HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/02/1988 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionM1 NiITES • CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Planning and 7aning Commission June '?, 1988 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Brochu, Members Golson, Dresser, Sawtelle & Stewart; newly appointed Members Davis and Michel; also Mayor Ringer and Council Liaison Birdwell. MEMBERS ABSENT: Members Moore & Wendur STAFF PRESENT: Director of Planning Callaway, Senior Planner Kee, City Engineer Pullen and Punning Technir.ian Volk AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Approval of minutes - meeting of May 19, 1988. Ghairm~zn Brochu opened the meeting and introduced the first item of business. Mr. Stewart made a nuztion to approve the minutes. Mrs. Sawtelle seconded the motion which carried unanimously (5-0}. AGENDA ITEM N0. 2: Presentation of service plaques to Planning and Zoning Commissioners whose terms have expired. • Mayor }finger presented service plaques to Cc:mmissioners Brochu, Stewart, Sawtelle and G-Olsen, announced that Conm~issioner Wetzdler had resigned from the Cotmnission and wcnald be rec.c:.iving a plaque, ar~cl thanked each person for his time, Pfforts, conm~itment and help to the City and the Counr_il over the past 2 year tern: of offi::e. AGENDA ITEM N0. 3: Administration of Oath of Office for newly appointed and reappointed members of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mayor Ringer then administered the Oat}: oi' Off•ice to reappc>int.ed Commissioners Sawtelle, Stewart and Colson, and to net:=ly appointed Commissioners Donna Davis and Randy Mi.chcl . Hc: a] sa announced that Mrs. Sawt.ell e 4•:ould be the Chairman o f' the Conunission for the next year. He clelcomed Mrs. Davis and Mt•. Mi.chel t:o the Commiss:icm, and t.hankecl c-everyone for volunteering to serve the City on this ver;= important body. Chairman Brochu then turned the chairmanship over to Mrs. Sa4•.telle. AGENDA ITEM N0. 4: Hear visitors. No UIIe spoke. AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Consideration of a request to establish auctions as a permitted use in the M-1 zoning district. Request is in the name of Walter A. Riddle. Mrs. Kee explained po nt;ed out. ghat. i n allowed to consider also explained that. on FM2818, when the zon.trtg d:_st.r_rc:ts. the request from Mr. Riddle to be considered at this meeting, and the M--1 Planned uc}ustrial zoning dist,r:ict, the Gommissior. is uses other than those specifically listed as permitted uses. She alt.}rc>ugh. Mr. Riddle's request specifically refers to a location CommisSl.otl rules, it will be ruling on any and till other M-1 Sl:e explained that, t:he stated purposes of the M-1 district regulations is to provide for "high tech" type industrial uses where architecture and other aesthetic • considerations teould be subject to review. She said the ]ist of permitted uses Y+as been the same singe it was created in lc?72, and the disi;rtct was intended to be compatible with adjacent uses in any other district depending on the cond:it.ions imposed. She went to the zoning map on the taall and identified all M-1. zoning districts which are nc:sv in the City. Mr. Dresser asked where consignment. auctions would normally be allowed, t:o 4ti~hich Mrs. Kee replied that consignment auctions are not specifically listed in the zoning ordinance, but, staff would consider them a type of ret.a:il sales. Mr. Stewart asked for clarification as to whether the Commission is considering allowing consignment auctions in the M-1 district at. 512 Kest, hoop, or in all M- 1 zoning districts. Mrs. Kee repeated that. the consideration would be for all M-l zoning districts, and not only thi-s specific: address. Walter Riddle came forward to explain that consignment auctions can be conducted an5~ahere, but. i.ndu;:trial s:it;es such rats this specific .>ite with adequate parking and warehouse spare to store the items are ideal. He adds>d that locating consignment rxuct.ions in the Cit:y would be an asset because t}Iey would bring :in additional revenue. In answer to a question, Mr-. Riddle explained that general merchandise would be held and auct:ionecl inside, with equipment or automobiles held and sold outside on the parking lot. Mr. Colson asked Mr. Call.at,~ay tti~hc~ was respons:ihle for creating the list of perm:itterl uses in this zoning district and Mr. Cal.l.as,~ay replied that to the bust of his • knowledge the list i.n tYle current ordinance ;#1.638) was taken direr.t.ly f'rt~m the previous ordinance ;#$50;, and that list had been developed by several. bodies, including some by staff, some by a citizens group and soma by the Plann.inf; and ?oning Conuni.ssion. He said the list was probably the result of trying to group similar uses which might. be compatible with any