HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/19/1987 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES • CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Planning and Zoning Commission February 19, 1987 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Kaiser, Members Stewart, Sawtelle, Wendler, Dresser (who came in late) and Council Liaison Brown for part of the meeting. MEMBERS ABSENT: Members Brochu and MacGilvray STAFF PRESENT: Interim Director of Planning Callaway, Zoning Official Kee, City Engineer Pullen and Planning Technician Volk AGENDA ITEM N0. 1: Approval of Minutes - meeting of February 5, 1987. Mr. Wendler made a motion to approve the minutes as presented; Mrs. Sawtelle seconded the motion which carried by a vote of 3-0-1 (Stewart abstained; Dresser had not yet arrived). AGENDA ITEM N0. 2: Hear visitors. • Don Jones, 1901 Holleman Drive came forward to apologize for any anomosity he may have caused at the meeting on February 5th during which his application for rezoning was considered. He that he had completed his application as he had because he felt the questions on the form are worded in a manner which makes answering them honestly very difficult. Mr. Wendler suggested that if Mr. Jones has problems with the form, he should take them up with City staff at some time other than during a public, hearing when a specific request is being considered. Mr. Jones clarified that his reactions were definitely not addressed to the Commisson, but rather to the application form, and then thanked each Commissioner for the difficult job he has volunteered to carry out for the benefit of the entire City. No one else spoke. AGENDA ITEM N0. 3: Discussion of plan revision studies. Mr. Callaway briefly discussed the section of Phase I of the 1987 Update of Plan 2000 entitled "Overview", pointing out major developments and changed conditions which have taken place since the original preparatian of Plan 2000. Mrs. Kee covered the section called "Population" and explained the various methods used in making population estimates included in this section. She stated that the population estimate staff has used in making projections in this document is 50,012 which represents an average of estimated population using 8 different methods. Mrs. Kee then explained the section entitled "Housing" including the various facts/factoc•s used to project future housing needs {numbers and areas) for 1990 and • 2000. Mr. Ca:tlaway addressed the section called "Land Use" which covers an inventory of the 1 r I• existing uses and tables which compare the land use projections made in the original Plan 2000 with the increases which have taken place and exist and balances projected as needed in the original Plan. Mr. Kaiser requested that staff prepare a table which relates areas of existing land uses to the actual existing acres of zoned land. He suggested that a table with this information might be used when considering annexation of additional land into the City rather than to use when consider rezoning requests. Mr. Callaway went on to cover the section regarding commercial development, primarily focusing on revenue received from sales, as well as the services provided by various types of commercial activities. Mr. Dresser asked whether the figures included in the tables under "Services" cover services subject to sales tax, or all services. Mr. Callaway stated it is his opinion that the figures quoted cover all services. Mr. Dresser requested that staff do more research into this and include information which clarifies exactly what is covered. Mrs. Kee then explained the section entitled "Industrial Development", focusing on numbers and percentages of employment in each category. Mr. Wendler commented favorably on a bar graph used as a large wall graphic but is not included in the update itself, and requested that the graph be included in the update, but to include figures which indicate government employment. He explained that because those figures had been excluded from the information given, a realistic overview of this particular community has not been presented. • Mrs. Sawtelle requested additional information in the table listing the major manufacturing employers in the MSA which includes industries employing fewer than 50 people. Mr. Dresser offered staff his copy of a directory which includes more information than staff was able to compile from its sources. • Mr. Callaway summarized the section entitled "Thoroughfares" in the update, pointing out that at all times the population estimate released by the Metropolitan Planning Organization (M.P.O.