HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/06/1990 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission• M I NUT E S CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Planning and Zoning Commission 7:00 P.M. December, 6, 1990 MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Sawtelle, Vice Chairperson Dresser, Members Colson, Hall, Gentry, and Michel. (Council Liaison Birdwell was in the audience.) MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: City Planner Callaway, Dev. Review Coord. Volk, Asst. City Attorney Neal Coates, Transportation Planner Hard, Asst. to City Engineer Morgan, Senior Planner Kee, and Planning Technician Thomas. ArRNnA TTFM Nn_ 1~ Approval of Minutes - meeting November 15. • Minutes were not available for review but will be considered at the next meeting. ArRNnA TTRM Nn. ~~ A public hearing to consider a rezoning of Lot 2, Block A, Culpepper Plaza Subdivision from R-6 Apartment Buildings High Density to C-1 General Commercial. (90-112) Senior Planner Kee presented the staff report to the Commission. She gave a history of zoning/platting on the property and explained that the request was not in compliance with the land use plan map as it shows low density residential at this location. It is not in compliance with the development policies relative to depth and location for the general commercial district. The most appropriate land uses at this location considering adjacent land uses and the size of the lot would appear to be very limited commercial such as C-N, a small office as in A-P, a conditional use such as a small clinic, or a duplex/fourplex development consistent with similar areas along Dominik. The lot has adequate depth off Dominik for C-N zoning and adequate dimensions for either R-2 or R-4 development and either a duplex or fourplex could be built within the current zoning classification. Chairperson Sawtelle opened the public hearing. Engineer Roy Hammons of 1700 South Kyle spoke on behalf of Mr. • Culpepper. He explained that the area was originally zoned C- 1 and should be returned to a commercial status. Mr. Hammons added that the lot is not suitable for residential zoning due to the isolation of the area and the surrounding areas currently zoned for commercial use. • Mr. Dresser expressed two concerns: (1) effects on the adjacent residential property and (2) curb cuts required for access. He agreed that the lot would not be suitable for single family use due to the isolation and surrounding land uses. Mr. Hammons suggested one driveway on Dominik to be suitable due to the size of the property. He also stated that he was unsure if the owner would accept any other zonings besides C-1 General Commercial. Chairperson Sawtelle closed the public hearing. Mr. Colson generally agreed with staff's concerns; however, he did not agree that a C-1 zoning would generate excess traffic. Mr. Dresser agreed that the lot would not be suitable for C-1 zoning due to the size of the lot, increased traffic, and inadequate access. Chairperson Sawtelle stated that the lot was not suitable for all uses permitted by a C-1 zoning; however, a zoning of C-N or A-P would be appropriate. Mr. Hall stated that the C-1 zoning would have a negative • impact on the existing residential areas. He added that there were areas zoned C-1 along Dominik that were not being utilized and A-P zoning would be more appropriate for the proposed site. Mr. Dresser moved to deny the rezoning request of Lot 2, Block A, in Culpepper Plaza Subdivision. Mr. Hall seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 6-1 with Mr. Colson voting against the motion. C7 A~~._x_D,p TTRM Nn, ~~ A public hearing to consider a rezoning of 1.15 acres at the Southwest Corner of Kapchinski Hill Subdivison from R-6 Apartment Buildings High Density to C-1 General Commercial. (90-112) Senior Planner Kee presented the staff report stating that the request was to take in additional property for the HEB project. The property is currently unplatted and will be incorporated into a replat of the Kapchinski Hill Subdivision. The C-1 zone and its associated uses are in compliance with the uses reflected on the future land use plan with no conflict with known proposed uses. There was no conflict with existing surrounding land uses nor with adjacent current zoning classifications. Four property owners were notified with no response. Staff recommended approval of the rezoning request. Chairperson Sawtelle opened the public hearing. Engineer Roy Hammons of 1700 Kyle South spoke on behalf of the H. E. Butt Grocery Company. He explained that the property was left out of the original zoning and platting of Kapchinski Hill Subdivision. Mr. Hammons stated that he was currently • working on the replat at the request of the owner. Mr. Dresser expressed concern to the assurance that a replat would be filed for record if a rezoning was granted. Senior Planner Kee assured the Commission that the Planning and Building departments have the authority to hold construction permits until completion of the replat. Chairperson Sawtelle closed the public hearing. Mr. Dresser moved to approve the rezoning request of 1.15 acres at the Southwest corner of Kapchinski Hill Subdivision. Mr. Gentry seconded the motion which passed unanimously (7-0). Council Liaison Birdwell requested that the owner provide public access from Barthelow to the HEB location as required by agreements on the Polar-Bek plat. A~FNnA TTFM,~jn_ a. A public hearing to consider a final plat of Williams court Subdivision - Resubdivision of Westchester Park I. (90-220) Assistant to the City Engineer Morgan presented the staff report stating that the final plat of Williams Court complies • with the City's comprehensive plan for proposed land uses in the area. All public improvements needed for the area are being provided and all lot dimensions are in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. In considering the layout of the subdivision, the addition of the 2 cul-de-sacs does not pose a problem with regard to traffic circulation in the area. Applicant would provide sidewalks on 60' wide streets such as North Graham and Nottingham as required in the Ordinance. There will be no cul-de-sac on Benchmark due to the depth of the lots. Ms. Morgan added that the drainage easement will be maintained by the City. Approval was