HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/21/1988 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES • CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Planning and Zoning Commission April 21, 1988 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: All Present plus Council Liaison Boughton MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Director of Planning Callaway, Gity Engineer Pullen, Senior Planner/Zoning Official Kee, Assistant City Attorney Banks and Planning Technician Volk AGENDA ITEM N0. 1: Approval of ainntes - meeting of April 7, 1988. Mr. Colson made a motion to approve the minutes. Mr. Stewart seconded the motion which carried by a vote of 4-0-2 (Wendler and Dresser abstained; Moore had not yet arrived}. AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Hear visitors. No one spoke. Chairman Brochu welcomed a Webelo Troop that was present to fulfill requirements toward earning a badge. • AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: 88-105: A public hearing on the question of rezoning Lot 1 Ti=ber 8idge Third Installment subdivision, located on the western side of Rhett Butler Drive Where it intersects Harvey Road, fros C-N Neighborhood-Business to C-3 Planned Co~aercial. Applicant is Municipal Development Group for oNner, Texas Coa=erce Bank, NA of Houston. Mr. Callaway explained the request, located the subject lot and described physical features of the lot, area zoning and land uses, adding that the adopted land use plan reflects the area along the north side of Harvey road as high density residential. He continued his explanation by reporting that the request does not provide for a substantial change in zoning intensity, and the requested zoning is compatible with adjacent zoning districts and land uses. He expounded that statement by explaining that the C-3 zoning district is designed to provide locations for commercial sites that are too small for the range of uses permitted in the C-1 zoning district, and additionally that the request is similar to two previous cases recently approved along the north side of Harvey Road, just to the west of this tract. He concluded his report by stating that staff has no objections to G-3 zoning at this location. Mr. Dresser asked what impact approval of this request would have on the lot to the north and Mr. Callaway said that would be hard to predict, and it may trigger another request of the same nature, but stated that staff has not studied this request in that manner. Mr. Colson asked what the primary difference{s} between C-N and C-3 are and Mr. Callaway stated there are more uses allowed in G-3 districts and that C-N is more restrictive. • The public hearing was opened. Larry Wells, representative of Texas Commerce Bank came forward and repeated the reasons for this request which are listed in the application, offered to answer any questions the Commission might have and asked for approval of this request. • No one else spoke. The public hearing was closed. Mr. Brochu said that he is not overly concerned with this request especially in view of the precedents set and the fact that the area is virtually landlocked and the domino effect would not have far to go if it did follow. Mr. Wendler made a motion to recommend approval of this request. Mr. Colson seconded the motion which carried unanimously (7-0). AGBNDA ITBM NO. 4: 88-203: A public hearing to consider a resubdivision plat of Lot A, D. A. Smith subdivision. Mr. Callaway explained the plat, located the subject tract(s), and stated staff recommends approval of the plat with Presuhmission Conference conditions. The public hearing was opened. Larry Wells, representative of the owner came forward, offered to answer any questions and requested approval of the plat. Mr. Stewart referred to some problems the site had when it was reviewed by the Project Review Committee, and suggested that a way to solve the problems encountered would be to take in more land. Mr. Wells replied that the decision{s) of the P.R.C. will be appealed to Council, and the applicant would request approval of this plat as submitted. No one else spoke. The public hearing was closed. Mr. Dresser made a motion to approve the request. Mr. Stewart seconded the motion • which carried unanimously (7-0). AGBNDA ITBM NO. 5: 88-702: A public hearing on the question of granting a Conditional IIse Per=it for a parking lot to be located on Lot 14 Block 8 Meat Park addition subdivision (200 Montclair}. Applicant is J. B. Loupot. OMner of the property is Manitou Ltd. Real Batate Investsents. Mrs. Kee explained that this request is for a conditional use permit for a parking lot to serve a bookstore business which will be built north of and across the alley from this property. She located the portion of the lot the proposal covers, described the physical features of the lot, area zoning and land uses, and pointed out the subject property and the surrounding properties are shown as low density residential on the land use plan, with exception of the property to the north, which is reflected as commercial. She pointed out that the subject tract is actually zoned R-6, but there is a single family residence on the eastern portion of the lot, and the parking lot will occupy the western portion of the lot. Mrs. Kee went on to explain that the applicant is requesting that the Commission consider only the proposed use at this meeting, and to table consideration of the site plan until a later date, which will give the applicant time to actually develop a site plan and have it reviewed by the Project Review Committee. She also explained the conditions and safeguards the Commission may consider in determining whether or not to grant a C.U.P. Mr. Brochu asked if the standard paving and curbing will be applied to the alley as • well as the parking lot and Mrs. Kee replied that the alley is owned by the City and is used primarily as a service alley, but surfacing can be addressed by the Commission. Mr. Brochu then asked if there will be no conflict of uses of this alley P8Z