HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/19/1990 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission• AMENDED AGENDA CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Planning and Zoning Commission 7:00 P.M. July 19, 1990 1. Administer Oath of Office to new and/or reappointed Commissioners. 2. Hear visitors. 3. 90-106: A public hearing on the question of rezoning 41.58 acres of land which is located on the north side of Bee Creek approximately 1200 feet east of Highway 6 Bypass East, and is part of the Emerald Forest future development which will be referred to as Phases 8 & 9, from A-O Agricultural Open to R-lA Single Family Residential. Application is in the name of Allen R. Swoboda. 4. 90-706: A public hearing on the question of granting a Conditional Use Permit for a church to be located on • Lots 10, 11 and 34 Block 2 McCuloch Subdivision, between Phoenix and Arizona Streets. Applicant is Christ Holy Missionary Baptist Church. 5. 90-210: Final Plat - Southwood Forest Phase 4. 6. 90-211: Final Plat - Pebble Creek Phase lA. 7. 90-212: Final Plat - Pebble Creek Phase 1B. 8. 90-213: Final Plat - Pebble Creek Phase 1C. 9 90-412: Parking Lot Plan - Addition to the Taco Bell restaurant on Harvey Road. This project is in the Wolf Pen Creek Zoning District. 10. 89-801: Consideration of renewal of a Development Agreement between the City of College Station, Skipper Harris and the owner of the property known as the "Mudlot", a commercial parking lot located at Church and Nagle Streets. 11. Other business. 12. Adjourn. • MINUTES CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Thursday, July 19, 1990 7:00 PM MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Nancy Sawtelle, Lynn Colson, Michael Gentry, Steve Esmond, and Craig Hall. MEMBERS ABSENT: George Dresser and Randy Michel. STAFF PRESENT: Development Coordinator Shirley Volk, Planning Official Sabine Kuenzel, Building Technician Natalie Thomas, Senior Planner Jane Kee, Planning Director Jim Callaway, and City Engineer David Pullen. Before the official meeting, Mayor Ringer swore in Chairperson Nancy Sawtelle to the Planning and Zoning Commission. AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Hear visitors. Chairperson Nancy Sawtelle asked to hear from visitors on items not included on the agenda. There being no visitors, Chairperson Sawtelle moved to the next agenda item. AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: 90-1-6: A public hearing on the question of rezoning 41.58 acres of land which is located on the north side of Bee Creek approximately 1200 feet east of Highway 6 Bypass East, and is part of the Emerald Forest future development which will be referred to as Phases 8 & 9, from A-0 Agricultural Open to R-lA Single Family Residential. Application is in the name of Allen R. Swoboda. Senior Planner Jane Kee presented the case to the Commission. She stated that this request is for a more flexible single family zoning district. The R-lA zone allows greater flexibility in lot layout and design and allows a reduced rear setback for living areas. This zone also allows a slightly greater density than R-1 (10 dwelling units per acre versus 8 units per acre). The phase of Emerald Forest adjacent to the south across the creek is currently zoned R-lA The request is compatible with planned uses and existing land uses. The City's Waste Water Treatment Plant is approximately 920 feet east of this area where rezoning is requested. According to the agency responsible for permitting this treatment facility there shall be a minimum of 150 feet of separation between any treatment unit and any residential property and 500 feet between any facultative lagoon and any residential property. The requested rezoning does not include those sections of the preliminary plat closest to the treatment plant. The request meets the Land Use Objective of encouraging the use of vacant land within the City, the Development Policies for areas planned for low density residential uses to consist mainly of single family development, and the Land Use Plan which shows low density residential ui this area. After Chairperson Sawtelle opened the public hearing, John Hansen, Vice President of the Emerald Forest Homeowners Association, expressed concern for use of the partially unpaved North Forest Parkway as the only entrance to this new developing area. He asked that the road be paved before construction phases begin for access of construction vehicles. He disagreed with allowing construction traffic to flow through the roads in Emerald Forest. The traffic would disrupt the neighborhood and create a hazard for children in the area. Larry Wells of the Municipal Development Group stated that construction traffic would enter through Emerald Forest due to the fact that North Forest Parkway would not be paved during the first few phases. As an alternative, the service road could be used to help deter traffic. Mr. Gentry expressed concern that 60 homes would be built with only one