HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/02/1987 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission• MINUTES City of College Station, Texas Planning and Zoning Commission July 2, 1987 7 p.m. Members present: Chairman Brochu, members Stewart, Colson, Moore, Dresser, Sawtelle, Wendler, Council Liaison Brown; Members absent: None; Staff Present: Director of Planning Callaway, Zoning Official Kee, Assistant City Attorney Banks, Asst. Zoning Official Johnson. Agenda Item # l: Approval of Minutes meeting of June 18, 1987. Mr. Stewart made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Mr. Colson seconded the motion which carried unanimously (70). Chairman Brochu wished to commend Shirley Volk for her good job putting together the last meetings' long minutes. Agenda Item # 2: Hear Visitors. No one spoke. • A enda Item # 3 (87-702) A Public Hearing on the question of granting a Conditional Use Permit for a condo-type (commercial) parking lot to be located on a 3.51 acre tract of land on the south side of Jersey Street approximately 50 feet west of Marion Pugh Drive, which is in an R-6 Apartment Buildings/High Density zoning district. Applicants are William B. Sampson and Nichols J. Dempsey. Ms. Kee explained that the property is currently zoned for high density apartments. On display was a site plan, aerial photograph of the property and a conceptual landscape plan. She noted that there are two options for approval of the finalized landscape plan: the plan may be submitted to the planning staff for review or the P & Z could have it brought back for their approval. She added that at the time of the P.R. C. meeting proposed signage was unknown. Public Services requested at P.R.C. that gates not be on dumpster. Mr. Dresser had a question about the purpose of the structure located on the siteplan. Ms. Kee said that it had restroom facilities and the possibility of catering use, which could be stated as part of the conditions of use. Mr. Moore asked if alcoholic beverages would be served. • Mr. William Sampson introduced himself as owner of • Sportspark, Inc., Newport Beach, California. He explained that the dumpster item has been taken care of. Gates (not yet designed) would be surrounding the Pavillion building and gates would be at the driveway entrances. The developer will get a designer to work-up sign and logo for staff review. A tree survey will be done to identify existing trees. More vegetation will be added along Jersey street as there are more existing trees along the creek. The building will be attractive -- they want it to be visible from the street (not a lot of tall trees). It will be two stories (he passed around a photo to the members). It will be an open floor plan upstairs which can be enclosed for bad weather. It will be used as a meeting room before and after the games. Closed circuit t.v. would be located upstairs. Downstairs, 50 percent would be allocated for restrooms which would be kept clean and nice. The other area downstairs would be open for meetings/buffet set-up and tailgate parties. Mr. Dresser expressed concerns whether it would be a commercial year round multi-purpose meeting center or used only for a limited number of events. Mr. Sampson said that the 280 plus or minus parking spaces will be sold just like condo housing. In addition, a condo association would be formed and would have a board of directors and a set of by-laws created by him. The intent is for use during all sporting events, not just football. • Mr. Dresser asked if the Board of Directors wanted to could they direct future use? Mr. Sampson answered yes. Mr. Dresser asked if there would be any other management control than the Board and owners. Mr. Sampson stated that a management group would be hired to handle day to day items such as taxes, bills, maintenance, guard, cleaning, etc. Dresser asked if each lot will be platted. Mrs. Sampson said that each lot will be sold and owned fee simple. Mr. Moore asked if there are any other locations like this other than the one in South Carolina. Mr. Sampson said that this will be patterned after three locations in South Carolina and one facility in where Denver there is a seven story structure with fees based on leasing instead of purchasing. • -2- • Mr. Stewart asked if these lots are used for occasions other than sports events. Mr. Simpson said not at the South Carolina locations. Mr. Brochu inquired as to whether or not these parking spaces will have to be pre-sold in order to allow the development to get off the ground. Mr. Sampson stated that he feels pre-selling would not work here, that people would need to see it first. The land sale will be complete by the end of July and the construction needs to be complete by mid-September. It can be done in 6 weeks. Craig Browne will handle the marketing of the project. Mr. Brochu said that as a conditional use permit, the Commission may want to impose uses or conditions and this might restrain the developer if sales don't go exactly as planned. Mr. Sampson stated it was his full intention to do this project and nothing else. Mr. Brochu added that if this doesn't pan out as a sports park, other uses may be added: bus stop, snack shop etc. Mr. Sampson asked if the conditional use situation would control this. • Mr. Brochu said yes, there would be control over uses here. Mr. Sampson expressed concern that potential buyers would perceive too much restriction for uses other than football. Mr. Dresser asked if there would be a problem if uses were restricted to members and guests as opposed to leasing for public events. Mr. Sampson stated that he would prefer not to have that as a restriction. If another group wanted to use it, service organizations for example, he would want them to be able to use it . Mr. Dresser said that basically it would be open for anyone to use it - i.e. kids want to have a dance, the owners might allow it. Mr. Sampson agreed. Mr. Dresser said that it would be a parking area and recreational building. Mr. Browne stated that the original proposal is for groups • like the Aggie Club, Former Students Assoc., City of College -3- Station or University events. • Mr. Dresser said he doesn't have a problem with allowing the project as it is presented, but in the future it may go beyond the conditions; beyond parking into a commercial use. Mr. Browne indicated that there would be no kitchen, and no alcohol license. Mr. Moore asked if there is a need to route tour buses in this area and A & M is the destination, what would the Board's feeling be to renting this lot for temporary use? Mr. Sampson stated he would not have a problem, if buses could fit into the lot. Mr. Wendler