HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/24/1988 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS City Council 8: Planning & Zoning Commission Joint Workshop February 24, 1988 4:45 p.m. ATTENDEES: Mayor Ringer, City Councilmembers Haddox, Brown, McIlhaney, Boughton & Gardner; P&Z Chairman Brochu, Commissioners Dresser, Stewart, Colson & Sawtelle STAFF: Acting City Manager Ragland, Director of Capital Improvements Ash, City Engineer Pullen, Director of Planning Callaway, Public Information Officer Calliham, Senior Planner Kee, Assistant City Secretary Hooks and Planning Technician Volk AGENDA ITEM N0. 1: Discussion of goals and objectives. The meeting was called to order by the Mayor, who then asked Mr. Callaway to introduce the subject. Mr. Callaway explained that this meeting has been called to review the proposed Goals 8: Objectives section of the Commission's review of the second phase of the Plan 2000 update. He went on to state that after revised Goals & Objectives are adopted, the next stage of the review is to consider the Land Use Plan, the Transportation Plan and any other remaining elements of the Plan, which will be coming back to the City Council in the form of recommended revisions to be considered. Mr. Callaway concluded his introduction of the meeting's agenda by pointing out that an item to be discussed is public input into the Plan update process. He explained that item has been included on the agenda by staff in order to receive direction as to how much and what kind of public input the Council and the Commission would like to have in the review process. He then turned the meeting over to Chairman Brochu. Mr. Brochu explained that the Commission perceived its task as not so much one of re- writing the Goals 8: Objectives, but rather to review them, and update and revise where it was deemed needed. He stated that when the Commission began its review, it was decided there was a lot of redundancy in many of the stated objectives which were included in the approved Plan 2000; there did not seem to be a real clear definition between what was a goal and what was an objective. He reported that the Commissioners believe a goal is a condition, a state of being, something desirable to be reached at some point, but something which does not confine itself in one single, given action. Many of the goals as stated in the Plan were not stated in that way, and became confusing and ambiguous. They believe objectives should be actually action statements; something to be attainable through some action. He said that the subcommittees reviewed specific sections of goals and objectives, cleaned up some language, tried to state each goal and objective as specified above and to make them more clear and concise. The Mayor then suggested that the best way to conduct a discussion of the draft goals and objectives would be to take one goal with its objectives at a time, and began with "City Character". Mr. Brochu reported that the subcommittee for this section was composed of Commissioners Sawtelle and Stewart who settled on a goal of "an attractive community with a healthy, diversified economic climate", with the objective being to "guide and influence growth by appropriate means." Mr. Haddox recommended that "attractiveness" should be included in the objective, rather than only addressing "growth". Mr. Gardner stated he would like for the objective to address "maintaining character" and the fact that this is a "university town", and use that as the direction to go when building the character of this city. Mr. Brochu said that he thinks the danger, or the concern, in using a reference to the university is being able to word it in such a way so that it does not come across as a limiting factor. He added that certainly the city is tied to the university, it always will be, and it will always be influenced by it, but at the same time the idea is that with growth and development along other avenues which may-not be necessarily linked to the university, the city should not have as a goal or objective something which looks like it may be a limiting factor. Mrs. Boughton said that she is pleased with what is offered in this draft, and does not think it is necessary to address the university, although she knows what an influence the university has had on the city because she was both born and reared here and has seen the changes in both the school and the city. Mr. Gardner said that in paring this document down to concise language, it has suffered, as many revised documents have. He gave as an example, "why pick out the word 'attractive' when we also want a clean, safe, economical, etc. city"? Mrs. Sawtelle said that the word "attractive" covers all those other areas, and does not only refer to aesthetics. ' • Mr. Gardner then addressed the phrase "diversified economic climate", adding that he had heard the phrase "business climate" used, and does not see where the word "diversified", which means "mixed", would apply to things that are on the ground, whereas "climate" refers to attitudes toward industry, finances, etc., which are not subject to the word "diversify". He went on to