HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/22/1985 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMAY 22, 1885 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP Agenda Item No. 3 Joint Discussion with Planning and Zoning Commission • PAZ MEMBERS PRESENT: All Present AGENDA ITEM N0. 3: Joint discussion with Plannin and Zonin Commission: Colle e Station Stormwater Management Plan Presentation by Walton ~ Associates . Ned Walton of Walton ~ Associates began the presentation, introduced the purpose of the study, gave definitions and asked for input from PAZ and Council. Rick Robertson also of Walton ~ Associates, referred to a Drainage Basin Map on display, spoke of the topography of the area, identified the Brazos and Navosota Rivers. He stated that B/CS are located on a ridgeline between the rivers, and then identified various creeks and the areas which drain into those creeks. He spoke of special conditions of the area as: (1)The University is on high ground, and (2)There is virtually no cross drainage between the two cities, and in the one exception, College Station actually drains into Bryan. Ned Walton then explained that his company has been hired. to help solve the problems, adding that a study will be made which involves 4 basic phases. Phases l ~ IV are the smallest of the 4, Phase I being to identify the needs of the City and Phase IV to assist the City in the implementation. He moved to Phase II, which involves putting together ordinances regarding (a)storm water, (b)sedimentation and (c)erosion; then to come up with design criteria and formulate a design manual to meet the requirements of those ordinances. Phase III would include documentation of techniques for solving problems in each drainage basis, and then to revise the ordinances and design manual to address • those specific problems. A question and answer session followed. Q- (Bond) What are the known present problems? A- Wolf Pen Creek Q- (Dresser) Which basins to be included? A- All within the City Limits and the ETJ. Q- (Dresser) What is the time frame before completion of this study? A- 18 months total; approximately 15 months from now. Q- (Runnels) Entire Carter Creek basin to be included? A- yes Q- (Mcllhaney) How far along is the drainage committee? A- (Paulson, who is on the Drainage Committee) Erosion control ordinance underway; possible solutions for existing problems being formulated; study of how to avoid future problems being done; then voiced his main question which is how to pay for maintenance and suggested a questionnaire 6e sent to the citizens for their input regarding just how much-they want done and how they want to cover the cost. Q- (Wendler) po we have access to what other cities have done to use as a model? A- Abilene has a new drainage plan which was done within the past 2-3 years; Austin could be used as an example of why we should not adopt the "wait ~ see" attitude. E1rey Ash stated the committee ordinances from other cities, scheduled for Monday, May 27th legislation can be implemented • ordinance) and can be changed is studying erosion ordinances and sedimentation and a meeting of the drainage committee has been to discuss them. He went on to explain that temporary in a very short period of time (prior to actual final as studies are completed. Page 2 Notes from Council/P&Z Workshop May 22, 1.985 • Q- (Kaiser) Will water quality or water treatment be a part of this study? A- No Q- (Kaiser) What if something occurs which could harm the quality of the water, such as leaking of transformers? A- This type study is not planned. John Mason of Walton ~ Associates stated that sediment is a major problem and primarily comes from new construction and with erosion prevention enforced, water quality will improve. Q- (Kaiser) Will structural 'rmprovement vs. non-structural improvement. be addressed? A- An attempt to maintain non-structural control (natural) will be the aim as much as is possible, but with growth, runoff is increased and natural controls cannot handle that increase. The study will include looking at examples of natural control and the maintenance required. MacGilvray stated that he would hate to see too much structural control used, and would hope that perhaps creek corridors can be developed for a form of transporta- tion such as walking, jogging and bicycle paths. A- All things "good and beautiful" will be protected as much as possible. Q- (Runne1s) What about upstream detention? A- That will be addressed, along with the cost. Q- (Bardell) Are attempts being made to include input from A:;M in this study? They • should be made a part of this study due to the impact it has on the City. A- There is no way of guaranteeing the University's assistance; we can try to find out their plans and include with what we know before we do things, and can promise to try; we do have an observer from the University who is attending the drainage committee meetings. There were no more questions regarding this agenda item, so the Council dismissed the Commission and moved on to the next agenda item. U