HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/30/1988 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINi1TES • CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Planning and Zoning Commission November 30, 1988 {Meeting date rescheduled from December 1, 1988 to accommodate area activity conflicts) 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Sawtelle, Members Dresser, Colson & Michel. MEMBERS ABSENT: Members Davis ~: Moore (no replacement appointed to fill vacancy left by Mr. Stewart's resignation) STAFF PRESENT: Director of Planning Callaway, City Engineer Pullen, Senior Planner Kee, Assistant City Attorney Banks and Planning Technician Volk AGENDA ITEM N0. 1: Approval of minutes - meeting of November 17, 1988. Mr. Dresser made a motion to approve the draft minutes as submitted. Mr. Colson seconded the motion which carried unanimously (4-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 2: Hear visitors. • No one spoke. AGENDA ITEM N0. 3: 88-212: Final Plat - Southwood Valley Section 24C. Mr. Callaway described the location of the land and the configuration of the plat. He referred to the Presubmission Conference report and added that staff recommends approval with the conditions listed an that report. Mr. Dresser made a motion to approve this plat with Presubmission Conference conditions. Mr. Michel. seconded the motion which carried unanimously (4-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: 88-213: Final Plat - Replat of Lot 7 Block 2 Rainbow Acres - an ETJ Subdivision. Mr. Gallaway explained that the subject lot which is being divided into two smaller, but equal sized lots, is in a subdivision at the extreme eastern edge of the City's E.T.J. just off F.M.158, that all reviewing departments had received copies of the plat, and no problems were identified, therefore, staff would recommend approval of the plat as submitted. Mr. Dresser made a motion to approve this plat as submitted. Mr. Michel seconded the motion which carried unanimously (4-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 5: 88-3Q0: Preliminary Plat - The Athletic Complex. • Mr. Callaway identified the subject tract of land as being the future site of the College Station Independent School District's Sports Stadium on the west side of Welsh Street (across Welsh from the existing high school. faciliti.es), and on the north side of F.M.2818. He explained that the Presubmission Conference report includes some informational items, some items which must be coordinated with specific divisions or utility companies prior to final plat approval, and some items which were required on the preliminary plat. He stated that staff recommends approval of this preliminary plat with Presubmission Conference conditions listed on the report. • Mr. Dresser asked for clarification of what the P&Z is actually doing when it reviews preliminary plats. Mr. Michel agreed that he does not know exactly what the Commission's responsibilities are as they apply to review of a preliminary plat. Mr. Callaway stated that a preliminary plat involves no construction plans, but does describe the configuration of the subdivision and how utilities will be provided to the subject tract, adding that many unanticipated problems can be solved prior to time and monies expended for a final plat. He continued by explaining that once a preliminary plat is approved, the developer knows that he can continue with his plans and invest additional monies toward actual construction documents, architectural plans, etc., which are involved in development of a subdivision. Council. Liaison Birdwell asked from the audience if the asphalt street to the north is existing, and if so, will it continue or cease to exist, and whether or not it is a public street. Mr. Gallaway explained that the asphalt drive adjacent and to the north of this tract does exist, is not a public street, and he assumes the drive will continue to P.X1St. Mr. Birdwell asked if, in the future, there will be a public street wh=re "Christine Lane" is located, and will Christine Lane ever connect to Welsh Street. Mr. Callaway stated that he does not think there are any plans for Christine Lane to be a public street, nor will it connect to Welsh Street. Mr. Birdwell asked if such a street connected to Welsh Street will not be needed t:o carry traffic to and from the facility being planned for the tract, and Mr. Pullen came forward and explained that although Ghristine Dane is an apparent right--of-way, it is not a public City street, and is most likely an old county road. He then explained that it is not anticipated that a street going through to Welsh Street will be needed because of the proximity of the project to F.M.2818, Welsh and Southwest Parkway, which are believed to be capable of carrying all anticipated traffic in the area. Mr. Dresser made a motion to approve this preliminary plat. Mr. Michel. seconded the motion which carried unanimously (4-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 6: 88-416: Parking Lot Plan - Temporary, gravel overflow parking lot for Alderagate IInited Methodist Church. Mrs. Kee briefly referred to the history of this parking lot covering the Last 12 months when the lot was noticed, referred to the ordinance which had recently been approved addressing these types of temporary overflow gravel parking lots, and explained that following the approval of that ordinance, a P.R.C. review was held for this parking lot at which time the Engineering Division stated the surface of the lot is acceptable, although the applicant may have to take measures to control blowing dust in the future to comply with the ordinance. She added that since the P.R.C. review and report, the Fire Department has made an on-site inspection of the lot, and has determined that emergency access to this temporary lot is acceptable. She continued her report by stating that the applicant has complied with Commissioner Dresser's request regarding a statement of intent which is included in a letter attached to the application, and which was included in the packets. She concluded PS:Z Minutes 11-30-88 Page 2 her report, by stating that the P.R.C. voted to recommend approval of this temporary • lot, with the period of time to be determined by the Commission at this meeting. Mrs. Sawtelle asked if a public hearing is required for this item and Mrs. Kee replied in the negative. Mr. Colson asked if the surface of the