adjacent, zoning district if certain cor~t.rols t,~ere allowed. Mr. Colson said the list r_ertainly includes a variety of uses. Mr. Dresser pointed out. the purpose and :intent of this zoning district was t.a allow certain uses which were aestheti.r_atly pleasing and would compliment adjacent uses, and examples of the results of industries which have come under this district, are the Westinghouse facility, t}te A.R.G. records center and Texas Instruments facility. He said that the M -2 di stri c:t caoulcl be .Cc~r uses which would not necessar i 1 Y bc~ good neighbors to all. uses. Mr. Colson stated that the sate on FM2818 is not: very close to any residential areas. Mr. Dresser agreed, but reminded everyone that. if this request is aPprovecl at this meeting, consignment. auctions will ir. the future be allowed in all M- 1 zones, and nc~t. just this specific M-1 zone. Mr. Stewart. said he has no problem sti~:it.h t.l:is specifir. site, but he certainly does Have a problem with allowing consignment auctions in any M-1 district, especia].l.y the one on Wellborn Road. Mr. ro:lson asked if staff' has a recommenclati:>n. Mrs. Kee said staff has only furnishet_t factual information. Mr. Dresser said that as he understands it, consignment. auctions could now go :int.o ~'- 1 r;r C -2 districts without :any r:clditiona.} • ruling. Mr<,. Sati,~telle asked tehy a ruling c:n th:is request: wc>ul.d apply to all M-1 diistricts and P&7. Minutes 6--2-88 page ~~ r ~ Mr. Cal 1 away expl aineci that one M- l property cannot. be more restri r,t; i vr~ than anv other. •~ • Mr. Colson made a motion to approve the request. to allow consignment auctions in M-1 zoning districts. This motion died far lack of a second. Mr. Dresser then made a motion to deny the request: to allow consignment auctions in M--1 zoning districts. Mr. Stewart seconded this motion which carried by a vote of 9- 1-1 (Colson against.; Davis abstained;. AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Other business. Mrs. Volk reminded the Commissioners of the Joint t~orkshop between the Parks Roard, the Wolfpen Creek Steering Committee and the P&Z at noon on Monday at the Community Center. Mr•. Callaway explained the meeting is a present:at.ic>n b~= the consultant of the proposed final plan beforf. the plan is taken to Council for consideration. Mrs. Kc:e reported that: the results of t:he ALdersgat.e appeal of the P&7. decision to Council. was that Council remanded the proposal back to P8•.Z for consideration of time periods and other items of cons:iderat.ion such as landscaping, et;c. that are not notti~ in contpli-ante and to specify Ct?I1d1t10I1S for those. She pointed out, that a second motion was made by Council at that. meeting to ask the P~:Z to consider setting guidelines or requirements for parking lots of a temporary nature fur facilities tahere the temporary lot would be in excess of that, required by ordinance. She explained that staff plans to bring this subject. to the Cormnission for• a ruling or direction before r~~~consideration of the Aldersgate ::ite plan. • Mr. Callaway explained the new P.R.C. schedule which staff has supplied to t:he Commissioners. Mr•. Dresser asked about. the landscape ordinance for the Northgat:e ~oninz; d:ist.rict ,ind Mrs. KP.P_ replied that it has been scheduled for the. first meeting in July=. Mr. Dresser also asked if the implementation and development. po:l:ides had been compiled by staff and Mr. Callaway explained he has a draft copy put together, but he would .like to have additional time to revie~e it. Mr. Dresser said he understands that, but he also wondered tvhc>n the final draft of the Goals R• Objectives sti~ould be talren to Council for c.onsideral:ion. Aftc-:r some discussion, it was pointed out to staff that at the last meeting a motion was passed directing staff to forcaard the revised Goals R•. Objc-.ctives as r;mended to the Council accompanied by -information that thF. implementati-oai/development poll-cies will. follow after they have been reviewed. Randy Miche:L asked i f t:he C it.y Attorne,= has advised the Planning st:ff that. State Statutes empowering cities to update the Zoning Ordinance have been changed from 9rticle 1011. to Sect.ic>n 211.007. Staff indicated it would follo~ti~ up on this information. P~:Z Minut:es f-2--88 P~-;~c~ ~i r. - r AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Adjourn. • Mr. Colson made a motion f.o adjourn. Mr. St.F~:eart, seconded the motion ti,~hic~}~ ;:arr..ic,d unanimously. APPR©\~F.D _ <: ~ r r ~ ~~~ ~~ Chairman, Nancy Sawtel.le P.TTEST: City SeLret3T'y, Dian .Jones • • P&7. Minutes 6 2 88 Pa~;c-~ 4 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION GUEST REGISTER DATE June 2, 1888 NAME ADDRESS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12 . 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. . 25.