asked if the spaces could be leased by students. Mr. Sampson stated that no, as an association they could only lease the whole lot in total and there would be deed restrictions against sub-leasing. Only the association would be able to lease the lot an individual owner could not. The Public Hearing was closed. Mr. Brochu stated that previously he was against changing the ordinance, but not against this project. He does not want to grant a blanket conditional use permit however. • Ms. Sawtelle stated she sees a problem with traffic if parties were held on Friday nights. Mr. Stewart asked if Mr. Sampson has seen by-laws of the other places. He feels the Commission has some reservations and asked when Sampson might have them drawn up. Mr. Sampson stated he hadn't seen any of the by-laws but felt that these would be ready within 45 days. Mr. Browne interjected that the site elements will limit the use. It would be difficult to come back to P & Z to explain all of the projects details. Sportspark would agree to include in the conditions list the buildings size, no kitchen facilities, etc. Mr. Sampson asked if they wouldn't be required to come back if there were changes? Mr. Stewart said that a building permit would be required for a remodeling, but not through P & Z. Mr. Sampson asked P & Z if they would set limits and Sports- park would include them in by-laws instead of bringing the by- • laws back before the Commission. Discussion occurred while Mr. Sampson & Mr. Browne wrote a more specific proposal. -4- Mr. Dresser asked Mr. Wendler about his landscaping/buffer concerns. Mr. Wendler stated that good screening vegetation is • available along the back property line and creek. He is concerned that much heavier screening be proposed along the Jersey Street frontage because this lot will be empty for more time than it is occupied and this condition is very unsightly. Mr. Brochu added that apartment dwellers look out over parking lots anyway. Mr. Wendler asked that man-made screening be added along the edge of Treehouse boundary where it is close to apartments. Mr. Sampson stated that trees will be left in the area along the detention pond and rear line and no man-made buffer should be required. A retaining wall will have to be built and he didn't want to endanger trees with extra things. He then read the purpose statement just composed by him and Craig Browne: Usage for sporting events and social events of the City of College Station, Texas A & M University, the Aggie Club, the Former Students Association or any other related entity. This usuage is defined as parking for these events and the private use of the club house by the above organizations and the owners. The clubhouse will have no commercial food preparation facilities within the structure and incorporating the P.R.C. recommendations the landscaping plan will be brought back to the Commission for • approval. (sic) Ms. Sawtelle stated she would want to restrict student use without chaperones. Mr. Sampson said he is trying to accommodate the University users. The Commission should tell us how they want this worded or what they want restricted. Mr. Brochu said if students don't go here they'll go to the Northgate area. Mr. Wendler restated that there shouldn't be food preparation areas. Mr. Sampson noted that they will want to be able to have a concessionaire such as a barbeque salesman. Wendler added that there should be no dispensing of liquor. Mr. Samson mentioned that users would be free to bring their own. This was acceptable to Mr. Wendler. Mr. Browne added that no liquor license would be obtained by the association. • -5- Mr. Colson mentioned that across the street at the baseball field the pavillion is not used too much. Ms. Sawtelle reiterated her concern about potential uses like at apartment "party rooms" rented out to student groups. Mr. Wendler moved to approve this Conditional Use Permit with the conditions as just submitted by Sampson and Browne, also that the Commission see and approve the final landscape plan, and incorporate P.R.C. recommendations, and that there be no commer- cial food preparation within the pavillion. Mr. Colson seconded the motion. Wendler stated that he didn't want to see the use change over time, but the Commission should not mess with by-laws. Mr. Callaway noted that the specifications of the Commission have been unclear regarding native vegetation/buffering and staff requests further guidance. Stewart said that approval of the use is appropriate and the landscape plan can come in later. Brochu restated the motion to approve the uses as stated by developers, and to bring the lanscape plan back to the Commission for approval. Motion carries unanimously (7-0). Agenda Item #4 Discussion of continuation of review of Goals, Objectives and Development Policies. Mr. Callaway stated that at the last meeting the Commission requested staff to iden- tify areas of goals and objectives for review by committees. Chairman Brochu assigned subcommittees and deadlines for reporting back to the Commission: Aug. 6 City Size/character - Sawtelle, Stewart, Wendler Public Services - Stewart, Wendler, Sawtelle Aug. 20 Land Use - Dresser, Brochu Thoroughfares - Dresser, Brochu Sept. 3 Commercial and Industrial Development - Colson, Moore Utilities - Colson, Moore Sept. 17 Housing - Sawtelle, Stewart Environment - Wendler, Dresser The entire Commission will deal with the Citizen Participa- tion category, including actual citizen involvement at public hearings. -6- Agenda Item # 5 Other Business Mr. Wendler asked about • current developments with the Wolf Pen Creek project. Mr. Callaway stated that Statements of Qualifications of 17 consulting firms are being reviewed. A enda Item # 6 - Adjourn. Move to adjourn by Sawtelle, 2nd by Moore all approved (7- 0). APPROVED: Chairman, David Brochu ATTEST: • City Secretary, Dian Jones -7- ,_ ~ - F ,~ ~~~ >> *** REGISTRATION FORM *** (FOR PERSONS WHO WISH TO ADDRESS THE COMMISSION) Date of Meeting ~~_~ ~/ => Comnlsslon Agenda Item No. Name "1/ ~ -~ .._ - ~~ ~~ ~ _~~- % jJ. Address / `~~'- Y ,~ `i ~. ~` ~"l ~`'SQ~--FT ~ '~'~ J \ •T . Hou a No. Street Clty IF SPEAKING FOR AN ORGANIZATION, Name of OLrganization:T _~ ~. =---, i ~ ,ter- I~ ~ ! ',', \ ~ ~ r ~C / ~- And, Speaker's Official Capacity: SUBJECT ON WHICH PERSON WISHES TO SPEAK ~~ ~ ~~t ~'~a~ti Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by [he chair; hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have wr(tten notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR COMMISSION FILES. The Commission will appreciate each speaker limiting an address on any one Item to flue minutes. Thank you for your cooperation,