say that either we are for supporting growth and industry or not. Mr. Gardner said that he thinks that before reaching a decision, there should be public input to see what direction the citizens want to go. Mr. Brochu said that the Commission still thinks there can be public input before finalization since this is not yet a finished product, and will not be finished before the Council adopts it. He stated the purpose of this meeting is to gain guidance from the Council. The Mayor stated that he thinks the city must present something to the public for consideration of or reaction to, and that is what is being done now, and the Commission is asking the Council to endorse (not adopt) what it has done to date, or to direct changes to the document before the public hearings for public input. Others present disagreed with Mr. Gardner, and the decision was reached to use the goal as it has been presented in the draft copy, and to change the objective to address appearance in addition to what is presented. Mr. Brochu went on to the goal "Land Use", which was drafted as "adequate, but not excessive, amounts of land for all necessary types of land uses arranged in an efficient, convenient, harmonious and ecologically sound manner", with the objectives being to (1) "protect the integrity of the single family residential areas"; (2) "encourage the use of vacant land within the city limits"; (3) "avoid strip commercial development and encourage centralized commercial development"; and (4) "encourage controlled locations of industrial development through zoning and capital City Council/P8:Z Workshop Minutes 2-24-88 page 2 improvements". • Mr. Brown said that his only concern is that he would like to have the way we have annexed land into the city in the past addressed, and would like to see more encouragement of the use of vacant land already inside the city limits. Mr. Brochu said that was the purpose of the second goal listed, i.e., to build from within, and work the way out in solid development instead of creating holes or pockets of undeveloped land. He went on to say he did not know exactly how the city could encourage that, but if it is considered a priority by the Council, then methods of addressing specifics can be studied. Mrs. McIlhaney said that when the time comes to address new areas or annexation of land into the city, perhaps limiting annexation, land use controls or utility services can be used or at least considered. Mr. Gardner said he would like to see the objective "protect the integrity of single family residential areas" enlarged by adding something, i.e., through zoning or creation of certain types of streets or something. He continued by stating that the reference to "the city limits" in the second objective is irrelevant since it goes to the south some 2 1/2 miles already, and perhaps the objective should go on to include "by discouraging ...". Mr. Brochu said he would prefer to see some kind of incentives to be available to those who will use the vacant land within the city rather than to petition for annexation. He went on to say that conditions change from year-to-year in the city, and there is a danger in making a long term plan too specific or narrow. Mrs. Sawtelle stated the Commissioners were looking at a broader-type language which would be flexible and could be used for a longer period of time, so specific-type language was avoided. Mr. Brochu moved on to the section called "Thoroughfares" with the goal of "balanced . development of all modes of transportation to assure the fast, convenient, efficient and safe movement of people and goods to, from and within the community", and objectives of (1) "develop an organized preventative maintenance program for streets to ensure safety and long, economical life"; (2) "provide for the development or redevelopment of major arterial routes as necessary to prevent traffic congestion"; (3) "develop adequate, safe systems for pedestrian and bicycle movement"; (4) "participate in development of a public transit system to serve the area's needs"; (5) "cooperate with other local entities in efforts to minimize adverse effects of the railroad"; and, (6) "support continued development of Easterwood Airport". Consensus of the Council was to leave the draft goals as they had been proposed with the exception of the title of the section, directing a change to be made from "Thoroughfares" to "Transportation". Mr. Brochu agreed, adding that he thought that is what it was entitled originally. Mr. Brochu then read the section "Economic Development" with the goal of "sound economic development through diversification" and objectives to (1) "encourage industrial development compatible with the environment"; (2) "encourage commercial development to serve the needs of the citizenry"; and, {3) "encourage residential development". Mr. Gardner asked if everyone is convinced that we do not have sound economic development now, with the University being the economic base. Mr. Brochu said that he does not think the goal is stated in such a way to indicate that there is not now a sound economic base. Mr. Gardner continued by saying that he has not seen