HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/03/1988 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMI NLITES • CITY OF COLLF..GE STATION, TEXAS Planning and Toning Commission 7:00 P.M. March 3, 1.988 MF,MBERS PRESENT: All present {Brochu, Moore, Colson, Sawtelle, ~endler, Stewart & Dresser who was slightly late) MEMBERS ABSENT: None S'('AFF PRESENT: Director of Planning Callaway, Ci.t}' Engineer Pullen, Assistant City Attorney Banks and Planning Technician Volk AGENDA ITEM N0. 1: Approval of minutes - meeting of February 4, 1988. Mr•. 4~endler made a motion to approve. the minutes; Mr. Colson seconded the motion which carried unanimously {6-0;. AGENDA ITEM N0. 2: Hear visitors. No one spoke. • AGENDA ITEM N0. 3: 88-101: A public hearing on the question of rezoning Part of Lots 2 & 3 Block One, One Lincoln Place subdivision, from A-P Administrative-Professional and G- 1 General Commercial to R-5 Medium Density Apartments. Applicant is One Lincoln Place; owners are Damon Tassos & Jack Goebel. Mr. Callawa3T ident;ifiec the subject property by referring to an aerial map and a survey on the wall. He explained the subject tract is vacant and adjoins the Cedar Greek Conchs. He identified area zoning and land uses, adding that the entire area is reflected as high density residential on the approved land use plan. IIe stated that. the request would allow the addition cif up to ?2 units to t.hf~ existing condc~ project, and the only potential concern staff has identified is the remaining depth of the G-1 area :if this request is approved. He expanded by exp]aining that development policies recommend a minimum depth of 400 feet for C-1 zoning along thoroughfares, and this request, if approved, would leave the C-1 depth at 225 feet. He went on to state that the Gotmnission may find this arrangement to be acceptable as the commercial area will he served by an existing private access easement, and the apartment zoni_t:g would bring the area closer into compliance with the approved Land Use Plan than t:he existing zoning dist.rict.. Mr. Brochu said that the existing A--P zoning serves as a stepdown buffer between the C-1 tract and the apartment project, and asked if the R-5 is as an acrept.able buffer. Mr. Callaway replied it is considered to be as acceptable. • The pub.Lic hearing was opened. Damon Tassos, part owner of the subject. property and the Cedar Creek Condos came forward and explained the request would allow the building of additional 1 bedroom apartments which are in demand by rt.udents coming into the area. Hc: point.ed out the developed density would be no more than 24 units per acre, and the request involves just a little over 3 acres of land. • Mr. Dresser asked i.f access would be taken on the same access which is there now. Mr. Tassos replied that it wi_]_l. N:~ one else spoke. The public hearing was closed. Mr. t~endler made a motion to approve this request; Mrs. Sawtelle seconded the motion. Mr. Dresser said that he would like to better ur.clerstand the ramifications of the 225 foot deep commercial tract and asked staff to address. Mr. Callaway e:cplained that a deviation from the recommended 400 foot depth would be a deviation from the recommended development policies included in the approved Plan 2000. Mr. Dresser asked if any G-1 requests had been denied in the past due to lack of the recommended depth. Mr. Callaway said that 4•rithout additional. stud= into specific cases, he is unable to accurately reply, but. added that t:he -lack of depth of certain. tracts has certainly been discussed in the past. Mr. Wendler said he is not overly concerned about this particular subdi~.=ision becausr--, there: is already access established and an appropriate buffer is in place. Mr. Dresser said he is not concerned about a buffer, but he is corcernc:d caith c=hat impact. this would have on }Iniversity Drit.=e after completion of the cti=idening project now underway. Mr. Dresser asked Mr. Tassos cahat his future plans are for the G-1 tracts, adding that he would not. like to see a situation of subdividing the remaining shallo~ti= tracts into smaller tracts sti=hich would request additional access pc7ints onto University P.rive. Mr. Tassos replied from the audience that the owners have no plans to subdivide ax:y • further because they believe that would be "suicidal", and that he caould like to point out that the small shopping center called "Post Oak Village" has approximately the same depth he is proposing with this request, and that it has plenty of setback and parking', and has been developed into a very attractive commercial project. Mr. Dresser said he would not be so concerned about this request: if he could be persuaded that the owners will not sell the C-1 tracts to someone else Gti=ho would attempt to subdivide them into smaller lots. Mr. F~endler stated that the City Engineer has control over the location of access points. Mr. Dresser said that he is aware of that, but he also is not certain that: if the lots are subdivided the City can deny access to other lots. Mr. Tassos pointed out that cahen he began development o:[' this land, he was limited originally t:o ore curb cut plus an alley access, and that will always be all that he requires. Mr. Dresser reI?]ied that he has no problem with current plans, but. is concerned over what: might. happen :in the future if the land is subdivided again, and he reiterated that he does not want to see numerous c-urb cuts on this busy thoroughfare. Additional discussion followed, with City Engineer Pullen supplying the information that there will he a center turning lane all. along this thoroughfare :T=hen it i.