HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/05/1990 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission• MINUTES CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, Texas Planning and Zoning Commission 7:00 P.M. July 5, 1990 MEMBERS PRESENT: Acting Chairman Gentry, Members Colson, Esmond, and Newly Appointed Member Hall MEMBERS ABSENT: Chairman Sawtelle, Vice Chairman Dresser, and Member Michel STAFF PRESENT: Senior Planner Kee, City Engineer Pullen, Assistant Planner Kuenzel, and Planning Technician Rosier AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Administration of Oath of Offce to newly appointed members of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mayor Ringer administered the Oath of Office to reappointed members Esmond and Colson. Craig Hall was also sworn in as a newly appointed member. AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Approval of Minutes -meeting of June 21, 1990. Colson made a motion that the minutes be approved as submitted. Mr. Esmond seconded the motion which carried unanimously. (4-0) AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: A public hearhtg on the question of granting a Conditional Use Permit • for a church to be located on Lots 8, 7, 8, & 9, Block 17, Section 4B of the Southwood Valley Subdivision. Applicant is Bible Baptist Church. ~% ~ ~ ~ U u~ Assistant Planner Kuenzel presented the staff report. Her presentation was accompanied by slides of the site. She explained that access will be taken from the alley. Kuenzel also explained that applicant's intentions regarding phasing and signage. Kuenzel stated that the P.R.C. recommended approval contingent upon minor revisions which the applicant intends to correct on the site plan after P&Z consideration. Mr. Esmond asked if access to the church will be taken from the alley. Ms. Kuenzel said that initially it would. Mr. Esmond asked if the alleys were designed in such a way that they could withstand this usage. Ms. Kee said that the alley is paved and does have some curbing on the side. Mr. Colson asked if the proposed parking is adequate for the site. Ms. Kee said that the proposed number of parking spaces does meet the ordinance requirements which is based on seating capacity. Mr. Gentry asked the seating capacity. Ms. Kuenzel said that presently it is 250, future planned seating capacity is for 400. Mr. Gentry opened the public hearing. • • Harold Payne of 4103 Willow Oaks, pastor of the church, came forward to speak in favor of this project. He spoke of the Fire Marshal's previous concerns in regard to the fire hydrant location. Mr. Esmond asked about the size of the church's membership. It was explained that the church currently has 100 members, 250 members are projected. Seeing no one else come forward, Gentry closed the public hearing. Mr. Esmond said that he is satisfied that the necessary requirements have been met and made a motion for approval. Mr. Colson seconded the motion which carried unanimously in a vote of 4-0. XiGENDA ITEM NO. 4: A public hearing to consider an amendment to the Zoning ordinance, defining dormitory/group housing and associated aoninQ districts. Senior Planner Kee recalled the Commission's discussion of this item in May. She read the proposed defmition and explained the Zoning Ordinance's current restrictions. Kee also explained that the parking requirement for this use must be established. Mr. Esmond asked what differentiates this type of housing from sororities/fraternities and if the parking requirement should be different for each type of housing. Ms. Kee said that parking requirements for fraternities are determined on a case by case basis. Mr. Esmond expressed concern that some fraternities may slip through in this type of housing without staff knowing. Ms. Kee pointed out that signage usually gives them away. She also suggested that these parking requirements should differ from sororities/fraternities because sororities/fraternities have • meetings which are attended by people who do not live on the premises. Mr. Esmond was concerned that these houses may be used a "frat houses". Ms. Kee said that this defmition lists this housing as a Conditional Use Permit which would be reviewed by the Commission. She also stated that this type of housing would only be permitted in R-5, R-6, and C-1 zoning districts. Mr. Gentry asked if the Commission is satisfied by the defmition or if they wanted additional wording to further limit the use. He said that the CUP process satisfied him. Mr. Colson said that he wanted clarification concerning the parking requirements. (ie: apartments) Senior Planner Kee said that apartments are required to provide 1.5 spaces per bedroom with a maximum of 3 per unit. Mr. Colson said that he did not disagree with this type of housing, he just had concerns regarding parking. Ms. Kee said that using the floor plan on the wall which was provided by Mr. Jones as an example, 20 parking spaces would be required, 10 for each floor. Mr. Colson pointed out that the number of parking spaces would be insufficient if the bedrooms were shared. Mr. Gentry