HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/17/1991 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionL` M I N U T E S Planning and Zoning Commission Special Workshop CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 5:30 P.M. July 17, 1991 c: s MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Sawtelle, Members Hall, Hawthorne, Michel, Esmond, and Smith. MEMBERS ABSENT: Member Colson. STAFF PRESENT: Senior Planner Kee, Planning Technician Thomas, Staff Planner Kuenzel, Transportation, Planner Hard, City Planner Callaway, Mapping Specialist Manhart, City Engineer Callaway, Pro~~ect Engineer Keating, Project Engineer Mullins, Assistant to the City Engineer Morgan, and Development Servir.es Director As}_j . gG.EDIDA~...LTEM_.hLQ.......1_:. Introduction of staff and new Commissioners. Senior Planner Kee and Assistant to the City Engineer Morgan .introduced the staff members and explained their primary duties any. responsibilities. Chairperson Sawtelle introduced new Commissioners Hawthorne and Smith and welcomed them to the Commission. ArF11iDA ~TF'M Nom? ~ Commission authority from state statute. . Senior Planner Kee explained that Commission authority comes from Local Government Code where the home rule city is required to have a Zoning Commission to exercise zoning powers granted by the State Statute. The Code states that Zoning and Planning Commissions may be combined as is the case in College Station. A Comprehensive plan for development is a tool to plan locations for improvements and zoning; and t}ien is a tool to implement. the plan. Only the governing body can adopt or amend a comprehensive plan. The Commission acts in advisory capacity. A~ENIlA~....I.TEM._.NII..._._3._:_ The r o l e o f s t a f f, Commission and C o u n c i l . Ser:ior Planner Kee reviewed the roles of staff. CJTTlm1SSlOn and Council in regard to development review, com~~rehensive planing, capital .improvements programming and other miscellaneous programs. S}-~e reviewed and defined such terms as rezoning, platting, site plan process, conditional use permit., ordinance amendment and building permit. Senior Planner ~,ee concluded with a brief summary of c<>mpre}~en~.ive planning and the long term goals and objectives outline~~? in the City Council concerns for 1991 - 92. • A,L;RLIII~A TTF.M N~....~:., Current year work program. Senior Planner Kee briefly explained the projects and studies that the Commission, staff, City Council and various citizen committees are currently working on, which include: Council Issues: Sidewalks/Bikeways Community Appearance - Stxeetscape Solid Waste Disposal - Recycling Economic Development Drainage Poli~~y Southgate & Nouthgate Code Enforcement (including landscaping) Wolf Pen Creek - Guidelines Land Use Studies: IJniversity Drive Study Implementation Golden Triangle Study New and On-Going Programs: Rewrite of Subdivision Regulations Transportation Planning & TMT • r~ LJ Mr. Hall suggested that staff include such citizen committees as Brazos Beautiful in any discussions regarding ~~ommunity appearance projects. The City should get these committees involved and encourage their efforts by including them in discussions and presentations concerning Streetscape, Cade Enforcement. and other beautification programs. Senior Planner Kee presented a copy of the City Council relations policy and briefly described its purpose and ~~ontents. She suggested that. the Commissioners review the document and consider writing an ethics policy for the Commission. I~,PENflA,,,,,TTFM.N(1..._...~.:.. Texas State Planning Conference. Senior Planner Kee submitted a summary of the State Planning Conference to be held in Corpus Christi, October 2 - 5, 1991. The budget will allow two Commissioners to attend this conference. Chairperson Sawtelle attended the conference last year and stated that it. was beneficial and encouraged those interested to attend. APPROVED: S __ Ch irper on, Nancy Sawtelle A TEST• Planning Technician, Nata ie T omas P & Z Workshop Minutes July 17, 1991 Page 2