HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/03/1991 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionL M I N U T E S Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 7:00 P.M. January 3, 1991 MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Sawtelle, Vice Chairperson Dresser, Members Colson, Hall, Gentry and Michel. MEMBERS ABSENT: Member Esmond. STAFF PRESENT: City Planner Callaway, Senior Planner Kee, Planning Technician Thomas, Sr. Asst. City Attorney Bailey-Graham, Development Review Coordinator Volk, Asst. to City Engineer Morgan, Transportation Planner Hard, City Engineer Pullen. AC;RNnA ZTRM Nn_ 1: Approval of Minutes - meeting December 20. • Mr. Dresser moved to approve the minutes of the meeting on November 15, 1990. Mr. Colson seconded the motion which passed unopposed (6-0). gr,FNnA TTF.M ~_ ~ ~ Final Plat - Emerald Forest Phase Eight (90-224). Assistant to the City Engineer Morgan presented the staff report recommending approval with the addition of a 10' utility easement along all rights-of-way and contingent upon approval of the master preliminary plat. The final plat for Phase Eight will not proceed to City Council until the dedication for North Forest Parkway and the subsequent approval of the master preliminary plat is approved. The plat as proposed does comply with the City's comprehensive plan and exceeds the requirements of the thoroughfare plan. Appomattox Drive through this area is shown as a collector on the thoroughfare plan, but is being constructed to minor arterial standards. The oversize of Appomattox Drive was discussed at a meeting with Capital Improvements Subcommittee of the Council in May 1989. Ms. Morgan added the plat does comply with the master preliminary plat for Emerald Forest Phases 8, 9, 10 and 11. • The master preliminary plat was approved contingent upon the dedication to the City of all the property required for the • 60' right-of-way for North Forest Parkway from the westerly property line of the Swoboda property through the easterly side of the Appomattox right-of-way. To date this has not been completed, although the applicant is close to obtaining all documents required for this dedication. Therefore, the final plat is presented to the Commission prior to the approval of the preliminary plat. Mr. Dresser moved to approve the Final Plat of Emerald Forest Phase Eight with the addition of a 10' utility easement along all rights-of-way and contingent upon approval of the master preliminary plat.. Mr. Michel seconded the motion which passed unopposed t6-0). A,FNT7A TTFM ~n ~.~ Revised Master Preliminary Plat - Glenhaven Subdivision (90-303). Senior Planner Kee presented the staff report recommending approval with the condition that Brazoswood Circle be changed to Brazoswood Drive and drainage impacts be adequately addressed. The revision of Glenhaven Subdivision creates larger lots by eliminating Carol as a through street and reducing the number of streets running west off of Glenhaven Drive. The revisions proposed are in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and pose no problems with • existing land uses. Glenhaven was initially planned to have a 70' right-of-way because it was designated as a minor arterial on the 1970 Comprehensive Plan. The plans for this street have since been changed with Glenhaven now designated as a collector. The "collector" functional classification for Glenhaven is more appropriate because of the following: Land tt~PG ~grva~ - Minor arterials are typically designed for higher intensity land uses tie: high density residential and commercial) than is planned in the Glenhaven Subdivision which is largely single family. ~nntin>>ity - A minor arterial is typically more continuous than as planned for Glenhaven. Collector streets are not necessarily continuous. Ms. Kee added, the overall impact of not extending Carol to Glenhaven, as originally planned on the previous plat, would not be detrimental to or inconsistent with area thoroughfare planning. However, an extension would provide better access and local traffic circulation in this immediate residential area. If the street were extended it would, at best, serve as a minor collector. The future extension of Carol from Westover to Munson would allow for a "better minor • collector", but this extension is not practical due to existing residential development. Lincoln, Francis, Dominik, and University Oaks are the existing collector streets between University Drive and Harvey Road which provide east-west movement between the By-Pass and Texas Avenue. Therefore, the impact on the thoroughfare system of this small extension of Carol would be minimal. Mr. Dresser moved to approve the Revised Master Preliminary Plat of Glenhaven Subdivision with the provision drainage impacts be adequately addressed. Mr. Michel amended the mation to include the renaming of Brazoswood Circle to Brazoswood Drive. Mr. Gentry seconded the amended motion which passed unopposed (6-0). A~FNnA TTF_M Nn_ a~ presentation