} is used in thoroughfare planning since improvements in an area are made according to population needs, as well as the fact that all other entities in the area use this figure which is indicated on the City limits signs in College Station as being 52,581. Mr. Callaway then briefly described the section referred to as Facilities and Improvements in the update. Mr. Dresser asked if there is information available to include a list of Capital Improvement Projects to be done in 1988 or 1989, and whether there are to be more bond funds authorized to cover them or if all proposed projects covered by bond funds are shown in the tables as underway or completed. Mr. Kaiser clarified the Commission's interest by explaining that voters approved funding for bonds for certain projects and the question is whether some monies or bonds for which the voters authorized in a previous election are being held back or have all been used or are being used. Mr. Callaway then stated that in his opinion, the next step in this study will be to address Goals, Objectives and Development Policies, adding that he further believes that these items should be merged into one section. Mr. Kaiser agreed, but added that some development policies are controlled by State statutes, some by City ordinance, some be engineering standards and some by policies or guidelines accepted by the City, and asked that this information should be P&Z Minutes 2-19-87 Page 2 included in any Development Policies listed. He advised that Development Policies are interspersed throughout the original Plan 2000, and requested that all of those • be compiled into one .list with each showing what the consultants recommended and what actually has happened or is happening. Mr. Callaway stated that staff would begin working on this immediately and would prepare a draft to be presented at a Commission workshop, and suggested one or more workshops to cover those topics, followed by public hearing(s) for citizen input, afterwhich Goals, Objectives and Development Policies could be finalized and sent to the Council before proceeding with other sections. Mr. Kaiser then repeated he would like to set up some annexation criteria. Mr. Wendler stated he would like to see the vocabulary clarified. Mr. Wendler then stated he would like to have a copy of the minutes of the joint workshop between the Commission and Council redistributed. Mr. Kaiser requested two specific subjects be included in Goals, Objectives and Development Policies which are not now addressed, and listed those as being the entire topic of Drainage and Annexation criteria to include where does annexation of land lead us, what will be accomplished by annexing the subject land, how does :it relate to the Goals, Objectives and Development Policies established by the City, and what are the long term and short term costs and benefits. AGBNDA ITfiM N0. 4: Other business. Mr. Callaway stated that following this Commission's discussion at the last meeting regarding Flood Plain planning in the area bounded by Texas Avenue, Harvey Road, • S.H.6 and Holleman, he has been informed that Council has asked the Parks Department to undertake a study of this in conjunction with both the Engineering and Planning Departments. He then informed the Commission that the Planning staff is meeting with the Legal department to determine if requests for changes to an existing Conditional Use Permit are minor enough in nature to be handled by staff rather than t.o require t;he applicant to go through the entire Conditional Use Permit process again. He cited as an example a small storage building located on a very large project. Mr. Kaiser stated that it is very important to everyone as to whether or not the proposed additional use conforms with the use as approved by the Commission, and requested that staff keep the Commission informed as to both the decision and any specific requests in the future under Other Business. Mr. Wendler stated that size of an addition to an approved permit should be taken into consideration, that is the percent of the total project it covers. Mr. Wendler continued by stating he is delighted that the Parks, Engineering and Planning staffs have been directed to undertake a study of Flood Plain Development, adding this is a pristine opportunity for a marriage between the public and private sector. Mr. Kaiser asked City Engineer Pullen for an update of the Drainage Report discussed at the last meeting and Mr. Pullen replied that staff has received a draft of the report and is in the process of reviewing it at this time. He added that this report addresses the management of stormwater from the points of nuisance and safety, but there are no plans included in it for uses. U P&7 Minutes 2--19-87 Page 3 AGENDA ITEM N0. 5: Adjourn. • Mr. Wendler made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Stewart seconded the motion which carried unanimously (5-0). ATTEST: City Secretary, Dian Jones • • APPR VED: I Vice Chairman, Daniel F. Mac ilvray P&Z Minutes 2-19-87 Page 4 PLANNING AND 7.ONING COhiMISS10N GUEST REGISTEI. • 8 7 DATE February 19, 19 NAME ADDRESS ~~ 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. lo. • 11. 12. 13 14. 15. 16. 17 -- 18. 19. 20. --- 21 . -- -- 22. -- ,, 3 --_ _- -- ---- ~4 --- --- -- ~ ~ *** REGISTRATION FORM *** (FOR PERSONS WHO WISH TO ADDRESS THE COMMISSION) Da [e of Meeting ~ , ~~ Commission Agenda Item No~~~~F_'~~' ~~/S(~" t ~" Name q C~(iU/fL 9(~ ~ ~/U~'.S Address ~ / ~ ~ ~J • ~-~DGC.L /f~l% h~ ~~. ~~ S . House No. Street CI[y IF SPEAKING FOR AN ORGANIZATION, Name of Organization: And, Speakers Official Capacity: SUBJECT ON WHICH PERSON WISHES TO SPEAK Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair; hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish [o present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR COMMISSION FILES. The Commission will appreciate each speaker limiting an address on any one Item to flue minutes. Thank you for your cooperation.