where diversification will do much to fix what may now be wrong. Mr. Colson said that he • does not think there is any question in anyone's mind but that diversification is the way to go. Mr. Gardner pointed out all the plant closings and other things which other cities have suffered through, that this city does not have to face because we City Council/P&Z Workshop Minutes 2-24-88 page 3 do not have them. Mr. Colson said he personally does not want to be tied to only one thing, and pointed to the problems being faced now by many of the businesses due to • the "putting of all the eggs in one basket" in the past, i.e., leaning solely on the Mr. Brochu said that the university has not been addressed in the goals or objectives, not because leaving it out indicates any instability there, but rather to preclude the City's economic structure being solely tied to the University. Mayor Ringer pointed out another problem with designating the University as the sole economic barometer as being the underemployment of individuals which results from the large numbers spouses of faculty members in the job market. oil industry for economic growth, and he pointed out that diversification will inhibit that happening in the future. Mrs. McIlhaney suggested that perhaps the words "steady growth" should be added somewhere to the goal presented. Mr. Haddox went on to say that he would be opposed locating one large plant here which would employ perhaps 10,000 people, but he would be very much in favor of many smaller businesses which would employ 50 people here, 100 people here, etc. That way, he continued, the community would not become dependent upon one company or one industry, but rather would have multiple businesses, hence "diversification", to stabilize the economy. The Mayor asked what Mr. Gardner thought would happen to the community of the state legislature decided to cut funding to the university. Mr. Gardner replied that a lot of people would leave and a lot of the businesses would certainly suffer. Mayor Ringer went on to point out that selling a home would become impossible, and continued by saying that the goal here is to have a sound economic base in the community by having diversification so the whole economic structure will not be tied up to one business. Mr. Dresser asked Mr. Gardner if he is really suggesting that the City not attempt to diversify the economic base in College Station, but remain primarily dependent upon the University. Mr. Gardner said that he thinks he is, but he would like to hear what others, besides those with special interests, think. Mr. Gardner said that for many years the city was dependent upon the University, and neither the city nor the people suffered. He went on to state that diversification to other economic bases may cause more problems than the city will want to handle, and it becomes a question of livability and the cost of it, vs. the fact that we guarantee job stability to provide some insurance against the University perhaps falling apart. Mr. Brochu said that if the Council prefers to make a statement like that, it is indeed going the opposite direction of the one considered and pursued by the Commission in it's review of the goals and objectives, and from the Plan as it is currently written. He reminded the Council that the Commission simply reviewed what was already in the Plan and made minor suggestions for clarification, and if Mr. Gardner's idea is to be pursued, then public input is extremely important. Mr. Gardner said that is exactly why he wants to get public input at this point in the review. Mr. Haddox disagreed with Mr. Gardner and explained that a year or more ago, the P8Z and Council held a workshop and gave direction to the Commission as to what direction to take. Mr. Gardner pointed out that he was in the audience at that meeting, and was unable to say anything because it was not deemed to be a public hearing. Mr. Haddox said that "economic development" was also deemed to be a major "Council Concern" since that time, and at that time nobody wanted to keep College Station totally dependent upon the University. Mrs. Boughton said that Mr. Gardner is right in that the City has not suffered from being dependent upon the University, but the • school district has suffered, and will as long as College Station remains a bedroom community. She said that diversification of the tax base is important mainly for the school system. City Council/P&Z Workshop Minutes 2-24-88 page 4 Mr. Colson asked how the City can affect whether or not the University grows, or • whether the University diversifies or not, so why have as a goal to support only Texas ARM University. He went on to explain that the alternative to that is to support a many-fingered area, i.e., diversification. Mr. Gardner said that he thinks objectives numbered 2 8; 3 under Land Use are unnecessary, since there does not seem to be a problem getting commercial development to come to town. Mr. Brown said that we need to encourage development because we have all that vacant space out there. Mr. Brochu read the section "Services & Program" which depict a goal of "services and programs that