HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/18/1991 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission M I N U T E S Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 7:00 P.M. April 18, 1991 MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Sawtelle, Members Hall, Michel, Gentry and Esmond. MEMBERS ABSENT: Vice Chairperson Dresser and Member Colson. STAFF PRESENT: Senior Planner Kee, Building Technician Mcdonald, Development Coordinator Volk, Assistant to the City Engineer Morgan, Assistant City Manager Brymer, Development Services Director Ash, Senior Assistant City Attorney Bailey-Graham, City Planner Callaway, and Project Engineer Keating. (Council Liaison Mc Ilhaney was in the audience.) A~EHDA.TTFM Nn- L• Approval of Minutes - meeting April 4, 1991. Mr. Hall moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of April 4, 1991 as presented. Mr. Michel seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5-0). A(;FNT1A TTF.M Nn. ~ ~ Public hearing to consider a Final Plat of Eastmark Subdivision Phase II located at the intersection of Southwest Parkway and Central Park Lane. (91-209) Senior Planner Kee presented the staff report recommending approval. The purpose of this replat is simply to remove the twenty-five foot building line reflected along Central Park Lane (which is viewed as a side street) and replace it with a fifteen foot building line. The plat will then reflect the building lines as required by the Zoning Ordinance. The private landscape easement guarantees no building in this designated area. Chairperson Sawtelle opened the public hearing. Since no one came forward to speak in favor of or in opposition to the replat, Chairperson Sawtelle closed the public hearing. Mr. Gentry moved to approve the Final Plat of Eastmark Subdivision Phase II. Mr. Michel seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5-0). Ar,FNnA TTF.M Nn- '~~ Discussion of existing and future drainage policies. Assistant City Manager Brymer approached the Commission presenting two ways of delivering City services through the eyes of a taxpayer: ' • (1) Funding services through management of supply of service which creates the need for more money and stifles creative thinking and actions. (2) Demand Management which is a service funding based on use. Several cities are heading in the direction of Demand Management and some even have this system in place and functioning. The reasons for the shift are: (1) Council driven resources "maxed" (2) Demand drive. (3) Residential development bears the cost of service for demand. (4) Public drainage system could be dedicated if developer bore cost to build to a certain, more low cost maintenance standard. Development Services Director Ash approached the Commission and presented the two major paradigms: County and Urban. The objective of this issue is to "Clearly identify City's role, maximize opportunities for prevention (maintenance and design), identify who is • generating the demand for drainage maintenance service so that the appropriate entity bears those associated costs, and educate citizens". With a demand driven service charge, those who create the demand will bear the greatest part of the cost. The staff is attempting to establish the guidelines under which the City will accept both drainage easements and the facilities for public maintenance. Commissioner Michel asked if the new policies should be applied only to new development or would they eventually affect all areas in the City. Development Services Director Ash replied that the policy could be readily applied to new development now, with all areas being under the same regulations in the future. Assistant City Manager Brymer explained funding could be handled in several ways and cited as examples: a drainage utility with user demand establishing the cost (such as electric or water); establishment of drainage impact districts; and identification of the easements the City really should keep and maintain and abandon the rest back to the adjacent property owners. Mr. Michel then asked in the case of the user paying a "fair share", what happens if the highest demand users happens to be the people in the lowest income areas as is the case in many instances because the least desirable areas to develop usually are developed into lowest income areas. No answer was readily available to this question. Commissioner Hall expressed concern over the current, apparent lack of • consistency in direction and policy for developers. He outlined two examples: (1) Polar-Bek has a drainage ditch we could inherit and (2) Randall's - has a detention facility that may not work. P & Z Minutes April 18, 1991 Page 2 • Privatization is like a fifteen year time bomb; with t.ax zones, payments could be added to mortgages. The definition of what is acceptable regarding maintenance factors is very important. Mr. Hall stated that the City needs to clarify its policy before imposing it on development. i• Commissioner Esmond expressed concern over whether the City will be able to enforce Homeowner's Association responsibilities. He also stated that private drainage easements such as the one granted in the Brandon Heights Subdivision are not addressed in the current Ordinance. Commissioner Esmond asked about the fairness of requiring the adjacent property owner to properly maintain an easement or right- of-way. Mr. Ash likened the situation to what is already existing in that everyone's "front yard" actually is made up of 10 - 14 feet of City right-of-way and the answer would be to make sure the easement is turned over in a condition which can be easily maintained. ~,FNnA jTF.M ~_ a~ Discussion of pennants and banners. This item was postponed until Vice Chairperson Dresser and Member Colson would be able to participate in the discussion. AGEgDA ITEM ~,_ ~~ Other business. Senior Planner Kee and Assistant to the City Engineer Morgan presented a memorandum to the Planning and Zoning Commission concerning off-site easements on Final Plats. In the Subdivision Ordinance it states in Section 6-D.4.2.1. that the Final Plat shall also include: "The exact location, dimensions, description, name, and legal description of all existing or recorded streets, alleys, reservations, easements, or other rights-of-way within the subdivision, intersection or contiguous with the boundary..." This requirement for the Final Plats has not been strictly enforced over the past years; however, in the future all Final Plats will be checked to assure that all contiguous easements are shown. ~,RNnA TTRM NC~_ F ~ Adjourn. Mr. Michel moved to adjourn the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr. Gentry seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5-0). APPROVED: • _ ____._ Chairperson, Nancy Sawtelle ,~ ATTES Pla Wing Technician, Natalie Thomas P & Z Minutes April 18, 1991 Page 3 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION GUEST REGISTER - NAME 2. 3- 4. 5. 6. 7- 8. 9. lo. tl. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. ~5' DATE C- ¢ ;-L ~.-~ l ~`~~ , ~~j.~ ~ l =r ADDRESS