HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/15/1991 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionM I N U T E S • Planning and Zoning Comm~.ss i ~_~n CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 7:00 P.M. August 15, 1991 MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairpe~~son Sawteile, tiiembers Micr,el, Hawthorne, Colson and Smith. MEMBERS ABSENT: Members Hall and Esmond. STAFF PRESENT: De~relopment Services Dire:~tor Ash, City Planner Callaway, Planning Technician Thomas, Staff Planner Kuenzel, Assistant to the City Engineer Morgan, Assistant Directo?~ of Public Services Smith, and Assistant City Attorney Nemcik. (Council Liaison Gardner was in the audience.) AGFN_nA TTRM IaiR~__L•.. Approval of Minutes - Workshop of July 17, 1991. Mr. ~iichel moved to approve the minutes of the workshop meeting ~f • July 17, 1991 as written. Mr. Hawthorne seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5 - 0). AC~F.NDA TTRM N(1~,;~y Approval of Minutes - Meeting of July 18, 1991. Mr. Michel moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of. July 1&, 1991 as written. Mr. Hawthorne seconded the motion whi~.-h passed unnppr_~sed (5 - 0). A.GF.N.DA.._I.TEM.._.NIIr._....3..:. Public hearing to consider a conditional use permit request to allow an addition to the existing Church in College Station located at 401 Dominik. (91-709) Staff Planner Kuenzel presented the staff report giving a brief history of the church. The existing portable building was adder-:~ to the site in 1984, at whic.,h point the P&Z issued a Conditional Use Permit to allow the addition. Parking will be adequate for this expansion and church membership should not increase. There is a total of 26 spaces on site, giving the church the abilit~T to grow to a :eating capacity of 78. Currently, about 20 people attend Sunday Services. Fifteen property owners within 200' of the subject property were notified with two inquiries. Chairperson Sawtelie opened the public hearing. Doug St.~:wall of 1004 Puryear approached trie Commission as a repreentative of the c'zurch and explai,:;ed that tiie proposed ex~~ansirn would allow more ro~~~m for the children of the church. The proposed sign will be sim;le with no lights and used primaril to identify meeting times. Ct?alrperSOn Sawtelie clOSe~~ the pUb11C hedging. • Mr. Colson m~~ved to ~,-rrant a conditional use permit to allow the expansion of the existing Chur~sh in College Station. Mr. Michel seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5 - 0). AGENDA.__.ITE1~LNn_~_4..:_ Reconsideration of a conditional use permit request to allow a permanent parking lot at the existing Victory Temple Christ Holy Sanctified Church located at 1115 Detroit Street. (91-707) Staff Flanner Kuenzel presented the staff report explaining that the itel~~~ was p_~eviousiy tabled due to an incomplete site plan. At the previous meeting, the Commission agreed to a two year time period for c~:~mpletion of the parking Iot. Mr. Hawthorne moved to approve the conditional use permit request to allow a permenaner,t parking lot at the existing Victory Temple Christ Holy Sancitified Church lo~~ated at 1115 Detroit Street. Mr. Michel seconded the motiol; which passed unopposed (5 - 0). gCEDIDA__.LTEr[._.~i.Q~._..5.r. Final Plat - Tall Timbers Estate Subdivision located in the E. T. J. (91-215) This item was withdrawn prior to the meeting of the Commi_sion. gGENI2A_.._LT.EN!_~iII.~__~b~ Public hearing to consider an amendment to the • Zoning Ordinance creating a new C-B Business Commercial district to be applied throughout the City. (91-811) Staff Planner Kuenzel presented the ordinance amendment and stat~~._1 that the new district was designed an alter-lative to the C-1 Genez~'al ~ammerci.nl district. for location~~ that are appr~._~priate fo r most c~~imlrle.rcial uses, but r?c>t the range allowed in C-1. This zonir:g disc? _ic;t was recornrnen ded in the university Drive Corridor Rep~.