provide for the safety and welfare of all citizens for the protection of their property" and objectives of (1)"maintain adequate personnel and equipment to provide police, fire and emergency medical services to the population", and (2)"develop and maintain various programs and facilities, including but not limited to parks, recreational facilities, libraries and cultural programs". There were no comments made, so the section was accepted for inclusion in the draft update as presented. Mr. Brochu then read the section "Utilities" which includes a goal of "the quantity and quality of services needed to assure public health, safety and welfare; and to promote growth", with the objectives being to (1) "prepare for growth; develop surface water sources", (2) "upgrade reliability and constancy of electric services", (3) "provide for adequacy of sewerage", (4) "encourage improvement in telephone, natural gas and other privately owned services", {5) "develop solutions to abate • flooding and drainage problems", and, (6) "utilize resources and utilities in City operations so as to provide a model for citizen utilization". There were no comments offered regarding these proposals, so the section was accepted for the draft update as presented. Mr. Brochu read the "Housing" section as follows: Goal: "An adequate supply of housing with a wide variety of housing types"; and Objectives of (1) "maintain integrity of existing housing supply, using the housing code and other controls", (2) "upgrade minimum building codes to ensure quality construction", (3} "encourage the development of energy efficient standards for new construction", (4) "encourage the upgrading of deteriorating neighborhoods", (5) "encourage the development of diversified housing types f_or low/fixed income consumption", and {6) "institute a building code review board to continually evaluate existing codes relative to advances in technology and materials". Mr. Gardner asked if the goal has changed from something which referred to housing costs, and Mr. Brochu and the Mayor answered in the affirmative. Mr. Gardner asked if the Commissioners did not like that and Mr. Stewart replied that it was not that the Commissioners did not like the reference to price, but pointed out that it is not the City's job to control the price range of houses here, and could possibly do that with the size of lots, but what a developer wants to put on that lot is another thing, i.e., what amenities to be included and what materials to be used. He explained that there is no definition of what a house must consist of, and making a definition would be a very difficult task. Mr. Gardner said that price could be addressed by the City, but it would indeed be a very difficult task. Mrs. McIlhaney • addressed the objective "encourage the upgrading of deteriorating neighborhoods" and Mr. Stewart stated that Mr. Callaway had specifically asked the inclusion of that statement and Mr. Callaway explained that represents an area the Block Grant people City Council/P&Z Workshop Minutes 2-24-88 page 5 believed is important to include as a statement from the City. • Mr. Stewart pointed out that item number 6 under objectives is new, and has been included because it was thought it would be a helpful objective to go along with the ones stated before. No specific changes were requested by the Council, so Mr. Brochu moved on to the next section entitled "Community Appearance" with the goal of "a beautiful, safe, amenable environment, and objectives of {1) "improve the appearance of municipal properties", (2) "promote good site design to provide good appearance, minimize drainage impacts and increase pedestrian safety", (3) "develop solutions to abate flooding and drainage problems in the City", (4) "eliminate unsightly conditions such as junk yards, abandoned vehicles, dilapidated buildings and excessive weeds and rubbish", and (5) "develop community-wide pride in City appearance". Mr. Gardner questioned the wisdom of using the word "amenable" in the goal. Mrs. McIlhaney requested that "dilapidated structures and fences" be included under objective number 4. Mayor Ringer suggested that perhaps she was referring to upkeep or good maintenance of structures and fences, and Mr. Stewart added "reducing visual impact" for clarification. It was agreed that the inclusion of "dilapidated structure and fences" would cover her concerns. Mr. Brochu moved on to the section "Citizen Participation" with the goal being "Citizen participation in city government", with objectives of (1) "make effective use of citizens advisory committees to assist in decision-making on matters such as comprehensive plan development and amendment and capital improvement planning", (2) "encourage attendance and participation at public meetings", and (3) "regularly • provide adequate information to allow citizens to effectively participate in city government". He explained that this had been discussed, and found that it was a very difficult subject, and the objectives stated had been reached only after much deliberation. He went on to say that if Council decides citizen participation is truly a priority item, then a much greater effort must now be made to get public input, and reminded everyone of the various types of committees and meetings which were used when the existing Plan was being developed. He added that if the Council sees this update as simply clearing up statements made and included in the existing Plan, is not to become a whole new tool or an entirely new Plan, then perhaps the type of public input would not be as extensive. He said that this section leads right into the next agenda item. AGENDA ITEM N0. 