HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/20/1988 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES • CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Planning and Zoning Commission October 20, 1988 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Sawtelle, Members Colson, Dresser, 8: Davis MEMBERS ABSENT: Members Moore 8: Michel {No appointment yet made to replace Member Stewart, who resigned from the Commission} STAFF PRESENT: Director of Planning Callaway, Assistant City Attorney Banks, Fire Marshal Harry Davis ~: Planning Technician Volk AGENDA ITEM N0. 1: Approval of minutes - meeting of October 6, 1988. Mr. Dresser made a motion to approve the draft minutes as submitted. Mr. Colson seconded the motion which carried unanimously (4-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 2: Hear visitors. No one spoke. AGENDA ITEM N0. 3: Discussion of Temporary and portable building • standards. Mr.. Gallaway briefly outlined the events which had taken place in the recent past which prompted Commissioner Colson to request inclusion of this item on an agenda for discussion. He referred to the minutes in the packets of the Commission meeting on 9-15-88, covering brief discussion of the subject, along with a viewing of slides prepared by the Planning staff. He then suggested that perhaps Mr. Colson would want to expand his concerns prior to asking Fire Marshal Davis to address the concerns of the Fire Department. Mr. Colson suggested that this Commission should consider establishing some type of guidelines or standards to be followed for the staff to use when visiting with a potential applicant prior to much expenditure of time and monies on a project falling under this type. He stated that because staff has no policy or guidelines to follow when someone comes in to talk about a project of this nature, the applicant is forced to come before the P.R.G. unprepared for whatever type of reception he gets. He stated that many of the concerns were briefly discussed at the meeting on 9-15-88, but other concerns which were mentioned at the P.R.C. he attended when a "portable" building project was the subject were the lack of fire lanes, lack of dumpsters, concern over heavy trucks making deliveries, etc. Mrs. Sawtelle mentioned a portable snowcone wagon which is located in an easement, and Mr. Callaway explained that although staff had taken steps to preclude things of that nature taking place, the permit issued for that snowcone stand revealed a "glitch" in the system. • Mr. Callaway then suggested that the Commission may want to address the differences between "portable" projects and those being planned for placement on a permanent foundation, adding that the truly portable projects are the most difficult to get removed, because those placed on permanent foundations tend to meet ordinance • requirements and become permanent facilities. He went on to explain that the Building Official has stated that for the most part there are nn code regulations for the real portable types, except those regulated by the Health Department. Fire Marshal Davis was invited forward to explain the concerns of the Fire Department, and he listed lack of regulation in the Building Codes, the Fire Codes, setback requirements, special hood required in kitchens not being enforceable in the Northgate barbecue business due to the "portability" of that business, inequality in treatment between permanent facilities which are carefully regulated by codes and ordinances and these temporary, portable type businesses which are allowed to function with very little control. or expense, the likelihood of ending up with a vacant, abandoned portable business which would attract transients, and perhaps become a threat to the welfare of the citizens of the community, number of exits in this type building normally too few in number, and the lack of fire hydrant distances unenforceable due to the "temporary" nature of the business, and the expense of locating a fire hydrant to provide required coverage. Mr. Davis suggested that at a very minimum, perhaps a time limit could be established for the use of anything "temporary" in nature which was not required to meet all code and ordinance regulations. Mrs. Sawtelle asked if these portable structures present safety hazards and Mr. Davis replied that mostly they do not, but in the case of the portable barbecue business, there is a safety feature involved. Mr. Colson asked Mr. Davis what reasonable standards he would suggest, and Mr. Davis replied that he is unprepared to make suggestions now, but he would be happy to • conduct a survey with other Texas cities to see how they address this subject, as well as to do some research into the subject. After additional discussion, the following list of suggested guidelines for regulations to follow in placement or establishment of small or portable businesses within the City was compiled: i• 1. Meet all required setbacks in subject district, and/or construction of non- combustible materials as required for any other business. 2. Meet all fire code regulations, specifically hood extinguishers in cooking facilities. 3. All parts of facility must be within 300 feet of fire hydrant; distance to be measured as the hose lays. 4. Meet all State Health Department regulations as enforced by County Health Department, {including agreement with other owners for use of sanitation requirements). 