HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/18/1990 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission MIPdUTES CITY OF' i_".OI1L, 1:;~~)~ NATION, Tr Y~A~~% Planning and Zoning Commission January 13, 1990 1:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Sawtel.le, Vice Chaix°rnan. Dresser,. Membex°s Colson, Davis, Esmond, and Michel MEMBERS ABSENT: Member Gen~:.ry S7'AFI~" }'RESENT: Ci.t.y ~'a.ar~z~er Cal.lawa.y, Senior Planner Kee, City Engiz°~eez° Pullen,a Assistant City Enc;~ineer Margan, Assistant. City Attorney Barrks, Development Coord.inatax~~ Volk, Planning 't'echnician Rosier. AGENDA ITEM N0. 1: Approval of minutes - meeting of January 4, 1990. Mr. Esmond rr7ade a mot.iaz~ to approve the rnirru.tes as submitted. Ms. Davis seconded the motion which carx°iect • unanimausly. (6-0} AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Hear Visitors. Na one spoke. AGENDA ITEM N0. 3: 90-301: Revised Master Preliminary Plat - Pebble Creek Phase One (Centroid Ranch) Ms. Kee stated that in Apx°il of last year, the Commission approved. a preliminary plat. for part. of Texas Cen.trciid Raz~,c~h, and C.it.y Cauncil approved that same preliminary plat. Thus , she explained that anly the prapa:~ed ax~~~=gas of chanq~a U~ex°e t:.o be addressed by the Commission, these areas are iz~clz.rded in the shaded pardon of the plat and rel;~;te primarily to street patterns. She praceeded t.a r~xp:lain the specific ciaanges, as being that. ox°iginal.ly, two cu. 1. -de--s:;zcs came aff of Wir,gfoat Dx. whi.ch came aff of Pebble Creek Dr. anc~ Valleybrcaok. continued through. In contrast, the revised plat propases four cul-de--sacs. Ms. Kee a1C;a painted out. that. the name of Muirfield Circle I"zas been cizanged to Ca:l.onial Circle ar~d Valleybrc~ok is a cul-de-..sac instead of continuing through. Ms. Kee informed the Commissi.orr that Valleyk~raok exceeds the fi00 foot cul-de--sac length requ.iremer7t.sF it is approximately ~a60 f~„et. long. But, Ms. ® Kee:: sta~:ed that it probably has fewer lat.s than typical cul- dP-..sacs because the l.ats ;:x re wide. Ms. Kee noi.~ed that att~zer • rninoz- changes in overall configuration are nat. necessary for the Commission. to address. She stated that. at the Presubmissian Conference held on Jan~~ary ~~, 1990, Staff recammenr~ed approval. Mr. Esmond asked if the r~uestian of name similarity of "Mara.an Ciz°c)_e" had been resolved. Ms .. Kee said that it. i~ad riot. been resolved but, staff wil]. adr,3ress that. if lvhe n.:~me is not changed on the final. p1a.t.. Mr. Esmond asked ~f a Warne change should occur before the final. plat stage of development.< Ms. Keca said that. at t:tris time ti-ae name :is not. a prablern, V~'hen that portion is final. platted, staff can requi_z~e tide r.~ame chance. M.r .. Mir..~hel asked :~f the .p.r~ior safety concerns regarding curves in streets i~iad been addressed< Ms . Kee said that it was discussed bar,,:k irr April' s pz.esu.bn~ission conference but nat. in the January 3, 1990,, car,fez ence .C i Mr. M~.ci-~e1 asked if the :z s. ue should have been d~.~•cL sled again at the most. recent. presubmiss.ion canferenc;e. Ms. Kee referred the Commissioner's cfuestian to City Engineer Pullen, who Tinrc~s i.n the audience. Mr. Iaull.en stated that the issue of "wiggles" had. been overlocaked. by staff at the time of r.eva_ew of this plat, but. th~3t t:.he concerns :i.n z°ega.rd t.o trris issue are sti11. perta_nent. Ch~:~i.rrnan Sawtelle and Mr. Esmond expressed that. they wanted this issue resolved. M.r. Dresser asked the developer's c°epresentative in t.l're au.dierrre if there was any prablen~~ with changing the street name from "Mazian". The representative, Mr. Sheridan, said that it was no problem tc7 change the name. City Planner Callaway came forward t.a disagree with Mr. Pullen, explaining that the issue a~~ street curves was pu:rpasely nat. addressed because it did nat. occur in the shaded area. which is u.ricler considerat.ian at t.,iis time< He st~:rtecl that Council had directed the Developer ar~d c.°ity staff to work together to resolve that issue prior to the final plat. Pf~Z Minutes 1--18-90 t~ac~e 2 Mr. Michel said ti~lc~t. he believed than Calonial Circle a.nd C~akn~~r~n't:. Circle eased t:.he same cancerns irr regard t_a street. CurVir?. Mr'. C'allciway said that the nat~.