of the Bryan-College Station Long Range Transportation Plan and Study. City Planner Callaway gave a brief description of the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) whose primary function is to provide general policy guidance to the planning process. The committee is charged with the responsibility of reviewing, recommending, and approving projects and programs developed from the MPO Technical Committee. Transportation Planner Hard presented the draft of the Bryan College Station Transportation Study and Plan beginning with a summary of the transportation planning process and the areas of study. He continued to describe the report by summarizing each chapter, explaining the organizational responsibilities of the MPO, the SDHPT, the cities of Bryan and College Station, and the Texas Transportation Institute. Mr. Hard highlighted the significant milestones already achieved in preparing the plan and concluded his presentation with a brief discussion on the travel demand forecasting process. Assistant Research Planner Chang of Texas A&M's Transportation Institute presented the committed and recommended improvements to the streets and highways in Bryan-College Station urban area based on forecasts of growth for the area and the resulting anticipated increases in traffic over the next twenty years. He highlighted the anticipated over-capacity locations in College Station and the transportation facilities to be improved by the years 1995 and 2010. Mr. Chang concluded his presentation by listing the alternatives to be considered for selection as recommended improvements to the long range transportation plan. Mr. Hall expressed concern for a more "user friendly" transportation system. The proposed system should address adequate signalization, high traffic hazard areas, Texas A&M's future transportation plan, traffic congestion around the Post Oak Mall area, and positioning of future schools and their impact on traffic flow. Mr. Hall suggested Anderson as an alternative north-south collector street. He • added that the College Station Technical Committee should work more closely with Texas A&M to incorporate both transportation plans and improvements. Mr. Michel stated he preferred the rejected alternative four over the suggested alternative three. From a technical and environmental/aesthetic point of view, alternative three, connecting West Tarrow, Lincoln, and Walton with Campus Main Road would be less beneficial due to the lower trip volume in the Eastgate area and the disruption of a residential neighborhood. Upgrading Welsh into a four-lane minor arterial and tying to Campus Houston Street as suggested in alternative four would be the most effective. Chairperson Sawtelle agreed with Mr. Michel that alternative four should be considered as an alternative to be selected as recommended improvements. She noted that direct connections of 29th Street with Munson and Munson with Dartmouth would be effective in deterring traffic from Texas Avenue. She added that demographic studies of older neighborhoods would be helpful in determining future development. The Planning and Zoning Commission reached a general concensus that alternatives 1, 2, and 4 of the Bryan-College Station Transportation Plan be included on the list of • alternatives for recommended improvements. The Commission also agreed that alternative 3, number 3 connecting West Tarrow, Lincoln, and Walton with Campus Main not be included due to the extensive impact on the residential neighborhood. A~F'11II?A TT,EM Nn- ~~ Other business. Mr. Michel referred to the discussion of requiring lien holder notification on all plats prior to approval by the Commission at the meeting of December 20, 1990. He stated that the lender is not requesting to sign all final plats, amending plats, and replats; instead, the lender is requesting to add an item to the checklist asking the applicant to inform the lender of any changes to the original plat. The applicant will be responsible for notifying the lender and no City notification or confirmation will be required. Chairperson Sawtelle stated that she would not object to the adding a reminder to the application; however, she does object to having the lender sign the plat prior to the Commission's approval. City Planner Callaway informed the Commission that an additional informational item could be added to the • checklist without further consideration by the Commission. • A(,FNnA TTF.M~jjQ. 6s Adjourn. Mr. Dresser moved to adjourn the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr. Hall seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5-0). (Mr. Colson was not present.) ATTEST: City Secretary, • • APPROVED: Cha rper on, Nancy Sawtelle PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION GUEST REGISTER DATE _ !1 ~~~~ ,(^r ~ ~ /, ~ ) NAME ,~ ADDRESS ~ 2 . ~~`~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~G! S ~~~ ~d ~~i~ ~ ~_ 4. 5. 6. 7- 8. 9. ' 10. il. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23• 24. ~5•