2: Discussion of public input and participation in adoption of revised goals, objectives and plan revisions. Mr. Haddox said that he thinks that these goals and objectives presented to the Council do a very good job of addressing almost all of the 56 "council concerns" identified some months ago, and that he also believes that it is a good idea to sit down and review the published, adapted goals and objectives periodically to see if the City is still on the right track, and update or change them if needed. Mr. Gardner said that he is getting the impression that this review has been like using a rather "broad brush" to patch up the existing Plan, without making any substantial changes to that document or the goals and objectives which stand alone, except to make them a little thinner or leaner. He scent on to read from a memo submitted by • the Director of Planning which stated that "goals ... were adopted by a previous Council under different conditions, particularly with respect to growth rates and the local economy", and added that he reads into that statement that the Director of City Council/PB.Z Workshop Minutes 2-24-88 page 6 Planning feels that there are sigl~ificant changes, but he has not seen the updated base studies that everyone else has seen. He said that he does believe there have • been substantial changes. Mr. Callaway explained that what has been done is to review the Plan, to update the base studies, to review the consultants' objectives and make adjustments, then to present those adjustments to the Planning and Zoning Commission so they did have that information in mind before they got into the goal review process. He added that copies of that report were forwarded to the Council, and if Mr. Gardner did not have a copy, another would be provided. Mr. Gardner said he may have a copy, but that he had not kept it handy because he thought it would be discussed with Council in a work session such as was held to discuss the goals and objectives, and during which he was not allowed input. He went on to suggest that perhaps if that had been done, the public would have had some input from which staff and Council could respond. Mr. Dresser explained that in reviewing the Plan to date, the Commissioners have decided to take out things they felt the city was unable to do because of lack police powers within the city, or things the city had demonstrated over time that would not be done, and gave as examples making it very hard for people to build or construct on properties of all kinds with adding a large number of requirements or responding very slowly in permitting, or making P.R.C. review extremely tough. He explained that could be done if this Council wanted to, but it appears now that the city tries to control the where and the how things get constructed, but it does not get involved in the market process, that is, we do not tell people they can or can't do something, but simply try to put some parameters on how they do it if they decide to. Thus, the Commissioners in reviewing it to date, very deliberately took out a lot of stuff which suggested powers which the city might want to exercise, but which the • Commissioners could not figure out how it could be done, even if the city really wanted to. He went on to say that he is a little confused by Mr. Gardner's comments as to whether there still are things in the draft plan which perhaps should also come out, or if more restrictions and requirements should be added, thus going the other direction. Mr. Haddox said that a few years ago, staff was instructed to be cooperative, and to work with people in getting projects reviewed and approved, without throwing out the things such as landscaping, etc. He went on to say that staff responded to that direction, and it has become the policy, and hopefully will continue to be the policy. He finalized by stating to the Commissioners that what they have done in the review process of the goals and objectives, is exactly what he wanted to see done. He said that he would not like to see a lot of exacting things included in the plan, but he understood that represented only his opinion, and perhaps not that of Mr. Gardner. The Mayor said there are several ways to go regarding citizen input, one being to simply not have any public hearing with Council directing PB:Z to bring the revisions to it for acceptance; the second to have a public hearing before the P8Z on the goals and objectives, and respond to the outcome; the third would be to accept what the Commissioners have done and to hold a public hearing before the Council, with Council being responsible for any revisions; with the fourth