HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/18/1986 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINII'I'ES • CITY OF COLLEGE. STATION, TEXAS I'lann:ing and 7.oning Comm:i.ssian December 18, 1186 7:00 P. M. MEMBERS PRESENT: All present MEMB1':RS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Director of Planning Mayo, Assistant. Director of Planning Callaway, Cii:y Engineer Pullen & Planning Technician V~1k AGENDA ITEM N0. 1. Approval of Minutes - meeting of December 4, 1986. Mr. 411endler made a motion to approve the minutes as presented; Mr. Brochu seconded the motion which carried by a vote of 6 0-1 (MacGilvray abstained;. AGENDA ITEM N0. 2. Hear visitors. No one spoke. AGENDA ITEM N0. 3. 86-707: A public hearing on the question of granting a Conditional Use Permit for a freestanding sign which was not included on the previously approved site plan/conditional • use permit at A&M Consolidated High School, 701 West Loop S (FM2818). Applicant is Lonnie Stabler of Stabler Sign Company. Owner of property is College Station Independent School Distri<:t. Mr. Callaway explained the location of the sign is at the NE corner of the intersection of FM 21318 and Welsh Avenue on the A&M Consolidated High School Campus where there is no other iclent.ifying sign. IIe identified area zoning and ex:ist.:ing area land uses, explaining that the tract is zoned R-1 and is deve].opect as a condii Tonal use. IIe pointed out t.httt under the cr.rrrent. or•rl:inance, signs fc;n~ conditional uses must comply with the regulations for the zoning district in which it is located with any a:lt:ernat:ive to that. bearlg to receive approval of the 1']ann:ing andZ,oning Conmtission as F>art of the rondi_tional use permit process, adding-; that. this part::icular request is to aalow a sign as would he allowed in a C-1 Toning rlistric:t. He i:hE:n explained the steps which must be taken and the conditions which must be nIf_~t after a recommendation of approval i:; rec:e:ived from the City Planner. That. t'E'.COIIlli1P_ndatloI] was attached to the staff report included in the packets. The public hearing was opened. Lonn.i.e Stabler, Stabler Sign Co., 1823 Shiloh Avcni.te in Bryan came forward and answered Mr. Dresser's question regarding l_ghti.ng, statist; that. the sign wall bey -internally lighted, adding that it is a project. of the entire school and many of the support clubs as well, further explaining that. it is Ior_atecl nn the corner of the intersection and is a single faced sign. Craig Brown, 803 Blanco, an employee of the school district came forward and requc~st.ed approval of this sign, explaining that at one tame there was a sign at the high school, but when this school was built. the sign was never reI?laced. Iie staged • that. in his opinion a sign such as this will. benefit the whole city. No one. else spoke. The public hearing was closed. Mr. Wendler made. a motion to approve t.h:is conditional use permit. for the requested sign; Mr. Brochu seconded the motion which carried unanimously {7--0j. • AGENDA ITEM NO. 4. 86-216: Final Plat - Emerald Park (4.59 acres). Mr. Mayo explained this plat and located the land, adding that bas:ic~ally this plat. represetits dedicated parkland which is required by ordinance for i:he sections of the subd:i.v:ision which have been platted t.o data. He added that he believes that, this site has been approved by the Council. He stated that staff reconlmerids approval of this plat, and rE:plied in answer t.o a question that. he is not. aware of any :plans -For development. of this park at this time. Mr. Brochu made a motion to a}.yprovc~ the plat.; Mr. Stewart. seconded the motion which carried unanimously (7-Oj. AGENDA ITEM N0. 5. 86-705: Reconsideration of the question of granting site plan approval for a church (Conditional Use Permit granted on 10-16-86) to be located on Lots 10,11 & 34 Block 2 McCulloch subdivision (between Phoenix & Arizona Streets). Applicant is the Rev. Bennett Blake. (Consideration of site plan was tabled on 10-16-86}. Mr. MacG:ilvray made a motion to remove this item from its tabled pos:it:i.on. Mrs. Sawtelle seconded the motion which curried unanimously {7-Oj. Mr•. Callaway explained this revised site plan being considered at. this meeting • addresses the concerns voiced at the meeting of October meeting, and added that Mr. Mayo has one recommendation he would like t;o make. Mr. Mayo explained that he would like the curbing around an internal i.sl.and changed so it. will. not. c,reat.e a "dead" space, adding that this change will make a slight decrease in construction casts as well. Fred C. Benson, l;ngitect consulting engineer came forward and stated that change would be no problem and his clients have agreed to i.t. Mr. Brochu made a motion t:o approve this site plan with the condition that. the applicant makes the recommended change in the curbing around the internal island. Mrs. Sawtelle seconded the motion which carried unanimously (7-Ol. AGENDA ITEM N0. 6. Other business. Mr. K~3iser mentioned the memo from Cap=ital Improvements 1)irect.or Elrey Ash regardirtt; the continued. tabling of the Fire Station #:i and the additional studies which will be done prior to requesting reconsideration of this item. He commended the City staff for addressing the Commi-scion's concerns with the addition_~l studies menti.c>ned. • P&L M i nut.es 12--18-86 page 2 AGENDA ITEM N0. 7. Adjourn. • After each person wished al_l others a Happy Holiday Season, Mr. MacG:ilvray made a motion to adjourn with Mr. Broclni seconding. Motion to adjourn carried unanimously {7-U). APPROVED: ---- / / ,._ ~ l ~ Chairman, Ronald Kaiser ATTEST: City Secretary, Dian Jones • P&% Minute; 12-1P-F36 page 3 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION GUEST REG I STEf? DATE December 18, 1986 7. 8. 9. lo. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. ?5. • 24. 2~. NAME ADDRESS .. - /~ 1 1. 1 /f°,,.~,~/`~ ~-, O^/yr /~`~;:"~ `- ~~. ~ .. 2 "~ r='~-'r-r~`'~ 04- ~t l ~ -~ ` _ ~ ~/ ' 1. 1_ ae~-~. t_ ~ - / /L '.~ i~y X! •. 1 ~" , ,, (: !- . ~ 1, ~. -~_--.. .. ~ ,. .(. 3 F ' -- ~ _ ,, -%t. ~ ( ~ - fit . / ~ - f