access into the subdivision, and if the later phases were not completed, a second access might never be established. He also suggested contacting the proper department within the City to establish an agreement that would allow construction vehicles to use the unpaved access. Jane Kee agreed to follow up on the situation and notify Mr. Hansen of her findings. Chairperson Sawtelle closed the hearing and the Commission discussed the access of the new subdivision. Jim Callaway stated that the completion of N. Forest Parkway was never required to address a capacity problem, but rather to serve as a second access to the subdivision. He also said that there was no standard established that stated the exact point of development at which a second access must be developed. City Council also committed to paving part of North Forest Parkway to complete the rear access of the subdivision. Council is unsure when road construction will take place depending on when the initial rear access is developed. Developer Allen Swoboda stated that the intent is to have construction vehicles use the unpaved service road as an access because the bridge across Bee Creek will be under construction, so access would be limited via Emerald Parkway. Mr. Gentry moved to approve the rezoning from A-0 Agricultural to R-lA Single Family Residential. Mr. Colson seconded the motion which carried unanimously (5-0). AIGENDA ITEM NO. 3: 90-706: A public hearing on the question of granting a Conditional Use Permit for a church to be located on lots 10, 11 and 34, Block 22, McCulloch Subdivision, between Phoenix and Arizona Streets. Applicant is Christ Holy Missionary Baptist Church. Planning Official Sabine Kuenzel presented the history of the site. In April 1983, this item was tabled because of a concern for traffic brought by the neighborhood. In May 1983, the permit was denied because the Commission feared overflow parking would occur on Arizona. In May 1984, the same site plan was submitted and denied under the same reasoning of the previous year. In October 1986, Phoenix and Arizona streets were scheduled for widening, and the building size was reduced. After the item was tabled once, it was approved. The seating capacity of the church is for 60 people, and the 24 parking spaces provided, exceed the requirement. The Project Review Committee reviewed this project on June 17, 1990 and recommended approval. Chairperson Sawtelle restated that parking was adequate with access from both streets. She then Bennett Blake of Caldwell stated that he has been the pastor of the church for the past 6 years. Most of the people that attend his church live within walking distance of the proposed site. He asked that the Commission grant their request and help them establish a place to worship God. After Chairperson Sawtelle closed the hearing, she stated that most of the members in fact live in the neighborhood and agreed that it would be an asset to the area. Mr. Gentry moved to grant the Conditional Use Permit to Christ Holy Missionary Baptist Church and Mr. Esmond seconded the approval. The motion passed unanimously (5-0). AIGENDA ITEM NO. 4: 90-210: Final Plat-Southwood Forest Phase 4. opened the hearing to the public. City Engineer David Pullen presented the fmal plat to the Commission for fmal approval. This area includes the area west of Rio Grande Boulevard, north of Rock Prairie Road, and south of Deacon Drive. This 10.18 acres has a right of way of 1.75 acres with the average acreage of each of the nine residential lots being 1.14 acres. Mr. Esmond moved to approve the Final Plat of Southwood Forest Phase 4 and the motion was seconded by Mr. Gentry. The motion carried unanimously (5-0). AIGENDA NO. S: 90-211: Final Plat-Pebble Creek Phase lA Mr. Pullen presented the final plats to the Commission for final approval. The proposed subdivision is located east of Highway 6, south of Greens Prairie Road, and west of Rock Prairie Road. The total area is 24.39 acres with the average residential lot being .80 acres. Mr. Esmond asked why the 20 foot easement on the east side was not included in Phase lA and advised that it be included. P&Z minutes 7-19-90 page 2 • Dan Sears stated that the easement could be included but was excluded because it is not part of this plat. Mr. Colson moved to approve the final plats of Pebble Creek Phase lA (90-211) with the condition that the plat reflects the 20 foot off site easement on the east side, 1B (90-212), 1C (90-213). The motion was seconded by Mr. Esmond; the Commission carried the motion unanimously. AiGENDAITEM NO. 8: 90-212: Final Plat-Pebble Creek Phase 1B. See agenda item number 5. AiGENDA ITEM NO. 7: 90-213: Final Plat-Pebble Creek Phase 1C. See agenda item number 5. RiGENDiA ITEM NO. 8: 90-412: Parking Lot Plan -Addition to the Taco Bell restaurant on Harvey Road. This project is in the Wolf Pen Creek Zoning District. Ms. Kee presented the project to the Commission and stated that Taco Bell requested to partially enclose the front patio to provide