possibility being to have 2 public hearings - one before each body. The Mayor then asked for opinions from the Council. Mr. Dresser asked if he could interject a statement and permission was granted. He • said he thinks that a decision should be reached as to whether or not the Council is really generally satisfied with what the Commissioners have presented at this meeting before going to a public hearing. Or, should there be a public discussion held to City Council/PB:Z Workshop Minutes 2-24-88 page 7 address major alternatives the city might•want to take. He went on to say that if a • public discussion is to be held at this time to consider any major alternatives to what has been presented, the Commission is not prepared to handle one at this time, since it has not been presented with any major alternatives to the draft presented. The Mayor asked for any major alternatives to be addressed at this time. Mr. Dresser said that one would be to working to diversify the economic base - it could be decided that the city would not work in that direction; also how the city is to be developed - whether to absorb vacant area in the immediate area or to promote development in the area to the south for which major utility improvements have been made. The Mayor reminded everyone that the project is not to write a Comprehensive Plan, but rather to review the present Comprehensive Plan, to suggest changes and improvements, but~it is not to be a re-write or development of a Comprehensive Plan. The existing Comprehensive Plan will still be the city's guide, but there are certain things in it which should be changed or improved after several years of experience. Mr. Haddox said that he has no problem with having anything made public, but he does have a question regarding extensive amounts of time being spent in trying to get public input for this document which is basically an update to an existing plan, rather than a whole new plan. He added that the existing plan came from the public, and the revisions are simply for purposes of clarification or cleaning up the language, with no major changes to what the public had directed several years ago. He asked Mr. Gardner if the public attitude has changed since the adoption of the plan and Mr. Gardner replied that is possible, since it was prepared 6 years ago. Mr. Haddox disagreed, stating that he has not seen a big change in the public's attitude. The Mayor suggested that the P&Z schedule a public hearing for discussion • of the goals and objectives, and following that public hearing, either the goals and objectives as revised will be forwarded to the Council for consideration, or schedule public hearings or additional workshops. Mr. Gardner said there is nothing included in the revisions which will call for a large amount of public input, and warned that not much will be forthcoming without additional work by task forces, etc. to represent the public. He gave as an example the town meeting held by Bryan to get public view points concerning the future of the city, adding that what is lacking in this revision process now is public view points.' Mayor Ringer reminded everyone that the Planning and Zoning Commission is the body which has been reviewing the current plan, and that this commission is truly a citizen's advisory group which has been appointed by the Council. Mr. Gardner said this is the first citizen's advisory group he has seen which does not have citizen input. Mr. Stewart stated each of these goals and objectives have been discussed at public meetings with the subjects listed on posted agendas, and very little interest was created. Mr. Gardner said that a published agenda would get very little response and the items were not covered by the press or other media. Mr. Stewart said that was true, and probably because no very significant changes have resulted. Mr. Gardner said that his personal goal is a good, thorough, sound plan, and the direction being taken will not result in that. Mayor Ringer again suggested that the Commission hold a public hearing regarding the proposed revisions to the goals and objectives, and following that, if public input reflects changes are necessary, the Commission should respond by revising what has been presented at this meeting to reflect those changes, and present it to the Council where a second public hearing can be scheduled; but, if there are no changes . after the Commission's public hearing, Council can take action on the revisions presented. He then directed Chairman Brochu and Director of Planning Callaway to schedule a public hearing, then asked Public Information Officer Calliham to try to City Council/PAZ Workshop Minutes 2-24-88 page 8 get publicity on that public hearing so citizen's will know they can have input, and those people present at this meeting who have special viewpoints to present, can be sure that they are heard at the hearing. AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Adjourn. There was no other business and the meeting was adjourned. APPROVED: --- --- --- - --- -------- Mayo L r y 'n ATTEST: City Secr t y, Dian Jones • • City Council/P&Z Workshop Minutes 2-24-88 page 9