recommended by staff with the following changes: (1) Coachlight Drive renamed to Coachlight Court. (2) The following general notes be added to plat. (a) No fence shall extend into 20' drainage and utility easement on lots 3R through SR, Block 1. (b) All corner lots shall access the lesser street. ~~ U (c) Lot 10, Block 5 shall have direct access only to North Graham Road. Chairperson Sawtelle opened the public hearing. • Mike McClure of 1722 Nottingham spoke on behalf of Myrad Real Estate. He informed the Commission that the lots were enlarged to meet builder specifications and to enhance the area. Chairperson Sawtelle closed the public hearing. Mr. Colson moved to approve the final plat of Williams Court Subdivision subject to the conditions outlined by staff with the exception of C. Mr. Dresser seconded the motion which passed unopposed (7-0). AnFNnA TT~r Nn_ 5= A public hearing to consider a final plat of Glenhaven Phase III. (90-221) Assistant to the City Engineer Morgan presented the staff report recommending approval. The plat is an amending plat of Glenhaven Estates Phase III which reduced the number of lots from 14 to 12. The plat complies with the City's comprehensive plan, and with the Zoning Ordinance with regard to the revised lot dimensions. The applicant has taken care of the public improvements necessary to the water distribution system to provide realigned services to the lots. Chairperson Sawtelle opened the public hearing. • Engineer Don Garrett of 4444 Carter Creek Parkway represented Brazosland Properties. He informed the Commission that the decrease in number of lots was requested to upgrade the area and meet builder specifications. Chairperson Sawtelle closed the public hearing. Mr. Gentry moved to approve the final plat of Glenhaven Phase III. Mr. Colson seconded the motion which passed unanimously (7-0). ArFNnA TTFM Nn_ ~,; A public hearing for consideration of a Conditional Use Permit for a parking lot for The Colony Apartments which are located at Medina and Southwest Parkway in an R-1 zoning district. (90-712) Mr. Kling of Kling Engineering & Surveying withdrew his request for a Conditional Use Permit. A~RNnA TTRM Nn_ ~~ A public hearing for consideration of a Conditional Use Permit for a fraternity house with access to Wellborn Road. (90-713) Senior Planner Kee presented the staff report. The PRC has not yet reviewed this project because the request concerns the use only. Site plan review will occur at a later date and will come back to the Commission for approval. The Council has approved the Lincoln/Wayne Smith park plan but does not have the property on which this fraternity is proposed to be located. Twenty-one property owners were notified with one inquiry. • Chairperson Sawtelle opened the public hearing. Architect Jim Bartholemew of 1721 Westlake in Dallas informed the Commission that the fraternity was a professional and social organization consisting of Science, Math, and Architecture students. He stated they were unaware of the park development plan until recently. Mr. Bartholemew suggested working with the City on a site plan configuration that would incorporate the third phase of the park plan. He considered sharing or selling part of the 4.6 acres to leave room for the baseball diamonds proposed in phase three of the park plan. Council Liaison Birdwell approached the Commission and stated that Council did approve the park plan but did not approve the funds to pay for the project. Due to lack of funds, phase three may never be developed. Mr. Birdwell informed the Commission that the park plan should not hinder the decision to allow a fraternity house in that area. Mr. Dresser expressed concern over the drive access if the Lotrak project was appraved. He asked applicant if a shared drive access with Southgate Village Apartments would be acceptable. Mr. Bartholemew stated that one point of • enough for a driveway. If the Lotrak pro fraternity could work with the neighbors Holleman. Mr. Bartholemew said that the incur any more expense due to the cost of drainage problems of the site. access would be big ject is approved, the to gain access from fraternity could not repairing the severe President of the Triangle Fraternity of Texas A&M, Gary Smith of 1504 B Alpine, approached the Commission with information about the fraternity. The fraternity has 50 active members and 14 student pledges. Social functions will be held but no open parties are allowed by the Texas A&M Fraternity Standards. Members of the fraternity met with neighbors of the proposed site and reported no oppositions to the use. Chairperson Sawtelle closed the public hearing. She stated that she liked the use and did not believe it would adversely effect the neighborhood. Mr. Hall expressed concern over the minimal number of parks in the area and agreed with the need for phase three of the park plan. He added that the use requested did not fit the surrounding neighborhood. Mr. Esmond commented on his conversation with a resident of the area who stated that the neighborhood ball fields were not • frequently used and no additional fields were needed in the area. Ms. Sawtelle agreed with Mr. Hall that additional ball fields were needed; but suggested they be located in a different area • since the City does not own this land. Mr. Michel agreed and suggested that the park planners get involved in the site plan reviews of the fraternity house. He moved to approve the Conditional Use Permit for a fraternity house with access to Wellborn Road. Mr. Dresser seconded the motion which passed by a vote of 6-0-1 (Hall obstained). p~RNnA TTRM ~n_ ~~ Other business. Mr. Dresser informed the Commission of a University Drive subcommittee meeting on Thursday, December 20 at 12:00 in Council Chambers. ArFNnA TTRM N~_ Q~ Adjourn. Mr. Dresser made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Colson seconded the motion which passed unopposed (7-0). APP OVED: Ch i man, N ncy Sawtelle • ATTEST: - City Secretary, Connie Hooks • PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION GUEST REGISTER -, ~, ~ r ~ ' % ~', ~ DATE ~ ~ ,. }-+ > <~. ~ _ - ~ .. .: ,... • NAME ADDRESS .~ ..- d ice- - ,~_, 5 • ~ ; i Ni A) l .~;~ ~i~~,r r) ~ ; ~ .~~.: _ I ~ j ~=~ "~ V'~`7+1.. ~`~~ ~ ,~ r (J ~ +~~~ x ~~, "~ t ~i i ~ :` 1 ~ `T ~ ~ ~ ~, 7- 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. ~5'