HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/20/1986 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES i • CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Planning and Zoning Commission March 20, 1986 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Kaiser, Members Paulson, Wendler and Stallings MEMBERS ABSENT: Members Dresser, Brochu, MacGilvra,y & Council Liaison Tongco STAFF PRESENT: Assistant Director of Planning Callaway, City Engineer Pullen, Assistant City Attorney Elmore &. Planning Tc.chnic:ian Voak AGENDA ITEM N0. 1: Approval of Minutes - meeting of March 6, 1986. Mrs. Stallings made a motion tcs approve they minutes; Mr. Paulson seconded t:he motion which carried unanimously i4-0}. AGENDA ITEM N0. 2: Hear visitors. No one spoke. AGENDA ITEM N0. 3: 86-106: A public hearing on the question of • rezoning Lot 2 Block One, One Lincoln Place subdivision, from A-I' Administrative-Professional to C-1 General Commercial. Applicantt is Cedar Creek Ltd. Mr. Callaway r:xp.laned the request. as submitted on the application, poi.ntcd out area zoning, explained that the subject tract is vacant, with vacant tracts to the east aced west, office buildings and vacant tracts to the north ;across University :Drive) and condominiums to the south. He further explained that the area is reflected as high density residential. on the land use plan, however this tract was included in a special land use and zoning study conducted by a Planning & Zoning Conmiission subcommittf-~e whiich concluded that zoning in this area be limited to medium density residential and office commercial districts. He went on to paint out that although this request is not in compliance with the land use plan or the special subcommittee study recommendations, since those studies, there has been a change in area conditions as a result of recent zon:ing actions and now this tract is located between two C--1 tracts. He located this tract on a map, and identified the existing condominiums which are adjacent. {to the south} and the A--P tracts to the east and to the west which were established as a "step down" buffericig area from the C-1 tracts and the existing condominiums. FIe stated that staff recommends approval. of some C-1 zoning on this tract: with an A-Y buffer to separate the C-1 on the northern part of the tract from the existing condominiums on the southern part fcfr several reasons, including changed area conditions, some C-1 would be consistent with area zoning patterns and recent rezoning actions, and retention of an A-P buffer of approximately 125 feet. in dept, would be identical to the A-P tract on the adjacent Lot 3 to the east of this tract. • He further explained that this very arrangement. was proposed by the applicant. in a previous rezoning request in 1984. 1 C~uest.ions and answers followed concerning exact location of different zoning • districts, how access would be taken to the proposed attd existing A-P tracts, minimum depth requirements for A-P tracts with Mr. Callaway explaining that. the zonin;~ ordinance calls for a minimum depth of 100 feet for an A-P lot, but that although A--P is identified as a buffer in the Development Policies of the Comprehensive Plan, location or depth requirements have been omitted. The public hearing was opened. Damon Tassos came forward and identified himmself as an applicant and presented a graphic to the Commission which indicated the location of t:he condominiums to the south and how the lots t.o the east are zoned. He added that he is now asking for this tract to be zoned C-1 and A-P identical to the established zoning districts to the east (which are under the same ownership). Mrs. Stallings pointed out that the application submitted designates the request as being for all C-1 on this tract, and Mr. Callaway agreed, but pointed out that the graphic the applicant is presenting now reflects staff's reconunendations. Mr. Tassos confirmed that. the request :is for r.,-1 to the north along University Drive, with an A-P buffer of approximately 125-126 feet to the south identical to the division of the land t.o the east of this tract. Discussion followed concerning whether or not. an A-P tract of only 125 feet could be developed, with Mr. John Goebel speaking from the audience also as the applicant indicating that it, can be readily developed with both a useable building and adequate parking for that building, and he has done just that on a lot in San Antonio of identical size and shape. No one else spoke. The public hearing was closed. Mrs. Stallings said she was opposed to t:he request as submitted in the application • for all C-1 on this tract, but she i.s amenable to this revised request presented at the meeting for C-1 with an A--P buffer, and offered a motion to recommend approval. of the request as verbally presented by Mr. Tassos at this meeting for the northern portion of this tract (along University Drive) t:o be rezoned to 4-1 with the southern approximately 125 or 126 feet of the tract to be retained as A-P to serve as a buffer to the condominiums t.o the south. Mr. Wendler seconded t:he motion which carried unanimously (4-0). AGfiNDA ITBM N0. 4: Other business. Mr. Kaiser handed out a chart to the Commission which reflects rezonings which have t<~ken place sinr_e t:he beginning of 1985 and also reflects staff's recommendations, P&Z recomn-endations and Council action. He indicated that he had the chart prepared t:o use for a source of -information, and would propose that perhaps a combined workshop with the new Council (after election) would be in order to discuss the points of departure and perhaps include a re-examination of the development. policies of the Comprehensive Plan. • P&Z Minutes 3-20-86 page 2 AGENDA ITEM N0. 5: Adjourn. • Mrs. Stallings made a motion to adjourn; Mr. Paulson seconded the motion which carried unanimously (4-0). APPROVED: ~' ` c; ~~ ~ ,~ ,, Chairman, Ronald Kaiser ATTEST: City Secretary, Dian Jones • • PK~l. Minutes 3-20--~6 P~~t~e PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION GUEST REGISTER DATE March 20, 1986 NAME ADDRESS 2. ~ / ~ ~ . ~ ` ~.. ~ _ I ._.. 3 . j%C ,, , , f . 4 . . 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. • ll. ( 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.