HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/01/1986 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINItTES CITI' OF COLLEGE S'I'ATiON, `I'F;XAS Flanning and 7,oning Commission May ~l , 1980 7:00 P. M. MEMBERS PRF,SENT: Chairman Kaisc;r, Mf>mbers Paulson, Wendler, Dresser, Brochu and Stallings MEMBERS ABSENT: Member MacGlvray STAFF PRESENT: Assistant Director of Planning Callaway, Assistant. City Attorney Elmore, City tang-inc:.er Pullen and Planning Technician Volk AGENDA ITEM N0. 1: Approval of Minutes - meeting of April 17, 1986. Mr. Wendler made a motion to approve i;he minutes as presented; Mr. Paulson seconded tllc: mc>t.ion which carried unanimously {6- 0} . AGENDA ITEM N0. 2: Hear visitors. No one. t>,poke. AGENDA ITEM N0. 3: 86-108: A public hearing on the question of rezoning 2 one-acre tracts located in the Timber Ridge Subdivision • Third Installment, at the northwest corner of the intersection of SH30 (Harvey Road) and Rhett Butler Drive, from R-6 High Density Apartments to C-N Neighborhood Business. Applicant is Municipal Development Group; owner is Texas Commerce Bank-Reagen. Mr. Callaway identified the 2 subject t..racts on a wrtll map, .informed thc~ commissioners that the tracts are vacant, with apartments to the east and wes'~, commercial dc_velopment to thc: soirt.h across Harvey Road, anti vacant: land i.o t:he~ north. Additionally, he identified area zoning, pointing out that this area is reflected as hi.g}r dEnsity residential on the land use plan. He went: on to c:vpla:in that the C-N Neighborhood Business district is intended to provide commercial sites for c~onvc>nience good~_; and services :in and adjacent: to residential areas, but. are not addressed by the land use plan due to i.he small. size of C--N districts !2 acre limit). }Ie stated that. this re.yuest does not. represent a substantial. change in area zoning I.nt:ensrty, that it is compatible withad~acent zoning districts and land uses, that: sL~cff has no objections to this request, and further, that: all uses and sitE~ development. within a C-N zoning district. are subject t~ review and approval b;y~ the t'lann-ing and Zoning Commission before any c:on~;trriction can take ply+ce. Discussion followed regarding the eYar.i. location of these tracts afterwhich t.;tf public hearing was opened. Steve Actclrews of Terry Bishop & Associates came forward as r•epresentat.ive of the appllCaIlt, Municipal Development Group and offered to answer any questions. 3e. confirmed upon questioning that, the owner of these tracts :is planning t:o repl,It the area which is the reason for requesting 2 separate tracts. No one else spoke anct the public }Near=ing was closed. Mrs. St.a.ll:ings made a motion to approve this rezoning reclctest; Mr. Wendler seconded the motion which carried 5-0--1 (Paulson abstained identifying himself as a member of Pig/ Nl i.nut;es 5--1 86 page .l the applicant fi.rrn. • AGENDA ITEM N0. 4: 86-302: Master Preliminary Plat - Southwood Valley 26. • • Mr~. C~ill~iway explained this master pre:liminar•y plat., locat.ecl the land grid sta~;ecl staff reconunends approval of this plat. with presubmission conference conditions. In answc>r to a question, he then pointed out existing area zoning and informed the comniissi_oners that this land is not in the city limits at this time, but rather is located in t.}ie ETJ. Mr. dresser asked a question regarding l.ocat.ion of easements and City Engineer Pullen came. forward to respond, advising t;hat easements have been included in locations to accommodate var:iaus utility ser°v ice locations. Mr. Paulson made a motion to approve this plat with presubmission conference conditions; Mr. P~rochu seconded the motion whic h carried unanimously (6-0i. AGENDA ITEM N0. 5: 86-206: Final Plat - Estates of Indian Trai]'. (ETJ). Mr•. Kaiiser adv:i.sc'd thc:, audience that. this plat had been removed from t}ie ~ti;enda anti will not be considered. at this niE'etlIlg. AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Other business. Mr. Callaway referred to a map oti the wall which shows the location of the various typos of Conditional Use Permits which have been issued since. 1972, adding that at one time large apartments complexes were allowed with a Use Permit, but these c~omplexes have not been shown on thc: map. He further explained that. t.hc, locations shown on the map include all CondLticynril Use Permits which have been issued, brit. t}iose locations do not nf-~cf:~ssari.ly mein the use is in existence. Mr. Dresser askf~rl what happens when a use ceases and Mr. Callaway stated that depends on the specific. case, that, same uses have been granted t o a speci:Fic apF>licant, some have been for specific uses, and some have been given conditional approval. Mr. Dresser st:~ted that. he would hike. to see each Cond:i t:i onal Use Permit revoked upon ceasat.ion ~.-~f ghat. particular use by a specific, applicant, with every use coming hack before this comnt:iss:ion for review/approval before it. :is allowed again at the same location. Mr. Kaiser stated he would like to clear up all. the old unused or inactive Conditional t'se Permi Ls and rc;voke #;hem, as well as to delete those 1TSc~ Perm:i t:s which are now allowed uses in a zoning distri<~t rather than uses which required Conditional i?s~-=~ Pc'rmi t.s . Mr. Paulson sLat.ed he would l:ike to see .game contr°ols incorporated into the riw suhclivsion regt.ilations which would address substanclarcl plats which are submitted for approval. Mr. Kaiser advised that. he is in the pr•occ^ss of working toward a joint warksh~.ip with the City Council after new comnii-ssioners are appointed, and asked the commissioners to not, i fy t}ie Planning Department:. cif any agenda -items to he included. P&7 Minutes r _1__gF page 2 AGENDA ITEM N0. 7: Adjourn. !~4r. Paulson made ~ mot.-ion to adjourn; Mz~. 6~rendlet~~ seconded t.hc~ motion which c~,~rri~'d unanimously ~;f-0. APPROVF,D: ~ ~ Chairman, Ronald Kaiser t1TTEST: City Secretary, Dian .Tones • • P&! Minutes; 5 1 -86 page 3 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION GUEST REGISTER DATE MAY 1, ~g86 NAME ADDRESS 1 • .. ,,,,~,~~~' ,~,~v_ ~ .~ r ~ x ., ~ s ~ '. ' ~. , ~~ i 3 . ~ ~ ~~.~ 1 , . ,, .b :~ s /tie n -- > • ~' j ' ~ r , , -. , t 4 _, 1 '. ' ' ~_ 8 ` i , ~ ~ f_ I • Il. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.