> comp:Leted. Votes were cast on the motion to approve the request, and the motion carried unanimously (?--0;. • AGENDA ITEM N0. 4: 88-102: A public hearing on the question of zoning Lots 1-16 Block 1 Woodway West Phase I subdivision, from R-lA Single Family Residential to R-4 Apartment/Low Density. Applicant is McClure Engineering, Inc. for owner, Anthony J. Caporina, President of Building Crafts, Inc. Mr. Callaway identified the subject tract on an aerial photo and a survey which were P&Z Minutes 3- 3-88 Page 2 an the wall, pointed out area zon:ing and land uses, and :infarmecl the Commission that. • the -approved land use plan reflects the area as mectiunl density residential, high density resident::ial and parks and recreational uses, therefore staff finds no objections to this request because it is consistent with existing and planned lance uses and zoning in the area, no land use conflicts have been identified, and the request is also in compliance with the recommendations made by the committee following a special study of the Wellborn area. Mr. Dresser asked who is responsible far the development and maintenance of Jones Butler Road. Mr. Callaway replied that the City Engineer is not: momentarily in attendance so he will attempt to answer, and to the best of his knowledge, he thinks Janes Butler Raad is a caunt:y road within the City, but added that he does not. knot,: wha is responsible for the maintenance of that road. Mr. Pullen returned to the meeting at, that time, and the question Lti~as re-directed to him. Mr. Pullen replied that there is no such stI•eet in the City, that it is a piece of real estate which is private property. Mr. Dresser then asked wha will he respan:::ible far building the sectian of Marion Pugh Drive from where it stops to Holleman. Mr. Pullen replied that it is not now part of the capital improvement, program, but that the property has been dedicated to the City an a plat, so it belongs to the City unless the railroad decides it wanta it, hack. Mr. Dresser asked then if there are any plans for continuing the street to make the connection and Mr. Pullen replied that he believes there are. Mr. Dresser then asked if the subject land has previously been platted and Mr. Callaway replied that it has, it is privately owned and has heel] platted as 16 small single family lots. Mr. Presser said that he simply does not. understand what is going on in that part of town, and that in his opinion, this is aI] awfully shallow • tract of land to be developed into apartments, adding that. it would appear to block a rather large tract of land from having access to Holleman. Mr. Callaway explained the location of the parkland which has been dedicated, but stated that access to the parkland has not been addressed, adding that usually land is provided by dedication to provide access. Mr. Dresser added that usually there is some involvement, between the Clty and a developer oI] Street improvement and development, and lxe. Only waZ7deY'S what is going to happen in this sectian of the C:it~.. Mr. Brochu said that !]e does not think that this property owner Lti=auld have any involvement or responsibility tc;ward building Marion Pugh south. Mr. Wencher said that it seems to him that the only question this Commission stlould be considering at th:i.s meeting is whether or not t.a rezone the subject tract. from R-lA to R-4. He added that the tract is surrounded by R-4 zoning, some of which is developed, and some not, with also a park. to the south, and he thinks the request. is appropriate and would not have a negative impact on the area. Mr. Colson added that if this tract. is de~leloped, it might open the abandoned railroad issue and perhaps even the development of Jones Butler Road, which could heap solve some o#' the existing access problems in the area. The public hearing was opened. Mike Mr_Clure, engineer and agent for the owner stated that the request is being made because apartment develapment. seems tc> be an obvious goad use for this specific area. Mr. Dresser asked Mr. McClure if he cc~ul.d address the configuration of this long, narrow tract, and Mr. McClure replied that lle sti~ould anticipate that the lots caould be replotted, and added that the utilities are in place far the configurat:ion as it is now platted, but that he has nc>t seen • definite proposals far the development of the tract into apartments. Mr. Moore stated that her.ause of the narroLti~ness of the tract, access would almost P&Z Minutes 3-3-88 Pace 3 totally be taken from Holleman Drive instead of having intern:al access. Mr. McClure • pointed out that the patio homes previously planned for this tract had rear access planned, and he believes that the owner will stick to that type of access. Mr. Dresser asked if there is a private access easement included on the plat and Mr. McClure repaied in the affirmative, but added that he does not knorti~ if that will stay or be changed. No one else spoke. The public hearing was closed. Mr. Wendler reminded the Commnissioners that they are not in