5. Determine specific number of exits to be required; i.e., if structure larger than _______ square feet, or has 2 or more employees, ________ exits are required. 6. Written agreement for trash pickup {with neighbor with dumpster or garbage bag pickup}. 7. Meet all parking requirements {number of spaces). 8. Additional out-buildings will not be allowed in current non-conforming parking lots. 9. Vehicle circulation pattern proposals must be approved by Gity Engineer during the P.R.C. review process. 10. Post bond in the amount of _ _ _ dollars to cover removal of facility if unoccupied for a period of ~ ___ days. {Reduces possible dangers to public health/welfare as could be affected by occupation by transients, etc.}. 11. Required landscaping similar to proposed Northgate landscaping guidelines. P&7 Minutes 10-20-88 Page 2 12. Must be properly anchored, either to surface of lot or on a permanent foundation. • Staff was directed to consider these guidelines and come back with something specific for the Commission to take action on in the not too distant future. AGENDA ITEM N0. 4: Reconsideration of an ordinance revising Section 9.2.B. of Ordinance 1638, the Zoning Ordinance for the City of College Station, specifically affecting the provision of off-premise parking. Mr. Callaway briefly referred to a memo Pram Senior Planner Kee dated 9-22-88 in which she explained the proposed amendment and the reasons for preparing the document. Mr. Colson asked if any change had been made to the amendment since the Commission sent it back to staff for more information and Mr. Callaway replied that no changes had been made, but staff had compiled more information on the subject and wanted to present that inI'orn::~tion to the Commission first to get reaction to it before compiling still another amendment. Mr. Gallaway then explained that a telephone survey had been made to 5 cities, with 4 of those cities responding as follows: Amarillo allows off-premise parking on adjacent lots with a common boundary of at least 1/2 of the "use" lot. A street or alley can separate the lots. Lots must be under the same ownership (policy only). Temple allows off-premise parking within 150 feet or on an adjacent lot with lots under the same ownership or a lease agreement which permanently commits the land for the parking to the use. Natation made that anything other than ownership is discouraged because of enforcement problems. • Longview allows off-premise parking within 300 feet with ownership of both lots required for any new construction,. Exceptions made when existing business wants to expand beyond what was originally approved; then long term lease for the expansion is allowed on an adjoining lot. Statement, was made that they never had a situation where new construction was allowed on a lot which could not handle the required parking. San Antonio did not respond. Denton allows off-premise parking only in the vicinity around North Texas State University campus, and then it must be within 500 feet, with convenient pedestrian access with the owner of the off-premise land recording a declaration of restriction to restrict the use of his land for parking for as long as the use being served requires the additional parking. Notation made that if off-premise parking is ever reduced or discontinued, the Building Official may revoke the Certificate of Occupancy. Mr. Gallaway and Mrs. Banks cited the following examples of "lesser ownership interests" as (1)a parking easement which is recorded for official record with the County; and, {2)a long term lease for a specific number of years. Mrs. Banks added that a parking easement is more permanent than any other type of lease agreement. Mr. Colson asked if an easement would guarantee parking for the life of the business or businesses and Mrs. Banks replied that even if the land is sold, the easement remains in affect. • After brief discussion, direction was given to staff to come back with an amendment to the section of the ordinance which provides for off-premise parking within 200 feet with a parking easement, and to delete the phrase "lesser ownership interest". PB:Z Minutes 10-20-$8 Page 3 (Mrs. Davis left at this time.; AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Other business. Mr. Callaway reminded the Commissioners of the tour of City facilities at 1 P.M. on Friday, October 21st. Mr. Dresser stated that he does not like the existing landscaping at the "mudlot" in Northgate, and would like for staff to check into it. Mrs. Banks stated the landscaping meets the requirements as of the end of September, and the next phase will be due in January, 1989. Mrs. Sawtelle mentioned a possible sign violation on a house at the northwest corner of Haines and Langford which advertises some kind of Martial Arts school. Mr. Colson asked if anyone knew anything about a sign on Jersey Street advertising "soul food" and Mrs. Banks replied an investigation has been made into that, and it is only a joke, and no food is being sold there. AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Adjourn. Mr. Colson made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Dresser seconded the motion which carried unanimously. APPROVED: Cha rma , N ncy Sawtelle APPROVED: City Secretary, Dian Jones i• P&7 Minutes 10-2Q-88 Page 4 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION GUEST REGISTER • DATE October 20, 1988 3• 4. 9. 10. 11. 12. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23• 24. NAME / ADDRESS 'r - f , ~~ ~ ~. _~I 2. 5. 6. 7. 8. 13. 14. 25•