~re of the street. determines such things as speed and traffifa. He explained that. thoroughfares may be scx°utin.ized mare carefully for curve design thac~ a cul--de-~;ac. Mr. Calsan asked what staff :recommended in regard to the length of the cul--de-sac. Mr. Callaway said that. staff wa:.. not. necessarily concerned about, the length, kaut that. the Commission needs to ~.4nc~.erstand that ane cif the cul-de-sacs z°epresents a request. of a. variance t.a the length of 6Uf~ feet. Mx°.. Esmond asked :i_f the buffer area between the subdivision and Greens ~?rairie Road. could be developed :into anyt.hi,.ng ti11iCE? ~_t ::4_S ha rlarx"Ow. Mr. Sheridan said that. t.l'~e exact. lacatian of 'the 'f u.t.4.~.re stz°eet is nat. defined on the plat, kaut by adjusting the rear. lo't lines, the develope:r hopes to eliminate any ottler zoning or hauling development directly behind the subdivision. He added that restx°ictions wi1.1. k~e placed on the plat or by anathex.. means to provide a minimum 4~l fact buffer. Mr. Shf~ridan said that. the develaper does r7at have :i_mmediate plans to deveJ_op behind the fats. Mr. ~ smond asked if there wo~.41d be :fences placed ~~_l.ang the calf Caux°se. Mr. Sheridan said that there would be fences :~r~d corresponding restrictians placed. around the gaff caux-se. Mr. E.srnond expressed concern for City cont.r~ol in buffers and screening. Mr. Sheridan said he was not:. familiaz° wa.th the City's restrictions, but he believes that since 't.he develaper would prcahibit chain link fences their restrictions are .probably tat.Jghear . Mr. Dresser made a motion to approve this master preliminary plat restricted to the shaded part ion of the neap Shawn an the wall anr.~ specifically including the vara_ar~ce far lengt: h of the cu l--de-sac. Mr. Col San seconded the motion wh.a.ch ca:rriec~ unanimously. (6--0) ~' Pf~7 Mir,ut,es 1-1&_c~0 page ~? AGENDA ITEM N0. 4: Other Business. • Ms . Sawtel.le asked St•~f . - ~ 4 f to fol J. aw._ i. p arz the pa rk:z. ng tat requirements at University Towers. She noted t.ha.t she had seen advertisements far .its expanded services and daubted that they coincide with the ariginal. requested use:-, far which park:l_ng requiz~ements had been established and approved. Ms. Kee said that, she would c~~heck an this issue. Mr. Dresser addressed the excerpt. from C"izapter 12 of the %'ode c>f Ordinances whi..ch w«::, dist.ribu.ted t.o the Cornniissioners at the last. warkshop held on January 4, 1990. He expressed r_:oncern over some of the duties listed because the Cammission has riat been practir°ing the fall.awing spr-~cif:ic resr~onsibiliti es : 1. Annual preparatian of ~~ recommended develaprnent pragram foz~ a fi..ve (5) year period. 2. Make z°ecammendat.ions for the effective coordination of the variaus city depaz~~tments, cammittees, and baards, in i.mplementir,g the comprehensive plan. 3. The pla.nna.nr~ and zan.ing camma_ssion shall. keep 'the city council informed of its progress an their plans and make periodic status development reports to the c.~.ty counci.:1, and said repart.s shall be rnade within si:~ (6) months after their appointment, and every six (6) month: thereafter, M.r. Dresser asked :if the Commission shau.ld be doing tine vaz~iaus tasks mentiaried in the excerpt. Mr. Colson asked :if t:he Commission wanted t;o da these things. Mr. Dresser asked that Staff address this issue ;~t some future date and. advise the Commission. in reg~:rrd to the abav~= mentioned duties. Mr. Colson asked 1f the tniversity Bookstore on Daminik had a. site plan because he has notic"ed work. beinr~ d. c;>ne at that 1oc?ati.on . Ms. Kee said that the building :is used solely :~s <~ storage facility anc~ Staff approved the site changes. P&Z Mir~~utes 1-18-c~0 page 4 ® AGENDA TTEM NQ. 5: Ad~aurn. Mr. Dresser mach c`~ tilat:~~~I1 to ~d7at.~z°n which was seconded by Mr.. Colson. The mat.ian carried unarzimausly and the rneeting was adjau.rned. (~..._p) ATTEST City Sec:ret~s.rar, Dian .7a~~~~.es • r, u APPR VED : c:-. ~ ~, ChaS_ main YSte11e ~'&Z ~1ir~utes 1-1~-~30 page 5 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION GUEST REGISTER • 11. 12. NAME l . - ~C L C ~l~'-,~ 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. t0. 13. 14. 15. 16. i7. 18. ig. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. DATE JanuarX 18 1990 ADDRESS