HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/19/1987 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES • CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Planning and Zoning Commission November 1.9, 19II7 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Brochu, Members Colson, Sawtelle, Wendler and Council Lia:icon Boughton MEMBERS ABSENT: Members Stewart, Colson & Moore STAFF PRESENT: Director of Planning Callaway, City Engineer Pullen, Senior Planner Kee, Assistant City Attorney Banks & Planning Technician Volk AGENDA ITEM N0. 1: Approval of minutes - meeting of November 5, 1987. Mr. Colson made a motion to approve t;he minutes. Mr. Wendler seconded the motion which carried by a vote of 3-0--1 (Brochu abstaining}. AGENDA ITEM N0. 2: Hear visitors. No one spoke. AGENDA ITEM N0. 3: 87-?07: Reconsideration of a revised site • plan for the expansion of Peace Lutheran Church following appeal to Council of P&Z decision. Mrs. Kee explained that the reconsideration of a site plan for this church which received a Conditional Use Permit far the expansion of its facilities earlier this year comes as a result of a neighbor appealing the Commission's decision i,o the Council. Mr. Clement, the adjacent neighbor, expressed opposition to the location of 6 parking spaces along the east side of the drive which faced his duplex. The Council heard this appeal in October and ruled in favor of Mr. Clement to the extent that those 6 parking spaces should either be relocated or the applicant should apply for a variance to those spaces, but in either case, the applicant should revise the site plan and resubmit it for consideration by the appropriate body. Mrs. Kee went on to explain that the applicant has chosen to revise the site plan to relocate those 6 spaces to an alternate location, which is simply a slight expansion of the originally proposed parking area. Also, since the revision represents a change to the site plan as previously approved, Commission must review and rule on the most current plan. Mrs. Kee concluded her explanation by advising the Commission that renotificat:ion of surrounding property owners had been made, and additionally, that the minutes from the City Council meeting concerning Mr. Clement;'s appeal was included in the packets. Mr. Brochu said that based on the council minutes, it appears that both Mr. C]_ement and the church officials agreed to the compromise which resulted in this proposed • site plan. There was no other discussion of this item, so Mrs. Sawtelle made a motion t.o approve the revised plan. Mr. Wendler seconded the motion which carried unanimously (4-0}. I• • • AGENDA ITEM N0. 4: Continuation of review of Goals, Objectives & Development Policies. Mr. Callaway referred to documents handed out prior to the meeting which include the minutes of the discussions which took place on the various goals being considered, and the resulting revised goals and objectives as staff understood them. Mr. Wendler said that his assignment of the suggested revised environment goals and objectives would be presented at the next meeting. AGENDA ITEM N0. 5: Other business. Mr. Callaway mentioned that the P.R.C. had recently reviewed and approved a revised site plan for a personal care retirement village, and reminded the Commission that this same project had been granted a Conditional Use Permit several years ago, but. since that time the ordinance has been changed, and now the project is a permitted use in certain zoning districts. AGENDA ITEM N0. 6: Adjourn. Mr. Wendler made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Colson seconded the motion which carried unanimously (4--d). - -- - ~ ~...f'1_ ~ -----_-- Chairman, Da id Brochu ATTEST: APPROVED: City Secretary, Dian Jones P&7., Minutes 11--19--87 Page 2 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION GUEST REGISTER • DATE November 19, 1987 NAME ADDRESS _ .. f~ / ~ ~ r,,~-• -~•----_ ~r--, r-, - 5• ~ 'r~~~~~~~.~v~ ~'?~ Ec:yu~ ~Y1.~tr,~r~ I~.it.; b, -~ 1~Zc y ~ <" ,~ --. 8 . ~~'ti.-~.,+.~ i~-t. 1.~,.%c~~---~..'~-..l' ( ~ rt;3.-C-~y t `~`a i,; C - r_ ~~ ~~ ~. `7 10. • 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. ~5,