additional interior seating by adding a glass atrium to the front of the building, and to replace a storage building with an addition to the rear of the building. The Design Review Board met on July 5, 1990 and recommended approval with requests to improve landscaping once the atrium is built so shrubs will be visible from Harvey Road. She added that additional parking would not be necessary and the exterior design will match the rest of the building. Lynn Colson made a motion to approve the Parking Lot Plan at 310 Harvey. The motion was seconded by Mr. Gentry and carried unanimously. AiGENDiA ITEM NO. 9: Consideration of renewal of a Development Agreement between the City of College Station, Skipper Harris and the owner of the property known as the "Mudlot", a commercial parking lot located at Church and Nagle Streets. Mr. Kee presented the case to the Commission. On April 20, 1989 the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the proposed development agreement but to include a waiver of items #5 and #9 (requiring the installation of additional gravel and the removal of all construction debris) until after June 1, 1989, but to require compliance to all other conditions immediately. On April 27, 1989, Council authorized a development agreement for one year from June 1989, including the recommendations mentioned above and also requiring the installation of railroad tie wheelstops, after June 1, 1989. At present all conditions of the development agreement are being met. Chairperson Sawtelle favored the extension of the current agreement through the end of 1990. Mr. Hall expressed concern as to the continuance of a temporary parking lot. Other parking lots in the area are required to maintain their property according to the City Standards and these standards should apply to the Mudlot. The initial temporary nature of the parking lot has become permanent. Mr. Esmond agreed with Mr. Hall and suggested that Chairperson Sawtelle's idea be considered and only extend the agreement through the end of 1990. The main concern is that the lot not become vacant and create a public nuisance. Mr. Colson suggested that a hard surface be placed on the lot within a given amount of time. By setting the deadline on January 1, 1991, Mr. Harris would have adequate time to comply and better knowledge of his future plans. He then made a motion to renew the development agreement but to make a recommendation to Council stating that Mr. Harris be required to apply a hard surface to the parking area and comply with all other City Standards by January 1, 1991. Mr. Gentry asked to amend the motion to extend the deadline to June 2, 1991 because it may be difficult to resurface the parking lot during the winter months due to weather conditions. Mr. Hall said he would like to require the applicant to work towards an improved surface in the meantime. P&Z minutes 7-19-90 page 3 Mr. Gentry seconded the motion which passed with a vote of 3 - 2. Mr. Esmond and Mr. Hall voted in opposition. Chairperson Sawtelle requested that the Commission be allowed to review the recommendation before submitting the final document to Council. AIGENDA NO. 10: Other business. Chairperson Sawtelle requested that someone investigate the dead trees located in the Kroger parking lot. Ms. Kee agreed, stating that an investigation would be administered. Mr. Colson questioned the enforcement of the Smoking Ordinance and stated that the Ordinance seemed unclear on the specific businesses targeted. Planning Director Jim Callaway asked the Commission their views on converting the Lowe's property, located on the edge of the Wolf Pen Creek area, into a bowling center. Mr. Colson asked if another lumber company would be allowed to operate at the same location according to the new Wolf Pen Creek requirements. Mr. Callaway stated that he was unsure and the legal department would have to be consulted in interpreting the guidelines. Mr. Colson added that he was in favor of the idea of converting the building into a bowling center as long as the exterior complies with the Wolf Pen Creek area motif. Mr. Hall expressed concern of the abandoned Go-Cart Track and the Morgan Spas location in the same area. The poor landscaping and dead trees are an eyesore compared to the landscaping at Post Oak Mall. Mr. Callaway said that he would contact the property owners and follow-up on the complaint. He also congratulated Ms. Kee on her acceptance to the American Association of Certified Planners. AiGENI]iA NO. 11: Adjourn. Mr. Colson moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Gentry seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. (5-0) . APPROVED: Chairman, Nancy Sawtelle ATTEST: City Secretary, Connie Hooks P&Z minutes 7-19-90 page 4 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION GUEST REGISTER ~~ • DATE - /`~TtI v NAME ADDRESS 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. • 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. t8. 19. zo. zl. zz. z3. z4. • 25• ..~- ,,- ~tl 6.