Minutes 4-21-88 Page 2 and Mrs. Kee answered that at the present time the alley is mostly used by garbage trucks, and those runs are normally made in the early morning, before most of the • businesses open for operation. Mr. Golson asked for clarification of the request, and Mrs. Kee referred to the wall graphics to help clarify, explaining that the conditional use permit will cover the entire lot, but the parking lot will only occupy the western portion of the lot; and that the lot would be considered as having 2 principal uses: One being the single family dwelling and the other being the parking lot to be used for the commercial bookstore on the lot across the alley. She added that if the uses of any portion of the lot were to change, additional consideration would be required by the Commission at that time, as that would constitute a change in an approved Conditional Use Permit. The public hearing was opened. M. 0. Lawrence, Jr. came forward as the architect and representative of the owner, J. E. Loupot. He explained the request, and informed the Commission of the variances which were granted by the Zoning Board of Adjustment for the site of the bookstore across the alley, which included a parking variance. He stated that even though the owner has received a variance to the parking requirements, he would like to provide some additional parking for an area which already has a parking problem at certain times. He also stated that the owner will be willing to work with the City regarding upgrading of the condition of the alley, and that the subject lot has been, and is now used for parking for someone, without any improvements. Mr. Dresser asked Mr. Lawrence if the alley will be used to help the drive-through window of the proposed bookstore work and Mr. Lawrence replied in the affirmative, • adding that an attempt will be made to direct the traffic to Highland rather than to Montclair by the use of signs. No one else spoke. The public hearing was closed. Mr. Moore made a motion to approve this request for the use only portion of the Conditional Use Permit; Mrs. Sawtelle seconded the motion. Mr. Colson said that it would appear that the City will be allowing a "Southgate" to develop similar to "Northgate", adding that he has no real problem with the request since it entails the whole lot. Mr. Dresser said that although the parking lot is for only one lot, there are 2 other houses which back up to the proposed lot, and he is concerned because this is projected as a residential area, and over time, the City has tried to preserve the uses of this area as residential. He said also that once part of Southgate is expanded for the purposes of parking, others will be invited to expand it for other uses. Mr. Brochu said this is not a real clean area, that part of the lot is already being used for parking, and by allowing this proposed use, the Commission would not be changing a use, but it might gain some control over cleaning up the area and can even require a screening fence between the lot and the adjacent residential homes. Mr. Wendler pointed out that what is being considered is a Conditional Use Permit, and not a zoning change, so nothing else can go on the lot without additional review. Mr. Colson said that if more retail commercial uses are being developed, then more parking lots must be provided. Mrs. Sawtelle said that she believes a Conditional Use Permit allows more control of uses than zoning changes would. Mr. Moore agreed, • stating that is one of the benefits of a Conditional Use Permit. Mr. Brochu said that what must be considered is whether this proposal will negatively P&Z Minutes 4-21-88 Page 3 impact an area, and because much of this area is occupied by rental houses, many of which are worn out and need to be reconditioned or rebuilt but probably won't be • because they are all under separate ownership, he really does not have a big problem with this request. Votes were cast on the motion to approve the a Conditional Use Permit for the use of a parking lot, with the site plan to be considered by this Commission at a later date, with a result of 6-1 (Dresser against). AGENDA ITEF! NO. 6: Other business. Mr. Callaway announced that the public hearing will be held with the purpose of soliciting public input concerning the preliminary Goals & Objectives on May 5th. Mr. Dresser said that with the thought in mind that the public hearings are now scheduled, and public input will soon be forthcoming, perhaps it is time to move on to reviewing other sections of the Plan 2000 for purposes of updating, and he would like to look at proper uses for several undeveloped areas within the City limits, with the aim being determining correct zoning and uses, and possibly seeing if the City can bring about the proper zoning. Mr. Brochu agreed. Mr. Callaway said that after the Goals 8: Objectives are finalized, staff will bring other sections including Land Use Plan to the P&Z for consideration and study. Mrs. Kee announced that in keeping with the direction given some time ago by the Commission to the staff to review minor changes to Conditional Use Permits in-house, staff has reviewed and approved the location of 2 buildings to the First Baptist Church site on Welsh. • Mrs. Kee also announced that Aldersgate Church has filed an appeal of the Commission's decision to deny the gravel parking lot, and that appeal will be heard before the Council on May 26th. AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Adjourn. Mr. Colson made a motion to adjourn which Mr. Wendler seconded. Motion carried unanimously (7-0). APPROVED: .--~ ~9, :' ~ , ~__--~-~ 1=~Vl~l._- _~S/~-- ~~ _--____ Chairman, David Brochu ATTEST: ---------------------------- City Secretary, Dian Jones • PAZ Minutes 4-21-88 Page #4 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION GUEST REGISTER NAME 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. lo. 11. _ 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. ~ 23. 24. 25. DATE April 21, 1988 ADDRESS / 7 t ~- ~ /7a ~~ _ l~r.~.~~.. 7 2 8 az ~ -. ~.