~rt . Grace t.hi s district is approved, staff twill begin t}:e City in itiated rezonir:g;~ along Unive.r ~~ity Drive. Cha:i~i-~er::s~~n Sawtelle opened the public Nearing. Seeing no ~~ne pr~er;e;it to spear, in favcir of or in opposition to the prop~.~sed ~~~rdinance amendment, she closed the public hearing. ~'r. %oi.son moved to recommend approval of tNe ordinance amendmen~: creating a new C-B Business Commercial district. Mr. Miei?r~l seconded the motioT? which passed unopposed (5 - 0). A:SENDA.~.IT.EM.._.N~..~_Z.~. Reconsideration of an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance regulating the development and operation of recycling drop-off facilities. (91-805) City Pla:,ner Callaway and Assistant Director ~-~f Public Services Smit1? p2eSeT?ted the OrdlnanC~ amendment e.:plaininq that brit)i ~t'~~' amen~~!nents to the ordinance and ='.anltcit?o:l code taJ.~11 h~e -~~?I:sldered • P 2 Z M?mites august 15, '991 Page ~ • by Cc'uncil sinlultaneousiy. Large and small collec.tinn fa~~ilitie~: will be regulated for setbacks, s~reenir.;g, l._indsca_~ing, parkin. c;, n~~ise, and signage. In addition, all facilities, except single feed reverse vending maChlneS Will reCeiVe PRC reVieW. LarCle Collect?on facllltl~'S, w}le"? located In a +_",c~lnllle'~"i',_ial d1StrlCt., !TIUSt Obtc:.ln .~ conditional use permit.. ~~nce the amer~,dments are approved, Staff wi~l work with the existing facilities can coming into compliance. Tt)ez P will be no grandfat}ierln'~~ sander the nel-•~ amendments . `^.r. Hawt}~orne recommended a 40' ~~etback requirement ~.~f s?Hall re;i~'yC'l_l.ng faC111tiF'S In neig'lbOr}I(=?Cid CC?mmerCial ~:OneS. The ma::lin~..l?n setba~-k should ~~e enfOr~^ed r_`ec-~ause ~~f tie ?i?sightly ~-iUlnpsters be:ln~_~ located adja<.~r,r~t. t~~ r_e:identi:~l areas. !~;' . '~ i~,=.)~,1 ar~r~e:l and moved to rec~~mmend a ,. ~_~val of the ~-.r ~ ~~ - pp''~ dina,.~~_. ainendrr:ent to regulate re,~yCl.ing drop-off facilitie-• with t}-:~~ regfa~rament of ~ 40' setbar'l for small recycling facilities lo~^ated in neighborhood commercial zones. Mr. Colson seconded the m~_~tion wh.i..~h parsed unopposed i5 - 0?. B.G.ENIlA..-..L_T.EM.~NLZ~._...8._~. Select a Vice Chairperson of the Commission. Mr. Michel nominated L~hnn Colson t.o ser~.~e as Vice Chairperson of t:;e Planning and Zoning Commis~~ion. Because there were no other namin~atinns, Mr. Colson was sele~~ted as the new Vire Chairperson. • A.GEniDA.--I-TEM.._.i~I~.._._.W2.~ Other business . Flannir.g Technician. Thomas informed the Commissi~:~~n of the upcom ~n~~ APA conference in October and asked for a c~~~mmitment from two of the Commissi~~ners to attend. Mr. Michel, Mr. Esmond, and Mr. Hall expressed interest. in attending. The Commission agreed to allow Mr. M_lc?:el and Mr. Esmond to attend based on seniorit~r with the ~:'or?Ins i 5 s ° .-~n . ~tatf Planner Kuenzel informed the Commis;~ion th;:zt the City ;;zitia.ted rezonings along University Drive would. be Consider?d by the Commi~;sion once Council approves the proposed C-B zonin:; ~srdinanc~=~ amendment. AGENDA-....I.TEM.-~III..._...1 IIr.. Adjourn . :fir. Colson moved to adjourn the meeting of the Planning and Toning Corruni ssi gin. Mr. Michel seCOr.ded the motion. which passed unopposed t5 - 0?. APP VED: _-- ----- C air erson, Nancy Sawtelle ATTEST P1annLn --T _ _ _ _ __ __ _ ® ~ g echnician, Natalie Thomas P & Z Minutes August 15, 1941 F'_age 3 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION GUEST REGISTER ~ c _ ~~,~-. DATE C.%~.,~(.~G' ~~L~C~~ ~r_~ ~ 1_ NAME ADDRESS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Ig. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. • 25-