HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/11/1985 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES • CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Planning and Zoning Commission September 11, 1985 4:30 p.m. Emergency Workshop MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Kaiser, Members MacGilvray, Stallings, Brochu and Dresser MEMBERS ABSENT: Member Paulson STAFF PRESENT: Director of Planning Mayo, Assistant of Planning Callaway, Zoning Official Assistant Zoning Official Johnson and Technician Volk Wendler, Director Kee, Planning AGBNDA ITEM N0. 1: Discussion and study of the ordinance amending and superceding Ordinance No. 850, the Zoning Ordinance, with special attention given to areas in which suggested changes from the draft ordinance have been offered. Mr. Dresser asked if Section 8.9 is enforceable by the Zoning Official and was assured that it is. Mr. Wendler asked if the conversation regarding parking in grassy areas (yards) of • single family houses had been studied by staff. After brief discussion, Mr. Mayo replied that staff has no answers regarding this nuisance problem, but would talk to the Legal Department to see if a determination can be made of a way to control this. '; Mr. Dresser then asked what staff had done concerning the questions brought. up regarding uses listed under Section 8.12 regarding Conditional Uses, adding that perhaps hospitals, public libraries, municipal buildings, medical clinics and pharmacies should not be included in the list. Mr. MacGilvray suggested that perhaps some of the listed uses could .be-allowed in certain zones, but not in others. Discussion followed with Mra``'Mayo`offering the idea that perhaps i.t could be handled even `more as rezonings which are protested by presentation of a petition signed by owners of 20i or more, either of the area within the proposed change or of lots immediately adjoining the same and extending 200 ft. therefrom; such amendments not becoming effective except by the favorable vote of 3/4 of al.l members of the council. _, Mr. Kaiser said that perhaps the option of a required 3/4 vote would be ~the~ dire~~tion to take. After further discussion, it was decided to essentially leave the Conditional Use Permit Section as it is, because there is adequate protection as it is written. • Mr. Dresser then referred to Section 9.2 A.4, specifically, the reference made to Chapter 3, College Station City Code. After discussion and research, the decision was made that the phrase should actually read "the adopted Comprehensive Plan of the City of College Station". A typographical error was pointed out in the last sentence of the same section, i.e. the word "be" had been omitted. 1 P&Z Workshop Minutes 9-11-85 • Mr. Dresser addressed Section 9.D. Surfacing, and asked that the word "maintained" be better defined, hopefully to give the City authority to require that potholes in parking lots be repaired and the surface kept at all times in the same condition as it was when final approval of the project was given. Mr. Dresser continued by asking if there is some way that the parking requirements as listed on the table in Section 9.3 could be left to the discretion of the P.R.C.; or to require what is listed except when the P.R.C. makes a judgment that a specific use will demand more parking spaces. Discussion followed regarding required parking for churches, and how, perhaps to figure requirements more accurately. Mr. Mayo advised the Commissioners that the table must represent the requirement, and that requirement cannot be changed at the discretion of anyone. More discussion followed regarding parking requirements for churches, with staff pointing out that the ordinance being replaced requires 1 parking space for• each 5 seats in a church and the proposed ordinance requires 1 parking space for each 3 seats. With that knowledge, the Commissioners decided that new requirement, would probably address the problems some of the larger churches are experiencing, and no changes to Section 9.3 were made. The decision was made to change the definition of "Child Care or Convalescent Home" by separating the two, keeping (a) with Child Care, and putting (b} with Convalescent Home when it is inserted in alphabetical order. Mr. Kaiser offered the following definition for "Family": A "family" is ar-y number of related persons, through consanguinity, legal guardianship or marriage, or not • more than four unrelated persons living as a single housekeeping unit. Mr. Wendler stated he would like the unrelated persons to number no more than 3. No decision was made. Under the definition of "Home Occupations", it was decided to leave all sections, but to call the list under (b) "examples of permitted home occupations", the list not being limited to these examples; to delete #5 under (c) (nursery schools); to delete the words "a conditional use" under (d). All Commissioners voiced opinions regarding Section 8.18 Satellite dish antennas, with the decision made to not allow satellite dish antennas in any front yards unless the applicant can prove he gets no electronic reception anywhere else on his property, at which time the Zoning Board of Adjustment can grant a variance> to this requirement. Commissioners also decided to delete the 6 foot screen fence requirement. • 2 P&Z Workshop Minutes 9-11-85 • Mr. MacGilvray and Mr. Kaiser asked if the Zoning Official could be granted citation authority for Zoning Ordinance violations, and after discussion, Mrs. Kee stated she would check with the City's Legal Department regarding this question. General discussion followed regarding cumulative zoning and buffering through setbacks vs. some type of buffer zoning, with no decisions being reached. At 6:30 P.M., this workshop was adjourned. APPROVED: ------------------------------ Chairman, Ronald Kaiser ATTEST: City Secretary, Dian Jones • • 3