the business of site planning, anct the question to be considered is whether this tract is appropriate for R-4 zoning or not. Mr. Dresser said that he believes this site does not lend itself to R-4 development, and that he thinks the Commission has some responsibility in complying with the Goals and Objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. ~endler said that he does not. think there is anything prohibitive about the depth of this tract for apartment development, and that cex'tainly parking and circulation can be a problem, but he does not think it will have to be on this site. Mr. Dresser said he would be happy to approve the request if the tract were 300 feet deep, and that he also believes someone should help the City pay for access roads in the area. Mr. Brochu said that he agrees about others sharing the cost for streets, but added that, he does not think that, applies to this particular development. Mr. Colson made a motion to approve this request. Mr. N~endler seconded the motion which carried by a vote of 6-1. Dresser against}. AGENDA ITEM N0. 5: Other business. • Mr. Callaway asked for a count of those Commissioners who would be iu attendance at the next. meeting, 3-1?--88, which is during spring break. Mr. Dresser, Mrs. Sawt;elle and Mr. Brochu indicated they would be absent; Mr. Moore, Mr. Stewart, Mr. Colson and Mr. 4~endler indicated they would be in attendance. Mr. Callaway then announced that although staff has not received an application from Alde~rsgate Methodist Church for the gravel parking lot, it, is believed that the application will be forthcoming by the next deadline. Mr. Brochu said that he thinks some kind of pressure sllould be put on the church to get ghat application in, since they have been using the parking lot far some months, and instructed Mr. Callasti~ay to impose a 10--20 day time limit for submitting the application if it does not meet. the next deadline. Mr. Callaway then informed the Commission that: the City's Public Information Officer would like to use the joint City/School District ClewSlettex' t0 advertise and generate interest. in the public hearing for public input regarding the proposed Goals & Objectives, and stated that the earliest newsletter to include that information will be mailed in late April, so it will he May before; a public hearing will be possible. Mr. Dresser said he would prefer the public hearing for public input be held before school. is out. Mr. Callaway stated this would be the first newsletter which could include the article, and the City does not have control over mailing it, so if it does not get mailed out. before the 3rd or 4t:h of May, it might not reach the citizens until after school is out. Mr. Moore said he wants to hold that public hearing as soon a:: possible, while it is stall a fresh subject. Mr. Brochu agreed, but explained that this type of notification appears to be the best way to inform the • citizens. Mr. Call away said he would schedule discussion for the next meeting so the Commission can take some kind of actloIl. MY'. Brochu suggested that staff have additional discussion with the Put~lic Information Officer, and perhaps something can P~:Z Minutes 3-3-88 Page 4 be worked out toward pinning down a specific: date which can be announced at: the next. • meeting. Mr. Colson: asked if this will be a joint meeting with the Council and Mr. Gallacaay replied that, it wi11 not, since Gouncil directed staff and the Commission t.o hold a public hearing before the Commission, and after that a decision will. be made to determine if an additional hearing before t:he Council is necessary to address any problems. Mrs. Sawtelle stated the sign for the new Walmart store appears to be awfully large, and asked staff to check or. it. Mr. Dresser thanked the Legal Department for mailing out information concerning what. constitutes a Conflict of Interest, but admitted he did not completely understand the explanation. As sist.ant City Attorney Banks explained for clarification. AGENDA ITEM N0. 6: Adjourn. Mrs. Sawtelle made a motion to adjourn. Mr. ~endler seconded the motion which :.<~rri?d unanimously ;7-0) . APPROVED: -~ ATTEST: i• City Secretary, Dian Jones • PR~7 Minutes 3-3-88 Page 5 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION GUEST REGISTER • DATE March 3, 1988 NAME ADDRESS ~,~ ~~~ (~ .~ 5 r, 6 . ~ v,d ~._J' 8 . t~ s~V4A.+~'Y,•r"~,r#'•,« , . _. S'" C.? } Nr,~ Pj C ~ g, ~ ~~ ~~~ ' , ~ ~~,r~~., _ ,1~. ~?' ~. - 2 - ,a ~ ~ 'i t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'" l ~ 1 ; ~ k ~ ~ ~ . ... ~ ~ ~ ~ . 13 . /~ ~ ; ;.~ ~ ~ , 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. lg. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. • 25. *** REGISTRATION FORM *** (FOR PERSONS WHO WISH TO ADDRESS THE COMMISSION) Date of Meeting ,? Commission Agenda Item No. ~. ~~~~"~~ '.~1~~- Name ~ ~~ r" ~ ~ ~ ~ / Address ~~~'' ~ ~i I ~ ~r ~_~ House No. Street Clty IF SPEAKING FOR AN ORGANIZATION, Name of Organization: r .. ' ~ , And, Speaker's Official Capacity: i r•'. - .~ ~ e 1p , SUBJECT ON WHICH PERSON WISHES TO SPEAK Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair; hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR COMMISSION FILES. The Commission will appreciate each speaker limiting an address on any one Item to flue minutes. Thank you for your cooperation.