HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/02/1989 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission• MINUTES CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Planning and Zoning Commission November 2, 1989 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Sawtelle, Members Dresser, Colson, Michel and Esmond MEMBERS ABSENT: Members Davis and Gentry STAFF PRESENT: Senior Planner Kee, Assistant City Engineer Smith, Assistant City Attorney Banks and Planning Technician Volk AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Approval of minutes -meeting of October 19, 1989. Mrs. Sawtelle pointed out one error in the minutes, and asked that the word "motion" be changed to "vote" in the 7th paragraph on page 5. Mr. Dresser made a motion to approve the minutes with the correction requested by Mrs. Sawtelle. Mr. Michel seconded the motion which carried unanimously (5-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Hear visitors. • No one spoke. AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: 89-213: Final Plat -Elliott Subdivision -ETJ plat. Mark Smith explained the plat and located the subject land. He stated there is no development on the land and the subdividing of the land will have no impact on the City at this time. He pointed out that there have been several revisions made to the plat at the request of the County Engineer's office, those being the inclusion of a 5 foot right-of-way to provide fora 70 foot right-of-way for Graham Road in the future, and the inclusion of a setback line and an easement along Graham Road. Mrs. Sawtelle asked what the Fire Chief was referring to when he mentioned his concern for the future and Mr. Smith replied that at this time there is no City water supply for this property, but added that if it is annexed, at the time of annexation, that problem would be addressed prior to allowing any development. Mr. Esmond asked for an explanation of the difference between the right-of-way for a major and a minor thoroughfare and Mr. Smith replied that for an example, Welsh Street is in a 70 foot right-of-way and could be a collector in a commercial area, whereas a 60 foot right-of-way would be a collector in a residential area. Mr. Esmond asked if the land around these 2 lots is platted and when Mr. Smith replied that it is not, Mr. Esmond asked if it is not the custom to show the boundaries of the surrounding properties and Mr. Smith replied to this question that for plats within the City that is the custom, and in this case he thinks it would definitely be helpful even in the ETJ. Mr. Esmond asked if this plat could be approved with that condition, and when informed that it could, he made a motion to approve the plat with the condition that the adjacent property boundaries be included. Mr. Dresser seconded the motion which carried unanimously (5-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: 89-809: Determination of parlang requirement for a driving range. Applicant is David Cline. Mrs. Kee explained this item has been included at the request of Mr. Cline because a parking requirement fora (golf) driving range is not included in the Zoning Ordinance. She stated the use closest to this use which is included in the ordinance is "commercial amusement" and in her opinion, uses which fall into that category are so varied that this particular use should be considered alone. Mrs. Kee then referred to the information from the applicant which was included in the packet that includes information regarding parking facilities for 3 separate driving ranges, as well as PGA requirements. Mr. Colson asked if the existing driving range predates the zoning ordinance and Mrs. Kee replied that it does. Mr. Colson asked if that facility has a hard surface and Mrs. Kee replied that she thinks it is a combination of gravel and grass. Mr. Colson said he would not want to consider anything that does not have a hard surface. Mrs. Kee replied that the Commission is not being asked to consider a site plan at this time, but rather to determine a parking requirement for a driving range so the applicant can go forward with plans which comply with requirements. Mr. Dresser pointed out that the driving range described by the applicant includes a retail facility, and stated that he would feel more comfortable in determining a parking requirement for this type of project if the retail portion of the project were considered separately. He added that he has no problem at all with the applicant's proposal of one parking space per tee for the driving range, but he would rather have the parking requirement for the retail portion of the facility based on square footage of that portion. Mrs. Kee stated that ordinance requirements for retail facilities is 1 space per 250 square feet. Mr. Cline was invited forward to address the Commission and he briefly outlined the written presentation included in the packets, and stated that his proposal would be for a driving range with 34 tees, and which provided 38 parking spaces, which would be 4 additional spaces over that required for the tees. Mr. Esmond asked if food would be served in the retail part of the facility and Mr. Cline replied that only soft drinks and chips and things of that nature would be sold. Mr. Colson asked for a description of the proposed building and Mr. Cline verbally described his plans. Mr. Colson then asked staff if the requirements established by the Commission for portable buildings was ever included in the Zoning Ordinance and Mrs. Kee replied that they had not been included in the ordinance, but were being used as guidelines when the need arose. Mr. Colson said that he would like for staff to make a determination as to whether or not those guidelines should be included in the ordinance, and if not, he hoped they would be adopted as policy to follow. After additional very brief discussion, Mr. Michel made a motion to set the parking requirement for a driving • range as one space per tee, with any retail portion of the facility requiring one space per 250 square feet. Mr. Dresser seconded the motion which carried unanimously (5-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. S: Other business. Mrs. Banks stated that staff would continue to work on the portable building parking lot issue and bring something back to the Commission as soon as possible. Mrs. Sawtelle pointed out that the uses at the University Towers seem to have changed since the Commission determined a parking requirement for very specific uses at that facility, and she would like to have staff check into what is happening on that site, and perhaps even bring it back before the Commission for reconsideration. Mrs. Sawtelle then asked if the spas on exhibit at the Morgan Building/Spa facility fall within all City regulations and Mrs. Kee replied that staff is currently checking on this, and especially with respect to the signs on the spas. Mrs. Sawtelle stated some of the trees there appear to be dead, also. Mrs. Kee stated staff will check into all of this and contact the manager if necessary. Mr. Dresser said that some time ago the Commission approved some temporary parking lots, and he wondered if the time allowed for those lots is about to expire. Mrs. Kee replied that the time is almost up for one of them, and she would soon be making contact with the owner of the facility, but as she recalls, the other temporary lot the Commission approved has several months to use the lot before the permit expires. Mr. Dresser then asked what ever became of the City initiated rezoning recommended by the Commission for the area behind Southgate and Mrs. Kee replied that item is still on her list of things to do, and staff must still do some preliminary work and perhaps meet with the property owner before an ordinance will be prepared. Mr. Dresser asked what is being done about parking on the lawns and Mrs. Kee replied that staff has plans to observe the conditions in the area of Kyle field on this Saturday (a home game), and will follow up with letters of information to the area property owners around Fairview and Montclair. Mrs. Sawtelle asked that the area around Lee & Jersey be included in the area of observation and notification. • Mr. Colson jokingly asked if the Commission could be provided with a list of priorities just as the Council has, so they could keep track of all the things they have asked staff to do. P&Z Minutes 11-2-89 page 2 AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Adjourn. Mr. Dresser made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Colson seconded the motion which carried unanimously and the meeting was adjourned. APPROVED: a,lc~ C ai an, N y awtelle ATTEST: City Secretary, Dian Jones • • P&Z Minutes 11-2-89 page 3 NAME 1 . ~ . ~ t, 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7• 8. 9• lo. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION GUEST REGISTER ~- D AT E ,~, ~/ear-~~"'''"1G2,` ~ , ~ ~~ ,> ADDRESS / / -~ - r. • 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25-