HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/04/1988 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES CITY OF COLLEGE STATIOIvr, TEXAS Planning and Zor.:ing Commission August 4, 1988 7.00 Y.M. MF..MBERS FRESENT: Vice Chairman Stewart, Members Michel, Colson, Dresser 6: Davis MEMBERS ABSENT: Chairman Sarvtelle and Member Moore STAFF PRESENT: Senior Planner Kee, City Engineer Pullen, Assistant City Attorney Batiks and Planning Technician Valk AGENDA ITEM N0. 1: Approval of minutes - meeting of July 21, 1988. Mr. Presser made a motion tc> approve the minutes as submitted. Mr. Colson sc~c•:ended the motion which carried unanimously ;5-Oj. AGENDA ITEM N0. 2: Rear visitors. No one spoke. AGENDA ITEM N0. 3: 88-206: A public hearing to consider a Final {Resubdivision} Plat of Pelican's Point Cove, a total of 11.76 • acres, including a 10.54 acre reserve tract of Nantucket Phase One subdivision and an unplatted portion of a 595.83 acre tract in SW Robertson & SD Smith Leagues. {All area of plat in the ETJ.} Mrs. Kee explained the plat, adding that the 11.76 a~~res will be divided into 7 rraident. ia1 lot_, ghat staff recommend.: approval. rvit.h conditions listed on the Presubmi.ssion Conference x•eport rvhic~h was included in the packets. Mr. Dresser asked i.f the easements have been irc]udecl as addressed in that, report, anti Mr^:. Kee replied they have not, but: would onl.;r be necessary if sanitary servers are planned. City Engineer Pullen then explained the question was raised only because of the. proximity of water to several cif the lots, and in some areas the Health Department has found it environmentally diffi~'ult, t.o place septic systems in those t5=per <:I' areas. Mr. I?resser asked if the City Deeds to ha~.=e sewer easements :included on t;his plat.. Mr. Pullen said i.t would only if the developer has a public sanitary sewer service, and these ]_ots are outside the.' City limits, so the Health Department will determine: the requirements. He went on to say that typically, the City has in the past., required easement;s all around residential lots in F.TJ subdivisions. Mr. Dresser asked if this plat meets the necessary requirements of the City, to which Mr. Pullen replied t.hrzt, it; does. The pubic hearing was opened. I:arry Wells, representative of t:he applicant. came forward to request approval of the plat and offered to answer any quest inns. He a].ss. explained this plat has been forwarded to the Gourty f'or review and approval, and it; will be scheduled to go before the Commissioners Court in the future. No one else spoke. The public hearing cues closed. • In general discuss i c:n, the Commission as a whol c' i_ndicat,ed it d:i.d not, l~now <nything other to do than to approve the plat since it meets City requirements. Mr. Dresser then made a motion to approve the plat which meets City requirements. Mr. Michel ser_onded the motion which carried unanimously !5-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: 88-705: A public hearing on the question of granting a Conditional Use Permit for a C. S. I. S. D. Elementary School to be located on the northwest corner of the intersection of Rock Prairie Road & Welsh Streets. Applicant is Holster & Associates, Inc. Owner is College Station Independent School System. Mrs. Kee explained the request, located the 10 acre tract of land, and identified area ron:ing and land uses. She also stated that the P.R.C. reviewed this projer.f, on July 20th, and reconm~ended approval t,,~ith several conditions, most of which, but not: all, have been met.. She pointed out. that. the rapplicant must coordinate with thc: Fl re Marshal the location of required Fire Lanes, the sign must be considered by the. Commission, and the landsc~iping h~xs several minor errors which deed to be rect.if.iec} in order to meet L`r•d1Ixallce requirements. Shc~ reminded the Commissioners that, their charge at this meeting is to con::ider (ljthe Conditional Use Permit. for a school at this location; ;2}the site plan with P.R.C. recommendations; ;3}the sigr:; and, 4;the parking requirements for the school, or for elementar~,~ schools in general if they so choose. She referred tr. a memo which had beE:n supplied prior to t}:e meeting which showed the • results of a survey made, of several elementarS= schools, some in this area, and some ir: c>t.he.r cities. She si.ated at. the request, of Mr. Ste:vart, that. from staf'f's point. of view, this proposal includes sufficient parking spaces for the project prc7posed. The public hearing vas opened. .Tim Holster, 6404 Windwood Drive, dune forward and identified himself as the architect for the project: and representative of the C. S. 1. S. D. He infc;rmed the Comm:iss:i.c;n that. he had add:it;ional parking information from a survey the school had made which pretty much coi.xtcides tivi th that. which staff supplied. Mr. DrE'.SSer asked Mr. Ho:tster tcz explain the concf•pt. and site plan tc> the Commission. Mr. Holster complied by going forward to the site plan on the wall and pointing out various features, includint; the fact. that. consideration wa:~; given to the passibility of the intersection of Welsh ax:d Rock Prairie Road becoming a vary busy intersection in the futures, and the. results cvc:re the ine]usion of separate, one-cvay drives for vehicles axed buses. He said further that a sign has been i_nc:luded on this plan for consideration as part of the Cond~itic:nal llse Pc;rmit., hint. that no final decision has been made to actually include a sign on the site, and. there is the possibility that; let.ter:ing wi.]1 be placed on the building itself. Mr. Holster then addressed the landscaping requirements which were based cup the 10 acre sate rather t}zan the number of par]cing spaces, and expressed hi.s opinion that. the requirements are ex%essi.ve for this large site, but he realises that this Commission is rot. the body to allow relief t:o t.hat. requirement. Mr. Dresr:er said he would guess the children will appreciate a].l the tree=.s. • Mr. Michel asked :i:f t:he $l, 000 per parking' spac_.e estimate given at: the last. meet i.ng for the footbal] stadium would also app}Z= to this school. and Mr. Holster replied that it would, ]gut ii. has been his c>~per:i.erce and t:he school. distr.ict's experience ghat P&7. Minutes 8--4-88 Page '' t.h:is many spaces arc: needed at: an elementary schoc:l , even though thf~ students do rot; drive. Mr. T)resser asked Mrs. Kee if any of the trees arc' lost. through development;, or later die, would they have to be replaced cti=ith trees cif equivalent. point value, to which Mr•s. KeF.:~ replied that. they :ti=ould. No one else spoke. The public hearing was closed. Each Commissioner expressed favorable opinions of tt~e plan. Mr. Dresser asked Mr. Pullen if the circulation problems mentioned in the P.R.C. report hac]t.een solved, to which Mr. Pullen replied then have been. Mrs. P.avis made <i motion to approve the Conditional Use Permit fc~r the school at t.h:is location, the site plan with P.R.G. conditions, the proposed sign and location, and the parting proposed for this specific school only. Mr. Uesser seconded the motion which carried unanimously {5-O;. AGENDA ITEM N0. 5: Other business. Mr. Stewart announced that; staff had advised him there will he no meeting on August 18th. There was no c:,ther business. AGENDA ITEM N0. 6: Adjourn. Mr. Michel made a motion t:o adjour.n tti~hich. Mr. Colson seconded. The motion to adjourn carried unanimously (5-O;. APPROVED: _ - .~' P Chairman, Nancy Sawtelle • ATTEST: City Secretary,--Dian Jones----- P~7. M.inutes 8-4 -88 Pcz~;c. 3 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION GUEST REGISTER DATE August 4, 1988 NAME ADDRESS pp n ~~ 2. 3• 4. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 5. 6. 7. 8. 25.