admitted the difficulty in determining the number of people initially. He asked his colleagues if they wanted to raise the proposed requirement. There was general discussion concerning the word, "unit", as defined in the Zoning Ordinance depending on the circumstance. P&Z minutes 7-5-90 page 2 New Commissioner Hall generated discussion regarding procedures for enforcing the parking requirements. Senior Planner Kee said that a parking requirement based on the number of bedrooms might be abetter solution. Mr. Gentry clarified that the P&Z does not have the authority to grant a variance to the parking requirements as part of the Conditional Use Permit process. Mr. Hall said that since "space(s) per person" runs into complications, he would prefer, "space(s) per bedroom". Mr. Gentry said that the amendment could be easily changed to "2 spaces per bedroom" with the number of visitor spaces to be determined by the Commission. No one came forward during the public hearing. Mr. Colson made a motion to amend the Zoning Ordinance to include this defmition and establish related parking requirements, "2 spaces per bedroom" with the number of visitor spaces to be determined by the Commission. Mr. Hall seconded the motion which carried in a vote of 3-1. Mr. Esmond was opposed to the general concept. AGENDA ITEM NO. S: 90-209: FYital Plat -Southwood Plana Phase One, Block 1 S, Lots 1 & 2. Applicant is Southwood Valley Inc. City Engineer Pullen presented this item. He explained that the location represented on this plat is beside the existing WALMART. He said that Engineering is currently working with the applicant to resolve comments made in the presubmission conference report regarding access/drainage. Mr. Esmond asked if the R.O.W. is the same size as the lot. Pullen explained that it is a detention center which is nearly the same size as the lot. Mr. Esmond asked if staff has drainage documents on the project. Pullen clarified that drainage documents were received as part of the WALMART development. Mr. Colson asked the purpose of this replat. Pullen said that it was to clarify what was previously left undefined. Steve Hansen came forward. Mr. Esmond recalled the Albertsons plat where signage was an issue. He asked why each of these lots would by permitted to have their own signage. Mr. Hansen said that signage would be consistent with the planned design of the shopping center. Ms. Kee said that staff did not find any problems in regard to signage because it will be consistent with the pattern already established along Texas Avenue. Mr. Colson made a motion to approve this plat. Mr. Hall seconded the motion which carried unanimously. (4-0) RGENI7,X ITEM NO. 6: 90-300: Preliminary Plat -Greens Works Phase One. Applicant is Regency Parkway, Inc. P&Z minutes 7-5-90 page 3 Senior Planner Kee presented the location, concept, and surrounding uses of this project. She explained the changes in regard to routing electrical service, not across the NCNB tract. Mr. Esmond asked if dedications on the plat were legal. Ms. Kee said that the preliminary plat includes the metes and bounds description and the final plat will reference the volume and page number of the dedicated easement. Mr. Esmond asked about the "pan handle" as mentioned in the presubmission conference report. Mr. Pullen said that the "pan handle" configuration was proposed solely to comply with access regulations. He said that the land was useless because of its location in the floodplain. There was general discussion of the surrounding zoning. Mr. Esmond made a motion to recommend approval of this preliminary plat. Mr. Hall seconded the motion which carried unanimously. (4-0) RGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Pulled from consideration. Unable to contact applicant. AiGENDA ITEM NO. 8: Other Business. Ms. Kee said that the Commission received a copy of the letter from the attorney representing University Tower In response to our inquiry. There was general discussion of Legal's response to Dresser's questions regarding parking lots on private property. The Commission requested that staff work on an amendment which would enable the City to enforce removal of these cars. Mr. Esmond mentioned the letter from John Miller. He said that his recollection was of a one time approval for this particular development not to establish a ratio as this letter states. Ms. Kee said that she believed that the letter did resolve the issue. She said that the Commission could ask him to come before the Commission for discussion of this item. AiGENi]iA ITEM NO. 9: Adjourn. Mr. Colson made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Esmond seconded the motion and the meeting was adjourned. APPROVED: Chairman, Nancy Sawtelle ATTEST: City Secretary, Connie Hooks • P&Z minutes 7-5-90 page 4 • NAME 1. 2. DATE JULY 5, 1990 ADDRESS ~f ~ ~/' `1 ~~ ~ 1.~,- ~l ~~. L~r e~ ~ 2. e tea.. ~ l` ~-~- ~~9 f ~~ J J' Z 3. 4. S. 6. 7. 8. 9. lo. it. • 12. 13. 14. 15. t6. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. • 25' PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION GUEST REGISTER