by the Commission should be complete and include all PRC and staff recommendations. If a doc~ament is incomplete, the item can be tabled uY~~til the next available meeting. He also stated that the Cammissian should be mare informed on the legality of a Homeowner's Association:. Chairperson Sawtelle er:plained that having ~somplete information in the packets priar to a meeting helps in discussion and determining an appropriate recommendation. She agreed that staff should pr~~~vide mere infarmatian regarding H~~~meowner's Associat.ians. The Commission should be aware of various legal aspec~ts such as the life of an ass~~~~.iatian anti the shift. of responsibility when the association ?i;;olves. Assistant to the City Engineer Morgan stated that she would w~~rk wi.~-.h the legal department on gathering infarmatian rega_~ding Homeowner's Associations and present the findings at the ne<>t • available meeting. Senior Planner Kee updated the Commission on the University Drive Corridor Study, Drainage Policies, and Pebble Creek Phases 1D and 1E final plats. Mr. Hall questioned staff as to the new drainage policies effecting replats of developed areas and some of the problem areas around the City such as Aggieland Apartments. Assistant to the City Engineer Mangan informed the Commission that. the drainage policies will effect all final plats and replats. Staff is currently looking into the problem areas and working towards improving these areas with CIP funds, to allow easier homeowner maintenance. The Drainage Committee is also working on an a~~tian plan that will include implementation and publi~~ re-education of the new policies. Staff will present. this action plan to the Commissirv~n at the next available meeting. Mr. Michel questioned staff and the Cammissian as to the importance of having a Commissioner present at the Council meetings. Having a representative present may enhance communication between the two City Planner Callaway stated that the Council Liaison present at the • Commission meetings should be aware of P & Z concerns an any particular case. The minutes of the meeting should provi~~e an P & Z Minutes July 18, 1991 Page • adequate synopsis of the concerns expressed during a meeting. All members of the community should be encouraged to attend the Council meetings; however, it should not be mandatory to have a representative of the Commission present. • r ~ ~J Mr. Esmond expressed concern of the differing presentations cn the drainage policies presented by staff to the Commission and Council: The presentation. t.o the Council did not include details when explaining this new way of doing business. There was no distinction made between the homeowner and the homeowner's association. The Council should be clear on what. entity is responsible for maintenance and have the same issues and principles presented as was in the presentation before the Commission. The policy came to the Commission as a new "paradigm" or concept instead of a solution to problems created prior to the 1988 Ordinance. The Council does not see the Commission's point of view and does not understand the details of the policy regarding homeowner's associations. Mr. Hall agreed that the Council was not informed as to the details of the new policy, especially to the legal aspects of a homeown.er's association. He stated that he still has a problem with burder:ing the new homeowner with drainage problems and maintenance responsibilities. If sales or property taxes were raised only slightly, this problem could be corrected without having to require a homeowner's association to bear the responsibility. Chairperson Sawtelle appointed Triangle Study consisting of herself. If for any reason p«rtir,ipate, Randy Michel will a subcommittee to work on the G~~lden Steve Esmond, Kyle Hawthor?~e and one of the members is unable to be able to serve. A~EDIIIA._..I..TEM.._N~2.._.....8.a.. Adjourn . Mr. Smith moved to adjourn the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission.. Mr. Esmond seconded the motion which passed unopposed (6 - 0). APPROVED: ~v r L ~~ __- --- h ir-pers n, Iv'ancy Sawtelle ATTEST: Planni g Technician, Natalie Thomas P & Z Minutes July 18, 1991 Paae H Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting ~ - r~ \~ " '~ Agenda Item No. ~-R Name . ~' ~`~~~ ~. f- ~~ Address -~ ~ , ~~ - ~ ! :_< ~~~ !~, ~,' „~r /,! "~' ~~ ~' ~' If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: , ~; i ,r.r~' ~- - - ~ t Speaker's official capacity: _ ~~ ;~ ., rt ... ~ ~ ,' .. Subject on which person wishes to speak: r; ~ ' ,- •Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION GUEST REGISTER DATE O ~~~ NAME ADDRESS f ,'~ 1 ` L / ~ 1' 2 . ~'~~ /t ~'. ~t~t/.~1~Gt- ~ ,r ~i~~ / l,~ 7 ~%~ ~:~t '7" ~ ~ ~ ~c P iy ii.,!]L~ ~%~.~~ ~~/-j-di/, ~~ % 7 7 .~;~ -7 y~ ~ ~ - , 7 f ~~ ~ ~ 3 • ~/_' 7C c '~c=~-•.-y - < ~.~G~/j l1~ `- C ~/~ ~) 'v E ~' -~^ ,~~ ~ i 1(' ~-1 (.~ ~ ~ / ij ,yh }' ~ ~ / ~/ ~ ) A ~ ~ ~ J ~- ,- '~ • , ; ~. T _~ 8.~ 9~ 11. • 12. 13. 14. 15- 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. ~5' ~~~ ~~ ~. I'