access point will be asphalt and Mrs. Kee stated that it already is. Mr. Dresser stated that the approved ordinance addressing temporary parking lots is not quite the same ordinance which was recommended by the PB:Z to the Council, in that landscaping and some other sate improvements were deleted from the requirements. Mrs. Sawtelle stated that the time frame for allowing the use of this particular lot is causing the big problem in her mind because the lot has already been used by the church for 12 months, and she wanted to point out that the Commission could permit the lot for an additional 12 months, or it could set a shorter period of time for continued use. Mr. Michel stated he had several questions to address to the applicant and Mr. Bob Cohen, who submitted the letter of intent, was invited forward. Mr. Michel read from the letter to Mr. Jim Gallaway dated November 22, 1988, which, in part states, "...Based on the facts available, Aldersgate would request that the Commission grant a 12 month grace period which would permit time to complete negotiations with the FDIC and then define the parameters of cost in the next annual budget." Then read an additional excerpt as follows, "...The budget meetings would begin in October 1989 and the results of that planning could be instituted in the first quarter of the fallowing year." Mr. Michel went on to say that although the requested 12 months would arguably fall within City standards, he wonders if Mr. Cohen thinks the budget would be in place 12 months from now to the point where the church could bring the • lot into compliance, or the sentence which states, "...the results of that planning could be instituted in the first quarter of the following year" sounds like the church might be talking about a period of 15 months before implementation of compliance could begin. Mr. Cohen replied that he understands Mr. Michel's question, and perhaps he didn't explain the church's position clearly, but in essence, this is what will happen: The budget meetings will begin in September 1989. The meetings will be concluded in October 1989, with the new budget being in place in November 1989. He continued by pointing out that the approved, in place budget will not be funded until January 1990, so it would be 13 months from tomorrow (December 1, 1988) before budget funds would be available for anything. He said then that it is the hope of the church that Phase 2 could be implemented at that time. Mr. Dresser thanked Mr. Gohen for preparing the letter of intent, and for bearing with this Commission and the City throughout this entire ordeal which has not been pleasant for anyone involved. He stated that he appreciates the struggle the church is facing, but he would like some clarification on exactly the direction th.e church is planning. Mr. Cohen replied that a decision will be reached in the fall of 1989 to either bring the temporary parking lot into full City compliance, or to implement Phase 2 of the church plans. Mr. Dresser stated that probably the P8;Z can give an additional 12 months to use the temporary lot, but wanted the church to understand that the lot will either have to • be shut down and removed in December 1989 or it must be brought into compliance in December 1989, because anything beyond December 1989 would not fall into th.e guidelines of the recently approved ordinance. Mr. Cohen stated the church. would P&Z Minutes 11-3Q-88 Page 3 • • like to have an additional 30 days beyond December 1989, but it could possibly be in a position to take out a permit by December 1989. Mr. Dresser stated that Phase 2, if undertaken, would be a massive project, and he wondered if it will all be done at once. Mr. Cohen said probably everything would be done except the administration building on the far north of the tract. Mr. Michel speculated that perhaps the implementation of Phase 2 would put the church back into a position of needing a temporary parking lot. Mr. Cohen said that probably would not be the case because the new structures i.n Phase 2 would sit over the temporary parking lot, so it would probably be a case of going back to parking in the original paved lot and on-street parking. Mr. Colson said he has no problem with granting a 12 month grace period from today through November 30, 1989, but if a longer period of time i.s needed, the church will just have to come back to the PK:Z to try to get the period extended. Mrs. Sawtelle said that she has no problem with granting a 12 month period of time to use the temporary lot, but she would like to know of any decision the church reaches as soon as it is reached, and would suggest that the church not wait until after December 1, 1989 to apprise the City of its plans. Mr. Michel made a motion to approve case number 88-416 for the temporary parking lot with the 12 month grace period to begin on December 1, 1988 and to end on November 30, 1989. Mr. Dresser seconded the motion which carried unanimously (4-0}. AGENDA ITEM N0. 7: Other business. Mrs. Sawtelle said that she has been advised by staff that there are no items for the December 15th meeting, so there will. be no meeting on that date, and because this is the last meeting before January 5, she would like to wish everyone a Happy Holiday season. Mr. Dresser asked about the progress on the Comprehensive Plan, and specifically on the Implementation Section. Mr. Callaway replied that the Implementation Section has been drafted and some work has been done on the Land Use Section, and the plan is to bring these to the Commission, along with the adopted Goals & Objectives, at a January meeting. Mr. Dresser said he thinks the Implementation Section will take quite a bit of time, and would prefer that staff go ahead and bring that forward if it is ready. Mr. Callaway said staff can bring that to the Commission well before the January meeting so there can be ample time for review before the meeting. AGENDA ITEM N0. 8: Adjourn. Mr. Colson made a motion to adjourn which Mr. Dresser seconded. Motion carried unanimously (4-0} and the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: APP VED: ~ Gh r an, n y Sawtelle City Secretary, Dian Jones P&Z Minutes 11-30--88 Page 4 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION GUEST REGISTER • DATE P J~~~emher 30, 1888 (RPSCheduled from Dec.lst NAME ADDRESS l . ,~zo~-~~ ` . ~~. ~~o~ c~,r,~~r ~,~,~ ~~Y~ ' r 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25•